ACCIDENTAL SWINGERS (Hotwife Sharing): A Tale of Slutty Hot Wife Sharing

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ACCIDENTAL SWINGERS (Hotwife Sharing): A Tale of Slutty Hot Wife Sharing Page 7

by Mia Moore

  His head dropped forward and he sucked in a lungful of air, before smiling looking down at her. “Fuck woman! You’re killin’ me!” He gave a short laugh and eased back, releasing the combined warmth of their lust over her pussy lip and into the hollow where her thigh began.

  She snorted and then with a gusty, deep throated laugh, she hugged his body to hers. “Hey Matt...what did you expect? Take me to a swinger’s club and...and...”

  “I know. I don’t know whether to kill Beau or kiss him.” He rolled off and lay beside her.

  “Do you think he thought we were swingers’ looking for some action?” She rose to prop her upper body on her elbow and grinned at him, her blue eyes twinkling in the low light.

  “I don’t know, but you know what?” He reached to caress her cheek.


  “I think we’ve got to think seriously about going again. I mean...even if all we ever do is this, fuck each other like minx, I’m good.” His smile was warm, looking intently into her eyes.

  “I’m still gob-smacked about all this. I mean, of course I’ve heard of swingers but to actually go to a club where they’re fucking each other and...and...the dancing, the clothes.”

  “Or lack thereof.” He chuckled and rose to his feet, tugging at the covers of the bed.

  “Next time, I’m wearing something really sexy.” She knee walked up the bed and snuggled under the covers next to him.

  He pulled her close to him and caressed her back with his fingers. “Next time? So, you’re really okay with doing this again?”

  She pulled back and looked at him. “Aren’t you?”

  He grinned and shook his head. “Hey! You heard Sophia. In this game, the women call the shots. If you want to go, I guess I’ll take one for the team.”

  The smile left her face and her lips were tight, raising her hand to sock him on the arm. He grabbed her and the two of them hugged, laughing for a few moments.

  “You’re such a martyr.” She turned her head and looked up into his eyes once more. “Seriously though...remember what Chris said? We have to be totally onside with each other going there. I know I’m not ready to see you fuck another woman. Maybe I won’t ever be ready.”

  When he didn’t answer her, she pulled back and shook his shoulder with her hand. “Hello? Now is not the time to clam up. I need to know what you’re thinking.”

  He sighed and turned to her. “I’m conflicted. About you with another guy, I mean. On the one hand, I think it would kill me to see that but on the other...picturing you with some guy we don’t know, some faceless stranger fucking your ass off...” He took a deep breath. “’s hot.” He took her hand and pulled it to his crotch.

  OhmyGod! After getting off twice in the space of as many hours and he was getting hard again? He sure wasn’t lying about what he’d said.

  He rubbed his fingers on top of her hand and said quietly “Actually, I think to start, seeing you with another woman would be fine.”

  Her eyes went wide staring at him. “Fine? It would be fine with you to start? Do I have any say in this?”

  He sat up and placed his hand on her shoulder, rubbing it softly. “Of course you do! I guess I’m being too honest here. It’s a male fantasy, you know that. There’s always girl on girl in porn flicks.” He turned his head and looked her straight in the eye. But listen—if you don’t want to, that’s okay.”

  She sighed and looked down at the covers for a moment. “Okay. Since we’re being honest...when Sophia and Eva were dancing, kissing and fondling each other, it was hot for me too.” She looked up into his eyes. “I’ve never thought of being with another woman. Actually I was surprised at how turned I was.”

  She settled down into the bed again and snuggled close to his body. If she was going to try it, it would have to be with someone like Eva or Sophia. Someplace way away from home where no one would ever know her. After ten minutes or so, she drifted off to sleep, to thrash and turn in her dreams of Eva.

