Bodyguard Pursuit

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Bodyguard Pursuit Page 13

by Joanne Wadsworth

  “Manageable since you’ve got me juiced up.” She tapped the IV bag.

  “Yes, everything you need is in there.” He helped her onto the bed and checked her temperature and vitals before replacing the bag. “You’re doing great. I want you to lie down. With plenty of sleep, you’ll heal quicker.”

  She yawned and held out her hand toward Ben. “Can I use your cell phone? I need to call Lydia.”

  “Of course.” He pulled the bed sheet over her and made the call. “Hey, Lydia, Saria’s here and demanding to talk to you.” He passed her the phone.

  “When have I ever been demanding, Ben?”

  “Saria, is that you?” Lydia’s anxious voice pounded down the line.

  “Yes, it’s me.”

  “Are you okay? Tyler said you were, but I’m so relieved you rang. When are you coming home?”

  “As soon as the doc releases me. Hopefully soon. What about you? Are you feeling okay?”

  “I’ll be better once you’re here. How’s the pain?”

  “There isn’t any with the meds I’m—oh.” Her eyelids drooped. “The doctor’s snuck a sedative in. Can’t….”

  “What’s wrong? Stay with me.”

  “Can’t. ’Leepy.” Ben’s face wavered, and she slowly shut her eyes. “Don’t leave me,” she whispered to him. “Need you.”

  “I’ll always be here. Always.”

  The dark took her away, and from the one person she never wanted to leave.

  Chapter 12

  The next morning in the doctor’s surgical room, Ben stirred. He rolled his shoulders and eased the crook in his neck from sleeping in the low-backed chair. Saria lay peacefully nestled on her side, one hand tucked under her cheek and her breath whispering softly between her lips. That sweet sound had finally soothed him into slumber himself.

  He stretched his legs, stood and traipsed across to the doorway leading into the doctor’s private office. Tyler sat in the leather swivel chair behind Dr. Hika’s chunky desk, his laptop open in front of him. “Where’s the doc, Tyler?”

  “He dashed off to his room for a shower and a change of clothes. Said he’ll be back soon to check on the patient before the clinic opens at nine.”

  “Anything come in from Gilchrist this morning?”

  “Just now. He’s identified Saria’s kidnapper as Boyd Hyena. The man is Kern and Ladd Hyena’s cousin and affiliated with the same Wellington gang as them. Gilchrist has a search warrant and is heading to Hyena’s flat, right after he swings by to pick up Mia Taita.”

  “Saria’s evidence is enough?”

  “He hopes so, or at least until he can gather further proof.”

  “Good. Things are stacking up against Mia Taita.” Although they needed something solid on top of Saria’s word. He folded his arms. “We need to find Hyena before he causes any more trouble.”

  “Kupita has doubled the number of teams searching the jungle. This place is crawling with his men.”

  “Ben?” Saria, in her loose hospital gown, stood in the doorway with her IV pole in hand. She rubbed her sleepy eyes with her knuckles. “I heard.”

  “We’ll catch Boyd Hyena. I promise you that.”

  “I know you will.” She held out a hand and he rushed across. “I need to use the bathroom again. Can you come with me? I’m not ready to go in there alone.”

  “You don’t even need to ask.” Hell, he hated she was still so scared.

  “Wait up.” Tyler snagged a plastic bag from the green couch and passed it to her. “Take these. I called in a favor at reception and they opened the gift shop for me. I picked out some clothes for you that should fit. They’re the same size as what Lydia wears.”

  “Then that’ll be perfect.” She kissed his cheek. “Tyler, I swear you’re going to make a fabulous brother-in-law, that’s if you ever get married to my sister.” She rolled her pole toward the bathroom as Ben walked beside her.

  “Tell me what you need.” He closed the bathroom door.

  “A hand changing.” She pulled the side ties on the gown and eased the loose fabric over her head. “Is there any underwear in that bag? The bikini’s doing a fine job, but I’d love a complete change of clothes.”

  If Tyler had brought her underwear, he was in huge trouble. He opened the bag and growled. A pink satin bra and panties sat on top of the other purchases. The man was dead.

