Hooked On His Thuggish Ways 3

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Hooked On His Thuggish Ways 3 Page 10

by Prenisha Aja

  “Turn over,” he whispered, nibbling on my ear.

  Without hesitation or protest, I turned over on all fours and gave him a perfect view of what I had to offer him.

  “Damn,” he moaned out as he smacked me on my ass, which I knew left a red handprint. I jumped a little but never buckled or lost my stance.

  Moments later, Jaxsyn eased inside of me. I gripped the sheets and relaxed my body as he took me on a wave of ecstasy. The way he pounded my center, filled me up and also paid close attention to my body had my mind gone. I never, ever wanted to love anyone else the way that I loved him.

  “Shit,” I hissed as I arched my back more and allowed him even more access to go as deep as he wanted to.

  “Baby, I want to go over there.” I pointed at a man that was setting up to do what looked like painting. He had other pictures up of beautiful couples that he had painted, and I wanted him to paint a picture of me and Jaxsyn together. One that I could hang on my wall in my room.

  “Man, you want to go get a picture painted of us? We can take a selfie on our phones and print that mothafucka out,” Jaxsyn stated, and I stopped walking and looked at him crazily.

  He was missing the point. It wasn’t about taking the pictures on our phones. I just felt like this was different. We were creating memories and whether he wanted to or not, he was about to go sit and let this man paint this picture of the two of us.

  I rolled my eyes at Jaxsyn and began to storm away. Once I approached the man, he looked at me and smiled. He had a rusty, reddish hair color with freckles to match. His skin was the shade of sand and long dreads draped past his shoulders.

  “Hi, how are you pretty lady?” he greeted me with a big, wide smile, showing off his nice teeth.

  I smiled back at him. “I would like you to paint me and my boyfriend’s picture.”

  “Of course, if you two could have a seat and I’ll get started.” He gestured towards the wooden bench in the perfect spot.

  In the background, were palm trees and the beautiful clear water that rippled and crashed against the shore causing the walkers to scramble if they didn’t want to get wet. In the sky were the prettiest white birds flying and the sun was shining brightly. It was a pretty day in Miami and after we got our picture painted, I wanted to enjoy it.

  “Come on Jaxsyn.” I turned and looked over my shoulder to see Jaxsyn standing afar, looking like a child that didn’t want to walk into the dentist’s office or come inside because the street lights were on.

  “Man, you seriously want us to sit here and do this?” He gave me the side-eye.

  I walked over to him and pulled his arm, forcefully making him come. He dragged his feet the whole way over to our seat and I couldn’t do anything but laugh.

  “Say ol’ man. How long this shit gon’ take?” Jaxsyn asked the guy as he sat down.

  “Not long. Like an hour or two.”

  “An hour or two? Not long! Oh, hell nah. Kaizlyn, get up and let’s find something else to do.” Jaxsyn shot to his feet, totally embarrassing me.

  I just knew he wasn’t carrying on like this in public. Especially not over getting our portrait painted.

  “So, you really not gon’ do this for me?” I stood in front of him with my hands on his chest, looking up into his eyes while poking my lips and giving him droopy eyes.

  Jaxsyn ran his hand over his head, looked up to the sky and blew out air. I chuckled to myself because I knew he was going to do it for me.

  “Man, you lucky I love yo’ ass. Got me wasting two hours over some bullshit,” he spat, and I jumped up, wrapped my arms around him and kissed him.

  “Thank you and I love you.” I grabbed his arm and pulled him back over to the bench, where we sat down to let the man do what I assumed he did best, just from the paintings he had on display.

  “Man, I’ll pay extra if you make this shit quick.” Jaxsyn looked up at the man as he dug in his pocket to pull out extra cash.

  The big, wide smile on the guy’s face let me know he was game for what Jaxsyn was talking about. He quickly sat on his stool with his paint brushes and got to work.

  We didn’t have to sit completely still and occasionally, I would look over at Jaxsyn to see that he wore the same annoyed expression. It caused me to chuckle to myself, but I was just happy that he wasn’t a party pooper and sat here and did this for me.

