Spring’s Wake

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Spring’s Wake Page 13

by Aurora Rey

  “Oh. You were just shaking your head, so I—”

  Nora didn’t let her finish. She feared if she didn’t act now, the flash of courage might vanish. And if it did, so would any chance of seeing what might happen. She pressed her lips to Will’s mouth, hoping the interruption hadn’t ruined the moment.

  Will’s response was instant. She resumed the kiss, with even more passion than before, if that was possible. The intensity of it made Nora gasp. Will took advantage, sliding her tongue into Nora’s mouth. Nora’s heart flipped in her chest and heat gathered between her thighs. Will seemed at once to tease and take, coax and demand. Nora basked in the sensations, feeling intensely alive.

  Will shifted, gently pushing Nora onto her back. Will positioned a knee between her legs and it took all of Nora’s will power not to arch her hips against Will’s thigh. Will braced one hand on the arm of sofa. The other crept under Nora’s sweater. The feel of Will’s fingers on her skin sent Nora into overdrive. She’d forgotten how immediate arousal could be, how much it could consume both her body and her brain.

  But even through the haze, a bit of reality pushed through. If they were going to do this, it wasn’t going to be on the floor of the sitting room. Or the sofa. It didn’t matter how nice the fire was. “Let’s go upstairs.”

  Will stopped kissing her neck long enough to look at her. She seemed to search Nora’s face for some sort of hidden meaning. But then she eased herself off the sofa and stood. “Lead the way.”

  Nora stood as well and took Will’s hand. They’d use one of the guest rooms. That would be nicer. It would be less personal, too, and come morning, she might appreciate that. At the top of the stairs, she turned left and led them toward the king suite. If she was going to be reckless, she might as well do it in style.

  At the threshold, Will hesitated. Nora felt equal parts relief and dread. “What is it?”

  She could see Will swallow as she searched for words. “I just want to be sure this is what you want.”

  It was Nora’s turn to hesitate. Will was giving her an out. If she chose not to take it, whatever happened next would be squarely her decision. There’d be no pretending otherwise. Even with the weight of that understanding, she couldn’t bring herself to do it, to stop whatever this was even before it began. “It is.”

  Will smiled. “Good. Because it’s what I’ve wanted from the moment I first saw you.”

  She let that sink in. “You’re exaggerating.”

  Will shook her head. “It was the first time Graham brought me here, the night of the rehearsal dinner. You walked into the hall wearing a dress and an apron and I had to pick my tongue up off the ground.”

  Nora thought back to that day. She’d thought of Will as just another one of Graham’s strays. No, that wasn’t fair. She’d felt an attraction, too. But she’d shoved it aside, dismissed it. And it had worked for a while, sort of. Until recently. The idea that Will had those feelings, had held onto them for months, left her with a strange mixture of pleasure and unease.

  “Does that make you uncomfortable?” Will’s face morphed into one of worry.

  In lieu of an answer, Nora leaned in and kissed her. She opened the door to the suite, and pulled Will gently inside. She stopped near the bed, then turned to Will. She kissed her again.

  “I’m going to take that as a no.”

  Nora slid her hands under the hem of Will’s shirt, pulling it up and over her head. She repeated the process with the thermal shirt she wore underneath. Will’s torso was pale in relation to her face and arms. Pink nipples stood erect from her small breasts.

  Before she could touch, Will’s hands began inching up her sweater. Nora had a moment of self-consciousness when she thought about her body, toned still but not as perky or tight as it had been in her youth. “I—”

  Will dropped the sweater on the floor. “You are perfect.”

  Will trailed fingers up her sides to cup her breasts. Nora’s nipples strained against the lace of her bra, aching for the touch she’d told herself for so long she didn’t need. She leaned into it, trying to convey her desire without saying it out loud.

  Will reached one hand around, unhooking her bra with a single flick. Nora smiled at the smoothness of the move. She was about to comment on it when Will brushed her thumbs over her nipples. Nora gasped.

  “Are you okay?”

  Nora nodded. “Yes.” Should she confess just how long it had been since she’d been with someone?

