Billionaire's Package_A Billionaire Romance Novella

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Billionaire's Package_A Billionaire Romance Novella Page 3

by Kira Blakely

  “I feel – I feel,” she whispered.

  “Say it.”

  “I feel good. I feel right,” she replied, and her voice gained strength. “I feel a little – uh, you know, horny.” The last word came out a whisper.

  I cupped her cheek and worked my fingers up into her hair. “Just a little?” I brought my lips down on hers and seared both of us with the kiss.

  This was trouble. Big trouble.

  Then again, trouble had never scared me and neither had the prospect of getting caught.

  Chapter 5


  Bain’s hands lifted the back of my dress and slipped underneath, tugging at the matching cotton panties I wore. Cool air rushed in, and goosebumps rose on the skin of my thighs.

  I broke the kiss, and he nuzzled my neck. “This is crazy,” I said, sucking in a breath between each word in the sentence. I could hardly see straight, think straight. “Someone could see us.”

  “No,” he said. “And so what if they did?”

  “I don’t usually do this type of thing,” I whispered.

  “I know.” Bain’s breath whispered against my neck, and he suckled the flesh there right after. “And I know I’m going to make you come right here, right out on the sand.”

  “Right here?” The thought of turning away now was torturous. His arms felt right around me, and last night, his dick had filled me to perfection. We’d fit. A match.

  Don’t get ahead of yourself. This isn’t some pseudo rebound. It’s just sex. Think of it as a way to get over all the crappy confidence issues and the stuff Jacob said to you. Shit, thinking about him was an instant lady boner killer.

  Rocks blocked us from the rest of the beach. We had our own little alcove, waves washing up higher and higher, lapping the sand. They’d soon lap our toes. Behind us, trees fringed our little hiding spot. There wasn’t a soul in sight, unless some hapless tourist wandered through the shade in this little oasis and got the show of their lives.

  I’m doing this. I’m going to have sex on the beach. Without the annoying orange juice and the cherry on a stick.

  Bain suckled on my neck, then worked his way down it to the hollow where my collar bones met. He kissed there, then hooked a finger under my spaghetti strap and tugged it down. He brought one of my breasts out, grunted, and took my nipple between his lips.

  Warmth sent me to heaven and back. My eyes rolled in my head and I clung to him. “Bain, oh, my god,” I whispered. “It’s so good. But we can’t. Right here? In the open?”

  He nipped my nipple. “Yes.” He worked over to my left breast, tugged the strap down, nuzzled that one, too. “Yes, right here. I can’t wait for you.”

  “I can’t either.” Why was it like this? Trust me to meet the only man who was truly irresistible to me right after a break up. And to have to leave in a couple days.

  He slurped on my nipples, massaged my breasts, then popped free. “Turn around,” Bain said. “Up against the rock.”

  I spun on the spot and pressed myself up against it, grazed my nipples lightly against the porous stone. I gasped at the sensation.

  Bain stepped up behind me and lifted my dress. He ripped my panties down, and I bit my bottom lip, hard. The sound of a zipper came, followed by the rustle of fabric. Oh, god.

  His dick scraped against my entrance, between my wet lips and back down toward my clit. One hand held my naked hip. My panties dropped to the sand. My legs quivered, and adrenaline rushed through me.

  This was way out of my comfort zone. Totally not me. And I’d never been this fucking excited in my life.

  “Are you ready?” he asked and slapped his dick against my clit.

  I let out a loud moan. “Uh-huh.”

  “Good, you’d better be. Because I’m about to make you mine for good, Hazel.”

  For good?

  “Don’t make too much noise,” he said, then slid his cock back to my hole, so fucking desperate for him, and popped the tip inside.

  I slapped my hands onto the rock and let out a growl. “Too good!”

  “Shush,” he replied.

  Christ, it was impossible to keep quiet. The man was huge. He was thick, and hot, and he slid into me, split me open, made my knees weak. How was I supposed to keep quiet with him inside me? How?

  Bain growled low in his throat and entered me, inch by inch, widening me, filling me in more ways than one. Why does this feel so right?