  “All done.” The guy wiped his hands off with a white, wet rag, then dried them off on his pants. He stood to his feet, with the picture facing him as he walked over to the front of us.

  When he turned the picture around to face us, I gasped. I loved it. It was a cute, cartoon version of us.

  “Man, why the fuck my head so big?” Jaxsyn laughed as he grabbed the painting and stared at the picture.

  His comment caused me and the guy to burst out laughing. But even though our heads were bigger than our bodies, it didn’t make the picture any less beautiful.

  “I love it.” I beamed, grabbing it away from Jaxsyn. “It’s going right in my room, on my wall.”

  “Nah, that shit dope as fuck tho’,” he admitted, sticking his hands inside of his pockets, pulling out a tip for the guy.

  “You know what, here,” Jaxsyn stated, peeling back three one hundred-dollar bills and handing it to the man.

  The guy’s facial expression was priceless, and he looked at the money in awe. “Thank you, man. I really appreciate it.”

  Jaxsyn nodded his head, grabbed my hand and we walked off to do some shopping and enjoy the rest of our day.

  “Babe, can you tell me where we are going?” I asked Jaxsyn as I stood in the mirror adjusting the straps around my neck.

  Jaxsyn had picked me out this pretty all-white dress that hung low to the floor and the back was out. It tied around my neck and the V-neck, low cut exposed my cleavage just a little.

  I had wet my hair and allowed it to curl up, hanging just a little past my shoulders.

  “Why? You just get dressed.” Jaxsyn walked in, adjusting his chain around his neck.

  He was wearing some all-white shorts and an all-white, V-neck shirt that fit his body perfectly. I could almost see his abs through the shirt as I took in his whole appearance.

  “Whatever.” I rolled my eyes as I started doing my makeup.

  It had been so long since I had done this. Even though I used to do it all the time, I had lost the motivation to continue the day that my mother died. To think about it, I hadn’t done a toe touch, back bend or even the splits since. I didn’t even tell Jaxsyn I was in cheerleading. I mean, all that seemed not to matter after losing my mother.

  “Since when you care about makeup?” He walked farther into the bathroom and wrapped his arms around me

  “I’ve always been into makeup. I just stopped wearing it as much. I went to a class with my old best friend over the summer,” I explained. “I guess there are some things you don’t know about me,” I added.

  “Like what? Shit, I think I know enough to know I love yo’ ass. I know what I need to know. I think I could go grab your favorite food, pick out some jewelry you would like, and I know what makes you sad but also happy. I’ve picked up on your lil’ habits,” he stated as I nodded my head because truth was, Jaxsyn did know how to heal my aching heart. He was the rainbow after the storm, and I was grateful for him.

  Truth be told, we had nothing but time to learn each other. I knew that as time went on, I’d continue to learn new stuff about him which was fine with me. Sometimes it would be like that and the heart would still want what it’s connected to, no matter how long.

  I smiled and looked up into the mirror as he stared back at me. “I love you too and it’s a lot you still have to learn about me. But it’s cool, we got nothing but time.” I began using my foundation brush to blend in my makeup.

  Jaxsyn turned me around so fast that I ended up dropping it.

  “You know I’m willing to learn everything about you. I want to know every inch of your body. From the birthmark that you h
ave on your inner thigh to the look you get in your eyes when you’re thinking about some deep shit. I’m willing to learn and I plan on it,” he expressed, leaning down and planting a kiss on my lips, one that caused my insides to ache and my body to feel like it was heating up.

  “I know you are, and I plan on doing the same.” I placed both of my hands on each side of his face and pulled him down so that his lips could connect with mine again.

  After sharing a kiss, Jaxsyn smacked me on the ass and left me to continue getting ready. I was already feeling like I was standing on top of the highest mountain and I wanted to stay there and shout to the world how lucky I was.

  The sun was now setting, and the view right now was amazing. The water was slowly washing ashore. There were couples walking hand in hand, enjoying each other’s company. There were even people still out in the water having the time of their lives. I had yet to get in the water because for one, I didn’t fuck around. I was never into deep water. I’d get my feet wet and maybe a little of my body but as far as going under… Nope. I wasn’t with it and I was glad Jaxsyn hadn’t been too bent on going out there.

