The Gulag Archipelago, Volume 1

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The Gulag Archipelago, Volume 1 Page 74

by Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn

  (1937; expected but not received), 68

  during World War II, 81 (1945), 78, 190n, 191n, 251, 273n, 278n; rumors of, for political prisoners, 271, 272, 273, 274, 280, 608

  Anarchists, 30, 36, 41, 191, 409, 460, 463, 474

  Anders, Wladyslaw, 77, 621

  Andersen, Erik Arvid, 521–22, 551–54

  Andreyashin, 163

  Andreyev, Leonid N., 44, 621

  Andreyushkin, Pakhomi I., 134n, 621

  Anichkov, Vasily I„ 443

  Anichkova, Yelizaveta Y., 443

  Anti-Soviet Agitation (ASA: also KR A/Counter-Revolutionary Activity), 60, 75, 80–81, 83, 284

  Antonov-Saratovsky, Vladimir P., 373n, 376, 399, 621–22

  Ardamatsky, 367n, 370n

  Arkadyev, Konstantin S., 452–53

  army see military forces

  arrests, 3-16

  in foreign countries, 9, 263–64, 266

  quotas for, 11, 71, 272

  searches, 5-6, 7

  see also denunciation; informers; interrogations

  arrests, mass, 11–12, 14, 24–28, 37–60

  (1918–22), 28–37, 39, 300, 302–03, 306–67 passim, 371–72, 434–35

  (1929–35), 24, 25, 47–59, 437

  (1936–38), 24, 25, 60, 68–76, 130, 247, 252n, 408–19, 438, 535–36, 579

  (1939–41), 76–80

  (1942–46), 24–25, 60, 61, 63, 77–86, 110, 142, 164, 221n, 237–51 passim, 255–56, 259–66 passim, 270–71, 441, 507, 566, 579, 602

  (1947–48), 25, 86, 89–90

  (1948–50), 60, 90–92, 250, 264, 566

  see also nationalities and ethnic groups; religious persecution; individual groups

