Shadows of Love

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Shadows of Love Page 5

by Jerry Cole

  “Yes, ma'am.”

  “You've done very well tonight, Roland.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate that.”

  She smiled warmly. “And I'm sorry, by the way. About the family questions. I didn't realize...”

  “It's the same as you, Miss Dora. We're both without families here.”

  “In that case, we can be family to each other.”

  He chuckled. “I suppose it's been long enough.”

  “Friends do turn into family—eventually. Now, shoo! Get out of here before you give yourself a migraine.”

  He whipped his gloves off and tossed them into the appropriate bin, making sure to wash his hands thoroughly in the sink. He pulled off his coat—the one he wore when handling clients—and grabbed his phone, heading for the stairs. In the world above, he felt a lightness enter his head.

  Dora had been right—he should have been wearing his mask. But she hadn't been wearing hers either. Besides, the fumes weren't as imposing as the other smells that filled the morgue. He wandered into the kitchen and sat down at the table, closing his eyes while he massaged the back of his neck.

  Maybe I should ask Gabe to book us a couple's massage, he considered. I really need it after working on a few people today.

  His phone buzzed.

  He snatched it up from the table and unlocked it to see a new message. Gabe had sent the details for their next date, a ghost tour of Hollywood's most famous celebrity deaths. He smiled as he replied affirmatively.

  Are you sure it won't spook you too much? Gabe sent back.

  As long as I've got you, I'll be fine.

  Somebody has a crush.

  Roland giggled. It's a mild one. Treatment would be an additional date.

  Should we plan the next one, too?

  Only if you think it appropriate.

  Roland didn't want to set down his phone. He was far too excited, far too enamored with the man he was texting. While he got lost in a typed exchange, he didn't realize the time.

  Dora appeared next to him. “Have you hydrated?”

  Roland jumped, startled. “Oh, not yet.”

  She placed a water bottle on the table and sat down across from him. “And the flowers?”

  “I'll get right on that now.”

  “Were you texting him?”

  He blushed. “...No.”

  “You always were terrible at lying.”

  “But I do try. Isn't that the important part?”

  She laughed. “I suppose. Make sure this doesn't become a distraction. You're the best assistant I've ever had, and I would hate to have to let you go on those grounds.”

  He made a point to set down his phone and fold his hands together. “I promise it will never become a distraction, Miss Dora. Now, how about those flowers?”

  “Can you get the same ones as last time?”

  “I sure can. Violets are always lovely to look at during the fall.”

  “Thank you, Roland. It means a lot.”

  “Would you like company while you go for your visit?”

  She hummed thoughtfully. “No, I think I need to go alone this time.”

  “Very well.”

  “Why don't you take off early? I heard you had a date.”

  He chuckled. “Wouldn't that be distracting me from my work?”

  “You've accomplished a great deal today. I think it would be just fine if you left early and cleaned up for your date. Consider it an early Christmas gift.”

  “I appreciate that, Miss Dora.”

  “And tell him I said hello.”

  He blushed again, deep crimson stealing his cheeks and ears. “I'll make it a point to say so.”

  She smiled and rose up from her chair, disappearing into the hallway. He heard her footsteps retreating and picked up his phone, determined to get the flowers ordered within the next hour. Once the order was placed, he tidied up the kitchen and left to go to his apartment.

  His excitement overwhelmed him, propelling him to drive carefully through traffic to reach his apartment. Although he had plenty of time, he felt the need to get ready as soon as possible.

  The sooner he was ready, the sooner he could see Gabe.

  Chapter Seven


  A tour guide droned on at the front of the bus, pointing to different sides of the street.

  “And over here,” he spoke loud and clear. “We'll see the very spot where Betsy Devine fell to her death after she caught her husband cheating on her!”

  The crowd erupted with murmurs as people raised their cameras to take pictures. Gabe stifled a chuckle. He leaned close to Roland's ear and whispered, “Of course, that was just a character from a movie. The real Betsy Devine didn't die until twenty years after her false death.”

