Blood of the Innocent

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Blood of the Innocent Page 13

by Cheryel Hutton

  “So you have a little trained human. How cute.”

  “Why are you hanging out with a bunch of humans who hate vampires? It makes no sense.”

  “Sure it does. If they think I’m one of them, I can manipulate the situation to my liking.”

  Fear slithered its way through her. “And what would your ‘liking’ be?”

  His lips pulled into a huge, arrogant smile. “Taking advantage of a wonderful opportunity. Vincent knows we aren’t developing a virus to kill humans. He wants to develop a virus to kill vampires.”

  Okay, maybe it wasn’t as bad as it seemed. “So you’re making sure that virus never happens.”

  He snorted. “What fun would that be? No, I’m making sure it happens.”

  Her breath sucked in so hard it hurt. “Why?”

  “Because some vampires are damn near impossible to kill.”

  All at once the pieces fell into place. “You want to destroy the Guardians.”

  “Very good, little girl.” He waved his hand in a dismissing motion. “The Guardians are no longer protecting our kind. they have become a quivering mass of old men following the humans and their ‘political correctness’ down the path to hell.”

  “And you believe you’re the person to stop them.”

  He put a hand on his chest as he smiled. “I do possess the needed skills, after all.”

  “And just what skills do you believe are needed?”

  “Let’s see, knowledge of vampire anatomy, knowledge of how the Guardians operate, the knowledge and ability to manipulate viruses, access to a lab—”

  “You used our lab to work with deadly viruses!” She forced herself to her feet, while she pulled so hard against her restraints blood ran over her hand. “You are either the stupidest person to ever live, or the most arrogant. How dare you subject everybody working at our Lab to a deadly virus that you aren’t even taking proper precautions to contain! You could kill us all and let loose a plague capable of killing every single vampire on earth!”

  He looked at her with an expression of pure loathing. “Calm down, Veronica. You’re going to hurt yourself.”

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Kevin edging toward the door. She focused all her rage on Todd—and she had an abundance of it. “I’m going to kill you, slowly and painfully and I’m going to enjoy every second of it.”

  “Good luck with that.” He spun to pin Kevin with a glare. “You didn’t really think you could get away from me, did you?”

  “Run!” she yelled, then immediately shot every bit of her mental ability at Todd. Reaching inside herself for every tiny bit of strength she had, she pounded the arrogant maniac with it. She pushed so hard something in her eye popped, and what was probably blood ran down her face. She didn’t stop though. If she could kill this thing Todd had become, she would be happy to do just that.

  All at once he threw power back at her so hard she stumbled backward. She focused on continuing the attack, but all her strength was gone. She hit the floor hard just before everything went black.

  Chapter 10

  His head would explode, Joe was sure of it. Groaning, he shoved himself over on his side, then up into a sitting position.

  “Thank God you’re awake. I was getting worried.”

  Joe looked at where Mike was sitting beside him. “How long was I out?”

  “Long enough for your friend the doctor to diagnose a concussion.”

  Joe aimed a derisive look at him. “Glad that you were here to make that diagnosis.”

  Mike dipped his head. “Glad I could be of service.”

  He brought his hands up so he could rub his aching forehead. “Did anything happen while I was having this concussion?”

  “Nope. Vince the snake hit you, then he and his minions left.” Mike shook his head. “He’s insane, you know.”

  Joe glanced at him from under his hands. “No shit, Sherlock. It doesn’t take a freaking MD to diagnose that one.”

  “Ha-ha, you’re such a comedian.”

  Joe hit him with a glare, then turned his attention to testing his handcuffs again. It seemed to him it was slightly lighter outside. Moonlight or beginning sunrise? If the sun rose, Veronica could be in serious danger. He knew she was close, but the link seemed quiet. Too quiet. Was she asleep? Focused on something—like getting out? Unconscious? Something was wrong, and, he didn’t like it. “We have to get out of here.”

