Christmas at Dove Creek

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Christmas at Dove Creek Page 20

by Scarlett Dunn

  “How do you think Ethan managed to keep his marriage from Isabelle? She must have known him a long time since he’d . . .” Thorpe started to say taken her to his bed, but he didn’t think that would be the best choice of words to say to a lady.

  “She didn’t know him that long. I’m afraid she was taken with his attentions and didn’t stop to consider that he wasn’t sincere in his affections. She isn’t the first woman to be swayed by a handsome face and sweet words.” There was no condemnation in her words. She had recently learned how easily one could be caught up in a tender moment. If Thorpe said sweet words to her before they kissed on Chimney Rock, she might have been tempted to be as reckless as Isabelle.

  Chapter Twenty

  “Oh my, Lily, you look beautiful,” Isabelle said when she walked into the room wearing a light blue dress. Isabelle had helped Lily with her hair earlier, arranging it on top of her head and she’d weaved a blue ribbon through her curls.

  “Thank you.” Lily wished she could look forward to the evening. When the captain invited them to dine at his table, she was excited sit down to a Thanksgiving meal. She looked forward to the opportunity for Thorpe to see her in a dress, and that was why she’d allowed Isabelle to play with her hair for an hour. She’d imagined Thorpe’s ex-fiancée was probably a beautiful woman, especially if she ran away with a duke. She doubted the woman wore pants, or rode a horse bareback, or shot guns. It wasn’t that she thought she could compete with Thorpe’s ex-fiancée, but she could at least show him she knew how to look like a lady. Instead of the night she’d dreamed of, the devastating news she would have to give Isabelle when they returned later tonight had placed a pall over the evening.

  Isabelle had noticed Lily was unusually quiet. Actually, she had been quiet since the day she and Thorpe came back from Chimney Rock. She’d asked several times if the two of them had had a disagreement, but Lily said everything was fine. After she’d awakened from her nap today, Lily told her the captain was checking on Ethan and when he knew something he’d let them know. After that brief conversation, Lily seemed preoccupied. “Are you ill? You’ve been very quiet.”

  “I’m fine. I guess I should have rested more.”

  “That Captain Anderson seems like a fine gentleman and handsome, too. His eyes are just about the same color blue as yours. And did you see that smile of his?”

  “He seems very nice.” Lily had noticed the captain’s beautiful smile. If not for her unresolved feelings for Thorpe Turlow, she might be inclined to pay more attention to the handsome captain.

  Though Lily hadn’t said as much, Isabelle suspected she was in love with Thorpe. But according to Stone, Thorpe wasn’t ready to marry. Isabelle thought Thorpe would change his mind quick enough if he thought another man was interested in Lily. Talking about Captain Anderson gave her a spark of inspiration. “You know Lily, Captain Anderson couldn’t take his eyes off you. I have a feeling Thorpe could be quite jealous of that man.”

  Lily turned to face her. “Why would Thorpe be jealous of the captain?”

  “The captain was obviously interested in you, and Thorpe had to notice the way he was staring at you. We all noticed.”

  Lily rolled her eyes at Isabelle. “The captain was simply being kind. Why should Thorpe care if a man looks at me?”

  “I don’t think Thorpe is as indifferent as he thinks when it comes to you. And that captain didn’t look at me the way he was looking at you while he was being kind,” Isabelle countered. “Lily, it’s none of my business, but if you have feelings for Thorpe, it wouldn’t hurt to do a little flirting with another man to see how he responds.”

  Before Lily could confirm or refute Isabelle’s suspicions, their conversation was interrupted by a knock on their door. When Lily opened the door, Sergeant Greene told her he’d been sent by Captain Anderson to escort them to dinner.

  * * *

  “Might I say it is a pleasure to have two such lovely ladies at our table this evening,” Captain Anderson said as he met them at the door and helped them with their coats.

  “Thank you for inviting us. Isabelle and I will enjoy sitting at a table as opposed to a campfire,” Lily said.