  Saria peered into the bag and smiled. “Oh, and Tyler has good taste too.”

  The man was double-dead. Gruffly, he stood with the bra in hand. “How do I put this on?”

  “Take a guess.” She released the back ties of her bikini and her full breasts bobbed free.

  He embraced one mound and rubbed his thumb over her rosy nipple. “I’ve missed you.”

  “I’ve missed you too, and the fabric cups that part.”

  “You’re really going to make me dress you?”

  “Absolutely.” She grinned. “If you put your mind to it, I’m sure you’ll manage perfectly fine.”

  “You’re a cruel woman.” He slid her bra into place then wrapped his arms around her and clipped the back hooks. He stroked the silk cups, relishing the smooth fabric and her nipples as they puckered and rose into his touch.

  “Oh, nice,” Saria sighed softly. “Panties next, please.”

  He helped her out of her bikini bottoms then knelt and slid her panties into place. He placed a soft kiss on her smooth mound then held the short white summer skirt for her to step into. Done, he stood and tugged it up to her waist. “Okay, the bra was strapless, but how do we get the shirt on with that IV pole in the way?”

  “Easy.” She unhooked the bag, threaded it through the armhole of the white and blue striped tank top then passed the bag to him. She eased her shirt down and straightened the hem over her skirt. “Can you comb my hair for me? There’s a brush in that bag as well.

  He returned the IV bag to the hook, grabbed the brush and slowly ran it through her locks. The strands curled around his fingers and had him wishing the rest of her body was too.

  “Thank you.” She kissed his cheek.

  “You missed my mouth by a mile.”

  “I wasn’t aiming for your mouth.”

  “You should have been.”

  “It’s daylight, which means now we have rules.” She tottered out the door, hauling her pole after her.

  “I’m changing those rules.”

  “Hey, Dr. Hika, you’re back.”

  “And good morning to you too, Saria. You look as bright as a button, and if you’re up to getting dressed, that’s a good sign.” The doctor patted the bed and Saria eased onto it. He checked her vitals then smiled. “Great. I’m happy to take the IV out and switch you over to oral antibiotics to finish the course if you’d like.”

  “I’d like that very much. It’s time to get back to my sister. She needs me.”

  “Then let’s do this.” The doctor nodded at him. “If you don’t mind, I’ll need you to wait outside while I finish this examination.”

  “I’m not leaving her.” He crossed his arms and stood his ground.

  “It’s okay, Ben. It’s not like I can go anywhere.” Saria swished her fingers toward the door, ushering him to leave. “Go. This won’t take long. It’s just an IV, and then he’ll tell me what I can and can’t do.”

  “Which I need to know about.”

  “I promise to relay all of it to you.”

  “All right.” Out of arguments, he shuffled out.

  * * * *

  “Why the privacy, Dr. Hika? I didn’t request it.” Saria eased her feet onto the white linoleum floor and stretched her hand out so he could remove her IV.

  “When Ben brought you in, I took some of your blood. I had it choppered to the mainland on the last flight out and fast tracked for testing.” Carefully, he removed the needle from her wrist then stuck a plaster over the puncture. “The lab found no trace of any unusual chemicals, which I was concerned abou
t with the kidnapping and how long you’d been unconscious. It appears chloroform must have been all that was used.”

  “So what’s worrying you?”

  “The lab results did show something interesting that you need to be aware of.” He sat on the stool, hands on his knees. “You have a high level of hCG. The result is positive for pregnancy.”

  “Huh?” She clutched her chest and dragged in a deep, deep breath. “Are you sure?”

  “During your appointment, I mentioned the possibility of conceiving was slim, but it still existed.”

  “Yes, six percent. That still gave me ninety-four precious percent in the other direction.” The thought of pregnancy had been miles from her mind. “I’m only a few days overdue, maybe a week. Sometimes I’m late. It happens.”

  “It’s still a positive test result.” He grabbed a cup of chilled water from the dispenser and passed it to her. “Do you need any further information?”