  ASA see Anti-Soviet Agitation

  Aschenbrenner, Jupp, 112n

  Austria: World War II, Soviet émigrés, 85,566

  Austrians (in U.S.S.R.; Schutzbündlers), 58, 608, 640

  Averbakh, I. L., xii, 622

  Babayev, 291n

  Babich, Aleksandr, 146, 445

  Babushkin, Ivan V., 6n, 622

  Bakhtin, Mikhail M., 51, 622

  Bakunin, Mikhail A., 132, 623

  Baladin, 154

  Bandera, Stepan (and “Banderovtsy”), 86,91, 519, 622

  Basmachi, 38, 637

  Bazhenov, Boris, 370n

  Bedny, Demyan, 488, 622

  Bek, 346, 347, 348, 349

  Belinsky, Vissarion G., 197, 622

  Belov, Viktor A. (“Emperor Mikhail”), 228–34, 607–08

  Belyayev, 557

  Benes, Eduard, 260n

  Benois, Aleksandr N., 262, 622

  Berbenyev, 163

  Berdyayev, Nikolai A., 37, 130, 262, 372, 622

  Berg, 364–65

  Beria, Lavrenti P., 76, 145, 157, 158, 159, 189, 291, 622

  Beridze, 311

  Berlin: blockade, 260n, 553

  World War II, 235

  Bernshtein, Ans, 10, 545, 588–89

  Biche, 425

  Biron (Biren; Count Ernst Johann Bühren), 93–94, 622

  Black Hundreds, 312, 339, 637

  Black Marias see prisoner transport, Black Marias Blaginin, 115–16

  blatnye/blatari see thieves Blednov, Zhora, 9

  Blok, Aleksandr A., 188, 622

  Blücher, Vasily K., 230, 622

  Blyumkin, Yakov G., 370n, 622

  Bobrishchev-Pushkin, 350

  Bogdan, Fyodor, 281

  Boiko, 43

  Boky, Gleb I., 281, 622

  Bolsheviks, 34, 49n, 129, 130, 355, 359, 361, 402, 409, 410n, 434, 641

  Bonch-Bruyevich, Vladimir D., 323, 622

  Bondar, 116n

  Bondarenko, Pavel, 244

  Bondarin, Sergei A., 210, 622

  Borodko, 138–39

  Borshch, 265–66

  Borushko, Pavel, Ivan, and Stepan, 74

  Brest-Litovsk, peace treaty of, 343, 356

  Bubnov, 604

  Buchenwald, 238

  Budenny, Semyon M., 51, 622

  Bugayenko, Natalya I., 59

  Bukharin, Nikolai I., 101n, 132n, 190, 299, 358, 405, 410–19 passim, 430, 622–23

  Bulgakov, Sergei N., 262, 372, 623

  Bulgakov, Valentin F., 372

  Bulgaria: Greek rebels turned over to U.S.S.R., 92

  World War II, Soviet émigrés, 85

  Bunin, Ivan A., 220, 263, 623

  Bunyachenko, Sergei K., 258n, 623

  Burkovsky, Boris, 8

  Burnatsev, Mikhail, 244

  Buryat-Mongols, 51

  Butyrki (prison; Moscow), 26, 31, 125, 275, 277, 468, 489, 500, 605–07, 637

  Solzhenitsyn in, 237, 239, 241–42, 248, 252n, 260, 265, 267–68, 269, 271–80, 395, 594–615

  Cadets see Constitutional Democratic Party

  camps, 551, 559, 563–64, 576–77, 583, 589–90

  ITL (Corrective Labor Camp), 248

  number of prisoners, estimate, 595

  OLP (Otdelny Lagerny Punkt; Separate Camp Site), 577n

  Oper (Security officers), 551, 574, 618

  PFL (Identification and Screening Camp), 248–49

  Special Camps, 554–55, 566

  VOKhR (Militarized Guard Service), 157, 249

  see also transit prisons and camps; Tsarist regime, prisons and camps

  cannibalism (during famine), 183, 342, 343

  Catherine II (Catherine the Great), Empress, 94, 247, 254n, 281, 433, 500

  cells see prisons, cells Chaliapin, Fyodor I., 262

  Charnovsky, N. F., 377, 381–82, 387, 389–90, 391, 623

  Chavchavadze, Olga, 68

  Chavdarov, 283, 294

  Chayanov, Aleksandr V., 50

  Chebotaryev, S. A., 108–09, 114, 115, 469

  Chechens, 25, 84, 637

  Cheka (VChK; Extraordinary Commission for Struggle Against Counterrevolution, Sabotage, and Speculation), 28, 30, 34, 36, 72, 300, 336, 617, 637

  extrajudicial reprisal, 28, 300, 302, 307, 322, 326, 367, 435, 436

  see also Kosyrev, F. M., trial; Revolutionary Tribunals

  Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, 46, 112, 121, 451, 581

  Chekhovsky, Vladimir M., 51, 623

  Chernov, Viktor M., 361, 623

  Chetverukhin, 5

  children and adolescents, 37–38, 87

  arrests, 55, 58, 89, 90, 91, 410, 547

  see also family and relatives (of prisoner); Komsomol; schools and universities

  China, 251–52, 264

  China (People’s Republic), 260n, 266n, 383

  Chinese (in U.S.S.R.): arrests, 247

  Chinese Eastern Railroad (KVZhD), 72, 156, 217, 637

  Chinguli, 454–55

  ChS see family and relatives (of prisoner)

  Chubar, Vlas Y., 412, 623

  Chulpenyev, Pavel, 110, 115, 292–93

  Churchill, Sir Winston, 259–60, 553

  church trials see Orthodox Church, arrests and trials civil war (Greece), 91, 92

  Civil War (Spain), 86, 263

  Civil War (U.S.S.R.), 29, 32–33, 39, 262, 265, 269, 300, 302–03, 326, 334, 355, 356, 360, 361, 402, 434–36, 456; see also arrests, mass (1918–22); Socialist Revolutionary Party

  Code see Code of Criminal Procedure; Criminal Code

  Code of Criminal Procedure (UPK), 122, 139, 140, 637

  Article 93, 97n

  Article 111, 123

  Article 136, 65, 122

  Article 139, 123

  Form 206, signing of, 70, 141, 142–43

  collectives, 10, 56, 57, 58, 59, 67, 75, 87–88, 639

  Comintern, 72, 247, 345, 637

  Committees of the Poor, 29, 55, 303, 637

  Communist Party: arrests of members, 8, 68, 69, 70, 73, 78, 395, 408–19, 472, 476, 477