  “I trust my quarters are sufficient for your needs.”

  “Yes, and we thank you for your generosity.” Lily had a feeling that the other quarters would not have been as nice as the captain’s. It was generous of him to offer his accommodations to strangers.

  Captain Anderson led them into the parlor where Thorpe, Stone, and Jed were seated. Stone and Jed stood when the ladies walked into the room, but Thorpe was too stunned to move, much less speak. He simply sat there staring at Lily. She looked like some sort of princess in her blue dress with all of her blond hair on top of her head. He’d imagined her in a dress, but he never expected her to look so beautiful. Jed was right all along; she was an angel. His eyes landed on Lily’s hand resting on the captain’s arm. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Stone move toward Isabelle, and he remembered his manners and stood.

  “You ladies look beautiful,” Stone said.

  “As pretty as flowers in the springtime,” Jed added.

  Thorpe still didn’t speak; he simply stared at the captain as he took Lily’s hand in his and brought it to his lips. After he placed a kiss on the back of her hand, he said, “Much lovelier than any flower.” He spoke softly, but Thorpe heard him loud and clear.

  Lily noticed Thorpe hadn’t said a word. She’d longed to hear him say something about the change in her appearance, but he remained silent. Well, she was determined she wasn’t going to spend the evening fretting about his opinion, she had enough to think about having to tell Isabelle about Ethan tonight. She intended to ignore Thorpe and try to enjoy the dinner as best she could.

  “How are you feeling, Isabelle?” Stone asked.

  “Much better, thanks to the captain’s comfortable quarters. It was a real joy to sleep in a bed that wasn’t moving.”

  “It was my pleasure to be of service,” Captain Anderson said. Noting Isabelle was with child, Captain Anderson wanted to question why her husband wasn’t traveling with them, but he refrained from asking something so personal. The men had told him they were not related to the women, so he questioned why a woman in her condition was traveling with this group. For that matter, why was a beautiful woman like Lily traveling with them?

  Captain Anderson extended his arm to Lily and walked beside her to the dining room. Stone was chatting with Isabelle, and Thorpe and Jed followed behind them. The captain seated Lily next to his chair at the head of the table, so Thorpe quickly took the seat across from Lily.

  Although Thorpe was quiet, everyone else conversed pleasantly until Captain Anderson asked, “Isabelle, is your husband a soldier? Forgive me for asking, but I thought that must be the reason he is not traveling with you.”

  “Ah . . .” The question caught Isabelle off guard. She was tempted to blurt out the truth and ask the captain about Ethan. Fortunately, she wasn’t forced to respond when Stone intervened.

  Stone placed his hand on top of hers and gave it a gentle squeeze. “She is traveling with us to meet up with her love.”

  Lily hurriedly changed the subject. “Captain Anderson, how long have you been at this fort?”

  The captain knew they didn’t want to discuss Isabelle’s husband, and he was sharp enough to realize it had something to do with the soldier they had inquired about earlier. Ethan Horn. He remembered their surprise when he mentioned Ethan’s wife was at the fort. Isabelle wasn’t wearing a wedding band, and he had a suspicion Ethan Horn might be the father of two children. He responded to Lily’s question and avoided asking Isabelle more personal questions. He wasn’t as hesitant with Lily. He asked her many questions about her background and her plans.

  * * *

  The evening ended, and Thorpe had just about all he could take of Anderson usurping Lily’s time. “I’ll see you ladies to your room,” he said when they reached the door.

kind of you, but Captain Anderson has already offered,” Lily replied without an ounce of regret in her voice, yet her feelings were at odds with her words.

  “Fine,” Thorpe responded testily.

  They said their good nights and Thorpe walked away with Stone and Jed while the captain had a woman on each arm.

  When they reached the captain’s quarters, Isabelle said good-night and left Lily alone with Captain Anderson on the porch.

  “Thank you for your kindness, Captain Anderson,” Lily said.

  “Please call me Wallace. When will you folks be leaving?”

  Lily lowered her voice so she wouldn’t be overheard. “In the morning.”