  “How do you know all this?”

  Gabe shrugged nonchalantly. “It's movie business, baby.”

  Roland smiled and laced his fingers with Gabe's. “I do hope one day to get an insider on those secrets of yours.”

  “Maybe someday.”

  “To my right, you'll see the famous corner where the prominent actor-slash-mobster Nestor Calvery was gunned down by his own family,” the guide continued. “People say that in the very darkness of night, you can still hear the gunfire from that dreadful hail of bullets!”

  The crowd fell into excited chatter as the tour came to a halt just at the end of the boulevard.

  “That's all for tonight, folks! If you follow me, you can pick out some souvenirs from our famous gift shop!”

  Gabe held Roland's hand as they filed down the stairs and out onto the street, chuckling to themselves. He watched the crowd of people filling the sidewalk, some of them billowing into the store just next to the bus.

  “What a tour,” Roland commented. “And I thought I knew everything there was to know about Hollywood. I've been proven wrong!”

  “There's always something you don't know. I could show you the Hollywood cemetery. Want to go visit some famous people?”

  “Do we dare? It's already so late. We could get into trouble.”

  Gabe smirked. “That's my kind of date.”

  “Lead the way, handsome.”

  As he hid a bashful grin, he guided Roland around the corner and toward the iron-wrought gates sitting at the other end of the street.

  “It's no accident we were dropped off near here,” he explained while they approached the gates. “People often like to poke around after hours to catch glimpses of starlets and studs still haunting the place.”

  The gate creaked eerily as he yanked it open, fighting the rust that had long since eaten into the gates. A sudden silence fell over his ears as he passed through the gates and he became strikingly aware of how alone they were. The people from the tour who hadn't gone into the shop had dispersed up the boulevard to catch other great attractions, none of them choosing to wander in this direction.

  He smiled. “It's a good thing we're alone.”

  “Why? Does that make the ghosts appear?”

  “I guess we'll find out.”

  Roland chuckled. “You know, if you wanted to get me alone, you could have just asked.”

  “Where's the fun in that?”

  “Communication is always fun.”

  Gabe laughed. “I guess you're right about that.” He paused on the trail that wound up through the hill in between the jagged headstones. “So, can I have you alone for an hour?”

  “You may absolutely have me any time you want.”

  “Don't say that.”


  He smirked. “Because then I might try to have you all the time.”

  Roland slipped his arm around Gabe's waist. The closeness of Roland's body made Gabe relax and he gave in to the warmth he felt between them. He smiled as they strolled together, their footsteps matching rhythm. He walked in silence for some time while reflecting on the supernatural and the theories about life after death.

  His thoughts soon swirled into the theory he had about Ben's de
ath—and he halted in his tracks.

  Roland looked concerned. He placed a hand on Gabe's cheek. “Are you all right?”

  “Sorry, I'm still a bit shaken.”

  “And here I thought you were braver about ghosts than I.”

  “It's not the ghosts.”

  “Then, what is it?”

  Gabe sighed shakily. “It's Ben.”

  Roland wore a genuine expression of sorrow. He took Gabe's hand confidently and pressed the back of it to his lips, sighing into the kiss.

  Gabe melted. “You're so sweet.”

  “I wouldn't want to push you tonight if you're still in mourning.”

  “I'm always in mourning.”

  “Do you need space?”

  He melted further, dipping forward. “So sweet...”



  “I don't want you to be in pain.”

  He chuckled softly. “That's unavoidable.”

  “Is there anything I can do?”

  “Just kiss me.”

  Gabe breathlessly relented, giving in to Roland's lips as they crashed into his. He was melting again, slipping metaphorically to the ground in a heap of liquid that would soon be absorbed by the cemetery dirt. He felt Roland's hands roaming all over his body in an effort to drag him further down into that passionate puddle.

  When he withdrew, he was gasping, practically stumbling as he drew Roland to the end of the path where there was a hidden space just behind a crypt. He pressed Roland into the wall of the crypt, feeling the cool stone beneath his palms.

