Patient Mates: (Book 7 Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas)

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Patient Mates: (Book 7 Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas) Page 3

by Price, E A

  “Must you meet with the Alpha?” Asked Lilah tentatively.

  Adam trained a hard look on the little she-wolf and she cowered a little, but he spoke to her kindly. “Yes, he has to agree to let you go. Otherwise we run the risk that he might turn up here and drag you back, not caring who he hurt in the process. I have to protect all my pack.”

  Lilah nodded glumly.

  “But for now we’ll just reach out and say we want to meet, we won’t say why.”

  “Thank you Adam.” Repeated Kira. The longer they could postpone the reunion with Joseph and Joseph Sr. the better.

  Adam chuckled. “You don’t have to keep thanking me. You more than earned both your places here.”

  Lilah looked at them inquiringly but didn’t say anything. Kira still had to divulge everything that happened on her last visit to Rose.

  Adam stood up taking his mate with him. “We’ll go get dressed, you two make yourselves comfortable.”

  Adam pulled Rosalee upstairs before she could object. Kissing her soundly he pushed her into the shower and swiftly stepped in after her. As they washed each other they talked about who the twins should stay with.

  “What about Carly?” Suggested Rosalee. “She’d be sensitive to Lilah’s situation.” Carly Finlay was the pack Omega.

  Adam rubbed her shoulders. “It’s a good idea but Carly already has enough responsibility, I don’t want to overload her.”

  “Hmmm, maybe Jolene then…”

  Adam placed a kiss on her neck. “You think that’s a good idea?”

  Jolene was recently divorced from her husband. He had worked as an accountant for the pack construction company and had been found skimming money. Adam had given him the option of being arrested or returning the money and being banished from the pack. He chose the latter. Jolene having been unhappy for a long time chose to remain with the pack. Since then she’d been a little depressed and uninterested with pack life.

  “I think Jolene would be kind to them and looking after them would bring Jolene back to the pack.”

  Adam smiled and spun his mate round to face him. “Remind me again sweetheart how I managed to persuade someone as perfect as you to mate with me.”

  Rosalee snuggled into his warm body. “Animal magnetism Alpha.”


  Kira and Lilah waited nervously with Rosalee as Adam went to speak to the she-wolf Jolene. After what felt like an age Adam came back with Jolene in tow. He introduced the three she-wolves who awkwardly said hello and Jolene told them she’d be pleased for them to stay at her house.

  Jolene was in her late twenties and like most she-wolves was tall and lithe. She-wolves tended to be powerful, healthy looking women, unless they were Omegas. In which case they were short and dumpy thought Kira sourly.

  Kira once again thanked her new Alphas for their help and the twins set off to Jolene’s house driving behind her. Jolene had a small but homely little cabin not too far from town.

  The twins spent the day getting settled. They decided on a routine with Jolene, settling who would cook, who would clean and so on. The twins wanted to do their part and make sure everything was shared equally.

  Kira tried to offer Jolene some money but Jolene said she wouldn’t hear of it. Adam had already given her some to ensure that they had plenty to eat. Kira had wanted to object and return the money to the Alpha but Jolene wouldn’t hear of it. She said they were part of the pack now and the number one pack rule was never argue with your Alpha. Adam was easygoing but he expected obedience.

  The twins retired early and tried to get some sleep. They were a little surprised at having to share a room, and a bed, but they didn’t complain. It wasn’t the first time they’d shared.

  Kira stared at the ceiling. “Psst!”

  “What?” Whispered Lilah.

  “You awake?”

  “No I’m deep in sleep. You?”

  Kira giggled. “Yeah me too. You okay?”

  Lilah sighed. “I think so. It’s just all been so sudden. I’m kind of still in shock.”

  Kira chewed her cheek and looked at her sister’s back. “I called mom earlier.”

  Lilah tensed. “What did you say?”

  “That we had to leave Charming, that we’re okay and we’ll explain everything as soon as we can.”

  Lilah turned over and faced her sister. “You didn’t say anything about Joseph?”

  Kira shook her head. “I figured you would… when you’re ready.”

