Stanton Bliss: Stanton

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Stanton Bliss: Stanton Page 12

by T L Swan

  And then she kisses me and I smile into her beautiful lips as I try to catch my breath. We are both wet with perspiration and I glance around at the beautiful romantic candlelight we are basking in.

  “I was trying to be romantic,” I murmur into her neck.

  She smiles and kisses me slowly, her tongue diving deeply into my mouth.

  “Forget romantic,” she replies. “You still have an ass to fuck.”

  I smirk. “God, my wife is a beautiful slut.” I growl as I flip her onto the mattress and she laughs out loud. “You’re about to fucking cop it.”

  Chapter 7

  Six months later

  Time goes fast, but then it also stands so still. Joshua and I are back in L.A. We have recovered, to an extent. We’re socializing again and we even have a party tonight at Carson’s house, although the fucker still annoys me. Thankfully, Adrian and Bridge are also going, so they will keep me sane. Joshua is coping but angrier than he has ever been, kicking someone’s ass every morning for sport. I once hated him fighting, but I now know that this is his therapy, this is his coping mechanism, and I need to let him fulfil that. He’s filed lawsuits of defamation against most major tabloids over his court case. He refuses to let go of all the hurtful stories they sold and the lies that made them money. I don’t blame him. On advice, suing them was the only way he can ensure that they don’t keep hounding us, that they back off and let us live our lives in peace. We have suffered enough and he is putting a loud and clear message out that he has the money to fight, and he is prepared to spend every last penny to ensure our privacy. Two magazine editors have already lost their jobs, but he wants more blood. He has four more names on his hit list and I don’t pity any of them one tiny bit. He’s an angry man on a mission.

  It’s 2pm on a Friday, and I am at home alone. Bridget now works for Joshua three days a week, organising the company’s work conferences, and Joshua works from home when he can, I’m not ready to go back to work. To be honest, I don’t know if I ever will be ready? How can I be stable enough to look after someone else’s mental health when I still struggle with my own? I have started to study online and, oh, I’m having a dabble at writing a book. It’s totally shit, but I have the time, so why not try? It’s a historical romance. Joshua is reading it by the chapter, and I write when we go to bed at night. He keeps telling me that he’s going to have to lift his game if this is what guys in romance books do.

  To be honest, I’m enjoying this time alone. I go to the gym… yes, you heard me right, I am going to the gym. Then I come home and study or write and potter around. We are looking for a new house to buy in Brentwood. Our apartment is gorgeous but Joshua misses his yard and pool. He wants a gym at home, and I wouldn’t mind a decorating project, or should I say, I wouldn’t mind a task to tackle with Adrian. My days are flying and I don’t feel lonely at all like I thought I would.

  I try to concentrate as I look at my computer screen but my eyes keep wandering to the brown paper bag on my desk.

  A pregnancy test. I bought it at the pharmacy this morning with Max.

  I was going to take it tonight when Joshua got home, but I think I want to do it now. No, I should wait for him.

  I go back to my writing but my eyes wander by themselves again to the brown bag.

  For fifteen minutes I continue to torture myself until I can’t take it anymore. “Oh, fuck it.” I snatch the bag and rip it open. I narrow my eyes as I carefully read the instructions. I have never done one before. I haven’t taken the pill since I got back, but every month, like clockwork, my period has arrived. It’s a conversation that Joshua and I haven’t had. I know he doesn’t want me to feel pressured and is purposely not bringing it up. I just want to surprise him.

  Ok, so I just pee on the stick and one line is negative and two lines is positive. Hmm, sounds easy enough.

  I go to the bathroom and do my thing on the stick. Then I sit on the kitchen bench and I watch it. I tap my fingers on the bench as I wait. My eyes flick to the clock. It’s meant to take a few minutes, I suppose.

  After the longest wait in history, there is only one line. What an anti climax. The front door opens. “Hi, Presh,” Joshua’s voice calls out through the apartment. Shit, I toss the test stick into the second drawer and slam it shut. I will deal with that later.

  Joshua smiles as he comes around the corner and embraces me in his large arms. “Hello, my beautiful girl.”

  I smile against his lips. “Hello, my Lamborghini.”

