Electric series- Raven Investigations BoxSet

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Electric series- Raven Investigations BoxSet Page 65

by Stacey Brutger

  Raven studied her feet intently, more than a little uncomfortable. Wishing to change the subject, she said the first thing that came to mind. “Can that effect be triggered by a spell?”

  She wasn’t aware of the room quieting until Digger backed away, his brows scrunched down. “Explain.”

  “A witch cast a spell to bend me to her will, but the spell went wrong when it interacted with my magic, turning it into a curse, and I’m not sure I know how to break it.”

  Digger used his pointer finger to push up his glasses. “Witchcraft is not my area of expert—”

  “Only the original witch can banish the curse.” Luca piped up, scrambling the rest of the way down the stairs. “Otherwise you run the threat of the curse tripling back on you if you try to break it.”

  “That might be a problem.” She gave the kid a wry smile. “She’s dead.”

  A thoughtful look crossed his face, his mind churning behind his eyes. “I’ll need to do some research. What are the symptoms?”

  “The magic was to make me go into heat so I would claim Gavin.”

  The men went rigid, their growls echoing around the cement room. London glared at the poor man, his expression promising acute pain. Dina stepped between them. Though it appeared a stiff wind could blow the petite woman over, shifters were deceptively strong, and the hulking bear subsided.

  When the tinderbox of pack possessiveness didn’t ignite, Raven hurried to explain further. “My dragon sensed the danger and vanished. Without the dragon to filter and curb my powers, my magic rose…and the tainted magic returned. It was like a virus, waiting for the perfect time to strike. With the dragon gone and my magic merging with the tainted strain, I don’t know how to stop it.”

  “So you’re dealing with magic overload and mating heat.” Digger appeared fascinated, but refrained from asking more questions when she flinched away from him.

  “I don’t think it’s a curse.” Durant edged forward, and the ache intensified, as if eager for his touch. The fragrance of exotic flowers wafted around her, teasing her senses, and she gripped the edges of the exam table, the metal groaned, bending under her grip, and she was barely able to keep from launching herself at him. “Magic can’t induce mating heat.”

  Raven didn’t miss a beat. “But my magic kept it at bay.”

  “My guess is your beast is aware of what’s happening. She has no intention of halting the conversion of your magic, deliberately keeping herself tucked away until the transition is complete.”

  Raven was glad she was still sitting down when the strength went out of her. She suspected once the change was complete, there would be nothing to stop her beast from cresting…meaning she would shift into a freakin’ dragon and might never turn human again.

  “Come, let’s get you into the shower. You need to rest.” As if understanding she was overloaded both emotionally and physically, Durant gently prodded her to her feet and escorted her up the stairs.

  Chapter Seven

  Raven stripped out of her clothes and stood unmoving under the pounding shower spray. The men hovered like nervous hens in the other room, their murmurs muffled, and she was glad she couldn’t make out what they were saying thanks to the roaring of the water.

  After the past few months of constant changes, she was mentally and physically exhausted. First the shifters were after her, then the vampires and witches, then she had to deal with giving up her job with the police, not to mention being recaptured by the labs. If that wasn’t enough, now the humans and her very own beast were trying to finish the job.

  She wasn’t sure how much more she could take before she lost it.

  She’d survived and gained a pack, but not everyone was lucky enough to escape, and she worried who else she might lose before everyone finally learned to leave her and her pack in peace.

  No matter which way she turned, there was no escaping the fate barreling full speed toward her.

  Only when the room next door fell silent did awareness come back to her, and she reluctantly turned off the water.

  No more procrastinating.

  The guys had decided on the best way to handle her.

  Raven dressed quickly, her hand hovering over a pair of gloves, but she suspected gloves wouldn’t be able to stop, or even slow down, the changes that had begun to take place.

  Raking her fingers through her hair, she took a deep breath, grabbed the knob and entered the bedroom…to find all three men waiting for her.

