Lust Plague (Steamwork Chronicles)

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Lust Plague (Steamwork Chronicles) Page 22

by Silverwood, Cari

  “These awards are unofficial and as such, although grateful, I will leave you all to enjoy them without me.” She treated the table she’d come from to an especially potent stare before turning to Emily, who was squeaking and hiding her face in her hands with only her eyes peeking out of the gaps between her fingers.

  “Happy with that, Emily?”

  “Oh Lordy! Yes! Yes yes yes! I own part of an airship! Oh my gawd!”

  “I’ll leave you to party then, Emily.” Kaysana slapped her on the shoulder and gave Corey a thumbs-up. “Take care of her, or else.”

  “Oh aye. Not a problem. The lass is safe with me.”

  The way Emily squeaked again, then nearly wrung Corey’s neck without him doing more than chuckling and holding her seemed to bode well.

  “My resignation.” The second piece of paper went down on the table before Captain Nordland, who had subsided into a chair. “Please ensure that is finalized.”

  “Sure.” Captain Nordland nodded. “Good luck, and thank you for that.” She gestured at the room beyond. “I took notes.”

  “I always found it best to stay sober, Captain. Some of them are assholes, though, which never makes it easy. You take care too.”

  Now, to face Sten. She swallowed.

  He stood, rising to his full height and looking down at her. Desire simmered there. The room quivered. She pictured herself cuddling up to him, then sliding down his naked, muscular body, maybe counting his ribs with her tongue on the way, among other things. Pictured herself holding on to his leg with his molten blue eyes staring at her, possessing her like they were now. Why did I resist this for so long?

  He smiled, one corner of his mouth tilting higher. “Where do you wish to go?”

  “Wherever you lead me.”

  “Ahh.” He drew a line with his knuckle along her jaw to her chin, which he tilted up. “Now that sounds like a great choice.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Outside in the corridor, when the doors closed with that luxurious soundproofing click, she found herself alone with Sten.

  He took her hand, kissed it. “Hooyah! Do you have any idea how sexy that was watching you wrestle that roomful of people with just words and your sassy attitude?” He let loose his oversize grin, then squeezed her hand, maybe seeing the smidgen of doubt on her face. “Having second thoughts?”

  “No.” She sighed, sucked in her lip, and thought. This wasn’t just her and Sten about to shoot some zombies—this was them together, planning a life with each other. Real stuff she’d never contemplated before with anyone. “More just…amazed thoughts.”

  “Me too, and mine are mostly about what I can do to your body to make up for how long you made me wait.” Then he growled, pressed her to the wall with the full length of his body, undoing jacket buttons and kissing her until she needed the wall to stay upright.

  “Now.” He levered himself away but left his palm over her breast and his thumb grazing across where her nipple pressed out the shirt. “Is there a room we can use?”

  It took a whole lot of time for words to come out of her mouth since her brain was thoroughly occupied with what his thumb was doing. “The stateroom. It’s big and bold, and since we own it, I figure using it is good.”

  With his hand entangled in hers, like he never wanted to let go of her again, he let her find the route along the passageways.

  “Are the deeds of ownership finalized?” he asked.

  “No. All of us need to sign. I wasn’t sure you wanted to own her, and left it open. I only said that to scare the idiots back there. Why? You have other ideas?” She peeked across, searching for clues on his face.

  “I’d rather a smaller ship. Do you want this one?”

  “Not really.” Here they were discussing the ownership of airships like they were mere trinkets. So like Sten to take it all in his stride. “I’m sure we can talk Emily into another deal. She may prefer the money. There’s no hurry. We have time to think once we reach London.”

  “Good. So you’re happy with this too? And with giving up your air fleet career?”

  This she had no doubts about at all. She squeezed his hand. “Yes, oh indeed, yes. I want to be with you.”

  At that he only shot her an assessing look

  They held hands all the way, until the honey-timbered, gold-handled door was before them.

  “Do you know what’s in there?” He let go of her hand, gestured at the door.

