You're All I Think About_Second Chance Romance

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You're All I Think About_Second Chance Romance Page 21

by Scarlett Avery

  "Oh, yeah. Sorry, mate, I forgot. I have a lot on the go."

  "No problem. I can relate.”

  "I represent the record company’s artists in the UK and Europe."

  "I saw the news."


  "The boy’s knee-deep in shit."

  "Yes, he is. We have three days to find a way to get him off the hook or else he'll be transferred to a jail. Not that being incarcerated can ever be compared to a trip to Disneyland, but in Greece, it's particularly bad."

  "You've been there for me more times than I can count, Barrett. The case with Cordelia Slayer could’ve turned ugly—"

  "I won't argue with you there."

  "It's my turn to return the favor."

  "What do you mean, Ricker?"

  "I have a very good friend of mine—a US Governor—well, at the time, he was still campaigning. We went to high school together. He's walked in Jason's shoes. Literally."

  "I don't understand. What are you saying?"

  "For privacy reasons, I won't reveal my friend’s name—”

  "Of course."

  "Let's just say that my friend didn't know everything there was to know when he hooked up with Bibi."

  "So, your friend went out looking for an escort?" I ask cautiously.

  "Not quite."

  "You’ve lost me."

  "There's so much you need to know about Bibi."


  "Really. There’s such a shadow of deception around this person," Ricker says.

  "You think? Giant tits and a giant cock?" I sneer.

  "There's far more."

  I remain silent for a beat.

  "Information that can help my case?"

  "Your case might be the tip of the iceberg in something much bigger."

  "You definitely have my attention now."

  "This shit I have to share with you will fucking blow your mind. I know it did mine when my friend confessed."

  There goes my laid-back Sunday.



  When I woke up at seven-thirty this morning, I was hoping it was going to be my first day of rest since I got to Athens, and that finally I’d be able to enjoy some sun.

  Was I ever wrong.

  When I stepped out of the bedroom, Barrett was in a heated conversation with his best friend Tyler. I was ready to bolt out of there, but he read my mind. He put his friend on hold and approached me with his eyes locked onto mine. His simmering gaze was enough to freeze me in place. He placed his strong hands on my shoulders—the touch alone had me turned on like a light switch—and said, "Don't escape. Stay, butterfly. Please.”

  And I did.

  What can I say? I wanted him to fuck me again. Okay, okay. I'm talking bullshit. I really did want to spend more time with him.

  To give him some space, I made my way to the deck to enjoy the morning breeze. Once he got off his call, Barrett joined me with two lattes. Luckily, the call with Tyler ended on a positive note. Apparently, there was a major breakthrough in whatever it is he's dealing with. I didn't want to come across as being too nosy, so I didn’t ask too many questions. Since Barrett wasn't sporting the usual frown that creases his brow when he’s dealing with the nasty people related to him, why rock the boat?

  I thought we'd be able to enjoy a leisurely Sunday, but Barrett crushed my hopes when he shared the shocking conversation he had with his client Ricker Stevens.

  Before I even got up, Barrett had already called Christos and made plans to meet him and his team at their office. I was a bit disappointed that he’d be locked up in a conference room all day, but I figured I’d find a way to occupy myself. Well, that was before I checked my phone and realized to my dismay that more quotes from the misguided teenager had leaked to the press. How the hell did that happen? I'm still scratching my head about that. Needless to say, I raced in a panic to the precinct so that I could put a muzzle on Jason.

  After an entire day spent trying to tame a whiny petulant pop star and doing damage control with the client, I drag my tired ass back to the hotel.

  As I step into the lobby, Despina, the clerk who took care of booking me in when I arrived on Thursday, beckons for my attention.

  “Oh, Miss Wentworth,” she shouts with a hand wave as I crawl towards the lifts.


  "There's a package for you," she says.

  "Oh, okay," I say, walking towards her desk.

  "If you'll give me a minute, I'll fetch it."

  “That would be lovely. Thank you.”

  She's back in a flash.

  "Mr. Ascott wanted me to personally hand-deliver this to you," Despina says, handing me a small shopping bag.

  He came back to the hotel?

  "He called to let me know to expect a package for you so that I’d be on the lookout."

  That explains it.

  "Well, thank you so much for that," I say, taking the shopping bag from her.

  "Forgive me for being forward, but considering it's a Sunday, you look like you’ve had a hectic day," Despina comments.

  "You have no idea," I shake my head.

  "If you'd like, I can certainly make reservations at the spa. Sometimes a few hours of rest and restoration is all a girl needs," she winks.

  "That's so sweet of you, Despina. Let me go up to my room and I can decide. I can ring you later, right?"

