Hearts On Ice

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Hearts On Ice Page 5

by Janae Keyes

  My body warmed instantly although it could have just been the heat from the fire we were sitting close to. That had to be it and not the lingering attraction I was fighting off tooth and nail.

  Observing his strong build, his tight T-shirt left nothing to the imagination. Every single defined indention of his abs and pecs was visible underneath the fabric. Hell, even the V leading down to his...WHOA… was outlined in perfect HD. He, unlike me, hadn’t gained any weight in his time off. I was fifteen pounds up from where I should’ve been for competition as my genetic curves didn’t help things out much.

  Max approached us with his tatted arms glistening with fresh sweat. I gulped hard as I crossed my legs in attempt to calm the erratic buzzing between my thighs.

  Chill the fuck out, Lia!

  “You survived?” Max asked as he stood in front of me looking as if he’d walked directly out of a fitness magazine or some review of Magic Mike, ready to rip off his pants and give me a lap dance.

  I shuddered and whisked the dirty thoughts from my mind. “Yeah,” I answered quickly.

  Glancing down, my eyes landed on the outline in his pants. Dear God, that thing had to be huge. It seemed as if it was practically hanging down the length of his leg. My eyes popped back directly into his, hoping he hadn’t seen me checking out what he was working with.

  “Sorry I had to bounce earlier. I had a planned workout session. It was arm day, as leg day is still postponed for a bit,” he explained.

  Was Max Madden making small talk with me? I liked talking with him. He’d calmed me when I was anxious at the rink. His hand holding mine had brought this instant calming energy over my erratic nerves.

  “Cool.” Maybe sticking to one word answers wasn’t the best idea.

  “It is four, time for session,” Damian announced in my ear before he stood, ready for the group session in the tranquility room.

  “Hey, want to actually come to group session today?” I asked Max, anxiously. I knew he wasn’t into the psychology element of the center’s treatment regimen, but it wouldn’t hurt to ask him. During our talk at the rink he shockingly seemed to open up to me a bit.

  “Nah, that scene is not my shit. I’m going to shower and chill before dinner. But have fun talking about your feelings and shit with shrink lady,” Max scoffed.

  I frowned. I thought maybe I could’ve convinced him, but it didn’t seem I could.

  Standing from my spot, I came face to face with Max who didn’t move a muscle. Well, we weren’t exactly, face to face. I was more like face to chest. He was tall and stood towering over me. Max could wrap his arms around me and keep me close and safe.

  He stood there, a smirk lining his lips as he stepped closer. His lips were near my ear. Inhaling, I took in his scent. It was woodsy, soothing, and powerful. It was indeed the scent of a man. I watched his arms bulge. I wanted them around me, holding me tight as his lips told me what he’d do to me. And then he spoke those very words.

  “I saw you were eyeing ole Zeus. He’s always up for a ride,” he whispered huskily into my ear before taking a step back, giving me a smirk. Then he turned away, leaving me stunned.

  I’d gotten exactly what I wanted.

  “What was that?” my thin and blonde friend asked.

  I couldn’t answer as I didn’t quite know what had happened. Did his dick have a name? Was it that good that it deserved a name like Zeus? According the size of its imprint that I could make out, it was possibly so.

  I shook my head. He was only trying to rattle my cage and make me sweat. On the gossip sites, I had seen the types of girls that Max was into. I was definitely not his type. My skin was a tad darker, my hair wasn’t blonde, and my tits were one hundred percent real.

  What was concentration? I couldn’t focus on anything after my run in with Max. During the group session I was mostly silent. My mind was too occupied with the only man who had ever made my body instantly react to him without effort.

  I saw him for a brief moment over dinner. He sat with another hockey player that had arrived with the newest group of patients. I tried not to gawk at him, but it was hard not to pay closer attention to him than I’d done before.

  Dialing my mom’s number, I was determined to snap myself out of my lustful trance and get my head back into the game. Being back in my skates meant my rehab was working and I’d soon be training again. It was scary, but exciting.