  “Right here?” Roland sighed. “Right now?”

  “Is there a better time?”

  Gabe kissed Roland into silence, prompting him to tug at Gabe's belt. He fumbled to remove it, barely parting the zipper before dropping Gabe's jeans to the ground. Gabe felt the cool breeze greet his boxers, eliciting a twitch from his cock. While struggling to undo Roland's pants, he felt Roland grip his cock and he gasped, unable to move again.

  He was frozen, happily struck by cold lightning that flowed through his veins as Roland stroked him vigorously. He tumbled forward face-first into Roland's chest. He couldn't hide his gasps. As much as he tried, he couldn't contain his reaction. Roland was commanding with every touch, a truly passionate lover who could transport Gabe just about anywhere.

  And all Gabe wanted to do was become part of the world around him. He wanted to melt into the ether with Roland and disappear into the other worlds where they could discover the secrets of the spirits. He parted his lips and sought Roland's lips, searching in the dark with his mouth. He reached between them and cupped Roland's cock while kissing Roland, feeling the hum of passion pass between their mouths.

  His lips vibrated when Roland groaned. He loved how easy it was to prompt Roland into a fit of shivers. Every time he stroked down on Roland's shaft, he felt the shiver transfer to him. And then he was shaking. He was brilliantly vibrating and humping hard against Roland, hungry for more.

  When Roland released his cock, he groaned eagerly, “No, don't stop.”

  “Turn around.”

  “As long as you keep touching me.”

  Roland chuckled breathlessly. “I will if you turn around.”

  Gabe obeyed and switched positions with Roland, pressing his face to the cool stone. He sighed into his new position while Roland pressed against his entrance, cock hard against him. He prickled with excitement. Roland stroked his back and prompted him to arch it, fingers dragging up teasingly to his throat and then away.

  He sighed shakily. “Please...”

  “Please, what?”

  “Please, fuck me.”

  Roland snickered. “Somebody is hungry.”

  “Oh, very...”

  Seconds passed to minutes as Roland trailed his hand teasingly to Gabe's cock. He gripped it while pressing his own cock to Gabe's entrance, dragging the tip over Gabe's hole.

  Gabe shivered hard, pressing his lips together to contain a stressful moan. He was practically convulsing from touch alone. One more teasing motion would make him burst and he didn't want that yet. He wanted Roland inside, ramming him against the wall. He pressed tensely against Roland, his breath heavy and ragged from waiting.

  When he heard Roland spit, his anticipation tripled. He arched his back obediently and waited while Roland rubbed against him, circling his entrance open. He parted his lips while Roland slipped inside and dug his nails into the wall as Roland sank deep. He pinched his lips together, muffling a bay.

  Roland released a low, guttural growl as he drew near Gabe's ear. “If you moan too loud, I'll have to stop.”

  “Please, don't stop.”

  “In that case, I suggest you keep quiet.”

  Gabe licked his lips, keeping his hands hooked to the wall. He turned his head toward Roland. “Will you make sure I'm quiet?”

  “With pleasure.”

  Roland gently applied his hand to Gabe's mouth. Relief filled Gabe as Roland started thrusting, each pump causing him to breathe hard into Roland's hand. He scratched the wall eagerly, feeling fuller with every thrust. It didn't take long for the knot in his gut to grow taut, threatening to snap. He gripped the stone and hummed. Roland's grip on his mouth tightened ever so slightly.

  “Shh,” Roland whispered.

  Gabe rolled his eyes, his breathing coming in ragged gasps. He felt Roland's hand dart over his cock, rousing the feeling that he was falling. His gut flipped a few times and his hips swung back to aid Roland in thrusting. He accepted each pump from Roland eagerly, hungrily, smacking his bottom against Roland's hips.

  Roland pierced Gabe feverishly, his movements growing more frantic by the thrust. The mere touch of his hand against Gabe's cock and Gabe's mouth was like fire, hot and passionate with every intention of bringing Gabe to orgasm.

