Gray, Beth - Cougar Hunting [Modern Cougar] (Siren Publishing Allure)

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Gray, Beth - Cougar Hunting [Modern Cougar] (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 3

by Gray, Beth

  Charlie motioned at him from across the room to join him. As expected, he already had several attractive older women around him. The show of diamonds and gold sparkled, indicating perhaps old money. They appeared to be in their early forties, maybe slightly younger.

  “Chad, you need to do some catching up. Everyone has been asking about you.”

  “Charlie, hey, man, this is your night, not mine.”

  “You’re right.” He turned to pose, making a mockery of the comment.

  “Have you seen Bobby?”

  “Bobby is being a real ham tonight. Look for the harem moving about. He’ll be in the center somewhere.”

  Several women drifted around Chad, showing interest in knowing more details about him. The attention distracted him from asking more about Bobby. He would have to fend for himself. “Hello, ladies.”

  A waiter passed by, holding glasses of champagne of which Chad helped himself to the first one for the night. After all, the evening held promises of another night of cougar hunting. He saluted Charlie and, with a woman on each arm, went off to search for Bobby.

  Chad stopped to analyze a new painting he had not seen previously. It was a nude, yes—but of an older woman. Very pleasing and elegant, but given enough detail to suggest a more advanced age. While he assumed Charlie meant this to be a surprise, and he was probably standing behind him to catch his reaction, he paused to study the work. The detail and emotions caught in her face seemed to speak to him much more than any other painting Charlie had painted.

  He raised his glass and finished the champagne in one gulp. The large crowd around him faded as he intensified his focus. The familiarity of the character inside the painting emerged. He tried his best to place her. Where had he seen her before? Did he know her? Was she a model Charlie hired, or did he create her from his imagination? He had to know.

  As Chad swirled around, Charlie faced him with one of those smiles. Being friends with him since the first grade told him that Charlie had planned this for a while as he handed him another glass of champagne. “I see you like it.”

  Chad accepted the champagne and turned from side to side to think as he studied the eyes of the woman in the painting staring at him. “I never saw you working on this one. However, something tells me I know this woman.”

  “Oh yes, you do.”

  Chad hated it when Charlie played this cat and mouse game. Especially when he was on the wrong side of the play. He raised the glass and finished it with another large gulp as he turned back toward the painting. It would take some time, but he would figure it out. It was more than the eyes or the shape of her nose or jaw. This may be the best work Charlie had ever produced.

  Chad felt the hand of his friend on his shoulder. “Do you give up?”

  “Not yet, but do me a favor and hold it for me. This one I might actually pay you for.”

  “Not a problem.” He removed a card from his pocket and wrote sold on the backside before placing it in the corner of the frame.

  The women clapped, suddenly realizing that the first sell of the night had been made. Chad saluted one woman after another as he watched them whisper between each other. Yes, he imagined they all wanted to know who he was. Not many twenty-two-year-olds can buy a fifty-thousand-dollar painting on an impulse.

  Charlie stepped forward. “Thank you, and allow me to introduce my best friend, Chad Edwards.”

  Chad glanced around the room and wondered how well Charlie knew the women in the group. From the display of wealth, he knew before the night was over he would have most of the paintings sold. He glanced over his shoulder again. Who was this mysterious woman in the painting? Perhaps he could get answers out of Bobby. That is, if he could find him.

  Charlie nodded and passed a quick wink as several new women headed in his direction. If Chad didn’t know better, he would have thought the entire guest list must have been made up of single older women. He glanced around and noticed only a handful of men in the room.

  A redheaded woman on Chad’s right leaned forward, revealing one entire breast as she openly began the game of flirting and competing with the other women. “It’s intriguing to know why you purchased this painting before you saw the rest of what he has to sell.”

  “Charlie is a very old friend of mine. I’ve seen most of his works as he produced them. This one he hid from me. I have this feeling I know the model he used for the painting.”

  “Really! She’s a very beautiful woman. Who is she?”

  Chad chuckled as he hunted for Charlie. “That’s the problem. I’m not sure. And Charlie knows it. The likeness is close but slightly off. I think Charlie did this for the sole reason of driving me crazy. He’s like that at times.”

  Charlie’s head popped above the crowd for a moment and eyed him with an “I got you” smile before disappearing.

  “Well, I’m sure it will come to you. I think we need to see the rest of his exhibit, and maybe I can talk you into forgetting all about her.” Chad glanced at her to study her face, as if for the first time. She maintained herself well, but he assumed she was in her early forties, about the age his mother would be now. Her skin looked flawless, and the makeup appeared heavy enough to cover any wrinkles or other signs of aging. And how could anyone miss the size of the stones she wore on her fingers?

  “I think you’re right. Let’s see if Charlie has any more surprises for me.” He allowed her hand to slip around his arm as he moved along a long wall lined with paintings.

  “I don’t know of many guys your age that can spend that kind of money on an impulse. Tell me about you.”

  A reference to his age created mixed emotions. He was proud of the fact that at age twenty-two he had accomplished so much, but didn’t like the fact that some people considered him still a boy. “Let’s say I own a company back in Atlanta in the product-development business.”