  “Close your eyes,” he asked of me, and I looked at him.

  “Huh, why?” I asked, puzzled.

  “Man close your eyes. You had me sitting there doing that weak ass painting shit, now close your eyes for my surprise.” He chuckled and I reluctantly closed my eyes but not before huffing and crossing my arms.

  “Now just let me guide you,” he spoke, and I relaxed. I let him lead me because I trusted that whatever the surprise was would be amazing.

  After following him for what felt like miles, we had finally came to a complete stop. I still had yet to open my eyes and see.

  “You can open your eyes now.”

  I quickly opened my eyes and I immediately got teary eyed. The whole set up was perfect. It was so pretty. The lanterns that were placed on the left and right side lit up to provide a pathway for us. Yellow, pink, and red rose petals were sprinkled out on the ground leading up to a white tent that had two chairs, a table and plates, along with candles and a vase of flowers on the table. The painting that we had painted, somehow Jaxsyn had gotten it blown up in a printed form and had it centered in the corner. I laughed to myself because he shitted on the idea at first.

  “When did you have time to do this?” I smiled widely at him.

  “I got my ways baby.” He smirked, grabbing my hand and guiding me inside of the tent.

  We sat down and he popped the bottle of wine that was placed nicely in ice. He poured the wine in both cups.

  “Don’t tell your grandma I let you drink.” He chuckled.

  “I’m not. Hopefully I don’t get too fucked up.” I laughed, picking up the glass and taking a sip.

  I had never drunk wine before, so the taste was different and one I would have to get used to. I eased the glass back down and just stared at the man before me. He was perfect. I loved his dark chocolate skin, the beard that he kept trimmed neatly and that smile that sent chills down my spine and caused wetness between my legs. I loved how thuggish and hood his ass could be, but he also was a gentleman. He went from being a damn asshole to someone I couldn’t picture myself not being around.

  “Hi, here’s your food request.” Two men walked up to us wearing white pants and a white shirt. I guess that was the theme down here because everybody either had on white, bathing suits, or little to no clothes on.

  One of the guys popped the lid off of the plates and sat both dishes down. I looked down at my steamy food and over at Jaxsyn to see that he got us both the same thing. Pizza.

  I laughed out loud because this nigga was funny as hell.

  “Really Jaxsyn. You got us pizza?” I laughed, covering my mouth. Not even upset.

  It was actually cute. You could take the nigga out the hood, but you couldn’t take the hood out of a nigga.

  “Man listen. I kept looking at the damn menu and I scrunched my nose up at most of the shit. Hell, half of it I couldn’t even pronounce. And I figured, I could never go wrong with pizza.” He shrugged, taking a bite out of his pepperoni pizza.

  “You right. I love it.” I grabbed a slice of pizza and took a bite.

  “I knew you would,” he boasted as the two men silently walked away leaving me and Jaxsyn to enjoy our time alone.

  The wind was now blowing causing my hair to blow forward into my face. I tossed it back gently and eyed Jaxsyn as he went over to where the image was and pulled out a jewelry-like box.

  He smoothly walked back over to the table and sat down. Before opening the box, he pulled his chair over closer to me. I couldn’t take my eyes off the box because I had no clue what was inside. My palms and under my arms seemed to get sweaty and my stomach was turning, making me feel like I needed to go to the bathroom.

  “So, I got you a gift and before I open it, I want to tell you something.” He looked to the ground then up at me.

  “Kaizlyn, I swear I wish that I could take your pain away. I be wanting to fix shit in your life that has already been done. I be wanting to go back in the past and maybe change things. Ya know, but a part of me also seems selfish because then I back track and feel like everything happens for a reason, even if it may have hurt you. Why? Because had it not happened, I would not have met you. But I’m here to hopefully heal your pain, be your happiness and forever protect you to the best of my abilities.” His words touched my soul, my heart.