  “Okay… thanks.”

  Kira smirked. “You know what this reminds me of?”

  Lilah smirked. “Sleeping over at grandma Norton’s house.”

  When they were younger the twins had a sleepover at their grandmother’s house every Saturday. They always spent the evening watching old movies, eating popcorn and then shared a bed. Usually they spent half the night gossiping.

  “At least there’s no chance great grandma Norton’s going to jump out of a cupboard at us.”

  Lilah groaned. “Ugh don’t remind me!”

  For the last few years of her life their great grandma had lived with their grandma. Their great grandma often forgot to wear clothes and got turned around so badly she would get into the spare bedroom closet thinking it was her room. More than once she emerged from the closet naked in the middle of the night, scaring the hell out of the twins.

  Kira tweaked her sister’s chin. “I’ve missed you.”

  “Me too.” Lilah said yawning loudly.

  “Night Li.”

  “Night Ki.”

  Chapter Four

  15th November

  Gabe carefully placed another card on top of the pyramid and held his breath. It held. He smiled but then frowned. God he was bored. He was on duty at the Sheriff’s station but nothing was happening, his already restless wolf was driving him wild. He’d take anything at that moment. A drunken teenager, a speeding driver or even Winston the elderly bull shifter who occasionally took it upon himself to streak around naked. Where was a naked bull when you needed him?

  He needed something to take his mind off his aunt’s phone call. She’d phoned that morning. She had begged and pleaded with him to come and see her and his father but Gabe had refused. She had cried but Gabe would not be moved. He loved his aunt deep down, but since his mother died he couldn’t help but feel anger towards her. And as for his father… no he didn’t want to think about him.

  Deanna Hardison, a bobcat shifter and fellow Deputy, strode into the station and slapped her handcuffs on her desks. Gabe’s playing card pyramid collapsed and he let out a grunt of annoyance.

  Deanna pursed her lips. “Working hard I see.”

  Gabe collected the cards together and began rebuilding. “This place is dead, there’s nothing to do.”

  The bobcat shrugged and took a lunchbox out of her desk and began munching on a cheese, chips and pickle sandwich.

  “Guys!” Called Liv from the front desk. Liv was currently covering the receptionist job, she insisted on it much to her mate Alec’s consternation who didn’t like her working. Especially as she was pregnant.

  Deanna wiped her hands and followed Gabe to the front desk.

  Liv smiled at them serenely, she was knitting a tiny yellow sweater. “Hey the alarm at Jolene Whittaker’s house just went off.”

  “Yes!” Exclaimed Gabe.

  The two women stared at him in surprise. “I mean… I’m just glad that there’s something to do… I’m not really glad the alarm went off… I…”

  Deanna impatiently interrupted him and grabbed the list of master codes for all the pack alarms. “We get it, let’s go.”

  They said their goodbyes to Liv and sped off in a patrol car.


  “What did you do? What did you do?” Screeched Lilah.

  “I don’t know stop yelling at me!” Cried Kira.

  The alarm on Jolene’s house was wailing furiously. Lilah was bouncing around with her hands over her ears whilst Kira tried pushing every button on
the alarm console.

  Jolene had gone to work early that morning so, mindful of the twin’s situation, left the alarm set. Kira feeling tired of being cooped up, and her wolf dying to get some fresh air, decided to go for a run.

  She duly forgot about the alarm and blundering outside had tripped it and now couldn’t turn it off. It hadn’t helped that she had forgotten the alarm code and punched in the numbers incorrectly on the first five tries. It just made the intrusive alarm even louder.

  Now she had taken to hitting and mashing her hand against the console. “Come on you stupid thing!”

  “Let’s just call Jolene!” Screamed Lilah.


  “I said, let’s call…” Lilah gulped as two Sheriff’s Deputies burst through the door.

  Lilah clutched at Kira and spun her round to see the two Deputies. Gabe. Kira tensed but then immediately relaxed as warmth flooded through her body and the male wolf’s fresh, citrusy scent invaded her senses. Her wolf yipped like a puppy.