  Constituent Assembly, 26, 30, 314, 343, 344, 356, 359, 361, 364, 474, 637

  Constitutional Democratic Party (Cadets), 26, 357, 358, 475, 637

  arrests, 26, 30, 31

  cooperatives, 28

  Central Union of Consumer Cooperati
ves, 401

  see also Kady case, trial; Working Peasants Party

  Cossacks, 39, 262

  World War II, 259–60; with Wehrmacht units, 85, 246, 254n, 259, 262n, 263, 627

  Council of People’s Commissars, 356, 638

  Council of Public Figures, 401

  Counter-Revolutionaries see KR/KR’s

  courts see laws and judiciary Crimean Tatars, 25, 84, 253n, 638

  Crimean War, 272

  Criminal Code (UK), 32, 60, 122, 282–83, 290, 342, 354, 355, 363–64, 372, 436, 637

  Article 6, 60–61

  Article 7, Section 35, 86, 290

  Article 19, 61–62, 65, 80

  Article 51, 297

  Article 58, 60–68, 95, 354, 372, 436, 475, 504, 560; Section 1, 60–61, 77, 79, 80, 81, 243, 266; Section 2, 62, 266; Section 3, 62; Section 4, 62–63, 266; Section 5, 63; Section 6, 63–64, 86, 221n, 247; Section 7, 64–65; Section 8, 65; Section 9, 65; Section 10, 38, 60, 65–66, 80–81, 251; Section 11, 66–67, 505; Section 12, 67; Section 13, 67, 266; Section 14, 67

  Article 59, Section 3, 438

  Article 69, 352

  Article 71, 371

  Article 82, 505

  Article 92, 106

  Article 95, 106

  Article 109, 560

  Article 162, 505

  Lenin’s work on, 352–53, 354, 371

  lettered articles, 64, 284

  see also sentences

  Czechoslovakia: World War II: Soviet émigrés, 85, 264, 566; Vlasov men aided rebels, 235, 258–59

  Czechs (in U.S.S.R.): arrests, 77, 81

  D., Alexander (Alexander M. Dolgun), 9, 126–27, 181n, 182n, 596, 623

  Dal (Dahl), Vladimir I., 97, 287, 623

  Dallin, David J., 595n

  Dan (Gurvich), Fyodor I., 402, 623

  Danilov, 127

  Dashnaks, 38, 638

  Daskal, Nikolai S., 294

  Decembrists, 131–32, 238, 272, 433, 638

  Russkaya Pravda, 132, 640

  decrees see laws and judiciary, decrees Deich, 174

  “Democratic Party,” 611

  Denikin, Anton I., 263, 326, 330, 359, 402, 436, 623

  denunciations, 12, 40, 53, 78, 97, 477

  and Criminal Code, 67, 89, 91

  informers, 40, 46, 59, 97

  Derevyanko, 537

  Derzhavin, Gavriil R., 295, 623

  Deterding, Sir Henry, 47

  Deul, 604

  Diaghilev, Sergei P., 262

  Dimitrov, Georgi M., 277M, 408, 623

  disenfranchisement (“muzzle”), 245, 248, 291

  Divnich, Yevgeny I., 145M, 602

  Dmitriyev, 557

  Dmitriyev, Dmitri M., 404

  Dobryak, I., 286

  “doctors’ case,” 92, 157, 158, 638

  Donets Basin, development of, 374, 378

  Donskoi, D. D., 362, 623

  Dostoyevsky, Fyodor M., 214, 262–63

  Crime and Punishment, 120–21

  Diary of a Writer, 287–88

  Doyarenko, Aleksei G., 50, 623

  Doyarenko, Yevgeniya, 13–14, 34, 96

  Dyakov, Boris A., 540n, 623

  Dzerzhinsky, Feliks E., 97, 130, 314, 318, 320, 321, 324, 336, 370n, 371, 372, 623

