Miss Elspeth's Desire

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Miss Elspeth's Desire Page 6

by Imogene Nix

  His frown deepened, but she softened the blow with a curtsey, and while his lips flattened she turned to face the liveried man.

  “I am Miss Forster. You received a telegraph message?” She assumed her most haughty demeanor, and the man bowed. From the corner of her eye, she watched as the major made his departure, without another word, leaving her to deal with the obsequious man.

  “Miss Forster, it is such an honor. And your sister?” He glanced around, no doubt surprised that a single woman would be traveling alone.

  “She is in the infirmary, and will be joining me later. I will also have a young lady joining me as companion later today.”

  “Then let me show you to your rooms. I have arranged one with a balcony and private bathing room and sitting room for you, as per your request.” He showed her up the stairs, which were wide and well-appointed.

  They stopped on the second floor before large oak doors, inlaid with more gilt. Her breath caught as he pushed the doors open, revealing a large and carefully proportioned room of reds and golds. The chandelier sparkled in the sun, casting small droplets of reflected light here and there on the furniture. The chairs were plush and heavily carved, padded with rich brocades. The tables were highly polished wood, and everywhere was the scent of flowers.

  “This is perfect,” she said.

  The man smiled. “And your stay? How long will we be graced with your company?”

  “I don’t know. Major Fitzsimmons suggested that he knew of a suitable house available, but I don’t know how long that will take to arrange. And, of course, I am unsure how long my sister will be in the infirmary.”

  “Then you are welcome for as long as you wish to stay, Miss Forster.” The man gestured to the corner of the room, where a long pull was suspended from the ceiling. “You will note there is a bellpull in each room, should you require service.” With that he bowed himself out and she stood there, looking around.

  She stepped to the window, removing her bonnet as she went. The large shutters pushed open at the touch of her hand, and she stepped onto the balcony, looking out over the city. It was so bright after the dimness of her suite that she needed to shade her eyes. Sounds, still so foreign to her, filled the air as she gazed at the vista before retreating within again.

  The room had a number of doors leading off, so she entered the room to her left. It was a large, well-appointed bedroom, decorated with silk wallpaper in tones of gold and azure. She smiled. “Perfect. This will be my room.” Off the room was a private bathing chamber and dressing room. “I wonder how long until my luggage arrives?”

  She retreated out to the sitting room and through to the bedroom on the other side. This was shades of greens and golds. It too was luxurious with large cushions and a net curtain. The bathroom was just as finely laid out, with marble and gold fittings.

  Two smaller rooms off the main room were servants’ quarters, fitted out with a bed, mirror, washing facilities, drawers, and a chair. She was closing the door on one of the rooms when a knock sounded. After she opened the door, two burly men carried the trunks in and placed them where she directed, then she waited for them to leave.

  Loneliness filled her as she stood in the empty rooms. “Perhaps a cup of tea.” She headed for the bellpull and tugged. Tea worked wonders on any person’s disposition.

  * * * *

  The missives arrived on Monday morning, as she dressed in the lightest summer gown she owned. “Jacinthe? My sister will be released from the infirmary tomorrow. I need to do something about searching for alternative accommodations.”

  The young girl, born of a native mother and an English soldier, nodded.

  Mrs. Ellington had been right. Jacinthe was quiet but capable, schooled in many of the English ways and with a basic education. Exactly what Elspeth needed to navigate the ways of India. Not for the first time, she wondered if the girl would come with her, back to England, should she ask.

  “Miss Elspeth, there is another.”

  Elspeth frowned, looking down at the silver salver. The handwriting was clearly masculine, written in a heavy script. For a moment her stomach quivered. Who could it be from? The only men she’d met so far were her agent and the major. She broke the seal as she sank into the chair.

  Miss Forster,

  I have found suitable accommodation for you in a house to the north of Calcutta township. A carriage will collect you from your hotel tomorrow morning at ten o’clock and convey you there for an inspection. It has been empty for some time, but I believe it will serve your needs.