  Mike gave him a glare that should have shoved him backwards. “No shit, Sherlock. While you were having your beauty sleep, I’ve been trying to figure out an escape plan.”

  “Come up with anything?”

  “Actually, I’ve been thinking if I could find a long, small piece of metal, I might be able to pick the lock on the cuffs.”

  Joe stared at his friend for a moment, then smiled as memories wafted back to him. “You used to be good at that stuff.”

  “It’s been forever since I’ve done any lock picking, but I think I might remember how.”

  “We ain’t got a lot to lose here, buddy.”

  Mike nodded slowly. “Exactly what I was thinking. Now if we could just find something long enough and thin enough to get into the lock.”

  They fumbled in the dark for so long Joe broke out in a sweat. “Damn Maine. Too hot, or too cold.”

  “Get over it, Goldilocks.”

  The sound of footsteps hurrying toward them kept him from replying. Instead, he rushed to try to get back in the position he’d been left in. Beside him, Mike was doing the same thing.

  The kid who’d attacked him rushed in. Joe tensed for a repeat fight, but the kid stopped near them, leaned against the wall, and stood gasping for breath. “We have to help Veronica,” he gasped, and Joe realized his face was bright red.

  “What happened?”

  “She helped me get away and that Todd guy knocked her down without touching her. We have to rescue her and get out of here.”

  Joe studied the teenager. “She helped you get away? You expect me to believe that after you attacked me and could have hurt her badly in the process.”

  The boy groaned. “Look, I don’t blame you for not believing me, but I’m not dumb. I talked to her a long time. She’s nice.”

  “I’m not buying it, kid.”

  He straightened his back and glared at Joe. “Kevin. My name is Kevin, and I don’t care what you think about me. You have to help me get Veronica out of here. I can’t do it myself, not with that vampire guy around. He’s like a Terminator or some shit.”

  Joe thought for a minute, then nodded. “Okay, let’s say we agree to help you. We have a little snag.” He held up his cuffed hands.

  “No problem, man. I’ve got the key.” Kevin held up the small shiny treasure.

  “Well what are you waiting for? Let’s get the hell out of here.”

  Kevin grinned. “Finally, we get to kick some ass!”


  Veronica woke with either another headache or the same one but worse, she wasn’t sure which. When she flexed her left arm, she felt a sharp ache just below the shoulder. She groaned and forced herself to sit.

  Todd smiled at her. He sat on a box a few meters from her. “Sleeping Beauty awakens.”

  “Go to hell.”

  He laughed. “I can’t believe someone with your intelligence would buy in to a human superstitious belief.”

  “I knew you were a jerk, I just didn’t know you were evil.”

  He crossed his legs and leaned back against another box behind him. “And yet another human superstitious belief.”

  “No, they’re right about evil. I see it in your eyes.” She rotated her shoulder, but it only made the ache worse.

  “I’m afraid the injection site might ache for a bit, but it should stop soon.”

  Icy fear shot through her veins. “What did you do?”

  He leaned toward her, resting his forearms on his knees. “We need a test subject, and you’re the most logical choice.”

  “Oh my Go
d! You didn’t. You couldn’t.”

  “Hmm, God is an interesting topic Perhaps we will have enough time to debate the subject before you succumb to the virus.”

  Her breath came in short, hard exhalations as hot anger blew through her body. “How dare you.”

  He shrugged. “You got yourself into this by running with those nasty human animals.”

  “Like you do?”

  “No, I use them for my own benefit. That, Dr. Teal, is what humans are for.”

  “They are only a few genes different from us.”

  “Yes, and a world apart.” He leaned forward. “I wish you had allowed me to mate with you. We could have enjoyed ourselves while I ruled over this world.”

  He touched her cheek, and she used her cuffed hands to shove his away.

  “Odd,” he said. “Even knowing that you gave yourself to that human scum, I believe I’d mate with you if you allowed me.”

  “Too late, idiot. You killed me, remember.”

  “Oh that,” he scoffed. “You don’t think I’d have something that dangerous around without making a cure, do you?”