  arrest, 409–10, 467, 471

  Dzhunkovsky, V. F., 67n

  economy and economic planning, 44–46

  Five-Year Plans, 58, 381, 390, 397

  “gold” wave, 52–54, 98

  “Mikoyan prosperity,” 423

  New Economic Policy (NEP), 30, 41, 52, 337, 340, 391, 392, 639

  State Planning Commission (Gosplan), 44, 63, 272, 392, 401

  subversion of, and Criminal Code, 64–65

  Supreme Council of the Economy (VSNKh), 43–44, 63, 392, 401, 641

  see also engineers and technicians; Promparty, trial; trade unions

  Edzhubova, Magdalena, 46

  Ehrenburg, Ilya G., 137, 370n, 624

  Eichmans, 463, 464

  Elizabeth (Yelizaveta Petrovna), Empress, 432–33, 440

  émigrés, 192, 262–63, 268–69, 360, 371–72

  arrests: in foreign countries, by Soviet agents, 9, 263–64, 266; World War II and after, 63, 84–85, 238, 262–66 passim, 566, 602

  and Criminal Code, 63

  Foreign Delegation of the Mensheviks, 405, 406

  Promparty, trial, 384, 385, 394

  Spanish Civil War, 263

  World War II: with Resistance, 263; with Wehrmacht units, 254n, 257n; see also arrests above

  engineers and technicians, 43–44, 197, 390, 391, 392

  arrests and trials, 31, 44–49 passim, 73, 197–98, 227, 372

  see also Glavtop (Main Fuels Committee), trial; intelligentsia; Promparty, trial; Shakhty case, trial

  Epstein, Julius, 85n

  Esperantists, persecution of, 59

  espionage, 608–09

  and Criminal Code, 63–64, 247

  mass arrests, 72, 90, 247, 371–72

  PSh (Suspicion of Espionage), 64, 284

  SVPSh (Contacts Leading to Suspicion of Espionage), 64, 284

  World War II, German recruitment of Soviet prisoners of war, 220, 221–22, 246–47, 247–48, 260, 261

  Estonia/Estonians, 213–14, 384

  arrests and trials, 25, 62, 77, 78, 91, 289–90

  World War II, with Wehrmacht units, 253n, 262n

  ethnic groups see nationalities and ethnic groups

  Etinger, Y. G., 157–58, 624

  Faitelevich, 441

  family and relatives (of prisoner [ChSJ], 6, 12, 58, 106, 226, 284, 460, 480, 549–50, 567–68