  Chapter 11

  Every man has a place

  In his heart there’s a space

  And the world can’t erase his fantasies

  Take a ride in the sky

  On our ship, fantasize

  All your dreams will come true right away

  --Earth, Wind and Fire, Fantasies

  Driving home the next day, Matt shifted in the seat every so often. Not that he was complaining. What guy pushing forty would complain that his dick was sore from fucking like a tomcat for the last twenty-four hours? And to think it had been his wife of fourteen years that he’d done it with. He’d woke half-way through the night and they’d had another go at it and then again first thing in the morning. It was a good thing they were due home that day or they’d probably still be in bed, fucking again.

  Elena sat as close to him as her seat belt would allow, casually resting her hand on his thigh. “I can see why people go to places like that. Look at how pumped we were, even though we’ve been married so long. It’s a shot of adrenaline in the sex drive.”

  “So, just to be really want to go again?” He glanced over at her and smiled before turning back to the road.

  She nodded and grinned at him. “Absolutely. Even if it’s just us, dressing sexy, dirty dancing and then just us together in the play area, I’m totally good with that.” She looked down at her lap and she toyed with a hangnail on her finger, looking so shy all of a sudden. Even her cheeks flushed pink. “Maybe I’ll try dancing with Sophia.” She looked up and smiled. “I have their email and phone number, you know.”

  He looked over at her quickly and his lips parted. Holy fuck. She really was serious about this. And Sophia. Oh boy. He’d give his left nut to be able to see Elena and Sophia get it on. It put a whole new spin on Paul McCartney’s song ‘Ebony and Ivory’ with Elena’s fair skin, blonde hair and Sophia being a dusky Latino type with soft brunette curls. “We should send them an email. If we’re going back at that club, I’d like to hook up with them.”

  When he saw her head swivel quickly around to watch him, he added, “Not hook up as in fuck them, but you know...have a drink together and chat.”

  She nodded and for the next few miles she was quiet. He was going to leave all contact with Sophia and Chris up to Elena. In fact, much as he wanted to go to that club again, he was going to leave that up to her as well. This kind of thing was like playing with dynamite. One wrong move and it could blow up in your face.

  He shook his head and grinned thinking of Beau that morning when they’d checked out. That son of a bitch. Beau had been expecting some kind of story, pulling him aside out of earshot of the other desk clerks. But there was no way he’d ever get into that with Beau. ‘Beau Knows’ huh? Beau already knew too much. Did Beau take his wife there? Probably.

  At the exit for Black Rapids up ahead, he turned on the signal light and merged into the exit lane. It was such a sleepy Ohio city that probably stuff like swinger’s clubs were unheard of. No. If they were going to do this again, they’d have to go to the big city.

  He looked over at Elena and smiled. Seeing her pensive look, her mind a million miles away, he thought once more what a lucky guy he was. Not only was she smart and pretty as hell, she was open minded. He couldn’t imagine any of their friends’ wives being so receptive to going to a club like that.

  Certainly not Gwen, Dave’s wife. Sure she was a cute red head with a killer body but she was reserved. Even at the beach, she was modest in a one piece bathing suit that his mother could have sported. She was kind of stoop shouldered as well. It was probably a hangover from when she was a teenager, shielding the massive boobs from being gawked at.

  Once more he glanced at Elena waiting for a break in the traffic to turn right onto the road home. Elena always dressed to impress, in the latest styles that were always flattering to her figure. Even at that club, where most of the women were wearing sexy, scanty clothes, Elena in her more conservative outfit had turned heads. She had curves in all th
e right places, that was for sure.

  Ten minutes later he wheeled the truck into the double driveway in front of their two story brick home. The solar lights lining the walkway cast a golden glow from the shrubs they were tucked next to, a reminder of how short the daylight hours were becoming. Another month and it would be Christmas. He turned the engine off and turned to Elena. “You go on in. I’ll get the luggage.”

  When he entered the house and set the luggage down on the tiled floor, Aria was walking down the circular staircase. “Hi Dad. How was New York?”

  He shrugged the leather jacket off and hung it up in the closet next to him. “Busy. Fun.” He hugged her shoulder and kissed the top of her head as he walked by. “Did you have fun with your grandparents?”

