Callous Heir

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Callous Heir Page 6

by Michelle Heard

  Mom lets out a chuckle. “That’s a stupid question.”

  My smile widens. “I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

  I hang up and tuck my phone into my bag. Reaching the vehicle, I slide behind the steering wheel and steer the car off the campus.

  When I park in the driveway, I leave my bag, seeing as I won’t need it, and hurry to the front door. Using my set of keys, I let myself in and make my way to the spacious kitchen.

  “Hey,” I say as I walk to where Mom is busy preparing the meal. I press a kiss to her cheek.

  “If I knew all it would take to get you to visit was making potato fans, I would’ve done it the first day you moved out,” Mom teases while I quickly wash my hands.

  I let out a chuckle as I dry off the excess water. I take my place next to Mom, and grabbing a potato half, I begin slicing strips into it.

  “Sooo…” Mom draws the word out, “what’s new? How does it feel to live in the dorm? Have you made any new friends?”

  I keep my gaze on the potato, so I don’t cut my fingers off as I answer, “I didn’t expect it to be such a huge adjustment, but I’m getting the hang of things now. At first, it felt like I was thrown into an alternate universe.”

  “Yeah, it can be daunting,” Mom agrees. “When I started at Trinity, I only knew Layla and Kingsley, and we weren’t close yet.”

  “That must’ve been hard.” I glance at Mom. “How did you cope?”

  She gives me a warm smile. “I just powered through it, and after a while, I got used to how things worked.” There’s a moment’s silence, then she asks, “Any guys caught your eye yet?”

  I let out a sputter of laughter. Mom knows I’ve been in love with Noah for years because there’s nothing I hide from her. “Nah, it’s still only Noah.”

  “And? How is it living in the same suite as him?” Her hands still as her eyes focus on me.

  I shrug. “We’re actually trying to be friends. It’s a relief.”

  “That’s good to hear,” Mom murmurs.

  Then the corner of my mouth lifts and pausing with the work for a moment, I murmur, “We kissed.”

  “Oh my God,” Mom shrieks, and then she’s yanking me into a hug and bouncing with me. “I’m so happy for you!” Mom pulls back and gives me a big smile. “And… how was it?”

  I begin to laugh as my cheeks flush. “So much better than I thought it would be.” I let out a sigh. “He was… I was…” I sigh. “It was perfect.”

  Mom cups my cheeks with her hand. “Aww… I’m glad.”

  “He said he needs time to process everything.” I begin to slice the potatoes again. “So I’m giving him space. I’m just glad he’s willing to try.”

  “Me too,” Mom murmurs. “I know how much you love him, and I just want you to be happy.”

  A soft smile plays around my lips as I say, “I am. I really am.”


  When three days have passed, I’m surprised Carla hasn’t come to talk to me yet. Whenever I run into her, she just smiles as if nothing happened between us.

  I’m beginning to realize there’s much more to Carla than meets the eye. She’s probably one of the most patient people I know. Any other girl would’ve told me to get lost by now.

  Carla is probably going to San Francisco with Forest and Aria for Aria’s art exhibition. The thought of Carla not being here this weekend gets to me, though.

  I’ll talk to her once she gets back. After this past week and realizing how well she understands me, I’m ready to take the next step.

  Also, I want to see if the physical side of things will work between us.

  After that kiss, do you seriously have any doubts?


  When I walk down the hallway, I hear Carla say, “Can you go to the drug store and get me some flu meds?”

  She’s sick?

  “Do you feel sick?” I hear Forest ask.

  “Yeah. My body aches all over, and my throat feels like someone shoved thorns down it.”

  I walk into the living room, and the instant I see her feverish face, I go to take her hand while telling Forest, “I’ll make sure she gets meds in her.”

  “He’s going to drug and kill me,” Carla groans, but I can hear the playful tone in her voice.

  “Don’t give me any ideas,” I tease her as I drag her back to her room. “Climb back in bed.”

  Without any argument, she lies down and snuggles into her pillow, then she asks, “Are we going to play doctor-patient?”

