The Accidental Virgin (First Time Contemporary Romance): Accidental Swingers Part 3

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The Accidental Virgin (First Time Contemporary Romance): Accidental Swingers Part 3 Page 13

by Mia Moore

  Zachary nodded. “Complicated? I get that. Here I am, on a beach blanket at night, with a merry little bonfire going, sitting next to a girl who could be a super-model.” He leaned across her to grab a few more pieces of the firewood she had brought and tossed them into the dancing flames. And sighed.

  “Zachary. What’s the matter? You said you have a problem?”

  His face reddened again. He brought his knees up to his chest and bent his head down on top of them as he closed his eyes. “Ahmafferghnnnnnnnn” he said, his mouth muffled by his knees.

  Amanda touched his shoulder. “What did you say?”

  He lifted his head and looked at her.

  “I’m a virgin, Amanda.”

  She sighed. “You’re a virgin?”

  He nodded. Then he grinned. It was an almost insane grin. “Yeah, but not for much longer, right?” He blinked at her like kid on Christmas morning. “I mean… you’re a Swinger!”

  Amanda felt her jaw drop. Oh boy.

  Chapter 21:Complicated

  She stared blankly at him for a few moments then turned her head to stare out over the lake. The surface of the water was completely still. It was as if the whole world was holding its breath. Her eyes flitted across the lake, seeing the full moon’s reflection shining like a spotlight.

  Keeping her eyes focused on the lake, she said, “How in the world does a guy, living in New York City for seven years, making good money, stay a virgin?” She turned her head towards Zach. “Were you religious or something?”

  “You mean like a bible thumper? That if I had sex outside of marriage I’d burn in hell?” When she nodded, Zach shook his head no. “In high school I wasn’t popular at all.” He grimaced. “I was the kid everyone made fun of or picked on. So I kept to myself and studied hard. When I went to college… I didn’t know how to deal with girls and stuff. I had my own place, just a one bedroom, but no roommates. When I got hired and went to New York…” He paused and gave a short, rueful laugh. “When I got to New York, I was too scared.”

  “Scared? Of what?”

  “Everything. I was scared that I would screw up at my job, for starters, so I put in more hours than anyone else at the firm. After about two years, I knew that stuff inside out and my trade recommendations were paying off big time. I caught a promotion from analyst to broker and I had to start all over again.” He put his hands on the blanket behind him and leaned back. “I was also… well… ‘girl stupid’. The couple of times I went on dates, I acted like a real asshole.”

  “They have escorts. I read that Wall Street uses some top of the line escort services.”

  “They sure do! Some of the guys I worked with used them all the time. No commitment, and everything was above board.”

  “But not you.”

  Zach shook his head. “No.” His face became thoughtful. “Maybe if I hadn’t been a virgin I would have, you know? But the idea of having my first time be with a hooker…” he looked over to her. “It felt too… tawdry.”

  Amanda nodded. “And as the days, weeks, months and years passed, it just got bigger, right? It just got worse.”

  “Exactly!” His exclamation startled her a little and she flinched. “You totally understand!”

  She gave a small smirk. “Better than you can imagine.”

  “Oh? The same thing happened to you?”

  “Yes,” she said, nodding.

  “How did you get past it? I mean, this whole virgin thing is like this huuuuge barrier in my life, you know? I don’t know how I can have a relationship or anything with this hanging over me.”

  “Yes, it’s a shroud, covering everything, huh?”

  “Yes!” Zach hammered his fist down onto the sand. “I always thought of it like that too!” He turned his head to her. “Where have you been all my life?”

  “Black Rapids,” she said with a smile.

  “We really have a lot in common. The online game, how we both like this area of the beach—”

  “And how we’re both virgins.”

  “Yeah, that—” his mouth hung open and his eyes boggled. “What?”

  Amanda moved close to him. “And how we’re both going to stop being virgins tonight.”

  Zach pointed a finger at her. “You?”


  “But… but… you’re a Swinger!”

  “I said it was complicated.” She bent forward to unbutton his shorts. “Now lie back.”