  Tomorrow morning? That meant she needed to prepare today. “Jacinthe?”

  “Yes, Miss?” Jacinthe scurried into the room and hovered uncertainly.

  “Is there some way you could find me willing helpers to prepare accommodation for my sister and myself, should we find the necessary accommodation? The major has informed me that he has found a house meeting my needs, but it’s been empty for some time.”

  Jacinthe looked thoughtful. “I believe I know of those who would help clean. But what about staff, Miss?”

  Now that the opportunity had presented itself, Elspeth was ready to leave the hotel. It had been both convenient and comfortable, but it would be better to set up house, allowing autonomy in her day-to-day movements.

  “If the major is correct, then today we shall have to prepare the necessary items to move into the house, with your help, of course.”

  Jacinthe looked at the ground. “That I can, Miss, but…”

  Elspeth smiled. “Well, you will come with me, won’t you?”

  Jacinthe stared at her, surprise clear for a moment before a broad grin split her berry brown face. “Yes, Miss.”

  Elspeth sipped at her tea, making a mental list of necessities she’d need for establishing a comfortable home. “Bring me my writing table as I need to send a message to my man of business. Then, I believe it’s time we visited the markets.”

  Her task was accomplished quickly, and in no time, Jacinthe carried her bonnet over and Elspeth donned it, tying the strings firmly, followed by her lightest gloves. She reached for her bag.

  “Do you have coin, Miss?”

  Elspeth looked at her. “Coin?”

  “To pay for the goods.”

  Elspeth stood stock-still. In England she had always placed her purchases on account. She bit her lip. So much to learn. “Maybe we should go to the bank first.”

  The girl nodded and ushered her down the stairs. A carriage was called, and the next phase of her adventure began.

  * * * *

  Elspeth entered the room, her skirts swishing over the cool tiles. The rooms were adequate, but dusty. It was obvious no female had inhabited this house for some time. The bedrooms would be comfortable, with large, net-covered tester beds. The coverlets and linen would need to be laundered though.

  “How long did you say this house has been empty?”

  The captain’s wife, blousy and loud, hurried into the room, her steps echoing in the morning air. “Well, see, it’s like this, Miss Forster. When the colonel’s wife died in childbed he couldn’t stay. He moved into the barracks.”

  Frustration filled her. She didn’t need the history, just the length of time the house had stood empty. “Yes, yes. But how long?”

  “Three years, Miss Forster.”

  “I will take it, but before I can lodge here with my sister, we will need a cleaning party. My maid...”

  The large woman sniffed, and Elspeth sighed deeply. Her sister would be arriving from the infirmary tonight. There was a lot to do and not much time to achieve it in. More bodies would certainly make the task lighter to bear.

  She cast a glance over her shoulder even as she stripped off her gloves. “I have goods arriving soon, and my maid will be bringing people in to help with the cleaning.”

  The woman left, muttering imprecations about mad newcomers from England. Elspeth didn’t look in her direction, though the sound of retreating feet left her wonderin
g what on earth she was doing.

  She closed her eyes. She’d accepted this challenge and would see it through, whatever it brought. Inhaling deeply, she girded herself for the job ahead. “The bathing room first, I think.”

  She entered the room and cast a horrified glance at the hip bath. A layer of dust covered its surface. The detritus of who-knew-what bugs had settled, and she shivered at the horror before her. Isabelle would need a bath so best to get started, she reminded herself. But as Elspeth left the room to find the necessary equipment, she couldn’t resist looking back at the bathing room.

  After returning with a bucket and cloths, Elspeth stripped off the light coat, wishing she were back in the cool climes of England. She was thankful she’d worn an older gown for the inspection. She’d need to scrub the bath, and it wouldn’t be a clean exercise.

  She rubbed and rinsed as the temperature rose. “Dear me.” The task was almost overwhelming, and she brushed a stray curl from her forehead. “Scrubbing this bath will probably take hours.” She fretted, knowing all these jobs needed to be completed today.