  I tilt my head at her. “No, you’re going to rest and get better.” My eyes scan over her face, and then I place the back of my hand against her forehead. Feeling the heat coming off her, I say, “I’ll get you flu medicine and chicken soup.”

  “I will not eat chicken soup. Don’t you dare order it,” she grumbles at me.

  “Chicken soup?” Aria asks as she comes into the room.

  “Yeah, she’s sick,” I mutter. Slanting my eyes at Carla, I add, “And a terrible patient.”

  “Aww… no. So you can’t come tonight?” Aria asks as she goes to feel Carla’s forehead. “Do you have meds? Should I go get you some?”

  “I’ve got it covered,” I say. “Don’t worry about her.”

  “Worry about me,” Carla groans. “I’m stuck with the tin man.”

  When my gaze darts to her, she winks at me.

  Aria lets out a chuckle as she says, “Damn, we’ll miss you.”

  I feel a sudden burst of relief and happiness that Carla’s staying home, and do my best to not let it show on my face.

  “You go kick ass,” Carla grins as she turns onto her side. “I’m just going to sleep it off.”

  “I’ll call later to check on you,” Aria says.

  “Enjoy the night, guys.”

  When Forest and Aria leaves, I turn back to Carla. “Tin man?”

  “Yeah, but you’re a hot tin man.” She begins to chuckle, but it turns into a cough.

  I sit down next to her and rub a hand over her back. “I’m going to run to the store quickly. Try to get some sleep. Okay?”

  Carla nods, then she murmurs, “Thank you.”

  Leaning over her, I press a kiss to her feverish forehead, and then I rush out of the suite.

  After getting everything Carla will need to get better, I unpack the bags on the kitchen island. I place the juices in the fridge and taking a bottle of water and the medicine, I head back to her room.

  She’s kicked off the covers and lying on her side, it looks like she’s asleep. She’s wearing cotton shorts and a tight t-shirt, which make her body look hot as fuck.

  Pushing the desire to the side, I set the meds down on her bedside table. The sound makes Carla turn onto her back.

  “Sit up,” I murmur as I take a seat on the side of the bed. I hold the water out to her and then begin to go through all the medicine. When she’s taken everything, and her eyes drift closed, I say, “Lie down again and get some sleep.”

  She does as I say, and then she asks, “Can you turn up the AC? It’s hot.”

  “The ibuprofen will help with the fever.” I get up and go get a bowl of ice. Walking back into her room, I go to her ensuite bathroom to grab a cloth. Pouring water over the ice, I soak the cloth until it’s cool. I squeeze out the excess water then begin to slowly wipe down her arms. I keep rinsing the cloth, and as I move down to her legs, she lets out a moan.

  “So good,” she murmurs.

  My hands itch to touch her, but I keep wiping over her heated skin before placing the cool cloth over her forehead.

  Carla’s eyes drift closed again as she whispers, “Thank you.”

  My lips curve up. “You’re welcome.”

  I sit and watch as she falls asleep. Then I pull my phone from my pocket and begin to read an article about NASA awarding a contract to a university to provide freezers for science samples aboard the International Space Station.

  Every couple of minutes, my gaze drifts over Carla, and eventually, I turn off
the device and just stare at her.

  I reach for her thigh and brush my knuckles over her skin. A current instantly zaps between us, and fascinated by how she makes me feel, I brush my fingers up to the edge of her shorts.

  Carla’s eyes open, and I instantly regret waking her. “Sorry.”

  She shakes her head. “I love that you’re staying with me, but I don’t want you to catch this cold, or flu, or whatever it is.”

  “I’ll be fine,” I set her mind at ease. “Can I get you something to eat?”

  She shakes her head. “No, thanks. I’m not hungry.”

  “A juice? We have to keep you hydrated.”

  A smile tugs at her mouth. “Careful, I could get used to you taking care of me.”

  I give her hand a squeeze then rise to my feet so I can get her an orange juice.

  Chapter 10


  Every time I wake up, it’s to see Noah sitting next to me. He’s reading something on his phone, and it gives me time to stare at him.

  My gaze drifts over him. It’s so easy to be deceived by his good looks, but he’s like an onion. There are so many layers to him. From his hot as hell body to his mind that continually needs to be fed.