  Chapter 22: Storm Surge

  She knew in her heart and soul that if she didn’t do this now, it would never happen. This was as close to a perfect setting. They were alone on a beach, under a full moon. There was a bottle of chilled champagne, and they were on a checkerboard picnic blanket. Zach was romance book cover hot, and he was strongly attracted to her. Honestly, what more could a girl want?

  Yes, of course she knew him less than an hour! Of course there was a really, really good chance that this was going to end in disaster! Even though she had used vibrators and dildos for years, having a guy up inside her was going to be an entirely different ballgame. The blowjob with Josh demonstrated just how far apart a virtual experience and a real life one was.

  Zach could hurt her. He was a virgin! He could go nuts and really hurt her! When she pulled his shorts down to his knees and saw how thick his limp cock was, she knew he was going to be pretty big when he got aroused.

  Worse… if he doesn’t call… that would be worse.

  Forget it! That’s enough! He’s a nice guy!

  And judging from how limp his cock was right now, he was as scared as she was. She snapped his shorts away from his feet and tossed them.

  She was resting back on her haunches now, looking down on him. He was totally bug eyed, his breath coming in short gasps.

  “Zachary, anytime you want to stop, just say so,” she said, her voice even.

  “Stop? Are you crazy?” He took a deep breath. “Y’know, you can call me Zach. After all, I think we’re kind of friends now, Amanda.” He smiled in the cutest way possible and sat up.

  “Oh. Yeah. I guess you’re right… Zach.” Zach. That sounded pretty cool; and she had to admit, she had been calling him Zach in her head since he confessed.

  “Good.” He leaned over and brushed a strand of hair from her face. “Just so you know, you can say stop anytime.”

  “I’ll say ‘Platypus’.” When she saw the puzzlement in his eyes, she giggled. “That’s a long story too. Don’t worry, if I want you to stop, you’ll know.” She went still. What the hell do they do now?

  “Fair enough,” he said. The hand that had brushed her locks back was on her shoulder. Zach sat further up so he was facing her, resting on his haunches as well. The hand on his shoulder went to the back of her neck, sending a shiver down her spine.

  He drew her to him and kissed her.

  He wasn’t the first guy she ever kissed, not by a long shot. She had been kissed before. Her lips and mouth had danced with many other mouths. From being six years old and Donny Watkins stealing a kiss in the schoolyard, all the way to just today when Josh kissed her so beautifully. Kisses were things she had done, and had a fair bit of experience with.

  Until this one.

  As his lips pressed on hers, and his mouth swayed across hers just that little bit from side to side, the spirit and promise of every single kiss she had ever experienced in her life was in it. All of the times she had been kissed—from boo-boo’s to luscious lust, from her grandma to her most recent lover, all of the goodness of every kiss she ever received in her life was in this one, all at the same time. Tenderness and passion, assuaging comfort and raw desire were commingled in this one kiss.

  And she gave his kiss right back to him.

  Tomorrow may never come. All of her yesterdays didn’t matter. All that that existed for her was this moment, the precious here and now she felt, she experienced, with this man. Right here. Right now.


  She wanted—no, she needed more of him. Her own hand
went behind his neck, and she pressed her mouth back onto his. She spread her lips open and with a flick of her tongue invited him within her.

  With no hesitation, Zachary accepted. His tongue slid past her lips and rested atop her own. With a pulsing flow, he stroked the inside of her mouth, over and under her own tongue, lightly tapping the roof of her mouth and back down again.

  With a gentle, steady and increasing pressure, he sucked at her mouth. Feeling it surprised her the slightest bit; then she inhaled through her nose, and when he sucked again on her, she exhaled the gentlest of puffs of air into his mouth and felt him take it into his lungs.

  Oh my.

  His hands began to fumble with her blouse. She took her own hands from his face and brushed his away; in the space of heartbeats she had her blouse unbuttoned and slipped off. With a shrug and the ends of her thumbs she pulled the straps of her tank top down and off her arms, exposing her breasts to the night air and his hands.

  They both let out a soft moan as he began to stroke and possess her breasts. A thrill of electricity travelled down her back to her tummy when he coned his hand over a breast and with thumb and forefinger began to tenderly but firmly massage her nipples.

