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by Charlotte Higgins

Inverness 153, 154

  Iona 105

  Iraqis 116

  Ireland 10, 105, 139, 219

  Iron Age 10–11 25, 30, 31, 44, 62, 68, 70, 77, 88, 89, 138, 245

  Isca see Caerleon

  Isle of Wight 62, 192–3, 206

  ivory bangle lady 167–9

  Jackson, Moses 78

  Jackson, Dr Ralph 189, 190

  Jacobite uprisings

  1715 and 1719 141

  1745 118, 138–9, 141, 142

  Jaeger, A. J. 37, 38

  James VI, King of Scotland (James I, King of England) 35

  Jamrach (boat) 184

  Januaria Martina 46

  Jefferies, Richard: After London 58

  Joan of Navarre 229

  John of Fordun 137, 146, 148–9

  John of Gaunt 229

  Jones, Inigo 100

  Joyce, Revd James 67, 70

  Julia Domna 164, 165

  Julian, emperor 217

  Julia Pacata Indiana 55

  Jull, Peter 6

  Jupiter 200, 209–10, 211

  Jutes 216

  Kant, Immanuel: Theory of Ethics 182–3

  Kelvin, River 147

  Kent and Essex 5–24, 241–2

  Keppie, Lawrence 145

  The Legacy of Rome: Scotland’s Roman Remains 241, 247

  Keswick 184

  Keynsham railway station 208

  King Arthur’s Round Table (amphitheatre) 85–6

  King’s Cross (formerly Battle Bridge) 45–6

  Kipling, Rudyard 229

  Kinneil House 145, 247–8

  Kirkintilloch 143, 145, 147

  Auld Kirk Museum 247

  Kitchener camp 14

  Knag Burn 112

  Knossos xvii

  Lake District 115, 121, 179–87, 248–9

  Lanehead 182, 249

  Laurieston 146

  Lawrence, Thomas 201

  Lear 22


  2nd 33, 84, 145

  6th 145, 166

  9th 27, 72, 74, 139, 166, 176

  10th 6

  14th 75

  20th 21, 75, 116, 145

  Lehman Brothers 188

  Leicester 199

  Leland, John 97–8

  Lepcis Magna 163

  Lepidina, Sulpicia 128, 132

  Lethbridge, Thomas 225

  Lincoln 199

  Lindisfarne 105

  Listener 122

  Lively, Penelope: Jacaranda Oleander 47–8

  Livia (wife of emperor Augustus) 171

  Loanhead 151

  Loch Long 146

  London (Londinium) 14, 23, 27–8, 38, 42–61, 63, 188, 193, 194, 216, 241, 243–4

  Bank of England 50–1, 243

  Barnsbury Square (formerly Reed Moat Field) 45

  Bastion Highwalk 47

  Blitz 47–8, 50, 53, 56

  British Library 49, 142

  British Museum 11, 30, 46, 54, 132, 188, 189, 190, 195, 208, 211, 216, 220, 221, 222, 223, 241, 242, 243, 248, 250

