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Burn Page 20

by Penelope Fletcher

  He may have no personal interest in Jakob of Lin, but he was firm in his convictions.

  Killing the Lord would cause more problems than it solved.

  It was simple politics.

  Koen twitched restlessly. Anger boiled beneath the calm surface. “The status of a noble is supposed to stand for more than just wealth.”

  “The Wyvrae Court would not stand for one of their own killed as a result of treachery from a Drackai.” Daniil made his voice firm. “Technically, he did not betray you.”

  “His intention matters. Damn this double standard.” Koen seethed frustration and paced a short line. “The Houses of Court plot, scheme, and lie, but when they are discovered they cry heavy handedness as I take vengeance. You feed their misguided sense of invincibility by curbing my wrath when matters like this come about.”

  Sensing his growing fury and worried it would explode on the male she’d collared for a reason, Marina finally dodged Koen’s massiveness and evaded his ninja-quick attempt to grab her.

  She caught his hand and pulled him after her, craftily smiling over her shoulder at the slick move and his expression.

  Stupefied looked hot on him.

  Her eyes twinkled. “Control your temper, sexy. Let’s kiss and make up.”

  Koen guessed her intention a split second before she acted. “Do not!”

  Marina dipped and kissed Jakob on the cheek. “I forgive you, for what it’s worth.” She gave him a narrow-eyed look. “Will you spy on me again?”

  Stiff-backed, Jakob shook his head. “I am a simple warrior, nothing more.”

  “You say simple warrior. I say my Second.”

  Astonished from the laconic demeanour he’d managed to don after the impromptu kiss, Jakob’s jaw dropped before he snapped it shut.

  He eyeballed her as if she were mad.

  At the announcement, Daniil sat heavily gesturing for wine. He couldn’t say her decision was unexpected. He’d suspected she was on a path of this nature when she’d defended the male.

  Koen leaned over Marina until her back bent. His one worded response was glacial. “No.”

  “Just think for a second.” She sat, drawing him between her legs, a move distracting to Koen in itself. “I have untold enemies. It’s about time I started making allies. I need to start surrounding myself with people other than you and your Second I trust.” She squeezed the outside of his legs and smiled naughtily, knowing he struggled not to react on a sexual level when trying to argue on an intellectual one.

  The blatant invitation in her posture had slashes of colour darkening his hollowed cheeks.

  Truthfully the contact pushed the rules of Aver to the max, but she was confident no one present would say anything.

  “I must build a House of my own within the one I want with you.”

  “They must be worthy. Honourable.”

  She placed a hand on Jakob’s shoulder, physically demonstrating her acceptance of him. “This male protected a hungry orphan from the injustice about to be dealt out by a guard of this Citadel. She was branded a thief because she had food from my breakfast table, food I’ve personally been donating for the needy, and without even realising these people need it. Who knows what would have happened to her if Jak hadn’t intervened?”

  “Her hand would be taken,” Jakob muttered. “Crippling her. It was why I would not stand aside. I have felt the sting of injustice for longer than I can remember.” He met Marina’s gaze, proud, his deep voice lowering. “I wish it on no other.”

  Regardless of the righteous undertone of the story, contempt dripped from Daniil as he accepted a pitcher and goblet from a servant. “An act to impress you.” He poured himself a large measure then offered Koen a serving. It was declined. “A clever way to worm into your good graces.” Daniil leaned threateningly over the table. “She does not see you for the backstabbing bastard you are. I am not so easily fooled.”

  Shaking his head slowly, Jakob said nothing.

  “Give me some credit, Daniil. I am not a complete idiot. It wasn’t an act for my benefit.” Marina slanted the silent Dragon Lord a look of irritation. Did he think they would hurt him if he spoke up in his own defence? “He didn’t see me until I intervened. It was a genuine kindness, Dani. In my eyes there is no one worthier for helping me better communicate with the people. As my Second he can advise me of potential issues before they blow up in my face.”

  Daniil was appalled and offended. “And what am I here for? Advising you is what I do.”

