Her Two Lovers

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Her Two Lovers Page 4


  “I do, Eve. But I want to take it slow right now. I want to savor you.” He grasped her hips and pressed into her slowly and gently.

  Her tight muscles clenched around his cock. Sweet, hot possession. Again he plunged balls-deep, and then again. When he knew he couldn’t hold off any longer, he reached in front of her, slapped her wet pussy a few times with his fingers, and plucked at her swollen clit.

  When she bucked in climax, his cock throbbed, but he held himself steady. More. He wanted more. He’d make her come again and again. When her spasms slowed, he dipped one finger into her pussy and rubbed the juice over her sensitive clit.

  “Come again,” he commanded.

  “I can’t…” She panted against the cotton sheets. “I’ve come so many times already, Bri. I just…can’t”

  “You can, baby. Relax.” He swirled around her clit, worked her slowly at first, and then increased the pressure. All the while his cock was buried in her tight ass. “Come on, sweetheart.” He pulled out and slowly eased back in. His cock twitched.

  No, not yet.

  Her body went limp, her lips trembled against the pillow that cradled her head. “I…I can’t.”

  “Oh, you can. And you will.” He withdrew his fingers and wrapped his arms around her soft belly, pulling her against him.

  Ah, her skin—so soft and sensual. Again his cock threatened to release. He clenched his teeth, forcing back his climax.

  “You’ll come until I tell you not to, sweetheart.” He pulled out to the tip, and then plunged into her again. He leaned down and rained tiny kisses across her glistening shoulders as he fingered her clit again.

  As she exploded, he thrust two fingers into her warm, wet pussy and let her convulsions hug his hand. God damn, she was hot.

  “Bri! I’m coming!” She collapsed.

  He pulled her to him. Their perspiration mingled as their bodies slid together. He inhaled her musky sweetness. She smelled of cinnamon and sex. Of love. His love.

  He finally let himself go. Tiny vibrations began in his balls and swam along the base of his cock. The tremors amplified until he spilled his seed in spasms that rippled through his entire body.

  “Eve!” His shout was hoarse, raspy. “Eve, I love you.” He thrust once more into her body and gave her everything he had. He hoped it was enough.

  She lay panting beneath him, her body glowing with mist. He withdrew, disposed of the condom and lay down next to her.

  “I love you,” he whispered.

  She didn’t return the words. He didn’t expect her to.

  But she crawled into his arms. She kissed his lips, his neck, his chest. She sucked on a nipple. “Mmm,” she said. “You taste good.”

  His cock twitched. He was ready for her again. His balls ached already. This was going to be one long, good night.

  Chapter Four

  “So what do you want to do tonight?”

  Jon’s question stunned Eve. What did she want to do? Brian hadn’t asked what she’d wanted to do. He’d taken charge of the food, the sex, everything. He certainly hadn’t forced her into any of it, but he’d definitely been in control. She’d assumed Jon would do the same.

  Now, as they stood outside the studio where she’d just finished showering after a strenuous practice, he was asking her what she wanted and she had no idea how to respond. “Whatever you want, Jon. I want to get to know you, like I did Bri.”

  “Did you and Bri sleep together?”

  Her cheeks heated.

  His deep chocolate eyes betrayed his feelings. A touch of sadness laced them. He shook his head slowly. “Forget I asked that. I don’t want to know.”

  Eve smiled and took his hand. Those long thick fingers, warmly entwined around hers, never failed to turn her on. “Let’s concentrate on tonight, okay? This is your night. So why don’t you tell me what you’d like to do.”

  He grinned and his dimples lit up his dark-stubbled face. Man, he really was ruggedly gorgeous. So different from Brian, who was male-model handsome in a refined way. Jon’s onyx hair fell to his shoulders in tousled waves, as though he’d just gotten out of bed. He always sported a few days growth of beard, and those firm, full red lips, those thick fingers…ideal fodder for fantasy.

  “I’d like to make love to you all night, honey, but I’ve wanted that for about a year now.”

  A year? He’d had feelings for her for a whole year? She hadn’t thought to ask Brian how long he’d been in love with her.