  “Lia, how are you?” Mom asked. I heard the pure elation in her voice at my call.

  Mom and I were close because all we had was each other. Normally, she was with me for everything, but for the first time I didn’t have her. It was weird.

  “Hey, Mom. I’m good. Guess what?” The joy I’d felt when I finally got a hold of my skates was filling me again as I thought about it.


  “I’m back in skates. Like, I got on the ice today. It was scary and hard at first, but once I got the feel for it again, I couldn’t have been happier!”

  I heard her squeals of excitement. I opened mouth, but I quickly closed it. I wanted to mention Max, but it wasn’t the right time. My mom had always been strict against allowing guys to distract me from my goals and she was right. Max was a distraction but a welcome one in my book. But he was a distraction nonetheless. I had a goal to complete and that was my main focus and not some drool-worthy guy who likely didn’t like me in the first place.

  “Lia, that’s amazing. Does Bev know?” she asked, speaking of my coach.

  Beverly Zimmer was the best coach in figure skating and I’d been with her since I was fifteen years old. She had taken a girl with Olympic dreams and made them come true. I owed everything to Bev. She was a hard ass, but that quality is what made me the champion I’d become. She was the one who informed us about the Willows Center and how it could help me.

  “Yeah, I texted Bev right afterwards. She says that she will try and get down here in a couple of weeks. I can’t wait to show her my progress. I’ll also see the doctor soon. He’s going to determine if I’ll need another surgery or not. The last I saw him he gave me permission to skate. He said it would be unlikely that I’d need another surgery.”

  God, I hoped I didn’t need one. Another surgery would set me back weeks if not months. I’d never make it to compete in the World Championships if I need another one. Whenever I thought about it, my heart pounded out of my chest. I had worked too hard to be sent back to the beginning.

  “Are things good there? Have you made any friends?”

  Friends? Was Max my friend? I wanted to think that he was. My body wanted him to be more, though. Just the thought of him put me on edge. I shook him away. Yet there he was in the forefront of my mind again, taunting the thread that held me together.

  “I hang with Damian a lot. I’ve made a few friends. It’s a nice community.”

  “That’s good. I better let you rest. Are you still going to physical therapy in the mornings?”

  “Every single day,” I proudly announced.

  “Keep up the good work. I’ve been handling everything on the business end like your endorsement deals, appearance calendar, and fan club. You’ve got so many interview requests. The paperwork is a nightmare, but I’m taking care of it. I love you, Lia. Keep up the good work.”

  I smiled. My mom was my biggest fan. If I didn’t have hordes of fans around the world, I’d still have my mom. She had made this life possible for me. As a single mom cleaning houses for a living, she gave up everything she had just to pay for my skating lessons. From day one, she believed that my dreams would come true. It was time for me to carry those beliefs with me.

  “Love you too, Mom.”

  After I ended the call, I placed my phone on the nightstand. Max, my other fan, was back on my mind.

  Snuggling into my bed, I held my pillow close, thinking of his scent. I imagined falling asleep next to him, inhaling him. His hands and arms cradling me, keeping me wrapped in him. We would never last, though. Nothing ever lasted when it came to my
love life. It wasn’t meant for me. My only successful relationship was the one between me and the ice, yet my thoughts remained on Max. I was a goner without a doubt.



  “If this was a few weeks ago, I would have beaten the shit out of you,” I said to my best friend the moment he walked into the main lounge at the Willows Center.

  The dark and curly-haired guy I’d known since I was a kid laughed at my statement. But it was true. When JC dropped me off on day one, I was ready to punch him in the throat for convincing me to even give it a try and just ditching me.

  “Shut the fuck up, dude.” JC chuckled as he took my hand and came in for a bro hug. He slapped my back quickly before we broke apart. “How’s it been? I saw you walk over here. Your limp isn’t as bad.”

  “The physical therapy is helping. I hope to get back in the rink soon. I need to feel that fucking ice again, man,” I expressed as we strolled through the main lodge toward a vacant seating area.