  “If you have me, you want to share me,” I murmur, making Noah’s eyes instantly dart to me. “If you share me, you don’t have me. What am I?”

  A grin tugs at his mouth. “A secret.”

  I try to think of another riddle. “You’re escaping a labyrinth, and there are three doors in front of you. The door to the left leads to a raging inferno. The one in the center leads to a deadly assassin. The other on the right leads to a lion that hasn’t eaten in three months. Which door do you choose?”

  He smiles and shakes his head. “The lion hasn’t eaten in three months, so he’s dead.”

  I scrunch my nose at him. “I’ll have to up my game.”

  Noah places his hand against my forehead. “How do you feel?”

  “Much better and hungry.” When he gets up, I add, “I just want to shower, then I’d like to sit in the living room. I’m tired of the bed.”

  “Will you try to have chicken soup?” Noah asks. “It will help you feel better.”

  Not able to resist him, I mutter, “Fine.”

  I get a broad smile as a reward before he leaves my room. I notice it’s already ten pm. Checking my phone, I see I have a text from Forest.

  F: I hope you’re feeling better. Aria won.

  C: Whooo-Hooo! Tell her congrats from me. We’ll celebrate when you get back. I’m feeling much better. Have fun while you’re there. x

  Forcing myself up, I go shower. When I’m dressed in comfy clothes, I tie my hair in a ponytail, and grabbing my pillow, I walk to the living room.

  I find Noah in the kitchen, in front of a bowl of soup and a glass of orange juice. “Come eat.”

  I drop my pillow on one of the couches and then sit down on one of the stools situated around the island. “Thank you for taking care of me.”

  Noah comes to take a seat next to me with a cheeseburger and shoestring fries for himself. He waits until I eat a spoonful of the soup, and only then does he turn his attention to his own food.

  “Forest texted me. Aria won the competition,” I inform Noah before I scoop up another spoonful of soup.

  “That’s great news,” he says, then he admits, “I haven’t seen any of her work yet.”

  “She’s really good. I have a photo of one of her pieces on my phone.” I slide off the stool and go get the device from my room. Opening up my gallery, I search for the photo as I walk back to the kitchen. I turn the screen to Noah so he can see. “She painted this one for our senior year.”

  One of Noah’s eyebrows raises slightly. “Damn, that’s an amazing piece.”

  There’s a proud smile on my face as I sit down again. “Yeah.”

  We continue with our meals, and the thought hits me that Noah has spent the entire day with me. It means everything to me. Still, I ask, “It’s a Saturday night. Didn’t you have any plans?”

  He swallows the bite down, then wipes his mouth with a napkin before he replies, “Nothing I couldn’t cancel.”

  His answer makes a grin spread over my face.

  When we’re done with our meals, I pick up my pillow and sit down on the couch. Noah grabs the TV remote and then comes to take a seat next to me.

  Screw that.

  I throw the pillow onto one of the other couches, and lifting his arm, I position it around my shoulders. Cuddling up against him, I murmur, “Mhh… you’re better than a pillow.”

  He lets out a chuckle while turning on the TV, then he asks, “What do you want to watch?”

  “Anything. I’ll probably fall asleep halfway through.”

  “Are you okay with a documentary?”

  My lips curve up. “Sure.”

  He goes to Netflix and puts on Dancing with the Birds. As he gets lost in the show, his fingers begin to brush up and down my arm, and the touch makes a kaleidoscope of butterflies take flight in my stomach.

  Suddenly Noah murmurs, “I’m glad you didn’t go with Forest and Aria.”

  I glance up at him. “Yeah?”

  He nods, his eyes not leaving the TV screen. “I was thinking we could slowly start with a relationship.”

  I sit up, and turning my body toward him, I cross my legs in front of me. “Like… dating?” I ask to make sure.

  My heart begins to beat faster as I wait for Noah’s answer. He turns off the TV, and then his eyes lock on mine.

  “Yes, dating,” he answers, making a burst of happiness rush through my heart. “But I still want to take it slow.”

  I nod quickly. “I’m fine with taking things slow. No rush.”