  “No, I’ll see my doctor when I get home.” She sipped then spread her hand over her belly. She was going to have Ben’s child, only having a family was the last thing Ben wanted. She’d promised him no relationship. Oh goodness. How on earth would she honor her word when she was having his baby? She’d have to figure something out.

  A knock sounded on the connecting door and Ben strode in, raking one hand through his tousled blond hair. His determined gaze zeroed in on her. “Is everything all right?”

  Her throat clogged up and her lips went numb. “Ah, yes, everything’s fine.”

  “The patient is also free to go,” Dr. Hika added as he grabbed a bottle of pills from the countertop and passed it to her. “I had a prescription for these antibiotics filled earlier since I didn’t want you to have to return to the pharmacy. Take one tablet, three times a day, until finished. Return at any time though if you need to see me.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I’ll grab your things.” Ben walked into the bathroom and returned with the gift shop bag holding her old clothes. He shook the doctor’s hand and thanked him for all he’d done.

  Without any delay, Ben snuck her out the side entrance with Tyler leading the way.

  They made the journey back in silence as Tyler sped them toward the ship. Ben sat next to her on the center seat, a set of binoculars hiding his eyes as he scanned the shoreline.

  Ahead, sunshine bathed the cove’s deserted beach and the ship remained moored well out from the bay. Tyler pulled up alongside the stern.

  Ben tossed the rope to a crewmember and gave her a hand as she climbed on board.

  A piercing squeal rang in her ears as Lydia bounded across the deck and smothered her in her arms. “You’re back. I missed you, missed you, missed you.”

  “I missed you too.” She hugged her precious sister while Brigs and Tyler’s brothers and nephew crowded the doorway.

  “Are you hungry?” Lydia pulled back, looked her in the eyes. “We delayed breakfast until you arrived. Tyler sent a message and said you were on your way.”

  “Yes, but I’ll have to take it slowly with it being my first solid meal and all.”

  “I know exactly what you need.” She turned and ruffled Nico’s soft mop of dark hair. “How about you, me and Saria raid the galley? We’ll have the strawberry breakfast special.”

  “Yay, I wanna help.” Nico was off, tugging up his blue shorts as he ran.

  “I think he loves strawberries as much as we do.” Lydia laughed then linked their arms.

  In summer, when they’d hopped off the school bus and walked up the driveway, they used to slink into their mother’s strawberry garden and eat to their heart’s content. How she missed those carefree days.

  “Hey, what’s got that frown on your face?” Lydia tugged her past the servery where Ben and Tyler stopped and picked up plates.

  “I have something to tell you, but only in private.” She pushed through the swinging galley door.

  “I’ll get the bowls.” Nico clambered onto a stool before the crockery cupboard. A bowl of strawberries already sat on the center wooden island, while on the other side of the galley, the chef left through the opposite swinging door into the crew area. This was her best chance for some alone time with her sister, or as close as she’d get for now.

  “Good boy,” Lydia praised Nico. “Set them on the counter, and then run back and join your father. Saria and I need a little sisterly chat.”

  “Okay.” He dashed out, leaving the galley door swinging wildly in his wake.

  “I can’t believe how fast he can move.” Lydia opened the refrigerator, clutched the white and mauve tie-dyed skirts of her dress and stuck her head in. “Here we go. This is what I need.” She shut the door, plopped a bottle of honey, a carton of vanilla yogurt, and a container of shredded coconut on the counter. “Now we’re alone, tell me what’s got you so worried.”

  “You sure you don’t want to hear about the abduction first?” She found the muesli in the pantry and tipped a portion into each bowl.

  “No, I got regular updates from Tyler, and now you’re back, I’m moving forward even though the bad dude is still out there.” Lydia nudged her. “C’mon. We’re all alone and I’m still waiting. Is it to do with Ben?”

  “Yes.” Her sister knew about the deal they’d struck. She hadn’t kept anything from her. “I don’t know how to say this, except I’m pregnant. The doctor confirmed it from some blood work taken this morning.” She plopped onto the leather-padded stool and let out a long breath. “You’re the first I’ve told.”

  “Oh.” Lydia dropped onto the counter stool next to her. “But the chances were so slim.”