  Pleasure forced the thought out of my head. He pounded into me, forced me up against that rock, and the ocean came into view, the blue hazing into the white with each thrust. He reached around and played with my clit, flicked it, then tapped it, circled it in time with our lovemaking.

  Or was it fucking?

  I couldn’t tell the difference, right now. It was animalistic, yet sensual.

  He grunted, thrust, and dug his fingers into the meat of my ass cheek, and warm, salty air caressed the naked skin on my shoulders and the backs of my legs.

  “I love it,” I whispered. “It feels so g-good.” The last word came out as a whimper, higher pitched than I’d intended.

  He whacked my ass cheek, and I gasped from the mix of pleasure and pain. If anything, I grew wetter.

  “Christ, you’re so fucking delicious,” he said. “So fucking tight and wet. I’ve got to taste you.”


  His answer was to step away, removing the friggin’ center point of my universe, at the moment – his dick.

  “No, Bain, I want it.”

  He ignored me and took two handfuls of my ass. I looked back over my shoulder at him, my back arched, and the yellow sun dress rumpled around my waist and gasped.

  Bain suckled on one ass cheek, kissed the round supple slope, then transferred to the other one. He slapped it, gently. “Gorgeous booty. Shaped like a fucking peach.”

  I swallowed. No one had ever told me that before, and god, I loved it. Every second of this was bliss.

  “What are you –?”

  He bent, and his tongue probed my slit, found the button of pleasure that drove me through the fucking roof. He suckled on it, noisily and slipped two fingers into my cunt.

  “Oh, my god,” I howled.

  He spanked my ass again. “Quiet,” he said, around a mouthful of me. He ate noisily, messily, dragging his tongue up and down my lips, back to my clit, to my opening, only to slip his fingers out and replace them with his tongue.

  It was slick inside me, strong, fucking muscular, and my eyes rolled back in my head; my jaw dropped.

  I convulsed, almost blacked out, couldn’t get enough air fast enough.

  “That’s it,” he said and slipped back to my clit again. “Such a wet cunt, so fucking hot. You taste good, Hazel. You taste fucking delicious. I could eat you all day.” He gave my clit an open-mouthed kiss, then forced two fingers into my hole, still gaping from his dick.

  He worked them back and forth, matching it with his tongue. Took me higher, higher, higher…

  “I can’t. I’m going to –”

  “Come for me,” he said, in between luscious, full licks. “Come on my fingers, and then I’m going to make you come on my cock.”

  I obeyed and collapsed against the rock, pulsed and groaned around his fingers, biting my lip to keep from screaming.

  Flashes of nature, of the wet schmack of his fingers inside me, and an image of his face, that crooked nose, enigmatic smile. All of it combined into the perfect moment.

  He stood behind me again and entered me in a single thrust.

  “Oh, god.” I bit back a howl.

  “Good girl,” he said and stroked a hand down my spine, over the dress and to my hip. He reached around and tapped my clit.

  I yelped.

  “Keep it down and I’ll give you whatever you want. What is it?” Bain asked, such a deep rumble, so full and fucking masculine. A man. Had I ever truly been with a man before?

  No. Not truly. Not like this.

  “I want –” I cut off at the rust
le of leaves to our left. I whipped my head around, heart beating fast, but there was no one there. Nothing but quiet palms and shade, leaves leading to sand.

  “You want what?” he asked. “What do you want, baby?”

  “Y-your cum,” I managed.

  Bain huffed a breath, then redoubled his pace, entering me in swift, sure strokes over and over again, so hard, so fast that my breasts brushed against the stone and I streaked toward ecstasy all over again. Too soon. I was too sensitive.

  A rolling wave crashed over me again in time with the lapping of water on the shore.

  “Yes, fuck,” he grunted.

  My pussy tightened around him, milked him for every drop, and he gave it all. Gave me all he had, in four long bursts. “Fuck,” he said, again.

  “So good,” I replied, through the aftershocks of my orgasm.

  Bain stayed in me for a little longer, leaned forward, braced his palm against the rock and kissed my shoulder. “You’re amazing,” he said. “Gorgeous. Perfect. I’ve run out of words to describe you. I couldn’t if I tried.”