  “You’re Koen’s not mine.” She have him a level stare he returned with frank annoyance. “Don’t pretend your first instinct when you have information is to tell me, because then I’ll have to call you a liar to your pretty face. In a clash of wills your Dragon defers to Koen, not me.”

  She slapped his shoulder good-naturedly.

  She had no issue with his tactics, only with the strength of his loyalty. She knew Daniil cared for her, but strip away everything and he was Koen’s man, his battle brother.

  He would be until he died.

  This didn’t upset her.

  If anything it warmed her heart knowing her Dragon Mate was fiercely loved and protected.

  “I want a knowledgeable male by my side that can’t devastate me with a touch of his lips.”

  She glanced pointedly at Koen.

  He fought a gloating leer of satisfaction as the lusty implications of her statement settled.

  “Or confound me with reverse psychology so sneakily, I do what he wishes without realising it.” She rushed on when Daniil opened his mouth to deny it. “And don’t say you’re not that devious, fiend, because you are.”

  Conceding to the backhanded praise, he nonchalantly rocked a shoulder and grinned over the rim of his goblet.

  Losing the fight to keep his apprehension hidden, Koen straightened. At the lull he swallowed repeatedly before casually inquiring, “This orphaned youngling you speak of. I do not have a daughter now, do I?”

  Daniil snorted into his drink. He drained the liquid in one swig then coughed, choking on laughter. Still chuckling in dark delight he poured himself more.

  “No.” The reminder of the absence of her son steeped Marina in sadness. She rested an elbow on the table and cupped her chin, battling doubts about her ability as a responsible parent. She stared at the opposite wall, eyes misting. When she spoke her breathing hitched. “I can’t even care properly for the one I have.”

  Unable to stand her misery, Koen straddled the bench and drew her into his embrace.

  He glared over her head at Jakob who didn’t avert his eyes, but met his stare until the he felt a stirring of respect.

  The younger Dragon Lord possessed some backbone.

  It rankled when the male remained silent as Daniil shredded his pride, belittled what sounded like a gallant deed worthy of recognition, one that gave his treasure hope in her new home after seeing its unsavoury side.

  As Dragon King, he gave a measure of loyalty to all Lords of the land, and despite developing a personal dislike for a few, he felt an affinity for certain males, his beast instinctively accepted them, and offered kinship.

  Only Daniil, Myron and Nikolai had gained this honour.

  Jakob was one he should like to trust, but his intellect warned the ice breather might hide an ulterior motive.

  Koen dropped his gaze to his Treasure. His lips brushed over her temple, nibbled the upper curve of her ear. “Convince me then that this is a good idea.”

  “I don’t have to,” she grumped, snuggling deeper into his arms. “It’s my choice. You have your Second. Accept mine.”

  Entering the room from a connecting chamber, Lord Ryu cleared his throat to announce his presence.

  He bowed reverently to his royal guests.

  “Your guard served you well, Marina?” His kind eyes held a hint or wariness. “Everything satisfactory here?”

  “Uncle.” Marina rubbed her sleeve over her eyes. Her face heated in embarrassment to be caught c
rying. “You know Koen and Daniil.” She kicked a foot towards the latter and kissed the chin of the former.

  “My King.” Sevastyan bowed, fist to his heart. “Lord Kol.”

  “Lord Ryu.” Koen’s voice was a rumble of approval. “Thank you for guarding my Treasure in my absence.” Koen clasped the back of her neck. “She can be headstrong.”

  “Headstrong?” Sevastyan exclaimed. A teasing sparkle lightened his eyes. “Never.”

  Tickled, Koen used his grip to angle her head back. He stroked her flushing cheek, noting how her breathing turned shallow and erratic.

  A hint of arousal teased his senses.

  Marina tossed her head and he released her.

  She buried her face in his chest and muttered crossly, shifting her thighs rhythmically, pressing them together.

  His tone was dry when he responded to the older male’s light-hearted taunting. “Never headstrong you say? Believe it.”