  “Yes. I got the steward to give me a tour. Everything is grand. Even for a luxury cruise airship, this room is ostentatious. Four-poster bed, gold-plated taps, there’s even a fish pond with koi. Believe me, it’s damn fine. Why?” She put her hands on her hips, almost bouncing on her toes, looking forward to impressing Sten. If he didn’t say fuck when he saw what lay inside, she’d be disappointed.

  “I’m remembering what I once said—about you coming to me on your hands and knees.”

  “You said that in anger, which means it doesn’t count.”

  A little frisson tingled up and down her skin as she wondered if he would ask her to get down on all fours. What would I do? She half wanted him to say it, to order her about. Mmm. Obeying him, even the idea of it, imagining herself down there at his feet… She bit her lip, drew in a slow, controlled breath through her nose.

  “You think?” His eyes softened, and he ran his fingers down the unbuttoned front edge of her red jacket. “You said you wanted to be with me but it’s best if we sort out how things will be early, so there’s no misunderstanding. I have rules.” He arched one sandy eyebrow, and for the first time in days, his blue eyes became the instruments of command she remembered from that glorious night on the rooftop.

  Her self, her undaunted, rigid, never-say-die self drained away. The world tilted on its axis, and as she waited for his next words, she could only nod.

  “Outside the bedroom, in the world where others see, you’re the woman I saw back there, commanding others, able to take a grown man to his knees with your words and looks.”

  This was venturing into unknown territory. But she didn’t dare interrupt—and didn’t want to. This aspect of him enthralled her. It was part of what made him the man she wanted and respected. Part of what made their relationship sizzle.

  “But in there, in our bedroom, or maybe at other times we agree on, you’re mine to do with as I please.” He paused, giving her time to comment. “Agreed? Please say that out loud, Kaysana. I want this clear, so when you go wrong, you know why I’m spanking your ass red.” He smiled a wicked smile.

  The air suddenly throbbed with latent energy, with need and anticipation. What was he planning to do with her? Mesmerized, she had to dig her nails into her palms before she could find her answer. “Yes, I agree.” She shut her eyes a moment before meeting his again. “I want this with all my heart.”

  “You give yourself to me, to do as I please?”

  Being made to say this now, before they went through the door, bestowed the words with so much significance. The power she was willingly giving him…yet already it felt like she might float off the floor. He knew her so well. These rules nailed her needs to her soul.


  “Thank you.” He leaned over and kissed her forehead. His mouth curved, and his eyes brightened in a way that said many things to her—desire, triumph, possession at the least. “I want you to undress. I want you stark naked before you go through that door, and I’m going to keep you that way until we dock. Now.”

  Saying no occupied her thoughts for less than a second. Everyone was at the dinner. She just knew, and trusted, that he’d be listening for anyone approaching. This was a symbol of her acquiescence and not exhibitionism. And giving in to him, cao, she was so swollen and aching down there already.

  While he watched with his arms folded like some benevolent deity or slave master, she stripped off her clothes. Each piece she removed, he would take from her and fold over his arm—the red jacket, the shirt, the uniform cream tights, and her under
wear. She handed him the last piece—the black bandeau top she wore to bind her breasts in place in lieu of a corset.

  “The hair stick too.”

  She pulled it out, handed it to him. As she moved, her hair uncoiled from the bun, tumbling across her shoulders, then down her bare back.

  Standing naked in the corridor of an airship was so foreign, so strange. Every inch of her skin seemed to flare up to the highest level of sensitivity.

  “Beautiful,” Sten murmured. “You’re my every dream. My every dream in one woman.” Around his eyes creased. “You know parade rest position. I want to see that.” He unbuckled his belt, the black leather sliding through the belt loops like a snake. She licked her lips, hypnotized by the possibilities it represented. “Hands behind your back. Now.”

  She assumed parade rest, her breasts automatically thrust out, feet shoulder width apart. Oh. The cool air touched her warmest, most intimate parts. So exposed.