  “Do you want to tell me what you like? What you want?”

  Nora shook her head.

  “Okay. Then tell me if there’s something you don’t like, or something you want me to do different.”

  She nodded, then said a silent prayer that her lack of words wasn’t a turnoff. She simply didn’t think she could get her brain and mouth to engage in such a coordinated effort.

  Will kissed her, a slow and languid kiss that demanded all of her attention and quieted the stream of questions in her mind. When Will slid her hands into the waist of her leggings, she didn’t flinch at the prospect of being entirely nude. Will worked them down, then stood. She looked Nora up and down and Nora’s skin warmed in the heat of her stare. “Utterly perfect.”

  Nora reached for the button of Will’s pants. With the button and zipper undone, they fell without nudging. Underneath, Will wore a pair of snug navy and light blue striped boyshorts. Nora dispensed with those as well, allowing her hands to linger for a moment on the tight muscles of Will’s ass.

  When they were both naked, Nora stood for a moment. The slight buzz she’d enjoyed when they started kissing had vanished. And while she appreciated being in possession of her full faculties, she longed for the soft edges and eased inhibitions. But before she could think too much, Will’s arms were around her.

  Nora sank into the embrace—the heat of Will’s body, the smoothness of her skin, the gentle friction of their bodies sliding against one another. Will reached over the bed and pulled the duvet back, then eased Nora onto it. The coolness of the sheets sent a chill through her, but Will quickly joined her. It was hard to know which sensation delighted her more, the warmth or the weight of Will’s body pressing into her.

  Will kissed her mouth, her jaw, the length of her neck. She dipped her tongue into the hollow of each collarbone before zigzagging down to her breasts. For what felt like an eternity, Will stayed there. Soft circles with her tongue gave way to teasing flicks; gentle bites paired with possessive sucks. She arched into it, buried her hands in Will’s short curls. She made noises that surprised her, but somehow seemed to communicate things to Will.

  When Will began to slide further down her body, Nora had a flash of something she could only describe as an out-of-body experience. It felt like she hovered over the bed, could see their bodies writhing on the crisp white sheets. This was her final chance to back away. She could still stop this before it went all the way. The sane part of her mind could still prevail.

  And then Will’s tongue pressed into her.

  Nora shot off the bed, almost to a fully upright position. Will shifted her mouth slightly, just enough that Nora could hear her speak. “Easy. Relax. I’ve got you.”

  She lay back down and took a deep breath, willing herself to be calm. Will pressed into her again, but shifted slightly to avoid her hypersensitive center. Will’s tongue was soft, but the tiniest bit rough. Her strokes were light, but she moved with purpose.

  Will dipped inside and every muscle in Nora’s body tightened. And then her tongue eased up, spreading slick heat and just the right amount of pressure. “Oh. God.”


  The sound Will made created the slightest vibration. Before Nora could stop herself, she went tumbling over the edge. She cried out, tried to stop her body from bucking too wildly.

  Will looked up. “Wow.”

  Nora flushed, embarrassed that she’d come as quickly as a horny teenager. “Sorry.”

  Will crawled up the bed until their faces were le
vel. “What on earth are you apologizing for?”

  “My,” Nora swallowed, “lack of restraint.”

  Will ran a hand down her body. “Then I think the phrase you’re looking for is ‘you’re welcome.’ Because that was amazing and I am awash with gratitude. You might be the sexiest woman I’ve ever been with.”

  “I just—”

  “You just nothing. I could come just thinking about you. So unless you’re saying you’re done—”

  It was Nora’s turn to interrupt. “No. I’m most definitely not done.”

  Nora rolled so that they were facing. She might regret all of this come tomorrow morning, but tonight was a different matter. She’d started something and she intended to finish it. Well, maybe finish wasn’t the right word. She would see it through. And if the look on Will’s face was any indication, they were just getting started.

