You're All I Think About_Second Chance Romance

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You're All I Think About_Second Chance Romance Page 41

by Scarlett Avery

  “Yes!” He waves his little fist in the air.

  "Spoken like a true Ascott." I hug him hard.

  Little hands tug at my jeans.

  I look down at my niece’s smiling face. Her huge blue eyes are so eager.

  "Hey, sweetheart," I say, patting Stella’s head.

  “Hey, Uncle Barrett. When can we play with the baby?" she asks.

  "Stella, honey, remember Mummy said that babies are fragile. You won't be able to play with him for a while." Julianne says.

  "Oh." Stella knits her hands together and looks down.

  "Play me," Aiden chimes in, beating his closed fist against his chest like Tarzan.

  The three of us laugh.

  Aiden giggles.

  “Is it a boy or a girl?” Stella asks.

  “What do you think?”

  “I don’t know. I told Aiden it’s a girl because I want a sister,” she says.

  I turn my attention to my son. “What do you want, mate? A little sister or brother?”

  Aiden squints his green eyes and thinks hard for a few seconds. “Hmmm. Sista. Brotha,” he finally says.

  I laugh. “Well, we’re going to have to talk to Mum about the sister, but for now you have a baby brother.”

  “Yeah!” Aiden cheers.

  “A boy?” Stella’s eyes grow wide.

  I nod. “He’s so beautiful and he’s perfect,” I smile.

  “Oh, no,” Stella sulks. Did I miss something? She turns to her mum. “You have to have a girl,” she tells her. "I want to be a big sister."

  She looks so afflicted. Wounded even.

  “It just has to be a girl, Mommy."

  After Stella’s birth, Kenner and Julianne tried, and tried, and tried for another baby. Nothing worked. Not even a second visit to the fertility spa in Corsica, France. Julianne thought that maybe now that she was advancing in age, her chances were slim. Kenner disagreed. He felt she was putting too much pressure on herself. Then three months ago, out of the blue, Julianne started feeling ill first thing in the morning when she got out of bed. It took her a week before she decided to go to the doctor. The next thing she knows, she’s pregnant. They were thrilled.

  "Stella honey, Mummy and Daddy are keeping whatever God gives us. Mummy has waited way too long for this baby to return it,” Julianne says.

  "But, you can ask God for a girl if it's a boy. I'm sure He’ll understand."

  I crack up.

  Stella is so serious about this.

  “We’re not returning the baby. End of story.” Julianne waves a motherly finger at her daughter.


  “No, buts, young lady.”

  “Not fair.” Stella stomps her feet.

  “Honey, regardless if it's a boy or girl, you'll be a fantastic big sister and your little brother or sister will always look up to you. You’ll be a star in their eyes. Always," Kenner says.


  “Really. Why do you think I admire my big brother Liam so much?”

  That does it.

  Stella beams with pride.

  "Okay," she says. "Uncle Barrett, can Aiden and I go play with Roselyn?"

  I turn around to the nursemaid and nod at her.

  She nods back.

  "Okay, but don't go too far. I want to take Aiden in to see his mum and his new brother soon."

  "Okay," she says.

  "Is that clear, Stella?" Julianne asks.

  "Yes, Mommy.”


  "Come on, Aiden, let's go play."

  "Love you," Aiden says before wiggling out of my arms.

  "Love you too, mate.”

  “Bye,” he waves.

  “Careful, mate. Don’t run too fast.”

  And of course, he does the opposite of what I just said.

  With a huge smile stretching across my face, I watch my son sprint off behind his cousin.

  "Did you call your parents?" I ask, turning my attention back to Julianne.

  She nods. "Mum and Dad are on their way from London. Veronica and Leland aren't far behind. They left little Noelle with his parents. They should all be here shortly."

  "Thank you," I tell her.

  “Mum can’t believe Charlie’s waters broke in America.”

  “Neither can I. We weren’t due for another three weeks.”

  "I think it's all the sun," Julianne smiles.

  “One baby conceived in Monterey and born in London. Another conceived in London and born in Monterey," Kenner points out. “Nice score, mate,” he chuckles.

  "I know," I shake my head. "It seems we just can't get enough of California."

  "What are your plans for baby number three?" Kenner laughs.

  "Don't let your sister-in-law hear you talk about another baby. She’ll kill you and then she’ll kill me," I chuckle.

  "He's right." Julianne swats her husband's arm.

  "Were you able to reach my mum?” I ask Julianne.

  I tried to call her as we were rushing to the hospital, but I wasn't able to get to her. Mum’s career as a model is still on fire. She's in South America right now wrapping up a photo shoot.

  “Yes. She's fully aware that she has another grandchild. Of course, she's thrilled and can't wait to meet the baby. Her husband fired up the private jet from London to pick her up in Brazil. They should be in California by tomorrow."

  "Good. I can't thank you enough, Julianne."

  "Please,” she waves.

  “What about Amelia?" I ask. “Will she be able to make it?”

  "She said baby number three is doing quite a number on her body. Even with the luxury and comfort of a private jet, she doubts she'll be able to sustain the flight. She’ll just wait for you guys to get back to London to meet the baby and hug the mother."

  A lot has happened in five years.

  Charlotte and I moved into my house. I had bought the expansive home knowing that one day she’d be my wife and we’d have family. We put her penthouse up for rental. It's located in such a coveted neighborhood in London, it would be a shame to give it up.