  “Good.” His belt was free and swinging in his hand. “It’s just you and me here.” He went around behind her, and there was a muffled thump as he dropped her clothes to the floor.

  Something soft slipped over her eyes and he cinched it tight, blindfolding her. Not the belt—he must have used her tights. The ends dangled onto her neck.

  “Your hands,” he said in a firm yet quiet tone beside her ear. She shivered as he tied her wrists with the hard leather of the belt. Then he slid his hands around and cupped her breasts tightly. He controlled her. Blindfolded, bound, and held.

  “Now, Kaysana, I’m taking you through that door. And I’m spending the next two days making you mine.” Then he pulled her back into his body. As he talked, he played with her nipples. “I’m fucking you senseless. I’m beating your ass whenever I feel like it and then making you come until your legs won’t hold you up.”

  Her clit swelled. His words sang through her, hitting all the right places in her imagination and on her body, stirring her in some powerful way. Yes. Even the thought of him beating her and spanking her heated her blood. She groaned, tensing, moving her bottom in tiny circles back into his groin. Sten chuckled.

  “Ahh. Did that make you horny? Anticipation and imagination seem to work well. I think I should let you be a wall ornament for a while before I touch you. I want to make you writhe and wriggle and beg before I make you come the first time. You made me wait such a bloody long time. Now it’s your turn.”

  He wound his hand in her unpinned hair and again cupped her breast, playing with her there. “Your nipple is so pink, and I love watching my thumb go round and round on it, making it harden. I’m going to suck on those later until they’re bright red. Until you squeal when I touch them, and with your hands and feet restrained, you won’t be able to stop me.” Just when she wondered if he could make her any hotter, he trailed his hand down her stomach, then slid his fingers along her slit, pushing three of them inside at once in a slow yet irrevocable way.

  “Unhh.” That first exquisite sensation of penetration and the slow stretch of her pussy as his fingers tunneled farther and farther inside became the universe behind her eyelids. More.

  “Very, very last chance, Kaysana. Say stop if you want to.”

  Nooo. No stopping. She panted and squirmed on his hand where he’d speared her.

  “Guess that’s a yes.” He slowly removed his hand, then tugged on her hair, and she couldn’t help but follow him with her head down. A metallic click and muted creak signaled the opening of the door. She walked forward, hands at the small of her back, mind buzzing, body on a sexual high, her moisture rubbing onto her thighs. A wall ornament? She was already dying for him to touch her or to touch herself. How long would he make her wait?

  Something licked her arm. “Cadrach? What? Why is he here?”

  Sten’s clothing rustled softly as he bent and kissed her ear. “No more talking unless I say. He’s here because me and the steward are friends. I knew about your plans. About the koi and the four-poster. I have an endless supply of rope here and other things to use on you. You have no idea what I have ready. No idea at all.”

  Oh cao. Two whole days of Sten being inventive with her body. Bliss.

  “One last thing. Remember the flowers on the balcony? The little half-open ones?”

  Something brushed her nose, and she smelled the sweet perfume of a rose.

  “You said you didn’t like flowers but seeing you haven’t any choice right now, I’m giving you this one. It’s beautiful like you, and such a pretty red. You know, I’ve taken a liking to this notion. Be prepared for more flowers in future. Lots more. Open your mouth.”

  She was glad of the blindfold, for it concealed her tears. Maybe romance wasn’t that bad after all? She opened her mouth, felt the stem slide across her teeth, and gripped it between them.

  “I love you,” he whispered, and then he kissed her cheek.

  Despite his last command, she dared to whisper back, through the rose stem, “I love you too.”

  Four months later


  The cry from below made him pull his head from the innards of the electro-rocket pod and look down. Below, on the gray tarmac, Emily waved.

  “Captain says to come ASAP!”

  A few late passengers strolled up the Princess Kay’s ramp and a trolley loaded with suitcases trundled up pushed by their new steward. Seagulls flapped over the fence toward the beach and a cargo airship was lifting off. All seemed well.

