Callous Heir

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by Michelle Heard

  Copyright © 2021 by M.A. Heard.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written consent of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotation embodied in critical reviews and various other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  The resemblance to actual persons, things, living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

  Cover Designer: Sybil Wilson, PopKitty Design

  Cover Model: Lochie Carey

  Photographer Credit: Michelle Lancaster





  Defiant Heir

  Family Tree

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  The Heirs

  Trinity Academy

  Enemies To Lovers

  Connect with me

  About the author



  Tayla, thank you for being the best daughter-in-law.


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  I made the mistake of falling for one of my brother’s friends.

  As if that wasn’t stupid enough, I then declared my love to him.

  Yeah, I know. Big mistake. HUGE mistake.

  But here I am with my rejected feelings, and Noah won’t even look at me. Whenever he has to talk to me, his words are blunt. Yet they cut deeper than any knife.

  What’s a girl to do when the man she loves won’t give her the time of day?

  Make herself irreplaceable in his life, of course.

  Noah West

  More handsome than all the rest.

  I loved him from deep in my bones,

  But then he found out

  And became all curt

  And trampled my heart in the dirt.

  Callous Heir


  Book 5

  College/New Adult series of interconnected STANDALONES.

  “Life is an act of faith and an act of gamble.” ― Alan Watts.

  Family Tree



  Jaxson WestLeigh Baxter


  Godmother: Miss Sebastian

  Godfather: Marcus Reed

  Best Friends: Kao Reed, Hunter Chargill & Jase Reyes



  Julian ReyesJamie Truman


  Godmother: Layla Truman

  Godfather: Falcon Reyes

  Best friends: Forest Reyes & Aria Chargill

  Noah West

  More handsome than all the rest.

  I loved him from deep in my bones,

  But then he found out

  And became all curt

  And trampled my heart in the dirt.

  Chapter 1


  Carla 15; Noah 20

  I’ve watched so many motivational videos on YouTube, looking for the meaning of love. None of them could really answer me. Some say it’s hormonal. Others say it’s a spiritual connection with another soul. All speculations, though.

  Why do I look at Noah West and feel like I might die if he doesn’t love me back?

  My eyes trace every inch of his body. He’s all hard muscle with an air of I-don’t-give-a-fuck giving him an edge.

  It’s that edge that attracts me. I want to leap off of it and fall… and fall… and fall into everything that’s Noah West.

  His dark blonde hair, hazel eyes, and the constant grin tugging at the corner of his mouth… sigh. Add that he has an IQ of between one hundred and sixty and two hundred, depending on which test you go with, and the man is damn near perfect.

  But that edge. God, that edge draws me in like an addiction. I’m hooked, living for my next fix of when I’ll get to lay eyes on Noah again.

  Right now, I’m high on the sight of him, where he’s standing near the barbeque, talking with Jase, Hunter, and Kao. Everyone’s here to celebrate Jase turning twenty.

  I watch as Noah laughs at something my brother Jase says. Sigh. He glances toward the veranda, and as he turns to walk inside, I get up and follow him.

  Now’s my chance to get him alone.

  I watch as he goes into the restroom, and I wait at the end of the hallway with my heart stuck in my throat. I glance around, making sure there’s no one else nearby. I rub my sweaty hands on my jeans and take a couple of deep breaths.

  My heart thumps faster from both nerves and excitement.

  When the door to the restroom opens and light spills into the hallway, I want to slap my forehead for not switching on a light. Standing like a creep in the shadows, my voice sounds like I sucked on helium as I say, “Noah. Can we talk?”

  His head snaps my way, and he instantly frowns. “Why are you standing in the dark?”

  I move closer and turn on the light, and then I wring my hands nervously. “Ah, there’s something I want to say to you.”

  The frown doesn’t leave his face but instead deepens. “Yeah, I think it would be better if you didn’t tell me anything.”

  His words surprise me. “But you don’t know what I was about to say.”

  His beautiful hazel eyes narrow on me, and then he grumbles, “Yes, I do.”

  Noah begins to turn away from me, and it has me blurting, “I love you.”

  He freezes, and he lets out an annoyed sigh. Turning back to me, he shakes his head, and his eyes lock with mine.

  His expression is irritated and cold, making my heart lurch to my throat.

  Then he mutters, “I’m not a pedophile. Date someone your own age.”

  I watch him walk away, and it takes a couple of seconds for his words to sink in. Then my world implodes, the ground opens up, everything that was perfect in my life shatters into an aching mess.

  I gasp for air and fight to keep control over the devastation wreaking havoc in my heart. Darting down the hallway, I rush up the stairs so I can get to the privacy of my bedroom.