  Gabe shook as if he were ravenous. He felt the knot snap. He felt his stomach tense as his cock twitched and erupted with cum. As he came, Roland slammed into him a few times and then stiffened, joining his eruption. They came simultaneously, their breathing overlapping together as one, causing Gabe to struggle against the wall.

  When Roland released his mouth, he sighed loudly and flipped around, hugging Roland close. He kissed Roland hard, still fuming from their passionate encounter.

  He gasped as he pulled away. “That was a nice treat...”

  “Quite the cherry on top of our evening.”

  “We should get dressed.”

  Roland chuckled huskily. “Need help?”

  Gabe nodded, his limbs feeling like gelatin as he pulled up his pants with Roland's assistance. He fashioned his belt back on his pants and then helped Roland, smoothing the wrinkles from Roland's shirt.

  He bit his lower lip and grinned. “You're cute.”

  “So are you.”

  “Should we continue strolling toward the exit? I feel like I might need a nap.”

  “I wouldn't mind calling it a night if you're tired.”

  Gabe hummed. “Very sweet. The sweetest.”

  He tangled his hand with Roland's. When he squeezed Roland's hand, Roland squeezed back. The sweet energy trailed up his arm and into his face, appearing as a smile.

  “So,” Gabe whispered as they wandered lazily down the path to the gates. “My next stunt is going to be falling from a barrel. It's happening on Saturday.”

  “A barrel?”

  “Yep. But I won't be in the barrel when it hits the ground. I'll be suspended.”

  Roland took a sharp breath. “That sounds...dangerous.”

  “It's nothing I'm not used to.”

  “Do you ever wonder when there might be a stunt that goes wrong?”

  “I've never had a stunt go wrong.”

  “But do you ever wonder?”

  Gabe stopped in his tracks. He turned Roland toward him, peering up into the bearded face he had become so fond of looking at. “I don't wonder because it would distract me from concentrating.”

  “I would just be worrie
d about making a mistake.”

  “I do think about that. Jax and I plan our stunts better than most scripts are written. We put a lot of time and effort into curating them.”

  Roland nodded, appearing satisfied with that response. “I didn't mean to imply that you didn't. I just...”

  “Got worried?” Gabe grinned. “Hey, you have nothing to worry about.”

  He cupped Roland's face, drawing Roland close. As he kissed Roland's lips, he felt a sense of hesitation. He pulled away with furrowed brows, searching Roland's eyes for a hint at what Roland might have really been feeling.

  Is there something he's not telling me?

  Roland smiled. It seemed genuine. He took Gabe's hand and squeezed it, kissing the back of it as he had before. “I promise not to worry too much about you doing stunts.”

  “Really? You swear?”

  “I swear on...” Roland faded as he glanced around at the headstones. He hopped over to one, taking Gabe with him. He pointed to the stone. “I swear on the grave of the famous Greta Jones that I won't worry.”

  “Oh, my. That's a serious swear. She was a rowdy woman with a heart of gold. Are you sure you can handle her coming after you if you keep on worrying so hard?”

  Roland laughed heartily. “If I can handle you, I can handle her.”

  Gabe giggled. “Am I a handful?”

  “Only one handful.”

  “Just one handful?” Worry flashed over Gabe's eyes. “Enough to be...worth it?”

  Roland tugged Gabe into a tight hug. “You're absolutely worth it, Gabe. Every second has been worth spending with you.”

  “You really mean that?”

  “Yes, of course.” He held Gabe at arm's length, meeting Gabe's misty eyes. “Is that something you're worried about?”

  “I've had partners leave because of my job.”

  “Well, I'm not going anywhere.”


  Roland's smile lit up his eyes with joy. “Yeah.”

  Gabe took Roland's hand, feeling satisfied with that answer. “So, we swear not to worry about each other, right?”

  “We swear.”

  “Wonderful. Now, I can sleep easy.”


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