  “Of course not.” She’d suspected, now she knew he had a cure. She had to figure a way out of this mess. She wasn’t about to give up. Not when she sensed Joe nearby.

  The sound of a scuffle outside caught Todd’s attention. He listened for a moment, then stood and went toward the door. “What the hell are those idiotic humans doing now?”

  “Coming to burn you at the stake.”

  “You are such a charming woman,” he told her.

  She kept her gaze on him and reached out with her mental ability. All she had to do was distract him.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” he asked. He shoved back at her mentally, but by that time Joe was behind him and a big piece of wood came down on Todd’s head.

  Joe ran to her. “Are you all right? There’s blood under your eye.”

  “Broken blood vessel. Sometimes happens with vampires when we push our psychic abilities too hard. I’m fine.

  He didn’t look convinced as he cupped her cheeks and gently wiped the dried blood away with his thumb. The touch of his hands on her face had her stomach dancing with pleasure. She wanted him to hold her forever. Then his lips touched hers, and she forgot everything for a blissful moment.

  A movement behind Joe jerked her out of the bliss. “Look out,” she said, as she thrust a mental spear at Todd.

  Joe drove an elbow into the vampire’s middle, then stood to continue the fight.

  Veronica felt something in her hand and looked down. Her fear eased when she realized what she had. While she continued sending quick, distracting mental pokes at Todd, she struggled to use the key Joe had given her to unlock her handcuffs.


  Joe ducked yet another punch coming at him faster than should be possible. He knew he’d never have managed to keep up his end of this fight if Veronica wasn’t doing some kind of mental kung fu with Todd.

  That and his determination to bring his brother’s killer to justice was all he had going for him. He just hoped it would be enough.

  Todd threw a punch that connected with Joe’s right shoulder. “Good thing I’m left-handed.” He nailed the vampire with a punch to his chin.

  Todd barely reacted to the blow. Joe braced for another barrage, but then Veronica appeared behind Todd. She grabbed the man and shoved him toward the wall. Before Joe could react, Todd swung back around and hit Veronica. She stumbled backward into a streak of early morning sunlight shining through a space between two boards. Gasping, she jerked away from the deadly rays and back into the darkness of the room.

  Molten rage erupted within Joe. Oblivious to the danger, he charged Todd, grabbed him, and tossed him toward the door. He only managed to move the vampire a few feet.

  Determined to hurt the man, Joe put his head down and charged toward Todd with everything he had. Todd expected him this time, and Joe only moved him a few inches.

  It was enough for Veronica to take advantage of, and one long leg kicked Todd against the door. He bounced off, but a thin line of sun came through the door. Joe ran toward Todd, and the vampire smiled waiting for the next round.

  At the last second, Joe turned for the door and threw his weight against it. Sunlight blew through the room, and Todd instinctively threw up his arm. Joe, adrenaline pumping through his veins, grabbed the distracted Todd and threw him through the opening into the dirt outside. Todd howled long and hard.

  Joe went to Veronica, making sure to keep an eye toward his opponent. “Are you okay, sweetheart?”

  “You can’t let him die.”

  He stared at her. “Why the hell not?”

  “He gave me the virus, and he’s the only one who knows where the cure is.”

  An icy wave of fear washed over him. “What virus?”

  Tears glistened in her eyes. “The one he was really developing. A virus designed to kill vampires.”

  Joe all but flew out the door and jerked Todd back into the dark building. “Where’s the cure for what you gave Veronica?”

  The man’s face bubbled and oozed with blisters, but he didn’t show pain as his lips pulled into a twisted smile. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  “If you don’t tell me, I’m going to put you back out in the sun.”

  Todd shrugged. “I prefer that to being hounded in a Guardian prison for the rest of my life.”

  “You’re insane.”

  “Maybe, but I’m also a genius. Even a gnat human like you has to admit that.”

  Veronica had come around Joe and was sitting on her heels near Todd’s head, her eyes closed. “Where is it, Todd?” she asked.