  He kisses me gently. “How was your day?” he asks.

  “It was good. How was yours?”

  He shrugs. “Work was work.”

  He yawns as he goes to the fridge in search of a drink.

  “Do we have to go tonight?” he asks.


  “Mmm.” He grumbles as he flicks the jug on and holds up a teabag.

  I nod and smile. We don’t even have to talk when tea is involved.

  “I suppose I had better work out what to wear,” I mutter to myself.

  “Naked works for me.”

  I smirk. “You always want me naked.”

  He turns and cups my behind, pulling me to him aggressively as his tongue swipes slowly through my lips. “And you always comply,” he whispers.

  I giggle into my Margarita glass like a fool. Bridget and I are well on our way to drunk heaven at Carson’s party, and we are finding everything and everyone hilarious. We’re standing to the left of the pool, near the cocktail bar, and Adrian and Joshua are just behind us, talking. The music is loud and pumping inside where the people are dancing.

  I feel two hands slip around my hips. “Keep dancing like that and you are going to cop it,” he whispers in my ear.

  I wiggle my hips in an exaggerated move.

  “Bring it.” I smirk into the side of his face.

  Ben and Bridget are on amicable terms, and by amicable, I mean not talking. He doesn’t come out with us anymore, which tells me that he still has feelings for her. She pretends that she doesn’t care but I know she does. He has gone to South Africa for a holiday. Adrian’s phone beeps a text in my hand and Bridget and I scream way too loudly. He smirks and takes it from us. At parties, in recent times, someone has been sending Adrian mysterious texts. The person doesn’t tell him who it is, just how beautiful he looks and how badly they want to fuck him. This is a mystery that is getting solved tonight. I have been holding his phone for an hour as we wait.

  He reads it out:

  Adrian you look as beautiful as ever.

  I narrow my eyes as I think of a reply. “Write this. As do you, I am watching you.”

  Bridget and I clink glasses.

  “Excellent.” Bridget nods. “Then he will think we know who it is.”

  Adrian and Joshua frown at each other. “That’s a shit reply.” Joshua shakes his head in disgust.

  Bridget points at Adrian. “I know. Just write, I’m here, come and get it.”

  Adrian hands over the phone to us. “You two reply for me. I’m not in the mood for this stupid game of Cluedo.”

  I take the phone from him, and Bridget and I try to think of a witty comeback.

  “It’s a woman,” says Joshua. “Any money it’s a woman. A guy couldn’t be fucked with this shit.”

  Adrian frowns. “Disappointing if it is.”

  Bridget puts her hand on her hip in disgust. “You should be so lucky to have sex with our species.”

  Adrian wraps his big arms around Bridget and squeezes her tight. “If you say so, Didge.”

  She smiles at his over the top affection. Didge and Adrian have become inseparable. They live together, they party together and they are getting over broken hearts together. Adrian went on a date just this week.

  Hand the phone back to Adrian.

  Another text comes through and we squeal in delight and look around. It is someone here. My eyes scan the crowd but I can’t see anyone suspicious. It beeps again. I hand the phone back over to Adrian.
/>   God, Adrian. I just want to fuck you so hard.

  Adrian’s eyes bulge and he laughs as he reads it out.

  “It’s a guy.” I point my glass at him. “Girls don’t say they are going to fuck you so hard.”

  Bridget nods. “Good point.”

  Joshua winces as he obviously gets a visual of Adrian copping it.

  Adrian smiles mischievously and texts as he reads it out.

  You must have me mistaken for someone else. I’m a virgin and am waiting for marriage.

  Joshua rolls his eyes. “Witty,” he replies flatly. We all laugh at his stupid comeback.

  Serial party pest, the girl with the dark hair and big boobs, comes walking over.

  “God, I fucking hate this bitch,” Bridget mutters under her breath.

  I drop my head to hide my smirk.

  “Where is Ben?” she asks.

  Bridget’s back straightens in disgust. “He’s at home with his wife,” she replies coldly. I smirk. Didge is dying to piss her off. Lets see if she takes the bait.

  The girl turns up her nose. “Idiot,” she murmurs.

  Bridget’s temper starts to fray. “She is the one with a ring on his finger. I think that makes you the idiot.”