  “Yeah. I guess. Grandma taught me how to knit. I helped her make lasagne today.” Her voice drifted over his shoulder as he walked down the hallway to the kitchen. “Oh yeah, Walker had a girl over to watch a movie last the rec room...just the two of them.”

  Matt turned to face his daughter. She had dark hair just like his, and that same quirky grin that had always got him into so much trouble in high school. Much as he liked to know what was going on when he wasn’t around, he didn’t like how happy Aria was, taking trying to get Walker into trouble. “That’s nice. What’d you do? Sit on the stairs and spy on them?”

  “Next time you go away, can she stay over at Grandma’s? I can handle the place by myself. Plus, Grandpa’s so deaf you can’t hear yourself think when he watches TV.” Walker emerged from the kitchen holding an apple in his hand. He shoved past Aria, knocking her shoulder on the way by.

  Elena appeared in the doorway and the smile she flashed him belied the sarcastic tone. “Home sweet home.” She looked at Aria. “Thanks for helping Mom with the lasagne. It looks pretty good.” She stepped towards Aria and placed her arm over her shoulder, leading her into the family room. “Now what’s this about your brother having a girlfriend?”

  Walker shot his father a look, rolling his eyes before going up the stairs.

  Matt’s gut tightened and he sighed. He’d known this day was coming, when the kids would start noticing the opposite sex, but twelve seemed too young. Maybe there was something to the thing he’d read about growth hormones in milk. When he was twelve he’d been all about sports, hockey, baseball, you name it, he played it. He’d never noticed girls until he was fifteen. He poured a tall glass of water and chugged it.

  Aria’s voice could be heard from the other room. “Yeah. They were sitting really close and he had his arm around her. Grandma had gone up to bed and Grandpa was asleep watching TV. I don’t see how he’s allowed to have friends over when you’re away and I’m not. He’s only two years older than me. It’s not fair.”

  Matt set the glass in the dishwasher and stood looking out the patio door leading to the backyard. A pile of leaves had fallen over the weekend. Maybe he’d get Walker to help rake them tomorrow evening. He could have a talk with his son, make sure he wasn’t getting ahead of himself with girls.

  He shook his head. Crazy. After the weekend he’d had with Elena and now having to have that talk with his son. But the kid had inherited Elena’s looks with the big baby blue eyes and long eyelashes. His hair was on the longish side but it was the envy of his sister, golden with a slight wave. No doubt about it. The girls would be all over that boy like white on rice.

  Better safe than sorry. He wandered into the family room and turned the TV on.

  Chapter 12

  If I only had one wish

  Love would always be like this

  Wishin’ on the stars above

  Forbidden love

  If I only had one dream

  This would be more than it seems

  Forbidden love (Forbidden love)

  --Madonna, Forbidden Love

  Elena settled into bed and took the laptop off the night stand, setting it on her lap. The sound of the shower and Matt’s off key voice singing drifted in from their en-suite bathroom. She listened for a moment and then a soft chuckle erupted in her throat. There was just something totally wrong about a man singing that Madonna song, ‘Poppa Don’t Preach’. He was probably still thinking of Walker having a girl over on the weekend. He was getting way ahead of himself on that one.

  She smiled and booted up the computer. Now that they were alone again, she was free to indulge her curiosity. Thank goodness for the internet. She could find everything there was to know about swingers. She typed in the search term ‘swinger sex’ and her head fell back against the head board at the number of hits that filled the screen. Videos? She clicked the link.

  Holy fuck! Her jaw dropped at the pictures of naked men and women, amateurs with video links for each one. This was really popular and really out there in Germany! She looked across the room at the closed bedroom door. The kids were in bed and they never came in without knocking. Still....She hit the volume icon and turned it down low. She didn’t need to hear that. Plus it was probably in a foreign language so who cared?

  Her finger shook a little as she hit the link opening the first video. It showed a group of six naked people, the women attractive and friendly with a few extra pounds, not fat, more like voluptuous. The guys were about the same, in their forties, some bald, some with a slight paunch but all with healthy sized cocks. It looked like they were in a hotel room or someone’s bedroom, all of them sharing a huge bed.