  Her own feelings for both of them had developed slowly. Indeed, she hadn’t recognized them for what they were until a few months ago. She’d dated many men, all nice guys, but her belly never tumbled the way it did when she was at home with Jon and Brian. Something as simple as watching a movie together got her going. Being with them was so easy. They each knew everything about the other two.

  Her last boyfriend had been amazing—intelligent, funny, handsome—but sex with him hadn’t moved her. Not the way she’d soared last night with Brian. When she’d found herself counting the moments until her date ended so she could get home to her guys, she realized her plight.

  She was in love. Not with her boyfriend. With Jon and Brian.

  They were wonderful men, good souls, and of course, extremely physically appealing. She’d fantasized about them for years. The love had come gradually. Now, inside her heart, they were both omnipresent. A part of her.

  She smiled into Jon’s dark gaze. “I might be able to accommodate you. But maybe we should eat first. What sounds good?”

  “Well…there’s this great new place that opened up next to the gym. It’s gourmet food that’s healthy.”

  “Healthy, huh?” Eve grimaced. “I don’t know, Jonny.”

  He let out a laugh. “I know you’re a good Italian girl who likes her good Italian food, fat, carbs, and all. But healthy food can be delicious, I promise.” He leaned down and kissed her cheek. “Let me show you.”

  He kissed her cheek again, leaving a spark where his lips had touched.

  “Come on,” he squeezed her hand, “we can walk from here.”

  She sighed. She wanted to experience a date with him, after all. She just hoped she didn’t have to eat some kind of tofu burger. The last time Jon had cooked, she and Brian had sneaked out for pizza afterward.

  “Ha, I know what you’re thinking.”

  She smiled. “You do, huh?”

  “Yeah. I do. I know every little look, every nuance on your beautiful face, Eve. Right now you’re thinking about the food I try to make at home.”

  Amazing, how he could read her. Truth was, she could read both him and Brian just as well. “How did you know?”

  He laughed and shook his head. “I admit I’m not much of a cook. But the chef at this new place is, I assure you. You won’t be disappointed.”

  Hand in hand they walked the two blocks to the restaurant, talking about nothing in particular. Eve relished the warmth of Jon next to her. He was so big, so ruggedly beautiful. And those eyes… Though he wasn’t as talkative as Brian, Jon said so much with his dark, blazing eyes.

  As Eve perused the menu at The Zodiac, she was surprised that most of the choices sounded pretty good. “How’s the Caesar salad?” she asked Jon.

  “Good. The dressing is made with low fat yogurt and olive oil.”

  “Yum.” Eve rolled her eyes.

  “Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it, honey.”

  When her Caesar salad arrived, complete with the anchovies she’d requested, Jon’s face twisted into a grimace.

  “How you can eat those is beyond me.”

  “You know I love ’em.” Eve flashed a grin. “Don’t knock ’em till you’ve tried ’em.”

  “I’ll pass.”

  “If you really loved me, you’d taste one,” she teased, holding out her fork.

  “Hairy, smelly fish have nothing to do with love.”

  Eve let out a laugh before she took another bite. Banter was fun. They talked about Jon’s job, about runn
ing his own business, and Eve picked his brain about the business side of the dance studio she wanted to open.

  Jon possessed brains as well as brawn. He’d run a successful training business for three years now, and Eve soaked up ideas as they chatted and ate their meals. Her entrée was remarkably tasty.

  “I can help you with your business plan,” Jon said. “Have you thought about what your mission statement will be?”

  What the hell was he talking about? “Mission statement?”

  “Every successful business needs one. Mine is to educate, motivate, and support each client by way of an individualized program designed to maximize his physical and emotional health.”

  “Wow.” Eve’s fork stopped halfway to her mouth. “That’s beautiful, Jonny. So thorough, yet so succinct.”

  “That’s what makes a good mission statement.” He smiled. “Have you forgotten I majored in business as well as physical education?”

  She shook her head. She hadn’t forgotten. She just hadn’t given it a second thought since college five years ago.

  “So what would be a good mission statement for my studio?”