  I smile into my drink. Oh no, Didge has that bitchy tone in her voice. Cat fight impending.

  The stupid girl shrugs. “Its not his ring finger I’m interested in.”

  I can practically see the red steam shoot from Bridget’s ears. We are interrupted as everyone bursts into laughter and the crowd dissipate to allow someone through. My face drops in horror and I burst out laughing. Cameron and eight friends have just come straight from a buck’s party. They are wearing hot pink t-shirts that say:


  I fuck

  On first


  Along with Sombrero hats and bright pink lipstick. They are really drunk, I mean really drunk, with one man at the back having trouble standing.

  “What have me and Ben got to do with you anyway.” The girl snaps at Bridget.

  Bridget leans in closer to the girl and I look over to Adrian, screwing up my face, all too aware that this is going downhill real quick.

  “Ben is taken. Whore bag.” Bridget sneers.

  The stupid girl laughs as Cameron stumbles over and grabs me in an embrace. “Presh is here,” he calls as he spins me around.

  “Put her down!” Joshua snaps.

  “Ben doesn’t want to be taken, you stupid bitch,” she sneers.

  “What’s going on?” Cameron slurs.

  “I was just telling stupid here all about Ben’s wife,” Bridget replies.

  Cameron pulls his head back in surprise. “Ben’s married?” he slurs and questions.

  Adrian and I get the giggles, while Joshua drags his hand down his face.

  Adrian’s phone beeps a text.

  I’m coming to get you. Now.

  His eyes widen and I snatch the phone from him.

  A tall man comes over and stands next to us. Mine and Adrian’s eyes meet in horror. This is him? This is the sexy texter? Oh my God, he looks like ‘Weird Al’ Yankovic.

  Adrian drops his head to hide his smile.

  “Adrian, I’ve come to take you home,” he says in a Russian accent.

  My mouth literally drops open, and this time it’s Joshua who starts to chuckle.

  “I’m warning you, pretty girl. I eat girls like you for breakfast,” the girl snaps at Bridget.

  Cameron interjects, “Excellent.” He points his beer at her. “Bi-girls who get in my bed are my favourite kind of people.”

  “Fuck off, Cameron!” Bridget snaps.

  “But… but she just said she’s going to eat you for breakfast,” he stammers, confused. Holy shit, he’s so drunk.

  “She’s not eating me for breakfast,” Bridget hits back.

  Cameron exaggerates a nod. “Yeah, good, someone else.” He frowns as he stumbles back. “Who’s eating who for breakfast then?”

  “I’m eating Adrian for supper,” ‘Weird Al’ Yankovic announces.

  Our eyes all turn to him in horror. What the hell? I put my hand over my mouth and burst out laughing.

  “That is not happening,” Adrian cries in an outrage.

  “You can eat me then,” he offers.

  Adrian screws up his face in horror. “What?”

  Oh God, this is hilarious. Joshua and I can hardly control the laughter we want to scream in this freak’s face.

  “You are lucky I don’t drown you in the pool,” Bridget tells Ben’s friend.

  The big-boobed bitch smiles as her eyes find the pool. “Wouldn’t be the first time I have been in this pool,” she purrs.

  Bridget narrows her eyes as she loses control of her temper. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” she yells.

  Oh shit. She is insinuating that has had sex with Ben in this pool. This is about to turn ugly.

  “Go away, Avril!” Joshua snaps. Max comes over and stands to the right of us, obviously sensing the impending catfight.

  “Avril Lavigne,” Cameron repeats in a stupid voice as he raises his eyebrows in question.

  “Cameron. Shut the fuck up!” Bridget yells.

  I giggle. God, he’s ridiculous when he’s drunk. How does Avril Lavigne even come into this conversation?

  “Come on, Adrian. Pleasure awaits you,” ‘Weird Al’ purrs.

  I bite my bottom lip to hold back my smile. This is like watching bad reality television.

  Adrian puts his hands on his head in frustration. “Oh my God. Please… go away.”

  “I’m not going anywhere without you, Adrian.”

  “Oh man, just fuck off,” Joshua barks at ‘Weird Al’ in frustration.

  This night is going from hero to zero at a rapid rate.