  He flicked Emily a mock salute, leaned back onto the timber seat, then descended by slowly playing out the ropes.

  By the time his boots thumped onto the ground, Emily stood at the ramp near Kaysana. A big Asian man was there, neatly dressed in tan trousers and white shirt. The woman behind him with the black collar about her neck—Sten blinked—a slave. The flimsy see-through dress would never be worn by a lady in public.

  A slave. Fuck. As he strode over, Sten roughly wiped oil from his hands with a rag. A tic started in his jaw muscle.

  Kaysana turned to him. The little jerk of her head back at the couple made him close his mouth on the insults he’d lined up. “Meet two potential passengers, Sten—Dankyo and Sofia. I just wanted your opinion on our weight limit. Can we fit them?”

  “Maybe.” He thrust his grimy hand at Dankyo. “Nice day.”

  The man’s dark eyes assessed him. Then he gripped Sten’s hand and shook. His fingers were thick and bladelike, his grip strong and assured. “Greetings. We’re going to Byzantium. I’m willing to pay extra, considering our lateness. You have accepted our baggage already.”

  Stick up his ass, or what? “And your lady?”

  The answer came out smoothly. “My slave, sir, Sofia.”

  “Slave. Uh-huh.” He resisted scowling.

  The woman waited a foot behind Dankyo’s shoulder. No calluses or marks at the neck, none on wrists. Her eyes were bright and even mischievous, not cowed or fearful. He smelled a rat, maybe two.

  “Shall we let them aboard?” Kaysana cocked an eyebrow at him, then smiled.

  Sten grunted. “Sure. Might liven the Princess Kay up if we get them to walk the plank.”

  Dankyo stiffened, his mouth opened, and then the woman, Sofia, tripped into his back, knocking him forward. “Excuse me.” He tucked a finger in Sofia’s collar. “Thank you for allowing us aboard. I must attend to my clumsy slave’s punishment.”

  As they walked up the ramp, Sofia said some angry-sounding words. Hell. What slave ever dared that? Sten gathered Kaysana to him with an arm about her waist, molding her against him. “What’s going on?”

  “They’re just interesting. Wanted to run it past you first. I saw her poke him earlier as they walked up.”

  “Yeah?” Sten scratched his chin. “He looks military. Well, if he gets up my nose, I’ll toss him out over the ocean. Then she can be my slave girl.”

  “Oh! Never!”

  The wrestle with Kaysana left her breathless, but at the end of it, they ignored onlookers and exchanged a long, de
ep kiss. “Love you, lady,” he whispered. Both his hands cupped her ass.

  “Me too, Sten. Me too.” Then she snuggled her head into his chest. “When I’m with you, every day is beautiful.”

  “Gawd,” Emily blurted. “Get a cabin, you two! Hey, Cadrach!” She whistled. “Get your nose outa those seagull droppings!”

  “Except this day.” Kaysana sighed.

  He chuckled but kept his hands on her cute butt. Some things never got old.

  The End

  Loose Id Titles by Cari Silverwood

  Three Days of Dominance

  * * * *


  Iron Dominance

  Lust Plague

  Cari Silverwood

  Though I’d much rather stay invisible and spin you all tales with my words, here’s a little snippet of my world.

  I have a lovely family here in Australia, with the prerequisite teenager who dwells in the dark bedroom catacombs, a husband who raises eyebrows when he catches glimpses of what I write, and a furry menagerie of animals barking, meowing, and swimming about the place.

  Before writing Three Days of Dominance I had never dipped my little toes in the hot and lust-swirled sea of erotica. Now every time I turn around, there’s some new character making me write down their story in the most lurid way. My people are quite adamant about explaining creative new ways of making love, so I doubt I’ll run out of ideas anytime soon, though I may go cross-eyed.

  And, dammit, I can’t seem to stop reading other erotica authors either. I have come over to the dark side. Someone please find me a candle...and some rope. ’Cause if Darth Vader’s here, I’m going to see if he’s up for some bondage and wax play.

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