  “Only you can decide that,” he said. “But I’ll be happy to help.”

  Her mind churned. Why did she want to teach? Certainly not because she knew she’d have to give up performing eventually, though that was a consideration. Because she loved to dance. She was good at it, and she wanted to share her love with others. Be a mentor to students who could someday achieve, and hopefully surpass, her success.

  “You’re thinking,” Jon said. “Your pretty lips are mushed together.”

  How did he do that? “Just considering my mission statement. There’s so much I want to put in it.”

  He smiled, and her heart melted. Gorgeous didn’t begin to describe this man.

  “That’s part of what I love about you, honey. Your tenacity. You’ll be a wonderful dance teacher. You’ll give it your all, just like you do every time you dance.”

  The warmth of a blush drifted over her flesh. “Thank you. That’s a lovely compliment.”

  “It’s the truth.” Tiny sparks trickled over her. “Well, no more about mission statements. That’s business. Tonight’s for pleasure.”

  She patted her lips with her napkin. “I have to admit, this was a great meal, Jonny. I couldn’t even tell that my eggplant parmesan was low fat.”

  “Told you.” He scribbled on the check and handed it to the waitress. “Ready to go?”

  “Yeah.” Eve stood and gathered her purse. Her hand found his, and they walked the four blocks to their loft.

  The delicate evening breeze brushed Eve’s heated skin like a soft embrace. When they reached the door to the loft, Jon bent and kissed her cheek. His rough stubble scraped her smooth skin. Chills crept along her arms. He pulled her into his arms, his large muscled body pressing into her. His long arms circled her waist.

  “I love you.” His whisper caressed her neck. “I know you can’t say it back, and I understand, but I’ve been dying to tell you for so long. I’ll probably say it a hundred times tonight.”

  Heat pooled between her legs. She wanted to say it back. She did love him. But just last night she’d wanted to say the same words to Brian. Surely she was flawed. Some weird psychological disorder. She’d had many male companions over the years, yet had never fallen in love with any of them. Now, she found herself in love with two men.

  Flawed. Definitely flawed.

  “Honey? You look a little troubled.”

  Jon’s words cut into her. Now was not the time to ruminate on her problem. She owed Jon a night, and she wanted it as much as he did. “Would you kiss me, Jon?”

  He smiled a lazy half-smile. “You got it.” He turned her in his arms and brushed those beautiful lips back and forth against hers.

  Spine-tingling. That’s what his kiss was. He traced her lips with his tongue. Teasing. Provoking. So different than Brian.

  Nope. Not going to think about Brian.

  She opened her lips, and Jon slid his tongue in. Hot, wet, delicious. He tasted of cinnamon and cream. Warm, comforting, yet intense at the same time. Delectable.

  A soft groan hummed into her mouth. He was enjoying this. God, so was she. His velvety tongue tangled with hers. Weak-kneed and limp, she sighed into his inviting mouth, unprepared for the passion and magnitude of such a gentle kiss.

  Because I love him. It’s passionate and intense because I love him and he loves me.

  He broke the kiss and drew a ragged breath. “Honey, I love you so much.” He trailed moist kisses over her cheek to her lobe. He nibbled on it, traced the outer shell of her ear, and blew on the wetness.

  She shivered.

  “Will you dance for me?”

  Warmth throbbed in her pussy. She nodded. “If you want me to. I always dance for you. You and Bri.”

  His arms tensed around her. “I don’t want to talk about Bri tonight.”

  She nodded again. “I know. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay. But this is my night.”

  “I understand.” He smiled.

  Emotion tugged at her tummy. His smile could melt steel.

  “I want you to dance with veils. I love to watch you peel the veils away from your costume. It’s so smooth, so beautiful, Eve, and no one does it like you.”

  “Let me guess.” She arched her eyebrows and let out a giggle. “You want me to do it naked.”

  His full lips curved into a resplendent grin. “I hadn’t thought of that. But I’m definitely in favor of the plan.” He pushed the front door open.