  She had always been self conscious about them because of their firmness. Unlike the small buttons many other women had, hers had a tendency to protrude, and always at unwelcome times. Now, as he easily grasped her flesh, she dropped her head to his shoulder relishing his increasing hunger.

  When he gave one a firm twist, she groaned “Oh, yeeeees!” into his ear. He began to alternate a soft delicate stroke and a firm, craving twist, the oscillations of pleasure building higher and higher. She rocked into his shoulder, keeping her back arched to give him access.

  Hot damn it was wonderful! She inhaled deeply as he repeated his caresses and pinches, his scent filling her; a background of Eastern incense overlaid with a fresh citrus. She reveled in his smell and began to suck on his neck. He responded with a tremble and a groan of his own.

  Her hand went to his waist, finding his cock. She circled her hand around it, holding its firmness in her fist and began to pulse her hand in time with the rhythm of his hands on her breasts. He began to swell immediately, going from a rich thickness to a stiff hardness in seconds.

  Oh shit she wanted him! Oh shit she was so scared!

  With a gentle but insistent pressure, Zach rolled her onto her back. She kept her hand on his shaft, not wanting to let go as he stretched his arms above her, like he was getting ready to do pushups.

  His blue eyes glittered in the moonlight like sapphire flakes, gazing into her own. Then his gaze somehow went past her eyes and was inside of her. Zach wasn’t looking at her, he was looking into her.

  For a moment she panicked. She licked her lips and her eyes flew open even wider in fear. Zach was unrelenting in his absorption of her; she could feel herself flow out from her and into him… through that glittering blue gate that were his eyes.

  Still holding himself above her, he nestled his legs between hers, spreading them.

  When he did that, a small gasp escaped her lips; and with that gasp, his ravenous gaze vanished, replaced with a look of concern.

  “You okay?” he whispered.

  She turned her head away, staring out at the shimmering lake and moonlit sky.

  No, she wasn’t okay. She was damn confused. She wanted him as much as he wanted her—more than she had ever, ever wanted a guy. At the same time, and every bit as strongly, she wanted desperately to escape this moment!

  How the hell is she supposed to cope with this? This is more Venus territory, but this isn’t any online game!

  But Venus is here… She blinked at the realization.

  The lascivious, horny and alluring part of her that created Venus was right here too, right? And is as much a part of her as any dreams, yearnings or desires are. There’s a part of Amanda that loves to go kayaking. And there’s a part of Amanda who loves to be sexy, wanton and uninhibited.

  It was all up to her…

  The sensation of Zach pulling himself away from her snapped her back.

  “Yes, Zach,” she said, encircling her arms up and around his neck. “I am okay. A little nervous for a second, that was all.” She drew his head down to her. “Now where were we?” she said with a grin.

  “Right around here, I think,” said Zach as he kissed her quickly and slid further down to her breasts. He placed his hand over one, and began to suck the nipple of the other. She cradled his head to her chest as his other hand went to her crotch and began to pull off her panties. She raised her butt to allow him to slip them off, and his hand began to massage her mons at the same time his mouth suckled and chewed on her tits.

  “Ohhh…” the groan escaped her lips when he bit softly on the very tip of a nipple and at the same moment slid a finger up inside of her.

  Zach’s mouth continued down her torso, stopping to lick at her belly button for a moment, and stopped at the top of her pussy.

  His head rose and again, his shining eyes bore into her.

  “I’m going to go down on you now, Amanda. I’m going to make you come with my mouth, and then I’m going to fuck your pussy,” his voice, now husky came from a deep place.

  “I want to suck your cock first,” she growled back at him.

  “We’ll see!” he said. He dropped his head to her crotch and began to lick the length of her vulva with a thick, wet tongue, dribbling saliva as he went.

  His tongue barely touched her clit; even so, it was a jolt. She flinched upwards for an instant. “Yeeessss!” she hissed, and relaxed back down, opening her knees wider. When he began to suck on her clit, she sat back up, her arms straightening into the blanket. She could see the top of Zach’s head as he rolled it up and down, slathering her pussy, ending each stroke with a suck on her clit. She lay back down and closed her eyes as she flexed her hips up to his mouth.