  arrests, 8, 39, 40, 72, 73, 77, 91

  correspondence, 6, 460, 480, 481, 514–15, 549–50

  exile, 33, 85, 264

  food parcels, 6, 114, 195–96, 214, 280, 452, 469, 479, 546, 606

  famine (1920s), 334, 342, 343, 344

  and Orthodox Church, 343–47 passim, 351

  State Commission for Famine Relief (Pomgol), 34, 344, 345, 346, 347, 351, 638

  famine (1930s), 55, 198

  Famine Organizers, trial, 47–48

  farming see agriculture

  Fastenko, Anatoly I., 190–96, 201, 202, 205, 206, 216, 223, 226, 227, 229, 233

  Fedotov, A. A., 375, 377, 380, 381, 382, 389, 391, 393, 394, 397, 624

  Feldman, 441

  Figner, Vera N., 457, 458, 624

  Filonenko, Maksimilian M., 357, 624

  Finnish War, 77, 243

  Firguf, 325n

  The First Circle, 157, 590

  Five-Year Plans see economy and economic planning, Five-Year Plans

  Florya, Father Fyodor, 576

  “Four-sixths” law, 58, 88–89

  France, Anatole, 267

  France, 192, 272, 383–84

  Soviet émigrés, 43, 263

  World War II, Resistance, 257n, 263

  Frank, Semyon L., 372, 624

  Free Philosophic Society, 59

  “Fundamental Principles of Criminal Prosecution of the U.S.S.R.,” 291

  Fyodor Ivanovich, 232, 624

  Fyodorov, 153

  Fyodorov, 329–30

  Gaaz, Fyodor P. (Friedrich Joseph Haas), 208n, 624

  Gamarnik, Yan B., 411, 624

  Gammerov, Boris, 235–36, 611–12, 613, 614

  Gandal, Berta, 98

  Garin, N. (Nikolai G. Mikhailovsky), 46, 624

  Gartman, 41

  Gavrilov, 545

  Gendelman-Grabovsky, Mikhail Y., 359, 365

  Geraska, 441, 453

  Germans (in U.S.S.R.): arrests, 78

  Germany, 36n, 59, 174

  Gestapo compared to MGB, 145n

  Jews, persecution of, 55, 174

  World War I, 219n, 242, 343, 356–57

  World War II, 80, 81–82, 263, 518; German prisoners of war, 84, 584, 602; prisoner of war camps, 218–19, 239, 243, 245–46, 248, 256; Soviet émigrés, 85, 566; Soviet prisoners of war as police (Polizei), 142, 218, 245, 246, 640; Soviet
prisoners of war as spies, 220, 221–22, 246–47, 247–48, 260, 261; Soviet prisoners of war as work force, 238, 245, 246, 258; Soviet prisoners of war with partisans, 244–45, 261; war criminals, 84, 175, 176–77; see also World War II, anti-Soviet fighting forces with Wehrmacht

  Gernet, Mikhail N., 301n, 466n, 624

  Gil-Blazhevich (Rodionov), V. V., 254n, 257n

  Ginzburg, Abram M., 403–04

  Ginzburg, Yevgeniya S.: Journey into the Whirlwind, xii, 99n, 480, 481, 482, 567, 624

  Gippius, Zinaida N., 263, 624

  Glavtop (Main Fuels Committee): trial, 97, 334–35, 388

  Godelyuk, 316–17, 318

  Goldman, 107, 170, 171

  “gold” wave, 52–54, 98

  Golikov, Filipp I., 240n, 624

  Golitsyn, Vsevolod P., 445

  Golyakov, Ivan T., 172, 624

  Gorky, Maxim (Aleksei M. Peshkov), xii, 194, 223, 241, 512n, 560, 624

  and Korolenko, 34, 36n

  and Lenin, 31–32, 328

  Gorokhovets: army camps, 110, 163

  Gosplan see State Planning Commission

  Gots, Abram R., 361, 624

  Gotye (Gautier), Yuri V., 51

  Govorov, Leonid A., 252n, 624

  GPU (State Political Administration), 36, 37, 68, 336, 638

  Grabishchenko, Nikolai, 146, 154

  Grachev, Misha, 580

  Granat Encyclopedia, 204, 410n

  Granovsky, Bishop Antonin, 345

  Great Britain, 272, 287, 288, 384

  World War II, 242; British prisoners of war, 219, 243; repatriation of Soviets, 85, 249, 259–60; Yalta Conference, 185, 259

  Greece: civil war, 91, 92

  Greeks (in U.S.S.R.): arrests, 91–92

  Griboyedov, Aleksandr S., 132, 624

  Grigorenko, Pyotr G., 240n, 624

  Grigoryev, Iosif F., 14, 625

  Grin, 311, 313

  Grin (Grinovsky), Aleksandr S., 533, 625

  Grinevitsky, Ignati I., 132, 625

  Groman, Vladimir G., 49, 401, 407, 625

  Gromyko, Andrei A., 552–53, 625

  Gubaidulin, 427n

  Gugel, 313

  Guiding Principles of the Criminal Law of the R.S.F.S.R., 301

  Gul (Goul), Roman F., 156n, 625

  Gumilyev, Nikolai S., 95, 515, 625

  Gurovich, S. Y., 350, 351

  Gvozdev, Kuzma A., 401n

  Haas, Friedrich-Joseph see Gaaz, Fyodor P.

  Hammurabi, Code of, 65

  Hauke, Maximilian, 36n

  Haw Haw, Lord (William Joyce), 242

  Herzen, Aleksandr I., 287, 625

  Hitler, Adolf, 55, 59, 258, 399

  “Hiwi,” 246, 638

  Hungarians: arrests, 86

  Hungary: uprising, 260n

  Ignatovsky, 289, 441

  Ikov, V. K., 400–01

  Ilin, 149n

  Ilin, Fyodor F. see Raskolnikov (Ilin)

  Ilin, Ivan A., 372, 625

  Ilin, Mikhail A. see Osorgin (Ilin)

  Ilin, Viktor N., 149n, 155


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