  “Lily, I want to ask you something.”

  Hearing a serious tone in his voice, she looked up at him. “What?”

  “Were you involved with Ethan Horn?”

  “Heavens, no. I’ve never met the man.”

  His suspicions were confirmed. It was Isabelle who had an interest in Ethan Horn. “I have a feeling I know what is going on and why all of you really came here.”

  “Thorpe told me Ethan was killed,” Lily said.

  “I didn’t know Horn personally, but I did hear that his reputation with the ladies was legendary. Isabelle seems like a nice woman, and I want you to know that I regret her situation.”

  Lily was stunned that he’d been so perceptive figuring out Isabelle was the one looking for Ethan. She saw no reason to lie to him since he wasn’t judging Isabelle. “Isabelle is a wonderful person, and yes, I fear Ethan Horn took advantage of her. I am going to tell her tonight that he died, but not that he has a wife. I see no useful reason to reveal that information. We will be leaving in the morning to go to Thorpe’s ranch. Her baby is due by Christmas, and we’ve no time to waste. I want her to go on believing that Ethan would have married her.”

  “You could stay here,” he told her. “You would be safe.”

  “If we stayed, Isabelle would certainly find out the truth about Ethan. She’s been through enough.”

  Anderson couldn’t argue with that point, but he hated to see Lily leave. “How long will you be staying at Turlow’s ranch?” He didn’t think Lily was romantically involved with Turlow. She barely even looked at the man through dinner.

  “Until spring.” Lily knew she might have to wait until then to continue on with her journey to find her grandfather, and to make sure Isabelle was settled with the baby.

  “Do you plan on going back to Texas in the spring?”

  “No, I will go north and see if I can find my grandfather.”

  She’d mentioned during dinner that she was looking for her grandfather. “Why north?”

  “I’m not sure. I just have a feeling that is where I will find him.” It was difficult for her to explain to a stranger how she felt God’s guidance. Most people wouldn’t understand how God had placed the right people in her life at the right moment, or how she sometimes felt a spark of inspiration to go in a certain direction. She understood God was leading her, but others might question her thinking.

  “You didn’t tell me your grandfather’s name.”

  “His name is Ben Starr.”

  The captain stared at her. “Ben Starr?”


  “Well, you are on the right track.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Your grandfather was with us for a period of time. His language skills with the Indians proved invaluable. Last I heard he was headed north. I could make some inquiries if you like.”

  Lily’s heart started pounding. He was the first person she’d met in a long time that had seen her grandfather. “How long has it been since you’ve seen him?”

  “It’s been over a year. Your grandfather is an amazing man.” He’d been awed by Ben’s knowledge of the Indians and his resourcefulness. He was a man of uncanny mental processes. He also had a soft spot for the plight of the Indians, and he tried his best to have everyone work together.

  “Yes, he is amazing. There’s no one like him.” But then she thought of Thorpe. In his own way, he was every bit as amazing. She was so excited to know for sure her grandfather was alive and well just a year ago. The captain was another person God had placed in front of her at exactly the right moment.

  “I’ll make some inquires first thing in the morning. If I hear any news of his whereabouts, I will send a message to Turlow’s ranch.”

  “Thank you so much.” This trip had provided encouraging news for Lily, and poor Isabelle’s news couldn’t have been worse. Sometimes it was difficult to understand how life unfolded.

  He smiled at her. “It’s my pleasure to help you, Lily. My men and I will accompany your party until tomorrow night.”

  “I’m sure it’s not necessary for you to travel with us.” Lily was grateful to him, but she didn’t want to take him away from important business. He’d already done more than enough for them.

  He took her hand in his and looked into her eyes. “I want to, Lily.”

  Lily liked him; not only was he charming, but he was considerate and thoughtful. “Thank you for all of your help.”

  Removing his hat, Wallace lowered his head, fully intending to kiss her, but he heard someone walking up behind him. He straightened and turned around to see Turlow. “Ah, Mr. Turlow.”