  He had me in tears, but they were happy tears because I felt his words. Every last one of them. And I understood, and it wasn’t selfish of him to feel that way because so did I. After I came to the conclusion that my mother was never coming back, I accepted that everything happened for a reason and I was right where I was supposed to be.

  “I got you this because I know that even though I can’t get her back or change things, I want her to always be close to your heart.” He opened the box and there was a picture of my mom. I didn’t know how he got the picture but all I could do was cover my face as I let the tears fall rapidly.

  When I finally calmed down, I observed the heart locket. It was gold with her name, her birthdate and the day she was murdered on it. There were also words that said, I’ll love you forever.

  “Thank you. I love it.” I sniffled and Jaxsyn leaned forward and kissed me.

  He then got up, took the necklace out of my hand and placed it around my neck as I pulled my hair to the side, out of his way.

  Once the heart fell against my chest, I grabbed it and held it tight. I felt a sense of harmony. I opened it again and smiled at the picture that was inside. I swear my mom was so pretty and this was the best gift that I had ever received in my life.

  “Thank you so much.” I stood to my feet and wrapped my arms tightly around Jaxsyn’s neck, raining a million kisses onto him.

  “No problem shorty. Now let’s go have sex on the beach.” He winked at me and I couldn’t say no if I wanted to.

  So, if sex on the beach was what he wanted, then we were about to have the time of our lives.



  “My leg, my leg, my leg,” I whined because Ace was currently fucking the shit out of me, acting like he forgot that my leg was in a cast.

  “Oh shit, my bad.” He paused, lifting his body up higher off of me with his arms.

  “Just be careful, don’t stop though,” I moaned and without saying another word, Ace continued pumping in and out of me, this time gentler and way slower than before.

  “Ahh, shit,” I hissed when I felt him hit the spot that he had quickly figured out after our third sex session.

  The sex between me and him would probably be wrong in my brother’s eyes but right now, in this moment, I was enjoying it. Truthfully, I was enjoying every minute I was spending with Ace. He had been taking my mind off of everything.

  “Fuck Kee. You got a nigga about to bust early and shit,” he grumbled as he bit down on his lip and gave me one final deep stroke that caused a lump to fo
rm in my throat, from the scream that couldn’t escape.

  “Aceeeee…” I screamed as I came right along with him.

  He then fell face first beside me as we both tried to catch our breaths. Seconds later, he rolled over on his back with his hand rested up underneath his head.

  “Aye, let’s get you out the house today. Maybe movie, dinner, anything,” he rambled, and his words were like music to my ears.

  “Oh my god, yes!” I cheered.

  I had been wanting to get out of this house. I had been so jealous of Kaizlyn and my brother flying to Miami without me.

  “Alright, let’s get cleaned up so we can head out.” He got up off the bed and walked towards the bathroom.

  I eyed his sculpted back muscle and the tatts that decorated the back of his arms. Ace was fine. Jesus. I swear, now that my vison was clouded by a fuck nigga, I could see clear now. Ace had bomb dick, crazy swag, waves on swim and not those damn stinky ass dreads Whoodie had. Ace was that nigga and honestly, I was appreciative of him coming into my life when he did.

  “Omg, it feels so good to be out the house.” I looked around as we slowly made our way up to the movie theatre. I didn’t even care that it was just to the movies, something that we could have sat in the house and done.

  “Yeah, I know that shit will drive you crazy,” Ace responded, making sure to stay close by me as I hopped my way to the ticket booth.

  Ace had finally gotten the tickets and his ass had picked a scary movie, which I didn’t too much care for, but it was whatever.

  “You want popcorn or anything? A drink? Candy?” he asked me as we made our way inside.

  “Yeah, I’ll take whatever.” I shrugged, not really caring what he got me.

  “Aite. Sit right here while I get everything, or do you want to go sit in the theatre first and then I come back and get the shit?” he asked me, and it really didn’t matter to me.

  “Maybe I should go inside the theatre first then you come back and get the stuff,” I let him know, because I knew he would have to help me, and I knew he wouldn’t be able to do that if his hands were full with popcorn and stuff.


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