  She half-rose, looking around. Lounging against the doorjamb was the gentleman she most wanted to avoid. Major Fitzsimmons.

  “Miss Forster, I know I mentioned ladies falling at my feet, but surely this is excessive.”

  Her face flamed. He always seemed to catch her off-guard.

  “Major, I can assure you, I have no intention of falling at your feet. No woman worth—”

  “Miss Forster, I’m sure you protest too much.” His words were languid.

  He took a step toward her, moving slowly; the predator seeking his prey. Her mouth dried, and her heart beat faster. She was the prey, and that knowledge left her feeling uncomfortable. Another emotion surged.

  Interest. She refused to consider it. After all, she was no young miss... That reminder didn’t help either.

  “I’m waiting for assistance to arrive, Major.”

  He quirked his brow, and she nearly swallowed her tongue. If she wasn’t a mature spinster, heaven help her, she’d probably swoon as she caught sight of the teasing glint in his eye. As it was, she struggled to hold onto her senses.

  Elspeth turned back to the task before her. “I’ll need fresh water, and more cleaning cloths...”

  Warm, male hands settled on her shoulders. She shuddered at the feel of them. They exuded strength as he pulled her up. The grip was sure but cautious, as if he had no intention of dominating her.

  “You need a man here to ensure your safety. Until we know who your servant has engaged, you shouldn’t be left alone.”

  She stepped back, turning toward the wall, hoping to hide the confusion that filled her. Her stomach trembled. She was alone, with the major.

  “Major, I am not a Miss out of the schoolroom. I can...” He stopped her words, swinging her around, his fingers digging into her shoulders.

  “You don’t know anything. You have no knowledge of the culture or the dangers. No idea what the men are capable of doing to a single, white female here. This is not London, and these are not civilized people.” His voice was urgent and deep.

  She twisted, trying to free herself from his grasp, but instead, he pulled her closer. Firmly against his chest.

  “Listen to me!” His demand echoed.

  Elspeth held herself still, her chest crushed against him. The sensations he aroused confused her, left her feeling weak, as if part of her had melted away. Heat built within her.

  “Major, I—”

  He swooped. His mouth descended on hers so fast she could only watch as his eyes darkened. Then their lips touched. Hers soft against his. They were harder than she expected. His mouth opened over hers, devouring while flames licked at the edges of her mind.

  She opened her mouth and a sound rose in the quiet, little more than a mewl, but she ignored it. Pleasure speared her, rippling through her body. Crushed against him, she could hardly breathe. His scent filled her. He was intoxicating. The mixed aroma of horse, leather, and all man was overwhelmingly masculine.

  Her body reacted as never before, and she continued on with the most outrageous actions. She slid her tongue along his as it entered her mouth. When his hand descended to her derriere though, firming over the swells, she stilled. Stiffened. Pulled away.

  She knew her face was flaming. The heat scorched her skin. “How dare you, Major?”

  His eyes glinted dangerously as he stepped back. Her body instantly felt the rejection. It cooled while her ire rose.

  “Your behavior was...” At a loss for words, she watched as he smiled.

  “Inappropriate? Yes, well. You make me want to do inappropriate things to you. With you.” He leaned in closer. “I want to do them all night long.” With a wink, he turned and strode away, stopping at the door for an instant. “I’ll be here guarding you.”

  Then he left the room.

  * * * *

  Her face was still flaming as she scrubbed the tub viciously. “Jacinthe, I’ll need more water.”

  Another girl hurried to obey, the edges of her saree flapping around her legs as she carried the bucket of clean water.

  “The major... He wants to know how long you will be, memsahib?”

  Elspeth shook her head. “I don’t know. Tell him I will be occupied for some time, and hope to be moving in later today.”

  Jacinthe disappeared, shushing the other girl as she went, before returning. “The major says he will wait.”

  Elspeth closed her eyes for an instant, but knew he wouldn’t leave until she had faced him.

  “And where do you want the boxes of items that have arrived?” Jacinthe asked.