  He didn’t have to. I felt like all those things with him. That was huge, in more ways than one.

  Bain pulled out of me, achingly slow, still pulsing, then dragged me upright and spun me around in his arms. He hugged me to his chest and brushed hot lips against my forehead. “What are you doing tonight?”

  “It’s the wedding tonight,” I said. “I have to go. I’m a bridesmaid.”

  He tugged the dress down over my ass cheeks, then rearranged the straps of my dress, gently each time. “The wedding, huh?”


  “Guess you’ve got a date, now.”

  Chapter 6


  It was past time I told her the truth about who I was.

  At the beginning of this, after that ball achingly fucking hot night, I’d left her to her illusions because I’d thought they wouldn’t matter, but it didn’t sit right with me to lie.

  I was an ex-convict, technically, juvenile or not, but that didn’t change shit about me as a person.

  I’m not a liar, and she deserves some fucking truth after the way her jackass ex treated her.

  I halted in front of the door to her suite – number stolen from the front desk, because I was the boss, so fuck it – and knocked once.

  Footsteps, and then the door creaked inward. Hazel appeared, framed by the window on the wall behind her, offering a view of the beach and the falling evening, stars in the sky, a distant fire out on the sands.

  She was positively resplendent in her bridesmaid’s dress, a yellow and pink affair with a sash at the waist.

  “You look amazing,” I said and handed her the bouquet of flowers I’d chosen.

  She blinked at me as if she’d only just registered my presence, then took them and buried her nose in the center of a plumeria flower and inhaled. “Thank you. They’re beautiful. I – didn’t expect anyone to come up here, and also, no, I don’t look amazing, I look like a slutty version of this flower.” She waved the bouquet at me.

  Hazel was totally right, she matched the colors of it precisely, except for the creamy white skin above and below the hems of the tight bodycon dress.

  “So, the flowers are beautiful, but you’re not?”

  She smiled. “You’ve got me there.”

  “I’ve always had you,” I said and stepped into her room.

  Hazel backpedaled, stepping carefully in stiletto heels and watching my every step. I was the shark in friggin Jaws, approaching through murky waters.

  “Everything okay?” I asked. “You’re flushed.”

  “Yeah, I didn’t expect anyone, and when you knocked, I thought you were my ex.”

  Jealousy thudded in my chest. “Your ex?”

  “Yeah, I – he’s close friends with the bride and she probably expected me to be out on the sands this morning taking more photos and I got a bit sidetracked. And I guess that’s – ugh, I’m doing it again.”

  God, she was adorable when she rambled like that. I closed in on her, a massive presence in the hotel room, and swept her into my arms, pressing my lips to hers. Fuck, I could take her right here, right now, on the bed for once. Rumple the sheets in my own hotel.

  Fuck the wedding and her friend, and that idiot ex.

  She’s leaving tomorrow, dick wad. You’ll never see her again.

  “Oh,” she moaned, softly, and kissed me back, hard. Her fingers caught the lapels of my suit jacket and tugged. She dragged it from my shoulders. “I need you,” she whispered. “I need you, Bain.”

  But this wasn’t right. She had to know the truth, first. “Wait,” I said and held her out, my thumbs against the warm, silken skin of her shoulders. “There’s something you need to know. Firstly, my last name.”

  “Oh, god,” she said and palmed her forehead. “You’re absolutely right. This has been a whirlwind. I’m an idiot.”

  “Stop saying that about yourself.” I took her hand in mine and kissed it.

  “Hazel Wright,” she said. “That’s my name.”

  Strangely, it rang a bell in the back of my mind. I shook it off. “Hazel Wright. That’s perfect. The perfect name for the perfect woman.” Since when are you a mushy asshole. There’s an image.

  “What’s your name?”

  “It’s more than a name,” I replied. “You need to know that I’m not who you think I am. First off, my name is Bain Mitchell, and – what? Hazel? You’ve gone pale.”

  The bouquet of flowers tumbled to the floor. “M-Mitchell?”


  “Your last name is – no, are you serious? It’s probably a coincidence. It has to be.”

  “Hey, you wanna let me in on what’s happening?” I raised an eyebrow at her.