  She shoved aside any anxiety about being out of practice and began an exploration of Will’s body with her mouth. She closed her eyes, soaking in the taste of Will’s skin, the faintly masculine scent of her soap. Will was much more muscular than Jordyn had been. It helped to chase away any shadows of memories that threatened to creep into her consciousness. She took her time and enjoyed herself, taking Will’s movements and noises as all the encouragement she needed.

  She made her way down Will’s body, lingering at her navel, then the patch of light brown curls. When she closed her lips around Will’s clitoris, she felt it pulse against her tongue. The sensation, and the salty sweet taste of Will’s arousal, made her own muscles clench. She’d forgotten that pleasing a woman was almost as delicious as being pleased.

  To Will’s credit, she lasted longer that Nora did. Nora alternated long strokes of her tongue with gentle flicks. When she started to suck, she heard Will swear. The swears continued, interspersed with Nora’s name and the word yes over and over. Nora wanted to keep her like this, but she craved the feeling of Will coming undone.

  When she felt Will tense, followed by a quivering in the muscles of her legs, Nora quickened her pace. The heat that poured out of Will nearly gave Nora another orgasm. By the time Will’s body stilled, Nora was insanely aroused and breathless.

  In what felt like only seconds, Will propped herself up on her elbow. “That was amazing. And sexy as hell.”

  Nora, feeling extra brave, smiled. “I was thinking the same thing.”

  “Please tell me I can have you again.”

  Nora swallowed. There was something to be said for the energy level of a thirty-year-old. “Yes.”

  With remarkable speed, Will sat up, then got into a kneeling position. Nora made her way back up the bed. Will remained kneeling, her gaze moving up and down Nora’s body. “I could look at you for hours. Do you mind if I stay like this? I want to watch the way you respond to me. I want to see you when you come.”

  Speechless again, Nora nodded. Will spent a few moments caressing Nora’s breasts, her ribs. The touch was gentle, unrushed. But it did little to lessen the pulsing ache. Nora wanted so badly to be filled. When she thought she couldn’t take it another minute, she succumbed. “Please.”

  Will smiled at her and eased her knees apart. She settled herself between them. She used her left hand to spread Nora open. Being so exposed gave Nora an odd feeling—sexy, but vulnerable. But before she could process it, Will slid two fingers into her.


  “Oh, I intend to.”

  Nora opened her eyes to find Will staring intently at where their bodies were joined. The intensity of Will’s concentration took her breath away. But then Will started moving her hand and Nora couldn’t see or think or do anything other than feel the way Will moved inside her. She closed her eyes and gave herself over to it.

  Having come once made it easier for Nora to hold her orgasm at bay. She focused on the friction of Will’s fingers, the press of her knuckles. She moved with Will’s hand, against it. When Will’s thumb brushed over her, Nora arched into her. “Oh, yes. Will.”

  Will continued her thrusts. Not fast, but with enough force that Nora felt like she was filled with each one. The pressure built slowly this time, intensified by squeezing Will’s fingers, trying to pull her closer. When the vibration began in her abdomen, Nora didn’t fight it. The pleasure rippled through her, quenching a thirst she didn’t know she had.

  It took a long moment for her vision to clear. Nora worked to catch her breath and calm the trembling in her muscles. All she could think about was Will’s body. Wanting to reciprocate, but also wanting to touch and to explore. To see if she could have the same effect Will had on her. She sat up and covered Will’s mouth with her own.

  Although the kiss was intended for Will’s pleasure, the effect had Nora feeling aroused all over again. When she finally broke it, Will cupped her cheek in her hand and smiled. “Relax. There’s no rush, no pressure.”

  Nora had to laugh at her own eagerness. Clearly, it had been too long. She leaned in and kissed Will again, but lightly this time. “But you have no idea how badly I want you.”

  “If it’s half as badly as I’ve been wanting you, then I take it back. You may have your way with me.” Will flopped onto her back and spread her arms wide.

  Nora laughed. She’d never been with someone who was playful when it came to sex. Even the early weeks and months of her relationship with Jordyn—when all they seemed to do was have sex—things had been intense, but never playful. She rolled on top of Will. “I’m not going to turn that down.”