  “You can poke in my head all you want. I have Guardian training. You’ll never find where I hid it.”

  She looked at Joe. “He’s telling the truth. I can’t push past a Guardian’s defenses.”

  He held her gaze. “Not by yourself.”

  She blinked. “I don’t think that’s possible.”

  “Honey, not that long ago, I didn’t think you were possible.”

  Her soft laugh sent tingles through his body. “I know the feeling,” she whispered, as she took his hand in hers.

  What happened next was the wildest thing Joe had ever experienced. He would have thought it impossible, but he was in her thoughts, her feelings, her memories. Everything swirled and tangled, moving through his thoughts and making him feel he was in the middle of a kaleidoscope. He was part of her colorful and amazing life as it whizzed by.

  “Joe,” Veronica’s voice echoed in his head. “This way.”

  He had no idea how he did it, but he followed her as she moved through the swirl. He was disoriented for a moment, his head swimming with something akin to vertigo. When the feeling cleared, he saw his life simultaneously through her eyes and his own. His senses reeled with the sensation, and all he could do was follow Veronica’s lead.

  And then they were in Todd’s head.

  Seconds later they moved through an area that was dark, seemingly without even a tiny splinter of light. He wondered how he could see, and almost wished he couldn’t. The area was cold and creepy; and the smell was horrible. It was like walking through a swamp of pus.

  Then they were in front of a wall. He put out his hand and pushed against the barrier. It gave a little, like it was clay.

  “We have to get through,” she said.

  “Let’s do it.”

  They pushed simultaneously, and slowly, one inch at a time, the barrier caved in on itself until they were able to walk through the thin remainder.

  They were in an odd version of a lab. Everything swirled and twisted, and one area was twice as large as the rest of the place. “Todd’s workstation,” she told him, though he’d already figured that out.

  “He thinks he’s hot shit.”

  Her laugh echoed in his head. “That he does.”

  At first Joe tried to be careful with the equipment, but then he realized th
is was just a representation within Todd’s mind, and he gave up on careful and went to fast and furious. “How long do we have to get this stuff for you?” he asked.

  “I’m not sure,” she said, “but I’d guess twelve to twenty-four hours before the infection becomes critical.”

  Just a few hours to get this bastard’s cure. They’d better find it, and it had damn well better do what it was supposed to. He’d only just found her, he wasn’t about to lose the woman he loved.

  Love? The word quivered as if it sat on the string of a bow just after the arrow left it. He turned to see Veronica staring at him; the wary question was coming from her.

  “I love you,” he said.

  The lab twisted, knocking them around like feathers in a tornado.

  “He’s fighting us,” she yelled.

  He put everything he could into forcing the lab back into its original shape, but everything continued to swirl and twist. Dark purple, then black seeped into the place where the lab was, and the air around Joe thickened.

  “We have to leave,” Veronica said.

  “Not yet, we can still fight him.”

  “We can’t,” she said. “He was trained as a Guardian. We were lucky to get as much as we did.

  She appeared beside him and took his hand in hers. “Let’s go.”

  Reality took shape around him, and Veronica looked into his eyes. “I love you too,” she whispered.

  The laugh tore Joe from the sweet moment, and he looked down at the blackened, oozing shell of a man lying beside them. A human would be dead.

  “Aren’t you two sweet,” Todd croaked. “Sick, disgusting, freaks that you are.”

  “We love you too.” Mike’s voice came from behind them.

  Joe turned to see Mike, Kevin, and Conner. “Conner?”

  “I suspected you might need help, so I followed the emotional trail.”

  “He showed up and helped us with the humans,” Mike said. “You two all right?”

  Joe looked into Veronica’s beautiful green eyes and shook his head. “No, we have to get to the lab. Now. That bastard gave Veronica some kind of deadly virus.”

  “My car is nearby.” Conner looked at Veronica. “The windows are treated, and I have another coat, gloves, and hat in my trunk.


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