  Plopping my body down, I put my feet up on the couch. JC took the chair next to the couch. He glanced around the place, taking it in.

  I saw some girls over at the next set of couches whispering and giggling away as they watched JC and me. That was the reaction I got from every girl around the center except one—Lia. I saw the effect I had on her in her eyes, but she was a master actress pretending as though I had no effect on her.

  Lia wasn’t like the other girls. They were all easy and quick fucks, but not Lia. She was never around the gossip or in a corner pointing and giggling. She was a fuck to make last over and over again for years to come. Lia was a relationship girl and not a one nighter. I sighed whenever I thought about it. I could never do the relationship thing. I was in and out. I didn’t have time for romance and shit.

  “I never got to come inside. It seems nice,” he commented as he leaned forward.

  “Yeah, it’s all right. Nice vacay spot,” I joked.

  “Jokes aside, man, I’ve been chatting with Tom.”

  Tom was the coach of Team USA’s hockey team and one hard ass. He’d been bugging JC and me since my injury about if I’d be healed in time to play the Olympics. I’d already missed a few practice games and I was missing my regular season with my home team, the San Jose Sharks.

  “Fuck, man,” I grunted, sitting up and placing my head in my hands. I was already stressed the fuck out and now Tom was pushing.

  “I told him that you’re doing well and healing, but he’s getting impatient,” JC explained.

  I shook my head. The man needed to chill out. I was doing everything I could to improve to playing condition. I knew I’d been prepared to quit and give it all up, but my hope had been restored. Lia had helped me find that hope and she dragged it out of me. Seeing her work her sweet ass off with that look she had when she got back on the ice had sparked my desire to get back out there. I wanted it more than anything in the world.

  “I’m working on it,” I concluded. I didn’t want to talk about it anymore. I was trying some of that shit Lia was on; that positive thinking and other fuckery. Damn girl was having an effect on me that I’d never expected. “Come on, let me show you around.”

  JC and I strolled through the center. I showed him the rehab rooms, the rinks, and the medical wing of the center. Fantasia Willows had put a lot into her center, and as much as I hated to admit, the staff was doing its job.

  Having my best friend around was better than how I spent most days, which was relatively alone. Normally, I found myself the center of attention; a man whore seeking attention, but here it was different. All the athletes were focused on healing although there was a small gossip mill that I’d caught wind of. Apparently, when I cheered for Lia, my actions sparked some rumors. I found it funny. Then there were the few girls I’d seen earlier who gave me a little attention. Every now and then I’d throw them a bone and watch them squirm as they practically threw their panties at me. It was kind of entertaining.

  Back in the main lounge, it was nearly dinner time, and everyone was starting to crowd around as they did every evening. I didn’t always eat dinner with the other athletes. That toaster oven in my room came in handy. I used it to cook the frozen pizzas I bought after taking the shuttle to the grocery store in town. They made decent meals whenever I wanted to be alone.

  The door opened, and JC and I trailed behind. The food wasn’t bad at all and there was always plenty of it. After getting our plates, I spotted the one friend I’d made besides Lia. His name was Michael Laws. He played for the LA Kings and he’d just transferred here from a hospital in LA. He had the perfect spot right in front of one of the TVs, which happened to be playing hockey.

  “Games just about to start,” Michael announced to JC and me as we joined him at his table. “We’re going to kick your asses tonight.”

  “Nah, man, SJ got this,” I bragged as our teams prepared to face off in the match of the evening. “Mike, this is my manager and best friend, JC.”

  “Hey, man,” JC said.

  I smelled her soft scent before I actually saw her. Lia was walking by with that Damian guy. They were chatting in low voices as they carried their plates and headed toward a table.

  Those hips of her swayed as she strolled with the Russian. I was entranced by her hips alone, but my eyes were able to take in the rest of her curvy body sporting tight workout pants and a snug tank top. Damn, she was a delicious sight.

  “There he goes again, checking out that figure skater girl,” Michael mentioned slyly as he punched me in the arm.