  Jackson was stretched out on the couch, while Durant and Taggert were on the bed. None of them were moving, sharply reminding her that not one of them was even remotely human. Her heart gave a pathetic thump at being the center of their attention, and she was unable to take another step into the room.

  “Why don’t you tell us what happened after you were taken?” Durant spoke in a low rumble, his voice silky smooth, luring her to spill her deepest, darkest secrets.

  No doubt they wanted to know so when the month was up, they’d know just how brutally they needed to torture Gavin. Desperate to change the subject, she blurted out the first thing that popped into her head. “Where’s Rylan?”

  None of them seemed the least bit worried that he hadn’t returned.

  But her plan to delay backfired when Rylan stepped into the room from the balcony.

  “You’re stalling.” He sounded amused, but it was belied by the seriously pissed-off expression on his face. His sea blue eyes were glowing with power, his black hair perfectly in place, if a tad long. Despite the vicious battle he just fought against overwhelming odds, not a stitch of clothing was out of order. His whipcord-thin frame appeared bulkier, the power around him more intense, and she knew her blood had changed him again.

  He’d gone through hell in the labs. They starved him, ruthlessly drove him insane until he fell into the madness of bloodlust, and she thought she’d lost him. Instead the opposite had happened. Consuming her blood saved him, made him stronger and faster. She suddenly worried what additional powers might manifest, praying that he wouldn’t ultimately come to despise her for doing what she had to in order to save his life.

  Only a few days had passed since the last time he fed from her, and he looked healthier and more balanced than ever, despite the bloodlust. She wasn’t sure how it was possible. Very few survived and came back sane.

  “You didn’t have any trouble with the others?” She watched him closely, remembering how he took such pleasure in tearing men limb from limb while he and Raven fought to escape the labs, but he appeared in complete control of himself.

  “Of course not.” A smiled kicked up the corner of his mouth, and her breath caught, his spicy scent luring her closer. “They’ve been handled. Jamie and his men have scrubbed the area clean.”

  He scanned her from head to toe, noting her injuries, everything human in him vanishing. He came toward her, reached out as if to shake her, and she couldn’t have been more surprised when he gathered her close into a gentle hug. “No rest for the wicked, huh? What mess did you find this time?”

  “Hey.” She snorted a laugh and poked him in the side, not surprised when his muscles didn’t give. “This one found me. I was an innocent bystander.”

  “Mmmm-hmmm.” His hum of agreement was sarcastic, and she pulled away from his warmth.

  She brushed the side of his face with the back of her hand. He quickly caught her hand but didn’t push her away.

  “You’re warm.” Warmer than a normal vampire, even if he had just fed.

  If she concentrated hard enough, she could hear his heartbeat—the rhythm matched her own. “Rylan?”

  Vampires usually had a slow metabolism, including a heart that beat only a few times per minute, their systems altered so they could survive on a sip of blood a day. Worry churned in her gut, but he only tugged on the ends of her hair. “I’m fine.”

  She narrowed her eyes, crossed her arms and waited.

  “I’ve even had a steak for the first time in centuries.”

>   Her mouth fell open, astonishment wiping her mind of thoughts. Vampires never ate food. It was poison to their system, and after prolonged exposure it would weaken them to the point of real death. “What?”

  His eyes softened, shining with pure pleasure. “Blood hits my system like wine. I’m not sure how much I need to survive, but…”

  “You’re turning human.” Horror slammed into her so hard it nearly knocked her off her feet. She frantically scanned his form again, cursing herself for leaving him with a group of hit men, but she couldn’t find a scratch on him.

  Rylan’s smile only grew, his happiness so bright it was almost painful. “No, I think I’m evolving into what will eventually happen if a vampire lives long enough to age. I look and feel human, I can eat and walk in the sun, but I have retained all my vampire abilities.”