  We got married four years ago in a lavish ceremony in London. She was as radiant as a queen that day. Once again, when she walked down the aisle, she stole my heart for the nth time. The ceremony was wild. We partied for what seemed like two days straight. For our honeymoon, there was only one place to go—a yacht trip along France’s Mediterranean coastline. Our starting point was Monaco. Of course.

  On our wedding day, London's who’s who was understandably on the guest list. That said, Mum nearly usurped the attention on my big day. Six months before I became a married man, she announced that she had a new man in her life. She assured me that he was age-appropriate. I was secretly grateful. She also mentioned that her new boyfriend was well respected, an influential force, incredibly wealthy—so he wasn’t after her money, exceedingly successful and he had children and grandchildren of his own. She also said he was dashing and he had a big heart. I was pleased. This mystery guy was her first time dating since my father had passed. There wasn't much I could say. She’s a beautiful and vibrant woman. Why shouldn’t she be allowed to start over with the right man and find happiness again?

  Mum looked so content, I didn't push things. I figured I'd meet the chap when the time was right. Imagine my surprise, when she waltzes in at my wedding hanging from Lord Victor Cavendish's arm—aka Britain's former Prime Minister.

  Two years ago, Victor proposed and Mum said yes. They got married six months later. It was a big thing. In fact, the press buzzed about it as much as a royal wedding. They couldn’t stop smiling at each other. This time around it’s different from their first marriages, but it’s still very real. Victor is totally in love. So is Mum.

  The happy couple splits their time between their homes in London and Lord Cavendish's house in Surrey. Whenever he can, Victor travels with Mum on her photoshoots.

  Before the wedding, Victor invited me to his house and told me that he insisted that Mum keeps my
father's name. He said it was the connection to my father’s grandkids. So just like that, a little girl born in Zagreb, Croatia grew up to become Lady Korina Sanja Mišura Ascott Cavendish.

  When they aren’t working, Mum and Victor take their role as grandparents very seriously. Bless them.

  Tyler still hasn't found the one, but he's in no rush. Things fizzled with Ava when she started pressuring him to get married after I announced my engagement.

  Amelia is still living a charmed life. Splitting her time between London and America. Her company is still growing in leaps and bounds. She manages most of the operations from home so she can keep an eye on her kids. As you already know, she’s expecting her third child—another son. She feels incredibly outnumbered, but she loves all of her boys.

  Terry and Derek bought a house together three years ago and they’re still going strong.

  Charlotte’s PR company is still one the most illustrious ones in the city. She worked right up till the point she had to deliver Aiden. She’s still very much involved with the business, but she only goes into the office a couple times a week. Terry took on the brunt of the responsibilities. Even with a nursemaid, Charlotte is determined to be a hands-on mum.

  The evil Ascotts are still rotting in jail. Thank God. Newton, Marlon and Toby are also enjoying life in the slammer. With the courts cases behind me, the last four years of my life have been drama-free.

  I'm very grateful for that.

  It's one thing for a man to protect his wife at all cost and be willing to give up his life for her, it's a whole other thing when a baby comes into the picture.

  Aiden's birth, two years ago, changed our lives for the better. Seeing our firstborn in Charlotte’s arms after he came into this world made me realize that it was possible to love that woman even more then I already did. We've lived a dream life together in London. Today, my blessings multiply with the arrival of my second son. I have no doubt when I bring Aiden to see Charlotte, the visual of seeing my beautiful wife and my two sons will move me to tears.

  I'm a very lucky man.

  And They Lived Happily Ever After!

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  Thank you to my family and friends who have been so supportive in helping make my dreams come true.

  To my fans and readers, I want to thank you for your emails, messages and testimonials. They mean the world to me. Your encouragement keeps me going every single day. I absolutely loved writing this story and I sincerely hope you enjoyed it.

  I’m so incredibly grateful to my small, but mighty team. My incredible assistant China is kick ass and I consider myself lucky to have found her. My long-time cover designer, Ilian, is truly talented. I’m always in awe by how well he translates my notes into a visual masterpiece.

  A huge thank you to Jamie. You know why, girl.

  There are no words to thank my editor (and writing coach), John Hudspith. He’s transformed my thinking, my writing and the way I approach everything. His encouragement means everything. He has a way of digging out the best from the drafts I send him. Editing used to be my least favourite thing, but now I look forward to it because I know it’s another way for me to deliver an incredible story to my beloved readers.

  A huge thanks to sexy Aussie Ali. You’re a stellar proofreader. There are a lot of words in my books. I keep trying to write short-reads, but I never do. Thanks so much for catching all the mistakes the editor and I missed. You have some mad skills.

  Last and certainly no least, I want to thank all the bloggers, reviewers and romance Facebook groups who helped me get the word out about this book. Without you, this naughty story would remain lost somewhere on Amazon.


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  Dirty British Romance Series

  Romance #1: Deliciously British (Serial of 4 parts)

  Romance #2: Bad Boy SEALs (Standalone)

  Romance #3: You're All I Think About


  Romance #4: Standalone Coming Soon

  Romance #5: Standalone Coming Soon

  Romance #6: Standalone Coming Soon

  Romance #7: Standalone Coming Soon

  Romance #8: Standalone Coming Soon

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