  The small female deputy holstered her gun and quickly turned off the alarm.

  “Oh thank god!” Murmured Lilah.

  “Kira…” A punch-drunk smile adorned Gabe’s handsome face.

  His wolf was panting at the sight of the she-wolf. He couldn’t believe it was her. They’d met briefly, and at the time Kira had been angry and standoffish. She had spent the better part of two years living as a rogue and had seemed more wolf than woman. His own wolf had been extremely protective of her but Gabe had dismissed it as nothing more than friendly concern. But seeing her again…

  Gabe marveled at the change in her. Whereas before her eyes were sunken and wild, now they were warm and lively. Her brown skin was luminous and her luscious dark blonde curls framed her pretty heart shaped face like a halo. Her dark lips curled upwards into an alluring smile. He was pleased to see she had put on weight, before she had been a bit scrawny but now she had some delectable curves. His eyes dilated as they feasted on her body and his arousal started to soar. Her strawberry scent was just the icing on the cake.

  “Gabe…” Kira breathed.

  He was even better than she remembered. He was about six feet tall, not tall for a wolf but tall enough to tower over her own five foot four frame. He was slender compared to most wolves but she liked that. Oversized beefcakes did nothing for her. He was broad enough to make her feel petite, despite her curvaceous frame. It was Gabe’s face that really drew your attention. With his thick black hair, perfect high cheekbones and full sensual lips he looked like a Hispanic angel. Or at least a pop star. Male wolves in general tended to be good looking, but in a rugged, rough sort of way. Gabe was beautiful. Hell, was he actually prettier than her?!


  Gabe and Kira blinked to attention. Apparently they’d been staring at one another.

  Kira rubbed her neck in embarrassment. “Oh, ummm I’m Kira and this is my sister Lilah, Lilah this is Gabe and… errr…”

  “Deanna Hardison. Bobcat. Please to meet you both.” Provided the grinning Deputy.

  Gabe did a double take between the two. Identical twins, well apart from the hair. Gabe politely told Lilah it was nice to meet her before returning his avid gaze to Kira.

  Kira let out a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding as her wolf pranced around. She’d actually been worried that Gabe might have preferred Lilah. Well it had happened before…

  For some unfathomable reason Lilah had always been considered the ‘hot twin’ when they were growing up. Which was ridiculous – they looked exactly the same! Apparently it had something to do with Lilah being a little nicer than her, which was dumb! The boys in New Mexico were totally dumb!

  At least Gabe didn’t agree.

  “Thanks for turning off the alarm.” Kira smiled awkwardly.

  “Our pleasure right Gabe.” Deanna elbowed the male wolf who seemed to be in a trance.

  “Hmmm? Oh right yeah, what ummm what happened?” He had to at least try and look professional.

  Lilah rolled her eyes. “She forgot the alarm was switched on and tried to go outside, then she forgot the code to switch it off.”

  Kira blushed furiously. “I’m sorry that you came out here for nothing.”

  “It’s no problem.” Gabe said quickly. His wolf wagged his tail in agreement. “So how long have you been back in town? I haven’t seen you around.”

  Kira bit her lip. “Since yesterday, we’ve kind of just been settling in here. We haven’t really been out in the town yet.”

  “Well if you want someone to show you around town…”

  “Yes! I’ll call you!” Kira lit up and then felt awash with embarrassment. “I mean if that’s what you meant, that is what you meant right?”

  Gabe chuckled. “It is.”

  “Then yes I’ll call you.” Her little wolf was practically rolling over to have her belly scratched.

  Lilah and Deanna stood watching the awkward flirting, with increasingly levels of boredom.

  “So how long are you in town for?” Gabe tried to nonchalantly lean against a bookcase, the wood was just an iddy bit more slippy than he was expecting. His shoulder slid off the smoother wood and he ended up banging his head against the edge with a resounding thud.

  Lilah and Deanna had to stifle their laughs while Kira rushed forward concern written on her face. Heat dusted over Gabe’s cheeks but when Kira reached up and smoothed her fingers over his forehead he knew it had been worth it. His body hummed at her touch as his beast virtually purred.