  “The ultimate predator, with all the abilities and none of the drawbacks,” she murmured, hesitantly reaching out to touch his chest, startled once again to feel his heart racing. “If people discover—”

  “Doc is running tests. When my blood is mixed with another vampire’s, it destroys their cells.”

  “So even if they discover the truth, they can’t use you to create another super vampire.” Her relief was so great, she leaned against him for support. The only one who would be in danger if the truth came out was her, and she could live with that.

  As if reading her thoughts, Rylan stiffened. “I’m strong enough to protect you now.”

  If only.

  She was afraid it was much too late for that.

  “Tell me what happened to you after you were taken.” His demeanor changed with his demand, but his vampire wiles didn’t work on her, and he knew it.

  Raven tried to back away, but his arms tightened around her, and she knew the bastard wouldn’t release her without getting answers.

  “I believe Gavin meant to take me somewhere safe, but the people he trusted turned on him. When I woke up, we were locked in cages with spells carved into the walls to prevent our escape. A spell to lower inhibitions. They would force shifters to mate, then separate them. If they didn’t obey orders, their mate suffered.”

  “Where?” Rylan hissed, his blue eyes dilating with so much rage they shaded black.

  “She’s dead. Both of them.” But her assurances didn’t seem to have any effect on him.


  Heaving a sigh, she finally managed to wiggle free of his hold. “Beneath the subway.”

  When he turned away, she grabbed his arm, waiting for him to look down at her. “Take Nicholas with you, okay? There are a lot of shifters in those tunnels. I would feel better if you brought backup.”

  He looked amused, but relented and patted her hand. “Of course.”

  Magic rose, tiny purple sparks shimmering in the air, and she jerked away so fast she stumbled over her own feet.

  Wild magic consumed regular magic, and every paranormal creature had a spark of magic that allowed them to shift or, in the case of vampires, allowed them to remain alive. The infection wanted to spread and consume, craving more and more magic.

  Most of those infected ended up burning out on magic, turning into a dried husk of their former selves and driven insane. Instead of dying, the magic user would become a walking zombie, their only mission to bite and infect as many others as possible to spread the disease.

  Flashes of being chased by juicy zombies still haunted her. Pain didn’t slow them down, only cutting off their heads had any effect.

  And she had brought this danger back to her pack.

  She backed into something solid, startling a little scream out of her. Before she could jerk away, strong arms locked her in place.

  Magic continued to hum under her skin, and terror licked away the last bit of rational thought as she struggled to break free.

  “Stop.” A hard shake and the strong scent of leather jerked her out of her blind panic. “Stop running.”

  “You don’t understand.”

  “You’re afraid.” Durant tucked his head next to hers, whispering in her ear. “What’s the worst that would happen if you accepted your powers?”

  “Heloise said the old court went insane with the power.” Raven held rigid, trying to keep her body from touching his.

  “History is written by the victors.” Rylan sauntered toward her, concern changing his eyes back to the hypnotic blue. “Did it never occur to you that she might be lying?”

  Actually, no.

  She suddenly felt foolish, and the panic retreated even further.

  “Why would your magic want to kill you? Keeping you alive is in its best interest.” Rylan reached out without hesitation, and she couldn’t stop her flinch. “Did you ever wonder if, instead of spreading the infection, the magic was searching for the perfect host?”


  “You.” His fingers brushed along her jaw, and she couldn’t stop herself from leaning into him.

  A tiny strand of magic coiled around his hand. She fought to retreat, call it back, but she was unable to break free, not if she wanted to avoid hurting them.

  She watched while the magic was absorbed into Rylan’s body, and he grunted as if he’d been drop-kicked. Pain twisted his face, but instead of crumpling to his knees, hunger darkened his eyes, and his mouth slammed down over hers.

  He wasn’t gentle or kind, his mouth bruising as he took what he wanted, and she found herself sandwiched between two hard bodies. A shiver that had nothing to do with fear went through her, the taste of spice sharpening, leaving her craving more.