  “Just jealous that you put a ring on a chick so you can’t let them eyes wander,” I said in retaliation.

  “Who is she?” JC asked, turning to see Lia who was taking her seat.

  She was laughing at something her friend had said, her loud giggles floating through the air. She dropped her napkin and bent over. I got a nice view of those melons she kept covered. My mind wondered what her nipples would feel like between my lips. I imagined them to be dark chocolate, large, hard to my touch, and bouncing wildly as I fucked her.

  “Oh yeah, I’ve heard of her.”

  I heard JC’s voice while he and Michael chatted. It seemed to be about Lia, but I was too caught up in her to care.

  “Yeah, man, he gets like that around her. If she’s in the room, his eyes get all glossy and shit.” Michael laughed.

  I jerked from my trance and focused on Mike and JC. “What?” I asked.

  “You like that chick, eh?” JC asked with a smirk on his lips.

  “Who said I liked her? She’s cool, but it’s not like I want to fuck with her,” I snapped, dismissing them.

  “Yeah, well—”

  “Games starting,” Michael announced, cutting JC off and saving me from his third degree.

  After we ate, the three of us moved into the media room to finish watching the game. Michael and I were on our feet as the teams were tied 1 to 1 and in overtime. It was a good game, both teams showing off their skillful play. Watching my team, I missed those guys. I knew after the game they would be going out for drinks on Santana Row, win or lose.

  I had played on two other teams prior to the Sharks, but those guys were my brothers even more so than the guys on Team USA. We played hard and partied even harder. When I got injured, JC and those guys were at my side. I knew they had my back. Those who didn’t, fuck them all.

  “You got this!” I shouted to the guys on the screen like they could hear me. I wanted to be there with them in San Jose with the roar of the crowd around me and the energy pulsating through the arena. That was my life force and my blood and when that final puck made it in the net. My feet left the floor. “Fuck yes!”

  “Yeah, boy!” JC cheered.

  “Oh fuck! Really, guys?” Michael plopped down on the couch, face in his hands while JC and I high-fived our team’s victory.

  I settled back on the couch and grinned at a distressed Michael with his hands on his bald head. “Better luck next time, man,” I said playfully.<
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  He gave me his middle finger in response.

  I punched him in the arm.

  “Fuck you, man.” He laughed.

  I hadn’t had a good guys’ time in a long time. The only thing we were missing was beer, but the center didn’t allow alcohol on campus although I had my bottle of Jack hiding in my suitcase in my room. I would take a swig before bed.

  “I’m off to bed. We’ll get you guys next time,” Michael proclaimed as he stood. “Nice meeting you, JC.”

  “You too, man,” JC replied as Michael gave us a wave and headed toward the door.

  He opened the door and moved out of the way to allow someone else inside. It was the girl who haunted my dreams at night—Lia. She’d changed into skin-tight jeans, an ivory V-neck sweater, and thigh high boots. Those were too many articles of clothing for me to get off her. But Zeus was coming to attention at the sight of her vivacious body.

  “Your girlfriend is here,” JC teased.

  “Not my girlfriend,” I asserted plainly as I watched her enter the room. She definitely wasn’t my girlfriend, but she was girlfriend material for a man who could last in a relationship, unlike me.

  Something was different about Lia tonight. Her long dark hair wasn’t in its usual braid. It was loose and wavy as it flowed down her back. Her eyes came in my direction. She’d spotted me through her long eyelashes. Her dimples pebbled on her cheeks as she raised her hand and gave me a wave before strolling off to the speed skater girls across the room.

  “Yeah, maybe she’s not your girlfriend, but she may be a distraction,” JC commented.

  “She’s not a distraction either. She’s just another girl here. She’s fucking sexy, but that’s about it. I swear I’m keeping Zeus in my pants. I promise. I refuse to give the tabloids another dumb-ass story.” That’s what I was telling myself to keep away from Lia. I needed to focus. Knowing that Tom was already breathing down JC’s neck, I needed to up my game. But the sweet and sexy girl across the room enticed me.


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