  Barrett suggested dinner tonight before he left for Christos’ office. Given what he's dealing with, those plans might have gone by the wastebasket. I might end up taking Despina up on her offer after all, but I should check with him first.

  "Absolutely, Miss Wentworth. If you change your mind, just ring me and I'll make the necessary arrangements."

  “Thank you so much."

  "It's my pleasure. Have a great evening."

  "The same to you."

  I head to the lift and ride in a crowded car all the way up to the ninth floor. When I get to my room, I drop my handbag, laptop, and Barrett's gift on the desk before plopping my exhausted body on the bed with my arms and legs extended starfish-style. I don't even bother getting undressed or removing my heels. I have no energy for that.

  "Thank you so much, Jason Belvedere for being a complete idiot who’s incapable of using his head—well, the right head that is," I growl. I close my eyes and let out a long exasperated sigh.

  Before long, I start drifting when my phone chimes letting me know that I’ve received a text message. I'm very tempted to ignore it, but since we're talking about Jason-fucking-Belvedere here, I figure I should at least find out if it's something that will require my immediate attention. I roll off the bed and rush towards the desk. I rummage through my Gucci GG Marmont bag. Yeah, Barrett thought of everything. When my hand clasps around my iPhone, I pull it out. The second I read the first word, my mouth breaks into this huge smile.

  Kitten — are you back at the hotel?


  I am.


  We’re still on for tonight?



  Don't ask me why I’m this giddy, but I am.


  I'll stay a little longer at Christos’ office and meet you at the restaurant. I made reservations at Aleria restaurant. Your chauffeur should find it easily.


  That sounds good.


  Christos swears the food there is prepared by gods.


  That's funny.


  Greeks. They get so bloody passionate about food. Did you receive my gift?


  I did. When in the world did you find time to go shopping?


  A determined man can make anything happen.


  That's very mysterious.


  Did you open it?

  Note how he ignores my comment.


  Not yet.


  What are you waiting for, woman?


  I just got here, and I needed a bit of a respite.


  Long day?


  No longer than yours.


  In that case, you should like my gift. A lot.


  Should I be worried?


  Have I ever steered you in the wrong direction?


  Not that I can recall.


  In that case you have nothing to worry about.


  For some reason, I don't believe a word you just said.


  BTW, there's a set of instructions in the bag.


  What do you mean?


  Once you open the bag, it's pretty self-explanatory.


  Okay, now I'm worried.


  Don't be, kitten. Just make sure to wear it tonight.


  My gift is wearable?


  Wearable and enjoyable.


  This sounds promising.


  In more ways than one. I have to go. I'll see you in an hour.


  See you soon.

  Now, I’m really curious.

  I drop my phone back inside my handbag and grab the gift bag. I peek inside hoping I can see past the tissue paper before shaking it.

  Hmmm, it rattles.

  Excited, I pull the tissue paper out and toss it over my shoulder. I stick my hand inside the bag and feel two different types of texture—something soft that feels like lace, and another object that has a very strange shape.

  Obviously, I go for the enigma first.

  I pull out a smooth hot-pink C-shaped object.

  "What the hell?" I mutter.

  Curiosity has gotten the better of me.

  I drop the bag and the little object on the desk and search for Barrett's note.


  I thought we'd have a little fun tonight. Just in case you haven't guessed yet, it's a toy. The larger rounded part should be inserted inside your warm pussy. The other end rests against your clit. I bought you a pair of black lace briefs because a G-string or a thong won't do. Just knowing you’ll be wearing these already has me hard. Between you and I, my cock is already leaking. One last thing, don't you dare do an Internet search. I'll tell you everything you need to know when I see you.

  Sincerely, Barrett.




  I step onto the pavement and wave my chauffeur goodbye. I stroll as elegantly as possible in my five-inch stiletto black heels towards the restaurant. For good measure, I stop for a quick second in front of the window. I give myself one last look over before going inside to meet the man who gave me so many orgasms last night that it left my voice hoarse.

  "I hate how he always nails it," I mutter as my eyes rake the length of my body in admiration of yet another impeccable outfit selected by Mr. Barrett Ascott.

  When I'm done with my inspection, I take a deep breath and I walk inside the restaurant. It makes absolutely no sense for me to be this nervous, but when Barrett is this secretive, it’s because he intends on rocking my world. Don't get me wrong, I'm not opposed to it. On the contrary. I just hope I can survive. A little fun in Barrett’s world means debased wantonness.

  “Good evening and welcome to Aleria, madame. My name is Spiro and I’m your maître d’hôtel. You have a reservation?"

  "My name is Charlotte Wentworth. The reservation is under Ascott."