  Noah reaches for my hand and when his fingers brush against mine, tingles race over my skin. My breaths begin to speed up as I stare deep into his eyes. He brings his other hand to the back of my head, and then he pulls me closer as he leans in. My breath stalls in my throat as the distance shrinks between us, and all my senses heighten, not wanting to miss a thing.

  Noah’s lips brush softly against mine, and then he pulls back an inch. I feel his breaths on my face, and it makes an intense sensation spread through my body. My abdomen tightens, and my heart begins to thunder in my chest. When his lips brush against mine again, it feels like my soul might burst from all the happiness I’m filled with.

  He pulls back, and the corner of his mouth lifts as his eyes drift over my face.


  My phone begins to ring, disrupting the intimate moment between us. I dig the device out of my pocket and frown when I see Kao’s name flashing on the screen. “Hey, what’s up?”

  “Hi, I don’t know if you heard yet, but there was an earthquake in San Francisco. Forest and Aria are missing,” Kao says.

  My mind instantly begins to race, pulling up stats about earthquakes and survival rates.

  “Shit,” is all I manage to say, though.

  Carla’s phone starts to ring, and before I can grab hold of her hand to keep her from answering, she darts up and dashes to the kitchen, where she left the device.

  Fuck, this is bad.

  “Mr. Reyes is keeping us updated. They’ve taken a flight to San Francisco to arrange a search party with the Chargills’.”

  “That’s good,” I answer, for lack of finding the right words. “Keep us updated, please.”

  “Will do.” Kao pauses, then he says, “Take care of Carla. She’ll be worried and upset. Comfort her.”

  “Yeah, sure,” I mutter.

  The call ends, and I get up from the couch. Only then does the shock from the news hit, rippling through my body. My mind scrambles faster for every bit of information I have on earthquakes as I walk to where Carla stands.

  Her face pales, and she freezes as if she’s caught in a trance. Then her hand begins to tremble, and her breathing speeds up.

  An icy shiver rushes over my body, causing weird prickles to spread over m
y skin.

  A couple of seconds later, she murmurs, “Ah… No. Noah’s here.” Her gaze darts to mine as she says, “Love you too, Daddy. Bye.”

  Her hand drops limply to her side as I move in front of her. “Did your dad tell you about Forest and Aria?” I ask.

  She nods slowly.

  I tilt my head to catch her eyes, then I say, “The odds of dying in an earthquake are really low. Forest and Aria will be okay.” She lets out a burst of air, her eyes focusing on mine, and it has me assuring her, “People have survived being trapped for days. They’ll be okay.”

  She lifts a trembling hand and grabs hold of my shirt. Her shoulders jerk, and then she gasps for a breath of air.

  I pull her to my chest, and when I wrap my arms around her, she begins to shiver from the shock.

  “Shh… they’re going to be okay,” I say, trying my best to comfort her.

  Carla suddenly pulls back and lifting her phone, she brings up Forest’s number and presses dial. There’s an automated response, and when her eyes dart up to mine, filled with fear, I say, “The cellphone towers could be knocked out. Communications are always first to go, along with power. This doesn’t mean anything.”

  She nods, and grasping onto my words, she says, “You’re right.” She takes a shaky breath. “You’re right.” A tear spirals down her cheek, and I reach up to brush it off her skin. Then her voice sounds hoarse as she whispers, “You’re right.”

  I pull her back to my chest and hold her tightly. “They’ll be found soon.”

  Carla’s shoulders shake, and she cries silently. I rub a hand over her back. I keep dropping kisses on her temple and hair.

  Even though I know the stats, there’s still the fear that Forest or Aria could be the one in twenty thousand.

  God, please let me be right. Bring them safely home.

  I take Carla back to the couch and sitting down, I pull her onto my lap and cradle her body against mine. Except for a shudder rippling through her every couple of minutes, she remains still in my arms.

  I lift my hand to her face, and placing a finger beneath her chin, I nudge her up so she’ll look at me. There are tear tracks on her cheeks, and the sight makes an aching feeling squeeze my heart. Using my thumb, I brush the wetness away. Our eyes lock, and feeling the need to reassure her, I say, “They’re okay. We’ll hear something soon.”


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