The Bad Company

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The Bad Company Page 21

by Craig Martelle

  We say that we write pulp, but it’s better than that. These aren’t hollow words. We strive to make each sentence better than the last. And we have the best beta readers in the world. I run short bits by a subset of the Just In Time team and people that I trust to give me feedback that validates my approach while making recommendations to make the story better. I still have to write the story, but they hold me to a high standard.

  Shout out to Micky Cocker (I named the captain of the War Axe in her honor – he will be prominent in all the Bad Company books), James Caplan (the mech driver Capples), Kelly O’Donnell (the mech driver Kelly), Diane Velasquez, and Dorene Johnson. If nothing else, pleasing these five with my stories means success – they provide a great cross-section of experience and perspective. Di & Do, the Double Ds as they are known, are my developmental editors. They tolerate getting odd chapters at odd times with questions like, “Does this work for a transition to a more mature character?” or “How is the pace so far?”

  I needed more names for The Bad Company, so I trolled a few feeds, and found on my future collaborator Tommy Dublin’s site a cousin from Ireland, so we have adopted Clodagh Shortall as an engineering assistant who has been found to be secretly harboring the good king Wenceslaus, our favorite orange cat and arch-enemy of our favorite dog.

  I also borrowed from J (Jim) Clifton Slater, an old Marine veteran who was incredibly helpful with the 20Books Vegas authors conference that I run. I could not have done it without him, so Clifton gets to fly the War Axe.

  And I still live in the Sub-Arctic.

  As winter approaches, I’ve had to get all kinds of things ready – the snow blower on the front of my tractor, the walk behind snow blower, clean up the outside stuff, and brace for impact. When winter hits, it can get pretty intense this close to the Arctic Circle. I live outside Fairbanks, Alaska which means the darkness is coming. We have about 3 ½ hours of daylight on the winter solstice.

  That means prime writing time. It’s cold and dark, but not in my office. Phyllis the Arctic Dog, our pit bull prefers temperatures from 20F to 40F. Warmer than that and she pants like it is mid-summer. Colder than that and we have to wrestle her boots on. At -20F she gets very efficient, spending about 30 seconds to a minute outside to take care of business. In the summer, she’ll take 30 to 45 minutes to go. I don’t blame her – we have nice property and a healthy-sized forest behind our house where we hang out.

  I bought a truck (2015 Nissan Titan) since last winter. I have high hopes that this will make a great winter truck. It is heavy enough that I should maintain traction. I’m going with the Toyo winter tires as opposed to Blizzak for it. The place that sells the Blizzaks rubbed me the wrong way so they won’t be getting my business. Easy enough – I’ll let my money do the talking. And now that I have the Toyo tires on, the truck drives like a tank in the snow and ice. I am quite pleased.

  That’s it – break’s over, back to writing the next book. Peace, fellow humans.


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  Thank you for reading the The Bad Company, the first book in an entire new series!

  Author Notes - Michael Anderle

  November 8th, 2017

  You know, how can I thank you for reading this story, and reading through the author notes if Craig has already beat me to it?


  One thing I will say I’m better at than I was a few decades before (I’m 50 as I write this.) I am aware of what I’m not good at, and what I don’t think I will ever become good at doing.

  Like writing post-apocalyptic fiction.

  The challenge with that genre, is knowing how to actually survive and my idea of surviving is having to warm up a Totino’s pizza in the microwave oven. Or worse, make fried cheese in the microwave oven…Ughhh.

  So, you bet I reached out to speak with Craig. He was someone I was familiar with in the group and I just reached out and said ‘can I talk with you?’

  And there a friendship was made.

  This last weekend (Nov 3-5th, 2017) here in Las Vegas, Craig hosted the 20BooksTo50k Vegas conference. He was the show runner, the main speaker and THE GUY that put it on.

  All I had to do was show up.

  I’ve heard a lot of authors comment how well the conference went, how smoothly, how efficiently, and how nice everyone was to each other. Don’t get me wrong, there were some complaints (too cold – Craig admitted he wanted it colder because warm rooms put people to sleep. I was never cold so I didn’t notice.)

  The conference was a non-profit effort Craig did to help other authors. That is just the kind of guy he is. Which, in a way, is why he writes Terry Henry Walton so well. Both are military guys who will kick your ass to get you moving, but help you get where you want to go and not ask for something in return.

  Now, I have him chained in his office to write another 4,000 books (not really) and I expect him to come out of his office sometime in 2027 (this is mostly true.) I LOVE what is going on in the Space Opera field, so let me talk about THAT.


  We (LMBPN Authors / Collaborators / Artists / Narrators) are a loose collective of creatives that enjoy working for and with each other. As these series progresses, the ability of us to provide YOU the fan with cool thoughts, stories, art, and other items depends on you sharing with US.