  "Ah. Of course. Mr. Ascott is a good friend of one of our most loyal patrons. Please rest assured that you will be treated like royalty tonight."

  "I can't wait," I say. "I also hear that the food is absolutely amazing."

  "We like to say that it's perhaps the best meal you’ll ever be able to enjoy on earth. Better than that, and you're at heaven's gate," Spiro laughs.

  "Well, now you've definitely whet my appetite," I smile. "Oh, I forgot to mention that Mr. Ascott texted me on my way here to let me know he's running a little late."

  "Yes. He did call us as well. We’re fully aware of it. That said, your table is ready—it’s one of the best in the house. I can have your waiter walk you to it, if you'd like. Obviously, you're more than welcome to wait inside the lounge area."

  "I'm sure Mr. Ascott should be here any minute. I'll wait for him at the table," I say.

  "Very well, madame." Spiro smiles.

  * * *

  Aleria is packed. Not surprising for Sunday night in Athens. Since our table is located at the very back of the restaurant, I have a vantage point. I can shamelessly do some people-watching while I wait for Barrett to arrive. Everywhere I look, smartly dressed upscale patrons are chatting animatedly and enjoying their meals. The atmosphere is electrifying. Everything about this restaurant screams five-star—from the irreproachable service, to mouthwatering menu selections, to the first-rate wine list. In other words, this is the perfect finish to a nightmarish day.

  As I soak in the intricate and elegant décor, my phone chimes. It's a text from Barrett.

  I'm just walking in now.




  I barely have time to drop my phone back on the table than I see him walking towards me. Scratch that. I mean striding towards me with the supreme confidence of a man who knows he has the Midas touch. He stands a good four inches taller than our waiter Nicos. When he sees me, he rewards me with a dazzling smile. Like a fool, I return it. Those green eyes are sparkling like crazy.

  He’s so incredibly handsome.

  I sometimes wonder if I feel this way about him because I've known him for so long and he pretty much ruined it for me at the tender age of fifteen, but it's instances like these that I can truly appreciate how good God has been to this man. Barrett is the epitome of masculinity and sexuality. Even in his well-cut suit, it's impossible to remain oblivious to the definition of the contours of his warrior-like physique. He's adorned in a gorgeous gray suit with a crisp white shirt. No tie – a rarity for him. Of course, he wears this more laid-back look as well as he does his trademark formal one.

  It takes me a few seconds to realize that every single person in this restaurant has their eyes riveted on this debonair man. Why wouldn't they? Everything about him demands your undivided attention. The man oozes strength, power, dominance and, of course, cockiness. Yeah, he's all that. And once, he was all mine.

  It's also when I blink away from his intense gaze that I notice that although the room is littered with stunning women, he only has eyes for me.

  It’s a little surreal after all these years.

  "Thank you, Nicos," Barrett says when he reaches the table.

  "It's my pleasure, sir. Should I give you a little time before coming back for your drink orders?"

  Barrett turns his attention to me and raises his eyebrows.

  I pick up on his silent question.

  "Yes. A few minutes would be lovely."

  "What the lady said."

  "Very well, sir. Madam."

  "I'll call you when we’re ready," he tells Nicos. When the waiter moves to another table, Barrett turns to face me. "Charlotte." Before I even have time to answer, his hand is already extended.

  "Barrett," I say placing my hand in his.

  Without so much as a warning, he yanks my body off the chair and slams it against his.

  “Ha," I gasp at the contact.

  "I've missed you today, kitten," he whispers in my ear.

  I clear my throat. "I wish Jason Belvedere would stop interfering with our vacation. Oh, silly me. This isn’t a vacation. It isn't even a work vacation. It's all work, work, work," I mock.

  Barrett pulls slightly away from me. He frowns seemingly surpr
ised before exploding in laughter.

  "Your sense of humor is absolutely irresistible."

  "After a day like today, humor is the only remedy," I quip.

  "Touché. You look sensational by the way," he says before dropping a soft kiss against my cheek. "You wear this dress very well. You do it justice, kitten. That goes double for the sandals."

  For tonight, I selected a black dress with short sleeves that hits me at the knees. The fabric is sheer, but it’s embroidered with flowers in an array of colorful hues. The lining keeps everything demure and proper. All in all, it’s feminine and very pretty. I’ve cinched it at the waist with a black Gucci belt that matches my small handbag. The shoes are a little edgy. I selected a pair of high-heeled crystal-embellished Sergio Rossi black sandals.

  "Thank you for the compliment," I say shyly. "Honestly, I can't believe I'm letting you do this."

  "Do what?"

  "Dress me. I've barely been able to put a dent into the clothing allowance Groove Renegade gave me."


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