  “I would have to ask what kind of products you develop.”

  “I specialize in sports and workout equipment. I don’t produce anything, but hold many patents on some popular exercise equipment.”

  “I think I understand. It sounds like you are an inventor.”

  Chad smiled. She appeared to be a smart older lady with perhaps a keen mind in the world of business. Some women like her he had to be careful of. His business consisted of many industry secrets he learned to hold close to his chest. “Yes, I think that is an accurate assessment.”

  “My name is Marianna, by the way.”

  “That is a nice name. It is a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Oh, I’m sure the pleasure will be all mine before the night is over.” She parted her lips, suggesting she couldn’t wait to devour him.

  Chad stopped to focus on her eyes, wondering what her story was. Could she simply be rich, bored, and lonely, or suffering from a lack of sexual attention from men her own age. He had no doubt it would only be a one-night stand, like so many before. “Well, the night is young.”

  A few minutes later, he spotted Bobby surrounded by, as Charlie called it, his harem. The women, as expected, were older but all gorgeous. The designer style of his tux made Chad laugh at first before he admitted that a model like him needed to draw attention. It contained a crisscross of black and white and an extremely long tail flowing down to his black and white patent shoes. And, of course, he couldn’t wear a normal bow tie. It looked more like an old English flute flaring out over six inches wide, and sporting the same patterns of black and white.

  Marianna directed his attention to the nude painting in front of them. A young girl posed in front of a mirror appeared to be studying clothes she wanted to wear. These various angles allowed Charlie to expose every sexy side of her. “This is much more typical of his work.”

  “I think he creates great work. Which one do you suggest I buy? I’m in the mood to spend some money tonight…and I usually get what I want.”

  She pressed forward, but Chad knew he would find a better partner for the night. She wasn’t bad, but he never wanted an
yone that gave him the least vibe of wanting to hang on to him for too long. “I’m sure you will find something good to spend your money on.”

  Marianna slipped her hand into her small cocktail purse and removed a card. “I’m old enough to know I have some competition tonight for what I might want to purchase, but I’ll assure you I am a good source of funds should you ever have a deal you might think could interest me.”

  Chad glanced at the card. She was the president of Ocean View Investments, Inc. “I’ll keep the card. You never know.”

  “That’s right. You never know.” She turned toward the painting again. “A combination of body and brains can be a formidable thing.”

  This Chad understood all too well. He studied the painting and, unlike the one he purchased, felt no connection.

  “I know you have many friends here, so I will not tie up your evening. You have my number.” She parted her lips one last time, repeating a signature move she must have worked on for some time. Chad wondered how many times she ventured out hunting for younger men.

  “Thanks, I do need to check with the crowd over there.” Bobby waved at him again to join him.

  Chad walked over to Bobby, who was surrounded by everything from redheads to blondes. If he smiled any wider, his face would split open. “It’s just like you to show up late.”

  “Not always. I see you’ve been busy.”

  “I think we had a great shoot today, and I’ve been looking forward to this for a while. I think you met or at least saw some of the women working with me today.” He waved his hand around as many gave nods or hellos to Chad.

  “Yes, I remember you being a ham on the beach.”

  “Hey, you have to do what you have to do. The photographer liked you. He said he might stop by as soon as he makes sure the shots proved to be what he needs.”

  “That’s good, but I think Charlie will be the one who will be happier. He’s the one making money tonight.”

  “I hope so. He sure is putting out the cash tonight.”

  “Well, he just talked me into buying one of his paintings.”

  “Damn, I knew you would buy it.”

  “Okay, tell me who the model is. I know you know.”

  “I know who she is, but you are the only one that really, I mean really knows her.” Bobby produced a wink a drama queen would be proud of.

  Chad’s frustration grew, but he forced his face not to show it. He lifted another glass of champagne from a tray. “Remember, payback can be hell.”

  The champagne disappeared as he drifted deeper into the crowd of women. It had been a month since he had this much to drink at one time. And he knew the party or extended party to some of the bars on the Beach would last until breakfast. He had gotten laid that night a month ago back in Atlanta, but remembered so little of what happened. She was so much different than other women. Her name was Terri, and he thought often of giving her a call, but the thoughts of becoming ensnared by an older woman stopped him every time.

  Still, Terri had a certain style, a difference he sensed. The night remained a blur. He assumed they had sex. It was late when he woke up in her bed. They were both naked. But other than that, he remembered nothing. Just the innocent, angelic smile she presented to him as he left. “Oh my God.”

  Chad turned toward Bobby. “Tell me Charlie didn’t paint who I think he did.”

  “Since it is a painting, I think the opinion of everyone will vary. So, do you think you know who it is?”

  “I think so. It was the leader of a group of cougars we met in Atlanta when we were celebrating the Freeman sale.”


  Chad watched the women studying him. He could only imagine the thoughts going through their minds. Did he all of a sudden become top pickings?

  “We both thought you had a fantastic night and wanted you to have something to remember the night by.”

  As Chad accepted another drink, his mind drifted back to that night and the sparse details he remembered. While he never wanted to see many women again, this one he knew held much more interest. Should he break his own rules and call her? Should he pursue it or let it drop? God knows he has broken his own rules so many times before. He sensed the conversation around him but chose to ignore it as he drifted over to another painting, vaguely studying it.