  When I shut the door behind me, I fall on my bed and bury my face in my pillows. Sobs begin to shudder through me as my heart breaks.

  He was so mean. God, if he doesn’t feel the same, he could’ve at least been gentle about the whole thing.

  Realizing Noah just outright rejected me without even caring about my emotions makes me feel like I don’t matter at all.

  I try to silence my sobs as my first love goes up in flames. It scorches all my dreams and hopes, and not even my tears can extinguish the inferno of heartbreak.


  Watching Carla run up the stairs, I feel like shit.

  Fuck, why did she have to go and do that?

  I’ve picked up on the stares filled with longing and the interest in her eyes. But shit, she’s fifteen, nothing more than jailbait. Hell no, I can’t even bring myself to thin
k of her as a young woman. To me, she’ll always be the little girl with pigtails and a defiant streak. I shake my head and let out a heavy breath.

  I hate that I had to hurt her, but she has Reyes’ blood in her veins, which means she wouldn’t give up otherwise. I had to be direct, even if it was brutal.

  Yeah, Carla is gorgeous, and if she was older, or I was younger… who knows. I shake my head again, stopping my thoughts dead in their tracks.

  She’s fifteen. A kid. A definite hell no.

  I walk over to where Kao’s standing with the rest of the group and say, “I’m heading back to the suite.”

  His eyes dart to me. “It’s still early.”

  I force a smile to my face, hoping he doesn’t pick up on the vibe that I’m upset. “Yeah, I’m beat.”

  “Want me to come with?” he asks.

  I shake my head. “Stay and have fun. I’m just going to shower and call it a night.”

  “Okay.” His eyes sharpen on me. “Is everything okay?”

  I nod, widening my smile. “Just tired.”

  I say bye to the rest of the group, and with a wave, I head to my car. During the drive back to campus, Carla’s shocked expression, filled with a world of heartache, is stuck in my mind.

  When I walk into my room, I grab a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt from my closet, and I go take a shower. I focus on my routine, trying to forget the evening. But the moment I drop down on my bed and my head hits the pillow, Carla and her bruised eyes are back to haunt me.

  Fuck, it sucks.

  I should’ve told one of the girls so they could comfort her. I think about texting one of them but shun the idea. It will show I care and the last thing I want to do is give Carla hope.

  She’ll fall for a guy her own age. I just need to avoid her until then. She’ll get over me in a couple of days.

  I keep reassuring myself she’ll be okay and then move onto more reasons why I’m the worst possible guy for her… besides the obvious that there’s a considerable age gap between us.

  I’m… odd, to put it mildly. I’m a thinker, a facts person. If it can’t be proven, I have no interest in it, which counts for love as well.

  To me, falling in love is nothing more than a chemical reaction in your body. Love itself? It’s not an emotion. I believe it’s something you have to continually work at. It’s being dedicated to one person. That’s all there is to it.

  But Carla… she believes in being swept off her feet. She believes in happily ever afters. She’s a dreamer, the total opposite of me.

  I let out a sigh and turn on my side.

  I also need to be in control of everything in my life, especially in the bedroom. I’ll fucking traumatize Carla.

  I shake my head to rid myself of the thought.

  I’ll just keep my distance. It’s the best thing to do.

  Chapter 2


  Carla 18; Noah23

  It’s been two days since I moved into the suite at Trinity Academy, and I’m excited about the pool party they’ve organized for tonight.

  I’m still getting used to constantly running into Noah, though. I thought I was emotionally ready to face him. I mean, it’s been three years since my disastrous confession. But, like the idiot I am, I still love the guy. Don’t ask me why. He sure as hell doesn’t deserve a grain of affection from me.

  It’s infuriating to love the person you desperately want to hate.

  He still treats me like I’m an annoying toddler, and I know it’s only a matter of time before I lose my shit and give him a piece of my mind.

  Surely, it’s not a crime to love someone? Right?

  I thought once we were living in the same suite, he’d at least be okay with being friends. But no, it’s a full out war.

  It’s fine. Two can play this game, and I have no intention of losing, even though I have no idea if there can be a winner when this all comes to a head.

  Letting out a sigh, I look at my reflection in the mirror. I’m wearing a white bikini with black flowers, and the black sandals make my legs look endlessly long. I’m taller than the average girl, but since my curves have filled out nicely, I don’t mind the height that much.

  I tie a wrap around my waist and flipping my brown curls over my shoulder, I leave my room.

  I join my best friend and cousin, Aria and Forest, in the living room, so we can leave for the party.

  I watch as Aria takes hold of my cousin’s hand. I can’t help but think there’s more between them than a fake relationship that’s supposed to be an act because neither of them wants to date right now. I can feel the vibes coming off them.