  Love a character? Write us and tell us!

  Love a ship and want to see it? Ask!

  Want a short story on Audio? Share your thoughts!

  We hope to help change a lot in Entertainment, and the way we keep creating cool and fun stuff is our fans encourage us (tell us on Facebook, mention it in reviews, tell friends etc. etc.) and just mention things that make you curious. What are those itches you want scratched?

  How can we make something cool for you?

  Hell if I know sometimes, but we HAVE taken suggestions, turned to an artist and said “I need XZY done because a fan wants to see it… When can we give it to them?”

  Then, we meet in a seedy, smoke-filled bar where tennis shoes squeak while walking over the sticky alcohol splashed floor to exchange money for art under the table. The artist slips out the back under the light of a dirty incandescent lamp while we wait ten minutes, then throw a ten-dollar bill on the table and walk out the front.

  Well, something like that. Perhaps it was a bit smokier than I’m letting on.

  Either way, we LOVE to try and provide cool stuff and we will continue this effort.

  We hope you enjoyed this story, and all of the stories coming at you in the next few months as we try to do something most companies wouldn’t consider.

  We want to produce one of the largest book shared Universes of Stories EVER done. I think we might be the biggest of all Indie groups, I don’t know.

  Anyone know the answer to this question?

  I’ve read Warhammer has about 190 books (not including gaming modules) … Star Wars is how many books?

  I’m not including comic books at all for thi
s discussion.

  By summer, I think we should be at about 150 books in TKGU (The Kurtherian Gambit Universe.)

  I wonder if Netflix would want to chat?

  Oh well, if not no worries – we keep typing and hope you keep reading!

  Ad Aeternitatem,


  Craig Martelle

  (click to go see books on Amazon)

  Other Books by Craig Martelle

  The Terry Henry Walton Chronicles, a Kurtherian Gambit Series, co-written with Michael Anderle

  World's Worst Day Ever - a prequel

  Book 1 - Nomad Found (also on Audible)

  Book 2 - Nomad Redeemed (also on Audible)

  Book 3 - Nomad Unleashed (also on Audible)

  Book 4 - Nomad Supreme (also on Audible)

  Book 5 - Nomad's Fury (also on Audible)

  Book 6 - Nomad's Justice (also on Audible)

  Book 7 - Nomad Avenged (also on Audible)

  Book 8 - Nomad Mortis (also on Audible)

  Book 9 - Nomad's Force (coming soon on Audible)

  Book 10 - Nomad's Galaxy (coming soon on Audible)

  Nomad's Journal - a collection of Terry Henry Walton Short Stories

  The Bad Company, a Kurtherian Gambit Age of Expansion Series, co-written with Michael Anderle

  Gateway to the Universe (Book 0 for multiple series within the Age of Expansion

  Book 1: The Bad Company (Coming November 2017)

  Book 2: Blockade (Coming soon)

  Books 3-8: TBD (Coming in 2018)

  Free Trader Series

  Book 1 - The Free Trader of Warren Deep

  Book 2 - The Free Trader of Planet Vii

  Book 3 - Adventures on RV Traveler

  Book 4 - Battle for the Amazon

  Book 5 - Free the North!

  Book 6 - Free Trader on the High Seas

  Book 7 - Southern Discontent (Coming)

  Book 8 - The Great 'Cat Rebellion (Coming

  Book 9 - Return to the Traveler (Coming)

  Cygnus Space Opera - set in the Free Trader Universe

  Book 1 - Cygnus Rising

  Book 2 - Cygnus Expanding

  Book 3 - Cygnus Arrives

  End Times Alaska Series, a Permuted Press publication

  Book 1: Endure (also on Audible)

  Book 2: Run (also on Audible)

  Book 3: Return (also on Audible)

  Book 4: Fury (also on Audible)

  Rick Banik Thrillers

  People Raged and the Sky Was on Fire (also on Audible)

  The Heart Raged (2017)

  Paranoid in Paradise - a short story

  Short Stories (and where you can find them)

  Earth Prime Anthology, Volume 1 (Stephen Lee & James M. Ward)

  Apocalyptic Space Short Story Collection (Stephen Lee & James M. Ward)

  Lunar Resorts Anthology, Volume 2 (Stephen Lee & James M. Ward)

  Just One More Fight (published as a novella standalone)

  Wisdom's Journey (published as a novella standalone)

  Fear Peace (published as a novella standalone)

  The Trenches of Centauri Prime (in Galactic Frontiers, edited by Charles Ekeke)

  The Misadventures of Jacob Wild McKilljoy (with Michael-Scott Earle)

  The Outcast (in Through the Never anthology)

  Mystically Engineered (in Tales from the Void, a Chris Fox Anthology)

  A Language Barrier (in The Expanding Universe, Volume 3)