  “Truth, she made it easy for me to meet my obligations. She is a sensible female, one I am proud to stand behind. I support her endeavours even should the blood connection diminish into nothing but memory.”

  Koen was beyond pleased at the male’s sincere deference. He was used to simpering, favour-seeking weaklings who were less warrior and more entertainer. The performances Koen Raad had been privy to during his reign as King were nauseating. So few men of the Courts possessed the strength and sense of well being than male before him exuded in waves.

  It became glaringly apparent why Marina was comfortable amongst these ice breathers.

  Even the po-faced faced Captain Vadik managed to give off an air of gentle protection towards his mate.

  Perhaps his snap judgment was unfair.

  Upon seeing the worn furnishings and lack of luxury Koen had bristled, seeing Marina’s changed living space as a demotion. He should have known better. He himself chafed after spending to long in the richly decorated halls of the Red Citadel. It amused him his Treasure seemed to share his love of practicality. She truly cared nothing for gold and jewels, for fine silks and decadent dining.

  He watched as she happily introduced her cousin, a stuttering youngling he vaguely remembered as stealing her attention from him at the feast a few nights previous.

  She was in high spirits, surrounded by family, and excited to be a part of their lives. He knew the only thing that would please her more was to have their offspring with them.

  Before long they were sat at the solid wood table having a sumptuous meal.

  Marina moaned and groaned over the plates of excellent fish she was presented with so fervently, Koen worried his leathers wouldn’t survive the unrelenting pressure of his straining cock. When she licked her lips his mouth dried. When she sucked on her fingers he strangled growls in his throat. But when she tossed her head back, closed her eyes and sighed sweetly he cupped the back of her head, yanked her close and crushed her mouth under his.

  Spicy flavours exploded across his taste buds. His tongue delved into her mouth, sought and found the zesty flavour he knew to be hers alone.

  She was intoxicating.

  His heartbeat thundered in his ears and his chest constricted. Great rushes of air sucked through his nose as his muscles locked tight to try and imprison the soul-shattering sensation she alone ignited.

  He was afire.

  Massaging the back of her neck as he sipped from her honeyed lips, licking his own when she broke away panting, wild eyed and griping his waist, he knew hunger, desire and gut-clenching need.

  Silence descended over the table.

  Viktor guffawed and nudged his Sire with an elbow.

  Uncaring of what they thought, Koen braced himself to take her again, to drag her over the table to truly feast, when the warriors ringing the table erupted in a clamour of approval, hooting their pleasure.

  Shaking his head to dislodge the mind-numbing lust, he pulled back.

  Vadik rolled his eyes before hunching and shoving his chopsticks back into his rice bowl.

  Bits of bread were tossed their way when they separated. The heckling grew rowdier when Marina flushed to the roots of her hair, and buried her grin in the flat of her palm.

  Smug, sensual mouth quirked lazily at the friendly taunting, Koen winked at Viktor, much to the delighted youngling’s worshipful admiration.

  Used to seeing Marina and Koen’s titillating sexual chemistry, Daniil was the first to dampen the frivolity. “As wonderful as this all is, Rina, we have been lax in your training.”

  “Yes, well, we were attacked last night. I think that qualifies as extenuating circumstances.” Marina’s cheeks were filled with food. Foot hooked around Koen’s calf, she sipped straight from a tall pitcher of water. “We deserved a day off. After a full night of uninterrupted sleep I’ll be all yours to torture and tame.”

  The noise level of the room nose-dived.

  A defensive fury swelled from the ranks, much to Koen’s liking. Yes, let them feel protective. The more bodies he could put between his Treasure and danger the better.

  “Attacked?” Sevastyan demanded an explanation the warriors wished they had the status to ask. “Who would dare?”

  “Mages,” Marina replied. Her eyes crossed jokingly when Daniil shot her a murderous look. “Oh, lighten up, Dani. They would have found out eventually. A delegation of Battle Mages visiting the Kingdom would have been a dead giveaway something major had happened. This way the tittle-tattle might have more than a grain of truth to it. Besides, they need to know what’s going on since I’m living here now.” She reminded him of her new living arrangements with a hint of evil glee.