  Eve gasped. Their loft had morphed into an Arabian paradise. Colorful tapestries of purple, dark gold, midnight blue, and scarlet hung from the walls, and sheer silver veiling covered the lamps and created a gossamer glow. Ornate bottles sat on the end tables and piano, and Eve expected pink smoke to erupt into a genie at any moment. The dining table had been moved in front of the couch, and royal blue candles flamed on each corner. Incense burned next to one of the genie bottles, and Eve inhaled the exotic scent of jasmine. The soft strains of a violin haunted the newly adorned room. She turned to Jon, whose dark eyes were glowing.


  “I called Mac over at the Oasis. He sent a few guys over to decorate while we were at dinner.”

  “Oh…” She let out her breath in a sigh.

  “You like it?” His large, muscled body pressed into her from behind, and his arms spiraled around her waist.

  She clutched his warm hands and craned her neck to look up into his dark gaze. “I love it, Jonny. It’s beautiful.”

  “Perfect for your dance, honey.”

  Eve’s nipples pushed against her cotton blouse. “Okay. There’s not much room here, but—”

  “Who needs room? We have a perfectly good solid oak table.”

  “You want me to dance on the table?”

  “Yeah, I sure do. You were meant for a stage.”

  “A table’s hardly a stage, Jonny.”

  “A table’s a great stage, and I’ll have the best seat in the house.”

  “It won’t hold my weight.”

  “Solid oak, Eve. I know how much you weigh. It’ll be fine.”

  “Well, okay. If it’s what you want.”

  “It’s what I want. I love to watch you dance.”

  “Give me a few minutes.” Eve rushed to her bedroom and stripped naked.

  Naked. Jon was going to see her naked. A glance in her full-length mirror showed the rosy blush she already knew was blanketing her body. Oh, yes, she wanted him to see her naked. Just as she’d wanted Brian to see her naked.

  She grabbed three veils—sheer red, sheer black, and sparkling silver—draped them around her body, and returned to the kitchen where Jon had cleared the table.

  His gaze met hers, and his face reddened. “God, honey, I can see your breasts through that silver veil. They’re as gorgeous as I knew they’d be. Your nipples are red. Fuck, they’re red.”

gles raced over Eve’s skin. Her body shook. How could she dance like this?

  Oh, she could. She would. For Jon.

  A slow acoustic melody drifted around her. Jon had chosen perfect music for a veil dance. She stepped onto a chair and then onto the table. The diaphanous fabric titillated her bare nipples. They hardened even further into stony nubs. She twirled around and lifted her arms above her head, forming the veils into three spirals that circled her nude body. Ripples, in time with the soft drum beat under the melody, threaded through her pussy. She stopped the turn, regained her balance by focusing on an audience member.

  Jon. His eyes smoldered. Her body blazed. Her cunt throbbed. She made love to Jon with this dance. It was for him. Only for him tonight. In one smooth movement, she swirled the veils behind her and held them with arms outstretched, a curtain behind her nude body. Slowly she circled her hips, and then her chest, the veils a gauzy backdrop for her performance. Oh, she’d danced with veils thousands of times. But never naked and never for Jon alone.

  The veil dance was one of the most sensual dances a belly dancer performed, second perhaps only to floor work, which Eve didn’t do. The veils became part of the dancer, an extension, and they did so for Eve now.

  She leaned forward, swept them over Jon’s head, engaged him, and wrapped them around her body once more. Once covered in the sheer material, she shimmied her shoulders. Jon’s favorite move, because it highlighted her ample breasts. Now unclothed, they jiggled, and her nipples poked through the veil.

  Jon’s groan resounded above the music. “Come here, honey. Come to me.”

  She swirled the veils over her head and released them. They drifted to the floor in a cascade of translucent color as she sat down on the edge of the table and faced Jon.

  He pulled her onto his lap. The bulge in his jeans poked at her wet folds. “Do you know I could see your pussy, Eve? It was glistening.” He let out a breath. “Gorgeous, pink, and glistening, damn it.” He cupped her breasts and thumbed her hard nipples. “You’re so beautiful. These are amazing.” He pulled one forward and took the nipple into his mouth. “God,” he said against a mouthful of flesh, “I’ve wanted to do this for so long.”


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