  Nora took her time exploring Will’s body. It was the perfect balance of hard lines and soft curves. She was strong, but not overly defined in that way people who obsessed about exercise were. Nora touched and tasted, reveling in each sound that came from Will’s lips, each contraction of muscle as Will moved with her, against her.

  She grazed fingers along Will’s ribs, over her breasts. She teased her nipples, loving the way they hardened under her hand. This, this was the part of being with a woman she missed most. There were countless ways of achieving an orgasm, but nothing could replicate giving pleasure.

  When Nora eased into her, Will trembled and whispered her name. The playfulness was gone. In its place, a quiet need.

  Nora went slowly, wanting to draw her out, make the moment last as long as possible. When Will began to writhe, Nora bit her lip. She increased the force of her fingers, along with the pace. Will rode her hand in a way that was beautiful to watch.

  When Will clenched around her and called out her name, Nora almost lost it. Unguarded and primal, the way Will came filled a void inside her she didn’t even know was there. Before Will could open her eyes, Nora wiped at her own. The worst thing in the world would be for Will to see her being overly emotional.

  When Will did open them, Nora was smiling—going for a mixture of confident and satisfied. “Hi.”

  “Hi.” Will blinked a few times. “Holy crap.”

  “Yes, something like that.”

  Will shook her head slowly. “I can’t believe that finally happened.”

  Finally. Not the word Nora would have chosen.

  “You’re okay, right?”

  Nora nodded, appreciating being asked. “I’m good.”

  “Come here.” Will motioned with her hands.

  Nora allowed herself to curl up next to Will and be wrapped up in her arms. Tomorrow would be soon enough to figure out what all this meant. And what she was supposed to do about it.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Will woke alone in the giant bed. She reached a hand across the sheets. Nora’s pillow was cold, so she’d been gone a while. Worried she’d slept unreasonably late, Will sat and looked around for a clock. The small one on the bedside table told her it was barely seven. That was a relief. She wondered what time Nora got up.

  Anxious to see her, Will climbed out of bed and pulled on her clothes from the day before. Even upstairs, when she opened the door, the aroma of coffee greeted her. Will breathed it in with appreciation. She couldn’t remembe
r the last time she’d been somewhere and not been the first one up. It felt weird, maybe, but not without its perks.

  She found Nora in the kitchen, holding a mug with both hands and staring out the window over the sink. “Good morning.”

  Nora looked at her with an expression Will couldn’t decipher. She nodded, but didn’t smile. “I think we got over a foot of snow.”

  “Really?” Will went to the window and peered out. Sure, that much snow in such a short period of time was problematic, but it didn’t make it any less beautiful. “Wow. We got snow in Maryland, but never like this. This is gorgeous.”

  “From inside, at least. Would you like a cup of coffee?”

  The flat tone of Nora’s voice gave Will pause, especially when her own feelings bordered on giddy. “I can get it.”

  Will got a cup from the cabinet and helped herself. She resumed her spot next to Nora in front of the window. Nora immediately looked down at her own cup, then turned away. She walked over to the pot and refilled it. Will returned her gaze to the window, but was aware of Nora’s proximity. Or more accurately, her seeming refusal to be in close proximity.

  “Is everything okay?” Will hoped she was imagining it.


  When Nora didn’t elaborate, Will considered letting it go. But last night was enough to put Will in a good mood for the next month. Nora was making it seem like no big deal or, worse, a big deal, but in a bad way. “I don’t want to pry, but it doesn’t seem like it.”

  She turned to face Nora, who was now leaning against the counter a good ten feet away. “I’m not sure last night was a good idea.”

  Oh. Will swallowed the lump in her throat and tried not to jump to conclusions. “I didn’t force myself on you, did I?”

  Nora shook her head vigorously. “No, I don’t mean that. I was a fully willing participant.”


  “So, we were sort of trapped together and there was wine and a fire and things just sort of happened. I’m not saying it wasn’t good.”

  That was a relief. Will tried to lighten the mood. “From my vantage point, it was more than good.”


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