  Vadik was fully engaged.

  Attentive, he leaned over the table, rice forgotten, chopsticks held aloft like twin daggers. “Barren Ones attacked our High Princess?”

  “And the King,” Koen added.

  He shrugged fatalistically when Daniil made a noise of protest, giving him a look to suggest he was as hopeless as his mate.

  “You decided to call the Eldernmoot to account,” Vadik surmised. “Not that any good will come of it. The Barren Ones are perfidious snakes.”

  “I do not like that name,” Marina snapped. “We call them Mages.”

  “It matters?” Viktor asked curiously.

  “Our offspring is of them,” Koen said evenly placing his hand on hers. For the first time he too experienced a sting of affront hearing Boy’s kind spoken of in such derogatory terms. After meeting with Elder Khan it was clear the people of the Wasteland were not barren, merely different. Enemy or not they deserved respect. “It matters.”

  Vadik grunted yet made no apology.

  Why should he when he spoke the truth of experience? He would respect the royal offspring regardless of his origin.

  “Wine,” Sevastyan hollered. His expression turned troubled when he looked between Daniil and Marina. “There is more to this that I would know. Now is not the time.”

  “Agreed.” Daniil relaxed, yet his manner towards his liege remained sullen and disapproving.

  Koen ignored him.

  He gave his attention to Marina when she presented him with a gift she bought at the souk, and animatedly told him of her afternoon exploits.

  It would take more than his Second’s brooding to tear his eyes from her radiance.

  Daniil quietly drank and took in his surroundings. He did not like that so many knew of the attack so soon. It was already a political disaster, and discretion was best until they had more information. Yes, the truth was a powerful weapon, but only when used sparingly. House Ryu had yet to probe itself loyal, blood relation or not.


  Once again the stylish aristocracy of the Dragon Lands gathered. They clustered closer to where the start of the quest would commence. The tournament of Aver had never been so gripping, the clandestine plays for power so spine-tingling. This would be an event to remember. They felt it in the air. Even those who looked upon the returned High Princess with doubt began to believe. Beg
an to see they were privileged to witness a mighty dynasty in the making.

  Wild ones soared through the wispy clouds, clung to the rocky mountainside. They looked curiously upon the half-breeds with whom they shared the earth.

  Nestled at the shallow basin of a great canyon, the black lagoon was a perilous terrain the two-legged normally avoided.

  They knew the alpha female of their distant kin’s world was chosen when they descended upon this anarchistic landscape, and so the wild ones watched with complacent munificence, wondering if their water dwelling brothers would catch the hapless prey willingly entering the dangerous province.

  Sensing an almighty Phoenix in their midst they quieted, drew back, and respectfully lowered to their bellies.

  A magnificent male blotted the rising sun.

  He landed on a jutting outcrop of rock, ebony wings flapping wildly as ridged talons gouged the hard surface.

  Baring his fangs and shaking his great body to scatter droplets of morning dew, he snorted thick grey smoke speckled with fiery embers.

  His mysterious slanted eyes flickered restlessly as he took in his bleak surroundings.

  The wild ones allowed the ancient male leave to recline with them as he attentively followed the movements of his offspring who readied below.

  Mikhail knew his offspring would not appreciate an ostentatious show of support from him, their relationship as tattered as it was. In deference to her wishes he would watch from afar, worrying as only as a parent could for her safety.

  He prayed the great Dragon Goddess who gifted mere men the ability to transform would keep her from harm.

  Directly in contrast to Mikhail’s resigned acceptance of the Princess’ wishes, the incensed Dragon King verged an apocalyptic breach of calm.

  Bathed in sweat, he was a wrong word away from exploding into a beastly rage.

  Earlier that morning he’d flown over the lagoon his beloved would traverse and peered into the murky waters.


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