  “It still happened.”

  “Will you tell him?”

  “This is the last thing Ben will want.” She selected a knife from the drawer and sliced the strawberries into three bowls while her sister dropped a dollop of yogurt on top. She set the knife down and sprinkled the shredded coconut, her thoughts a tumbling mess. “Although one thing is for certain. I’ll make sure our baby has all the loves it needs.”

  “I know you will, and so will I. You’ll stay with Tyler and me, and for as long as you need.” Lydia drizzled honey over the coconut.

  “I’d like that.” She didn’t want to go through the next few weeks or months without her sister by her side. “I’m sorry to dump all of this on you.”

  “We’re sisters, forever. And look at what I’ve dumped on you this past year. I’m the one who witnessed the hit-and-run and ended up dragging you into my mass of problems. I owe you. Big time.”

  “Yeah, your problems are worse than mine since there are raging killers on the loose.” She knocked her shoulder against Lydia’s and some of her sadness lifted. “I love you.”

  “I love you too. Are you feeling better? Because if you’re not, I’m not.”

  “You’ve lifted a weight off my shoulders. I’m no longer homeless, and when we get back, I’ll work on not being jobless either.”

  “Come on. No more maudlin thoughts. We also need to get back in there before those men chase us down.” Lydia took two of the three bowls and disappeared with them into the dining room.

  She picked up hers, took a fortifying step and followed her sister through the swinging door. Across the room, Lydia placed Nico’s breakfast in front of him then sat next to Tyler. At the head of the table, Liam stirred sugar into his steaming coffee then laughed as Nico dug into his strawberries with a squeal. Luke ran his bacon through his runny eggs, and Dylan bit into his toast smeared with jam.

  “Sit here, Saria.” Brigs, dressed in a forest green shirt and khaki pants, patted the padded seat between him and Ben.

  “Thanks.” She joined them.

  “You took a long time.” Ben scraped his chair closer to hers.

  “We had a lot to talk about.” She ate a spoonful and licked the honey from the tip.

  “If it pertains to the case, I need to know.”

  “It didn’t.” She cupped
his jaw, stroked her thumb over his cheek.

  “You’d tell me if something was wrong, wouldn’t you?” He nudged a glass of fresh orange juice toward her. “Drink. You need the vitamins.”

  “Ah, how the mighty do fall.” Brigs grinned as he squirted tomato sauce on his sausages.

  “What mighty?” Ben stared at him, and a true smile touched her lips. Ben eyed her. “And what just amused you?”

  “You’re mighty, but you’d never fall.” She flicked Brigs’s arm. “You have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “I’m dead serious. He sees nothing but you right now. I should really set him straight.”

  Tyler chuckled. “If you don’t, I will.”

  “I don’t need setting straight.” With a frown, Ben cut into his sausage and ate a bite. “What I need is confirmation Mia Taita’s charges will stick, and to catch Hyena so our girls can finally get some rest. A year is too long for this case to go on.”

  “I’m starting to wonder if things will ever change.” She stroked the back rise of Ben’s black shorts where his shirt flapped free. His gun was tucked in tight under his waistband, his preferred hidey spot.

  “They will. Have faith.” He popped some of his bacon strips onto her side plate. “You also can’t build your strength up on fruit and yogurt alone. Protein is important.”

  “There’s muesli in here too, and yogurt is protein.”

  “It’s not the same as meat.” He scowled at her untouched bacon. “Please, eat some.”

  “Okay. Eating now.” She cut the bacon and popped a bite into her mouth. “The more protein, the better anyway.”

  “Thank you.” Ben leaned in, his lips against her ear. “Seriously, tell me what the doctor said. Something’s not right between us. I can feel it.”

  “Nothing’s wrong.”

  “What did the doctor say to you?” He wasn’t going to give up.

  “Can we speak in private?” Best to bite the bullet and get the conversation done with.

  “Of course.” He pushed his chair back and led her into the lounge beyond the others’ sight.

  She sat on one of the white leather couches farthest from the partially pulled wooden paneled door between the rooms.


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