  A groan rumbled at her back, and Durant’s hands slid down to roam over her curves, leaving her body on fire. She arched into his touch, causing both men to groan, and she felt Durant’s mouth brush against her neck, the nip of his sharp fangs turning her body to mush.

  Rylan gentled his kiss, his hands gripping her hair tight, and she wasn’t sure if he was holding her close or trying to keep himself from devouring her.

  She didn’t care.

  For the first time since she met him, things clicked into place. Neither of them were letting their fear get the best of them anymore. She was pissed that they waited so long, but she couldn’t help wondering if she and Rylan simply hadn’t been ready for each other until now. Maybe if they had given into their hunger earlier, they would have consumed each other.

  Lightheaded at the taste of him, she moaned, and Rylan reluctantly lifted his head, her lust not in the least appeased by his teasing kiss. Durant gave one last nip, his hands secured on her hips, and she was suddenly conscious of their arousals.

  When Rylan staggered away from her like he was drunk, Raven sagged back against Durant, thankful for his support, panting as she struggled to get her breath back. “What the hell was that?”

  Rylan looked wild and primitive as he raked his gaze over her, the hunger in him unsated. “The only way your magic will kill us is through unrequited lust. Heloise lied.”

  Raven was unfazed by his snarl, her brain only working in fits and starts. “But why?”

  “Power.” She felt more than heard Durant speak. “Fear.”

  “She said wild magic destroyed the ancients.” Raven shook her head. “That wild magic corrupts.”

  “More likely the witches craved power.” Jackson strode into view as he paced back and forth. “While the magic consumed some of them, it transformed others, triggering their dormant genes—”

  “And they became monsters.”

  “No, little queen, not monsters.” Taggert was on the other side of her, and she felt surrounded by solid muscles. “They became royalty. Those who were jealous of the power decided wild magic was unstable and needed to be destroyed…along with everyone who wielded it.”

  Jackson grunted in agreement. “The witches went from ruling themselves to having a more powerful being in charge of them.”

  “They would’ve hated that.” Durant mused, his fingers absently brushing at the gap between her shirt and pants, triggering goo
sebumps from head to toe. “Your Heloise forgot to mention that important fact.”

  “A war broke out.” Rylan licked his lips, his eyes on her mouth, as if longing to steal another taste. “Ancient magic was new, volatile, and capricious.”

  “The rest of the witches were scared of what would happen when they grew into their power.” Taggert shrugged, as if he didn’t understand their concern. He relished his new status.

  Raven wished she could believe them, but history told a totally different story. “Wild magic didn’t kill the ancients?”

  “No, everyone else did.” Durant spoke softly, saying the words she’d been afraid to even think, much less say out loud.

  “It wasn’t a war, it was an extermination. Fearing retaliation, they had to make sure they eradicated everyone who was infected.” Disgust curdled in her gut, unable to understand the lengths people would go for power. “But some must have escaped, bound their powers, and gone into hiding.”

  “And you brought it all back,” Jackson said. “I suspect you’re a direct descendent of their bloodlines. I believe for your dragon to emerge, you need this ancient magic, or you will never crest.”

  “So why didn’t they kill me outright when they had the chance?” She couldn’t get over the suspicion that they were playing a deeper game, one she was unaware of.

  “War.” Rylan’s stark tone echoed in the room.

  “Unrest is sweeping through the paranormal community.” Durant’s wandering fingers at her waist stilled. “The humans are becoming more and more unhappy about the power divide. They feel helpless and can no longer suppress their fears.”

  And Durant would know. His nightclub Talons was a popular spot for the supernatural community. He had his fingers on the pulse of the rumors.

  “I’m their ace in the hole,” she said suddenly. “They’re leaving me alive, hoping that if war breaks out, I’ll be able to save them.”

  “The real question is how long they will tolerate our presence.” Rylan was grim. “Sooner or later they’ll want us eliminated.”


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