  A knock sounded at the open door behind me, followed by a sharp inhale, and the clearing of a throat. “I told you,” a familiar voice said. “Didn’t I tell you, Carly?”

  What the actual fuck. Is that…?

  I spun toward the interlopers, Hazel’s hand still tucked into mine.

  My brother, Jacob, stepped onto the cream carpet in the hotel room, closely followed by a blonde chick I’d seen wearing the bride’s shirt at the bachelorette party. She looked as if someone had slapped her over the head with a fish, albeit in a sparkling white wedding gown and matching veil, now tugged back over her head.

  And my bro? Fuck, he wore that shit-eating grin I hadn’t seen in a couple years. Not since the last time I’d deigned to visit the mainland and realized he hadn’t changed one bit from the asshole my parents had made him into.

  “Jacob, what the hell are you doing here?”

  “No, no, no,” Hazel chorused behind me. “No, this is a disaster.”

  “I came to find you, bro,” he said and nudged Carly, the bride, forward a step. “And to show my best friend here what an asshole she is.” He nodded to Hazel.

  My head swiveled from side to side, connecting dots that were totally fucking faded. “Someone better explain what the fuck is going on, right now.”

  “What the fuck is going on?” Carly squeaked. “Apparently, Hazel decided it would be a great idea to have an affair with you. I can’t believe you would do this, Haze. You knew this was supposed to be my weekend. Did you really think I wouldn’t find out?”

  “I didn’t know,” Hazel said. “I didn’t know that they were brothers.”

  Jacob snorted. “Please. You expect us to believe that? I’m out of here.”

  “No, Jacob, please,” Carly said and cut him off at the door. “Please, don’t leave because of her.”

  “She slept with my brother three days after we broke up. My brother! How am I supposed to stand here and take that? How do you expect me to stand up in front of all those people with her right on the other side of the aisle, smiling like nothing’s wrong?” Jacob’s voice didn’t exactly shake with emotion.

  He’s the sleazebag who cheated on Hazel?

  “Whoa, what does it matter who slept
with whom? This has nothing to do with your wedding,” I said.

  “Nothing to do with it? Jacob is my best friend, like from high school,” Carly hissed. “He’s the only person I actually care about in the wedding party and now, he’s threatening to leave because he saw his older brother fucking… her on the beach. I won’t stand for it.”

  “Carly, I didn’t know,” Hazel said and tugged her hand from my grasp. “I wouldn’t have done anything if I’d known.”

  Was that really true? It’d been two pristine, delightful fucks, but she wouldn’t have done it if she’d known I was related to Jacob? The same jackass who hadn’t informed me he’d be visiting one of my resorts? “Bro,” I said and speared Jacob with a look. “Why didn’t you tell me you were here?”

  “How was I supposed to know you owned this place? I don’t keep track of your movements, Bain. Christ, until yesterday. Nice thrust action.” Jacob sneered at me.

  I balled up a fist and raised it. “Shut your bitch mouth, kid.”

  “Tough talk, eh? You learn that in prison? Or was that part of the thrusting yesterday?”

  Hazel swayed past me toward the exit.

  All the information I’d meant to impart, the stuff I’d felt I’d owed her, had come out.

  Billionaire. Check. Ex-con. Check.

  I lurched toward her, bubbling rage forgotten, and caught her hand. “Hazel, wait. We’re going to talk about this.”

  Tears streaked down her cheek, and she tugged her arm from my grip. “There’s nothing to talk about. Nothing. This is over.”

  “Damn right, it’s over,” Carly announced. “You’ve ruined my entire weekend. First, the fucking bachelorette party where you couldn’t force yourself to wear a smile. Yesterday, you weren’t on the beach to take photos like I asked you to, and today this. You’re out of the wedding party. Pack your shit and leave.”

  Hazel didn’t stay to pack. She ran from the room, a blur of pink and yellow, trailing the scent of cherry blossoms.

  “Hazel!” I strode after her, but Jacob darted into my path.

  “Stop,” he said and placed a palm on my chest. “She’s not worth it, man. If you care about me at all, you won’t go. Come on, we’re family.”


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