  Thorpe felt as though he’d interrupted an intimate moment between them. He stopped and said, “I thought I would check on the animals.” He didn’t move.

  Anderson looked at Thorpe, waiting for him to move on. When Thorpe didn’t walk away, it turned into a staring contest between the two men.

  Lily’s gaze moved from the captain to Thorpe. She wasn’t sure what was happening, but the silence was making her uneasy. “Well, I need to go inside and talk to Isabelle.”

  Both men finally looked at her.

  She glanced at the captain and smiled. “Thank you again, Wallace.”

  So she was on a first-name basis with Anderson, Thorpe thought.

  “Good night, Lily. I’ll see you in the morning,” Anderson said.

  “We’ll leave at first light,” Thorpe said to Lily.

  Lily nodded, said good night, and walked inside and closed the door.

  The captain turned to Thorpe. “I’ll see you in the morning, Mr. Turlow. We’ll be escorting your party part of the way.”

  “That’s not necessary,” Thorpe said.

  “It is my pleasure,” the captain responded before he said good night and walked away.

  * * *

  Lily closed the door and shut her eyes. She tried to summon the courage to tell Isabelle about Ethan.

  Isabelle walked into the front room and saw Lily standing at the door. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. Isabelle, I need to talk to you. Let’s go sit down.”

  They walked to the parlor and Lily sat beside her on the settee. “Isabelle, I’m afraid I have very bad news for you.”

  “It’s about Ethan,” Isabelle said.

  Lily hadn’t expected that response, but she didn’t hesitate. “Yes, it is. I’m afraid he was killed in battle not long ago.”

  Isabelle’s eyes filled with tears. “I think I knew. I didn’t want to say, but I knew somehow this was never going to work out for me.”

  As her tears started to flow, Lily pulled her into her embrace as she cried. “I’m so sorry. I wish this didn’t happen.”

  “I don’t know what I will do. I can’t go home. How will I take care of this baby?”

  “Thorpe told us we are welcome at his ranch and we will leave in the morning,” Lily told her.

  Isabelle dried her eyes on her skirt and looked at Lily. “That is so generous of him, but what happens after this baby is born?”

  Lily tried to give her a reassuring smile. “We’ll work this out. You have friends, you are not alone, and Stone is going with us.” Lily thought if Isabelle knew Stone would be going with them it would make a difference.

  “Lily, you’re the best friend I’ve ever h
ad. What would become of me without you?”

  “We are all your friends and we are here to help you.”

  “So everyone knows about Ethan’s death?”

  “Yes. We thought you’d want to leave right away. If you can handle a few more days in the wagon, we will leave at first light for Thorpe’s ranch.” If Lily had doubts about telling her about Ethan’s wife, they quickly dissolved as Isabelle outlined all of her fears.

  “You’re right. It is best we leave. I will make it.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Lily ran into Captain Anderson when she walked outside carrying the four squirming puppies in a basket, with Blue and Spirit at her side. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning.” He picked up her valise by the doorway. “Is Isabelle ready?”

  “She left a little earlier to take her valise to the wagon. I think she needed some time alone.”

  “How did she take the news?”

  Lily heard Isabelle crying softly throughout the night. “It’s difficult for her. She needs time.”

  They started walking in the direction of the wagons. “We are ready to depart if your party is ready.”

  “Do you expect problems?” Lily asked.

  “We’ve had some trouble, but with us along I don’t expect anything to happen.” He’d struggled with the decision to accompany them. He told himself that the last wagon train had been attacked and he wanted to make sure something like that didn’t happen again. Of course, it wasn’t necessary for him to go along with his soldiers. He could easily dispatch some men to ride with them, but he wanted to go. He wasn’t ready to see Lily ride away. He was attracted to her and he wanted to spend more time with her. There were few available women in this part of the country and certainly few like Lily. It was more than her beautiful face that attracted him; she was a person of character. He glanced at the puppies she was carrying in the basket and reached in and pulled one out. “These little guys sure are cute.”


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