  Shrugging the thoughts away as we walk toward the pool house, a smile forms around my mouth. My friends will be okay. Tonight I just want to have fun.

  The instant I step inside, I feel eyes on me. I take a deep breath as three guys approach me. I don’t mind the attention, but nothing will come of it. It’s only ever been Noah for me. All the other guys end up annoying me during the flirting stage, so I cut things short before they can even ask me out on a date.

  “Looking hot, Carla,” Adam, who’s a senior at Trinity, says. His eyes slowly sweep up my body, and it makes me feel like a two-dollar hooker.

  I narrow my gaze at him, not appreciating the way he's checking me out. “Stop looking at me as if I’m for sale.”

  I hear Aria shriek and glance toward the pool, in time to see Noah throwing her into the air before she plunges back into the water.

  There’s a jealous stab in my chest.

  Why can’t he be like that with me? Instead, he treats me as if I have some disease.

  Ignoring Adam and his friends, I walk to a lounge chair and take a seat.

  The pool fills up quickly with half-dressed bodies, and soon water is splashing everywhere.

  “Noah,” I hear Julianne’s annoyingly high-pitched voice, and my gaze searches for them.

  I watch as she places her hand on his arm, and when he pulls away from her, a smile forms around my lips. Glad to see I’m not the only one he’s rejecting. My eyes drift over his chest and his abs.

  Ugh, why is he so hot?

  Julianne pouts, and I wish I could hear what they’re saying to each other. Noah looks annoyed, and walking away from her, he dives back into the pool.

  “Hey, cuz,” Fallon says with a smile as she comes to sit by me.

  Surprised to see her, I reply, “Hey, I didn’t know you were coming.”

  “I’m just showing my face, and then I’m heading home,” she explains. Her eyes dart to someone behind me, and she grins, “Hey, Noah.”

  I instantly freeze, and I try, I really try, but I can’t stop myself from looking over my shoulder. Noah’s busy patting drops from his chest with a towel.

  Damn, I wish I was that towel.

  “Hi,” he smiles at Fallon. “Where’s Kao?”

  Kao’s engaged to my cousin, and he’s also Noah’s best friend.

  “He stopped by his parents’ place after work. He’s probably still there.” Fallon climbs to her feet, and her eyes settle on me. “I’m going to hit the road. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  I get up and give her a hug.

  Fallon starts to walk away but smiles at Noah. “We’re seeing you this weekend for the big move, right?”

  “Yeah,” he replies, and for a second, his eyes lock on me before he turns around and walks away.

  Every time he’s friendly with one of the other girls in our group, it digs a chunk of my heart out.

  God, I want to hate him. Damn, I’ll even settle for intensely disliking him.


  It’s hard to adjust to Kao not being at Trinity anymore. Seeing Fallon lessened the loneliness, though.

  Damn, I miss my best friend.

  Because I’m doing two degrees instead of one like Kao did, I’m stuck at the academy for an extra year.

  I glance around at the other students, and there’s not one I remotely want to be friends with. I don’t have
the patience for meaningless conversations.

  Letting out a sigh, I decide to take one last dip in the pool before returning to the suite. I dive into the water, and coming up on the other side of the pool, I hoist myself out.

  “Oh, look what the cat dragged in,” I hear Carla’s voice.

  My gaze sweeps over her, and taking in the scant pieces of fabric barely covering her sexy-as-fuck body, I tilt my head and ask, “Did you only get half your pocket money this month, and that’s why you couldn’t afford the other half of that bathing suit?”

  Carla’s eyes narrow on me, but then she shakes her head, and impersonating Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story, she says, “You are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity.”

  This girl… Fuck she annoys the living hell out of me with her impersonations.

  Since she declared her love to me three years ago, I’ve done my best to stay away from her. I can’t even bring myself to think of her as anything more than a kid. Yeah, she might be all long legs, curves, and a beautiful face, but still, she’ll always be a kid to me.

  I take a step closer to her and say, “Don’t you think it’s time you grow up, little girl? You’re in the adult world now.”

  “God, help me,” Carla hisses, anger making her features tighten.

  Forest grabs hold of her arm, and his eyes lock on mine. “That’s enough.”

  If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s not to take on the Reyes’ family. Holding up my hands, I shoot a glare at Carla so she’ll know to back off, then I turn and walk away.

  God, I miss the old group.

  I keep walking until I’m in the suite, and the emptiness makes me feel antsy. I take a shower, and pulling on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, I decide to chill in the living room.

  I grab my phone from my desk and walk out of my room. Plopping down on the couch, I turn on the TV and go to CNN.


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