  “We’re joining the pack.” She told him softly.

  “That’s wonderful…”

  Kira almost jumped a foot in the air as Gabe’s radio jumped to life. A tinny voice blasted at them. Reluctantly Gabe excused himself and answered the radio call.

  A few moments later he returned with an annoyed look. “Deanna we have to go, Winston’s on the loose.”

  The bobcat groaned. “Oh goody!”

  Gabe turned to Kira in apology. “I have to go.”

  Kira nodded. “Of course.”

  “Maybe I could… I don’t know, call you…”

  “Yes!” Whoa take it easy girl. “I mean yeah sure, why not. You can get me on Jolene’s number.”

  Gabe looked like a kid at Christmas. “Great! Well I’m sure I’ll see you soon. Nice to meet you Lilah.”

  The Deputies left and the twins watched them go from the porch.

  Lilah eyed Kira with interest. “Hmmmmm.”

  Kira narrowed her eyes. “Hmmmmm what?”

  “No wonder you were so desperate to get back to Rose.”

  Kira felt heat suffuse her cheeks. “I was not desperate to get back here! Gabe’s just a friend.”

  Lilah sniggered as she walked back into the house. “Yeah looked like it.”

  Kira stared after Gabe, a small smile on her face. No wonder her wolf had been so thrilled at coming back to Rose. Yes she’d found him. Her animal howled in delight. Mate. Mine.

  Chapter Five

  17th November

  It was the night of the full moon. The entire pack, including all human, witch and non wolf shifter mates were assembled at the central clearing. Well almost the entire pack.

  Gabe sauntered through the amassed crowd saying hello to a few people. He waved at Kim the six foot manager of Bar Luna, he said hello to the reclusive pack tracker Don and gave Alec a wide berth as he chewed out a trio of troublemakers. Gabe himself had arrested and given warnings to Hunter, Jimmy and Casey on numerous occasions. Given that Mal Tanner now an Enforcer, mated to the town librarian and expecting his first child, used to be just as wild as them Gabe reflected that maybe all they needed was to find their own true mates. It might be just the thing to calm them down.

  Gabe scanned the crowd with growing displeasure. Kira was nowhere to be seen. His wolf had been giddy about seeing her again for the last three days. He had to force himself not to run over and see her every second of the day.

  He suspected she was his mat
e but he was restraining himself from throwing her over his shoulder and dragging her back to his house. He definitely didn’t want to make the same mistake as his father…

  He sauntered over and joined the pack’s Chief Enforcer Acksel who was stood with Mac and her bear mate Andy.

  “Hey, have you seen Kira and Lilah around?”

  Mac shook her head. “They’re not coming, Kira called Adam to say they couldn’t make it.”

  Gabe sagged in disappointment. “That’s a shame.” He muttered.

  Acksel grunted. “Probably for the best for now at least.”

  Gabe prickled at Acksel’s tone and his wolf growled lowly. Did this male not want Kira to be part of the pack?

  “What do you mean?” Asked Gabe calmly as his claws flexed.

  Acksel shrugged. “Just that they need to keep a low profile until the problems with their old pack are resolved. For their sake and for our pack.”

  “What problems?” Worry started to seep through him. Was Kira in danger?

  Mac cleared her throat loudly and shot Acksel an annoyed look. Gabe looked between them. “What’s going on?”

  Mac chewed her lip. “It’s just that there’s a bit of a question over whether Lilah can join the pack, technically she didn’t leave her old pack. Her husband was hurting her but we don’t have any proof. So we’re just kind of concerned that her old pack might turn up and try to take her back…”

  “So it’s kind of being kept quiet for now.” Rumbled Andy.

  “It’s not exactly a secret, and as a Deputy Gabe should know. The twins aren’t going out of their way to attract attention. It’s probably best that they don’t attend the runs until they can be inducted, sends out the wrong message to their old pack.” Said Acksel.

  Mac frowned. “We want to keep Kira and Lilah safe until we know how their old pack is going to react.”


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