  “Are you saying that you had sex with Ben in this pool?” Bridget growls.

  “I’ve had sex with Ben in most places.”

  “That’s it…” Bridget snaps and throws her drink all over Avril Lavigne.

  “You fucking bitch!” She screams as she dives for Bridget. Joshua steps in front of Bridget, while Avril makes an attempt to get around him and Max. Cameron staggers back as he is pushed out of the way, falling into a pot plant. He lands on the floor and his glass of beer smashes, spraying mine and Bridget’s legs.

  “Oww, Cameron!” Bridget and I yell as we look down at our legs in disgust. Avril Lavigne comes flying back at us, but Bridget gives her one almighty shove and she goes flying into the pool.

  “Get in the car.” Max sighs. The other guards appear and point to the car.

  “Good one, Didge. Now we have to go home.” I sigh, dejected. “I was having fun.”

  “Shut up. She fucking started it.”

  Adrian puts his arm around me from behind as we walk toward the front door. “Excellent timing, Bridget. That freak was stalking my ass.”

  I smile and turn to see what Joshua is doing only to see him pushing Cameron after us.”

  “I’m not fucking going home,” Cameron protests.

  “Get in the car. You are too drunk to leave here,” Joshua tells him.

  “Bridget is ruining our lives,” Cameron snarls.

  Avril Lavigne starts to yell at us as she climbs out of the pool. Bridget flips her the bird above her head as she walks in the opposite direction. We get out to the front yard and all climb into the large black SUV.

  We sit still for a moment as we take in the last ten minutes and wait for our driver.

  “Well, that night ended nicely, didn’t it?.” I sigh as the car begins to spin. It’s a good thing, actually. I’m feeling very drunk and I know Joshua was about five seconds away from losing his shit with that girl. His temper knows no bounds these days.

  “Yeah, well, I’m going to annihilate that bitch next time I see her.” Bridget tough talks as she punches her fist.

  “You should have ripped her top off,” Cameron slurs. “That is the kind of shit I want to watch. Topless bo
oby cat fighting”

  “Oh my God.” Adrian sighs, disgusted, and I smile broadly at my friend’s stupid shenanigans.

  Joshua winks at me and starts to shower my hand with kisses before he sucks on my index finger. He has that come fuck me look in his eyes, and I feel a flutter of arousal hit me.

  “Pound Town,” he mouths in the darkness of the car.

  “I need a Big Mac, Stanton.” I smirk as I eye him sitting next to me.

  He puts his hand on his crotch and grabs it seductively. “I got one right here for you, baby.”

  From the seat behind us, we hear Adrian groan. “Oh, shit, this just gets worse.”

  From my bed, I hear the front door open downstairs, the car keys hit the foyer table with force, then I listen as he takes the stairs two at a time. I feel a rush of excitement sweep through me.

  My man is home.

  Once upon a time, he trained to fight. Now his fight is daily. Mentally battling his demons and physically fighting competitors at 6:00 a.m. every morning, I feel sorry for the poor bastards he fights. They don’t stand a chance. He’s changed. He’s darker, damaged and unwilling to conform. Joshua Stanton is dealing with the last six months the best that he can… as am I.

  We have each other, we get it, nobody else can understand the language we speak or the pain we have been through. I lie still, trying to recover from our night, and yet he has been up and to the gym. I know why he does it; he’s trying to control the anger at what we have been through. He’s still furious, furious at himself for letting it happen, furious at Amelie for doing what she did, and furious at the press for feeding on our nightmare. He turns the corner into our room and his dark eyes drop to my naked body on the bed. He’s wet with perspiration and there’s a tangible force, a feeling of adrenaline pumping through his body out onto me where I lie. His t-shirt comes off slowly over his head, and he drops his pants to reveal that beautiful rock hard body.

  “How was your fight?” I whisper as my eyes lower to my name on his side.

  He smiles sexily as he walks around the side of the bed, surveying me. He doesn’t answer as his hand drops to between his legs and he gives himself three slow hard strokes. My breath catches. He hasn’t said a word or touched me and yet, as always, just the sight of him makes me good to go. “You look exceptional, Mrs. Stanton,” he whispers as his hand continues to stroke his cock.


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