  Box Sets & Anthologies

  Trader, Cygnus, & People Raged - Martelle Starter Library

  The Expanding Universe, Volume 1 (edited by Craig Martelle)

  The Expanding Universe, Volume 2 (edited by Craig Martelle)

  The Expanding Universe, Volume 3 (edited by Craig Martelle) (Dec 2017)

  Metamorphosis Alpha - Chronicles from the Warden Vol 1 (with James M. Ward, edited by Craig Martelle)

  Metamorphosis Alpha - Chronicles from the Warden Vol 2 (Coming Dec 2017 with James M. Ward, edited by Craig Martelle)

  Michael Anderle

  Kurtherian Gambit Series Titles Include:

  First Arc

  Death Becomes Her (01) - Queen Bitch (02) - Love Lost (03) - Bite This (04)

  Never Forsaken (05) - Under My Heel (06) - Kneel Or Die (07)

  Second Arc

  We Will Build (08) - It’s Hell To Choose (09) - Release The Dogs of War (10)

  Sued For Peace (11) - We Have Contact (12) - My Ride is a Bitch (13)

  Don’t Cross This Line (14)

  Third Arc (2017)

  Never Submit (15) - Never Surrender (16) - Forever Defend (17)

  Might Makes Right (18) - Ahead Full (19) - Capture Death (20)

  Life Goes On (21)

  The Second Dark Ages

  The Dark Messiah (01)

  The Darkest Night (02)

  Darkest Before The Dawn (03)

  *with Ell Leigh Clarke*

  The Boris Chronicles

  * With Paul C. Middleton *




  Restitution 2017

  Reclaiming Honor


  Justice Is Calling (01)

  Claimed By Honor (02)

  Judgement Has Fallen (03)

  Angel of Reckoning (04)

  Born Into Flames (05)

  Defending The Lost (06)

  Saved By Valor (07)

  Return of Victory (08)

  The Etheric Academy

  * With TS PAUL *


  ALPHA CLASS - Engineering (02)

  ALPHA CLASS (03) Coming soon

  Terry Henry “TH” Walton Chronicles


  Nomad Found (01)

  Nomad Redeemed (02)

  Nomad Unleashed (03)

  Nomad Supreme (04)

  Nomad’s Fury (05)

  Nomad’s Justice (06)

  Nomad Avenged (07)

  Nomad Mortis (08)

  Nomad’s Force (09)

  Nomad’s Galaxy (10)

  Trials and Tribulations

  * With Natalie Grey *

  Risk Be Damned (01)

  Damned to Hell (02)

  Hell’s Worst Nightmare (03) coming soon

  The Age of Magic

  The Rise of Magic

  * With CM Raymond / LE Barbant *

  Restriction (01)

  Reawakening (02)

  Rebellion (03)

  Revolution (04)

  Unlawful Passage (05)

  Darkness Rises (06)

  The Gods Beneath (07)

  The Hidden Magic Chronicles

  * With Justin Sloan *

  Shades of Light (01)

  Shades of Dark (02)

  Shades of Glory (03)

  Shades of Justice (04)

  Storms of Magic

  *With PT Hylton*

  Storm Raiders (01)

  Storm Callers (02)

  Storm Breakers (03)

  Storm Warrior (04)

  Tales of the Feisty Druid

  *With Candy Crum*

  The Arcadian Druid (01)

  The Undying Illusionist (02)

  The Frozen Wasteland (03)

  The Deceiver (04)

  Path of Heroes

  *With Brandon Barr*

  Rogue Mage (01)

  A New Dawn

  *With Amy Hopkins*

  Dawn of Destiny (01)

  Dawn of Darkness (02)

  Dawn of Deliverance (03)

  The Age of Expansion

  The Ascension Myth

  * With Ell Leigh Clarke *

  Awakened (01)

  Activated (02)

  Called (03)

  Sanctioned (04)

  Rebirth (05)

  Retribution (06)

  Cloaked (07)

  Rogue Operator (07.5)

  Confessions of a Space Anthropoligist

  * With Ell Leigh Clarke

  Giles Kurns: Rogue Operator (01)

  The Uprise Saga

  * With Amy Duboff & Craig Martelle*

  Covert Talents (01)

  Bad Company

  * With Craig Martelle*

  The Bad Company (01)

  Other Books

  Other Books

  Etheric Recruit

  *With S.R. Russell*

  Gateway to the Universe

  *With Craig Martelle & Justin Sloan*

  The Revelations of Oriceran

  The Leira Chronicles

  *With Martha Carr*

  Waking Magic (1)

  Release of Magic (2)

  Protection of Magic (3)

  Rule of Magic (4)


  Frank Kurns Stories of the Unknownworld 01 (7.5)

  You Don’t Touch John’s Cousin


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