  Elspeth stood, pushing back strands of hair from her sweat-slicked face. “What goods?”

  “The kitchen items have arrived, along with the new linen. The trunks have just been delivered from the hotel, and I have instructed the cook to find the foodstuffs you requested.”

  “The kitchen items in the kitchen, my trunks in the largest room, and my sister’s in the smaller. The linen in the laundry if it’s ready.” She spoke absently as she regarded herself in the mirror.

  “Yes, memsahib.”

  “Then find me a clean towel, some water, and a brush.” She would make herself presentable before facing the major.

  The girl scurried off, and Elspeth removed the old sheet she had tied around her waist during her cleaning spree. Jacinthe returned and Elspeth accepted the items from her, then she cleaned herself up, tidied her hair, and washed her hands and face.

  “I will finish in here, unless you wish something else?”

  Elspeth spared a glance at the young woman. “Actually, I think some tea would be welcome. Is the verandah clean enough to use?”

  The girl bobbed her head in agreement, and Elspeth stepped out of the bathing room.

  The hustle and bustle of people was making short work of cleaning the house. The floors were immaculate already, large rugs were being replaced after a good beating, and the dust on the furniture had been swept away. She found herself running her fingers along the now cleansed furnishings.

  On the verandah the major waited, hip against the wooden doorjamb and a broad smile on his deeply tanned face. The wicker furniture had been brushed and wiped until it gleamed in the sunlight.

  “Your army has worked wonders on this house. You should be very comfortable here.”

  “Indeed, Major. My sister and I foresee staying for at least several months, so it makes sense to be comfortable. Now I have ordered tea. You will take some with me, won’t you?”

  He frowned, as if he hadn’t expected her to invite him to join her, then bowed. “It would be my pleasure.”

  She might feel hot and more than slightly grubby, but social niceties had been ingrained first by her mother and then by the ladies who ran the small school she had attended.

  He waited until she sank onto the small chair, then took a seat himself. They made small talk as they waited for the tea to be

  Elspeth poured and handed a cup to her guest. They continued discussing the weather, the state of the markets in downtown Calcutta, and even her home as they drank, always circling around the awareness that drew her eyes back to his time and again.

  The fan above her head moved slowly back and forth as the punkhawallah attended to his job of keeping the air circulating. Finally, Major Fitzsimmons rose. “Thank you for your hospitality. I should leave now but will return tomorrow, unless you require—”

  “Nonsense, there is no need for you to remain here. Jacinthe is here with me, and Isabelle will be arriving soon. Jacinthe has organized for a man to also be here, I believe he is her uncle and he is recommended to me. We will be quite secure, I assure you.”

  His face tightened with disapproval.

  “Besides, we are within the limits of town. There are houses either side of us. Why Colonel Montague lives next door and Sir Peter Caravel on the other side. We will hardly be alone and unprotected.”

  “Indeed, then I will take my leave, Miss Forster.” He smiled, his eyes twinkling with some kind of devilry that she couldn’t decipher.

  Elspeth rose and held out her hand, expecting nothing more than a casual touch of fingers in the socially accepted manner. He held her hand, his clasp firm. She gave a tiny squeeze then released him. Instead of reciprocating, he ran his thumb up her palm, over the mound, and to the sensitive skin at the base of her wrist, while his gaze captured her. Held her in thrall. Then, with a light movement, he grazed his thumb over her skin.

  She couldn’t contain the sigh that escaped her lips.

  “And I will bid you adieu, Miss Forster.”

  She waited for him to release her, her breath caught in her throat.

  “Elspeth.” Then, with a wink, he let go and left her, bewildered and alone.

  Chapter 6

  Aeddan walked through the crowded streets, thinking over the last time he’d seen the woman whom bedeviled him with the storm of emotions he’d seen hidden in the depths of her gaze. The heat in her responses, especially when they escaped her iron-clad restraints. Perhaps he was being foolish, but remonstrating with himself made no difference. The incident in the bathing room had reinforced just how attractive he found her.


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