  Chad thought of accepting one more glass but knew he had to slow down. The nude painting in front of him depicted thoughts he had for a while. Was he using the women, or were they using him?

  He decided to roam on his own, but Bobby never strayed far away. Another woman found his arm, constantly chatting, but he never heard a word she said. He shook his head, attempting to snap out of a trance. He had women all over the gallery that wanted him. However, tonight his mind focused on one he knew he had to see again.

  Chad drifted along the gallery for almost another hour until he knew he had to move on. Perhaps a night of dancing at the clubs could reinvigorate him. A waitress passed by him. “I think I need a Red Bull.”

  She smiled and accepted his champagne glass. “I’ll be right back.”

  Bobby walked over closer. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. We need to hit the bars.”

  “I agree. I’ll get Charlie. We are going to get so laid tonight.”

  “I don’t know. I think I need to get some rest later tonight. I’ll let you tell me about everything tomorrow.”

  “Wow, what are you thinking? You’ve been acting weird all night.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I must be concentrating on work too much. This is where I find most of my ideas for patents,” he naturally lied, but wanted to be alone later to think. He stopped in front of the painting he purchased. The soul of the painting absorbed his thoughts, preventing him from moving. It wasn’t her naked body. It was her smile.

  Walking toward the front door, hoping to escape, Chad saw the photographer who had worked with Bobby earlier in the day, heading in his direction. “Hi, I hoped I would see you here.”

  “You just barely caught us. We’re heading out to the bars.”

  “Hey, that is not a problem. I hope you don’t mind me joining you. I have some information I think you might want.”

  “Sure, come on. I’ve had a lot of champagne tonight and don’t plan on staying out too late.”

  Bobby hurried over to them and interrupted them. “Hey, Alan, I hoped you would make it here tonight.”

  Alan held out his hand to shake. “I saw the results of the shoot today. We have plenty of good shots to make everyone happy.”

  “Fantastic. Do you want some champagne?” Bobby motioned to a waitress to bring a glass.

  Alan held up a hand to refuse, but relented. “I guess I am behind the group and do need to do a little catching up.” He turned back toward Chad. “I’m shooting a product tomorrow morning that I thought might be of interest to you. They think it will be one of the hottest pieces of exercise equipment out in a long time.”

  Despite the massive amount of champagne Chad downed, his mind focused. This was business, and the reason he came to Miami. “I think I might be able to stay out a little longer tonight.”

  Alan smiled. “I should be able to tell you much more tomorrow, but more importantly, I might be able to get you together with the inventor.”

  So much for sleep tonight. Chad glanced at his watch, hoping to retain any information he obtained tonight. However, this was South Beach, and he had hoped to make more visits to the health clubs early in the morning. To hell, he would stay another day to make up for it.

  Chapter 4

  “I promise you will never regret it.” Terri hung up the phone, breathed in deeply, and closed her eyes. Maybe, just maybe, she saved the account. She opened them as Jessica and Penny stared at her from the other side of her desk. “We have a shot at it.”

  Jessica and Penny slapped a high five.

  “We’re going to need some hot models. This has got to sizzle.” Penny held up a thumb, indicating she knew he
r job.

  “The setting has to be perfect. I’m thinking South Beach.” Jessica stood and nodded her head repeatedly.

  Terri rushed around the desk to join the girls in a shout followed by a series of rapid jumps. “We have to hop on this, and now. Y’all run home and grab what you need. We’re going to beg, borrow, or steal the next flight out to Miami.”

  Jessica stopped jumping. “I need to make some reservations and line up some meetings for first thing in the morning.”

  “Absolutely, so make sure your cell phone is fully charged.”

  Terri held up the new slogan she had convinced them to try. “I know we can get the clothes we need from their store there, but I need to give them some advance warning. Having a major clothing line will help us obtain so many other local accounts. We will need to think of expanding if all goes as we hope.”

  “You know how I love to party, but South Beach will have to be all business this trip.” Jessica gathered up her papers and rushed out of Terri’s office.

  Penny shook her hair as she stretched. “I know the photographer I want to use. His name is Alan Herman. I’ll go ahead and call him now. Maybe he knows some local models we can use, and we will not have to book through a modeling agency. It could save us some money. However, I might make a call on the way down just to make sure a new hot talent is not in the wings we need to know about.”

  Terri glanced at the clock on the wall—8:30. “See if you can get in touch with Alan. But, if he’s not in yet, be sure to call him again on the way down.”

  Penny rushed out of the room as Terri rubbed her forehead. She had received very little sleep last night. She woke up in the middle of the night from a dream. She was making love to Chad, the guy she met a month ago while out hunting for young studs. Her body was soaked. In minutes, she had finished the dream by pleasuring herself. Wow, if she could only find a guy that made her feel like that in real life. Perhaps, she had and could not remember it. With the night with Chad lost in time, the faint images of their time together haunted her as she hunted the corners of her mind for more details. Was he that good? Was she good? To have the repeating dreams, she smiled as she assumed yes.


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