  Her eyes were wide watching one of the women, with long dark hair; sprawl out on her back, legs wide revealing a clean shaven pussy, the lips glistening darkly. Another fair haired woman appeared and knelt on the floor, placing her fingers on the supine woman and spreading her pussy apart. The camera angle changed so that it was a side view of the blonde’s head lowering and her tongue extending to lick the other woman’s clit. Two of the guys knelt next to them, their hands caressing the women’s breasts.

  At the warm tug in her pussy, Elena squeezed her legs together, giving in to the pleasure of her kegels tightening. The blonde woman inserted her fingers in the smooth puffy lips and thrust in and out, all the while lapping the brunette’s clit like a kitten at a bowl of cream. Oh fuck. Another tingle of pleasure filled her clit and she could feel herself becoming wet.

  Now, one of the men rose and knee walked closer to the brunette’s head, holding his thick shaft in his fist, offering it for the woman to suck. The woman smiled and propped up on one elbow and took him deep into her throat, the other woman still at her pussy, slurping and playing with the budlike clit with her tongue.

  Elena jumped when the bed next to her depressed and Matt slid in beside her.

  “Mmm...I was hoping you’d do this. It’s pretty hot, isn’t it?” He pushed the laptop to the side, so that it rested on one knee, while pulling her other knee towards him. He rolled over so that he was on his side, looking at the screen, his head at her elbow.

  Oh God. This was naughty—the two of them watching real people having sex at an orgy. She sighed and her eyes closed for a moment when his finger gently stroked her pussy, probing inside to tease her clit. He knew exactly the way she liked to be touched, rubbing the underside of her nub, sending jolts of lust through her.

  “Look at that woman’s tongue, licking that clit. It could almost be your clit, couldn’t it?” His whispered words, finger softly tormenting her nub, made her heart thud faster. He dipped his finger lower into the slippery wetness at her opening and returned to her hot spot once more. Faster and faster his finger vibrated her clit, sending fresh waves of lust through her cunt.

  All the while the blonde on the screen licked and sucked the woman under her with a vengeance, bobbing her head, her tongue flying. Elena’s leg spread wider apart and Matt shifted and ducked under the covers. The hotness of his tongue on her...finger fucking and stretching her wider...OH FUCK!

  The first shudder of ecstasy shot through her. Hips rocking up and down...her hand pushing the back of his head harder onto her pussy.... Another wave of
lust claimed her...eyes soft watching the two women... Her clit sucked into his mouth, tongue a whir...Oh God...She shuddered, her chest arching forward, caught in the throes of ecstasy.

  Her hand pushed at his forehead. It was too much...the sensation was starting to border on pain now.

  He moved to the side and his head appeared above the covers, his mouth slick and shiny from her juices. She gulped air, still panting to catch her breath. It had been so fast, so intense that it was surprising.

  She leaned over and kissed him, tasting the tingle of her orgasm on his tongue. She pulled back and looked into his eyes, a smile on her lips. “Now you.”

  Matt reached over and shut the laptop, setting it on the table beside her. He held her shoulder and shook his head. “No. Tomorrow, but not tonight. You’ve just about wore the skin off it.” He pulled her into his arms and they snuggled close.

  “That was nice. Think you could actually do that? Make out with a woman?” He rubbed her back, his voice a rumble against her cheek.

  She was silent for a few moments, still coming down from the high where she’d been. When he’d been eating her out, for a few seconds she’d imagined she was the woman in the video, another woman licking her. That thought had been so decadent, it had been the final straw in putting her over the edge. The orgasm had been fast and furious, claiming her body and soul. It would be hot to have a woman lick her clit and finger her, but could she do the same to another woman? It would probably be expected.

  “Yeah, if it were a woman doing it to me. I can see me fondling another woman’s boobs, touching her pussy but, going down on her? I’m not sure about that.”

  He hugged her tight and kissed the top of her head. “If it were Eva or Sophia? Maybe then?”


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