  “Oh Zach, suck my hot cunt!” she said. Talking dirty was like a cattle prod; his movements increased in intensity. “Oh baby! I love your mouth on my wet pussy! Lick my pussy cream you fucking stud! I want your cock!”

  Nothing she had ever done to herself with her toys while online came close to the climbing pleasure she was having from Zach. She let go of the blanket and began to caress the top of his head.

  “That’s right, baby, lick me good. OOooooh Zach! Oh Zach! It’s sooo fucking good!

  She felt his fingers slip up inside of her and begin to rotate around her pussy walls, pushing and stretching her membranes.

  “Oh God! Yeeesss!” she moaned. “I love that! Keep that up, baby!”

  Again, Zach lifted his head to look in her eyes as he played with her.

  He smiled. It wasn’t a smirk, he didn’t look smug at all. It was… happy. He was happy that she was feeling such pleasure, happy being the person bringing her body up into a new realm of sensation, feeling her quivers begin. Happy for what was happening in this moment, and happy for what was to come. She cupped his cheek; he blinked, his eyes bright, and lowered his face again.

  He twisted his hand and began to massage the top of her pussy from the inside, finding that G-spot like a guided missile. As his fingers fluttered on the spongy area, his lips and mouth moved to her clit and began to sweep it with warm, wet strokes, slipping and slurping along its surface.

  An intense sizzle rocketed through her, from the top of her head, down, down and down her spine ending on his busy fingers and his beautiful, wonderful, kissable mouth. She lay her head back, again seeing the stars, but now, feeling them. She was becoming one with everything. She felt another sizzle, this time stronger, pulsing deeper.

  OhmyGod. OhmyGod.

  With a lurch, her shoulders came off the blanket. She tore at Zach’s hair.

  “Now, Zach! Now! Now! Now!”

  “Oh, baby,” he groaned.

  His head shot up, and he wriggled up the blanket above her. She reached down between their legs and grasped his cock, her fingers over his. They
fell into one another’s eyes as together, they filled her pussy with his hard, yearning shaft. As they covered his aching hard meat with her sweet pussy walls.

  “Oh God!” they both said in one voice as he entered her. Slowly, thickly, beautifully he filled her and stretched her. Their hips jostled and bumped as they both vied for the deepest, truest and fullest filling possible.

  “Ahhhmaannnda!” he gasped, his voice a husky growl.

  “Iiiinn meee Zach!” she squealed back. She lifted her knees back towards her shoulders and he nudged in that extra, beautiful awesome bit. He held himself there, watching her. She replied with a nod, and he began to stroke in and out of her.

  Each stroke was a treasure. Each instant of void then fullness was an epic sensation. She clung to his back as her opening clung to his hardness, pushing her hips up and back in perfect timing to his own.

  Zach lowered himself to rest on one elbow. With his free hand, he stroked her face with a finger. When it went over her lips, she opened her mouth and began to suck on it in time with him fucking her.

  “I’m getting close, baby,” he said.

  She took her hand and covered his and guided them both down between her legs. Together they massaged the top of her clit as he continued to stroke into her.

  “Fuck me, baby, fuck me, Zach!” she gasped.

  Houston, we have ignition!

  “Right there, Zach! Right there, right there!”

  Her ears roared with a thunderous red, rolling wave. It began at her toes and fingers, rolling up her legs and down through her body to where she was joined with him. Every inch of her body was crying out in a blissful death and rebirth as wave after wave of red roiling joy rolled over and through her in explosion after explosion.

  And that was only the first one.

  Like a building storm surge, the second wave dwarfed the first, only to be subsumed by a third, then fourth.

  Amanda stretched her neck back and yowled. She didn’t scream; it was a guttural joining with stars a ‘borning, fault lines aligning and icebergs breaking off to tumble into the sea. She was an animal rutting, and an angel singing praise to creation. Over and over again, a new wave of pleasure bore down on her and shot through her, to be followed by an even greater one.


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