  Bucklersbury House 52–3

  Guildhall (site of amphitheatre) 47, 50, 243

  King’s Cross (formerly Battle Bridge) 45–6

  London Stone 55–6, 243

  map 40–1

  Mithraeum 52, 53, 55, 56, 243

  Museum of London 46, 47, 49, 52, 53, 57, 58, 84, 243

  Nicholson & Griffin 56, 243

  Palace of Westminster (Houses of Parliament) 227–8

  Roman baths 57–8

  Roman walls 43, 47, 48, 49, 54, 243

  St Alphage Gardens 49, 243

  St Paul’s 46, 47

  sculpture of Boadicea and Her Daughters 23, 37–8

  site of Roman forum 56

  Tower Hill 54–5

  see also University of London

  Long, Richard 111

  Longinus Sdapeze, memorial to 21

  Louise, Princess 156

  Low Countries 140

  Low Ham mosaic (Dido and Aeneas) 210–13, 249

  Lucan: Pharsalia 174

  Lucian xviii

  Lydney Park 86–8, 245

  Lympne 215

  Lysons, Samuel 201–2, 204, 205, 206, 207, 209

  Reliquiae Britannico-Romanae 201–2

  Macaulay, Rose 43

  The Pleasure of Ruins 48

  Macdonald, Kevin: Eagle 176

  Maclise, Daniel 228

  Maeatae 161, 164

  Maen y Morwynion (Maidens’ Stone) 84, 244

  Magnentius 217

  Magnus Maximus, emperor 218

  Magog 22

  Maiden Castle 10, 88–92, 245

  Maidens’ Stone (Maen y Morwynion) 84, 244

  Maldon 19

  Malverns 36, 37

  Manchester University 128

  Maponus 179

  Marcius Memor, Lucius 94, 103

  Marcus Aurelius, emperor 163

  Marcus Favonius Facilis, tombstone of 21

  Marsh, Thomas 208

  Marshall, Neil: Centurion 176

  Martial xvii, 26

  Martindale, Harry 166

  Martinus, vicar of Britain 217

  Maryport: Senhouse Museum 249

  Massilia (modern Marseilles) 8

  Matfen High House 246

  Matres, the xvii, 200

  Matthews, Colin 123

  piano accompaniment for ‘Roman Wall Blues’ 123–7

  Maughan, Sandra 114–15

  Maximian, emperor 192, 193, 194, 196

  Maximus, Magnus see Magnus Maximus, emperor

  Medway, River 15

  Mendips 93

  Mercury 206, 211

  Merrifield, Ralph: Roman London 52

  Messalina 15

  Mildenhall Treasure 220–5, 250

  Great Dish 220, 221, 223, 224, 225

  Millais, John Everett: The Romans Leaving Britain 225–6

  Milvian Bridge, Battle of the 161

  Minerva see Sulis-Minerva


  Housesteads xviii, 116

  London 52, 53, 55, 56, 243

  Mithras xviii, 52, 116

  Monck, General 146

  Monk Bar, York 166

  Mons Graupius 139, 142, 154, 156, 173

  Montanus 51–2

  de Montford, Simon 229

  Monthly Magazine 61

  Morant, Philip 19

  Moray Firth 137, 138

  Morris, Jan 96–7

  Morrison, Andrew 169

  mosaics 200–13

  Munday, Anthony: The Triumphs of Re–united Britannia 35

  Museum of Cardiff 81

  Museum of London 46, 47, 49, 52, 53, 57, 58, 84, 243

  Museum of Somerset, Taunton 210, 249

  Myres, J. N. L. (Nowell) 82, 86, 181

  and Collingwood, R. G. Oxford History of England, vol. I 181, 186–7

  Naples 44

  Nar, River 29

  Narcissus 14

  Nash, Beau 95

  National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh 137–8, 145, 188, 247

  National Museum of Wales 244

  National Roman Legion Museum, Caerleon 244

  National Trust 199, 246, 249

  Neal, David 206

  and Cosh, Stephen, Roman Mosaics of Britain 206, 207

  Nelson, George, and Plummer, John: Silchester: the Pompeii of Hampshire 61, 67

  Nelson, John 45

  Nennius 219

  Nero, emperor 16, 18, 25, 27, 33, 194

  Newcastle 117, 118, 121, 122, 245, 246, 247

  Byker’s Hill 119–20

  Great North Museum 116, 246

  Segedunum fort and museum 113–14, 115, 246

  Newcastle Literary and Philosophical Society 121

  New Kilpatrick cemetery 147

  Newstead 138

  Newstead helmet 188

  Newton, Isaac 64

  Newton St Loe 208

  Nicaea, First Council of 105

  Nicholson, Edward Williams Byron 104–5, 106, 107, 229

Nicomedes 171–2

  Nodens 87

  temple of 86, 245

  Norfolk 25–40, 214–16, 242–3, 250

  Norfolk Archaeological Trust 242, 250

  North Sea 192

  Norway 9


  Castle Museum 11, 30–1, 242

  cathedral 242

  Notitia Dignitatum 215

  Octavius (soldier at Vindolanda) 129

  Old Kilpatrick 143–4, 148

  Old Man of Coniston 182, 183

  Old Polmont 146

  Once Brewed 113, 116

  Ordnance Survey 142

  Orkneys 138

  Orpheus 199, 201, 202, 204, 205, 208, 209–10

  Ottaway, Patrick 163, 165–6, 248

  Outer Hebrides 138

  Ovid xviii

  Metamorphoses 200–1, 204, 209–10

  Owen, Harold 75

  Owen, Wilfred xviii, 75, 76, 77–8, 80, 81, 122, 184

  ‘Strange Meeting’ 78

  ‘Uriconium: An Ode’ 77, 78

  Oxford Dictionary of Quotations 196

  Oxford University 128, 181, 182, 226

  Brasenose College 130

  Wolfson College 130

  Palermo 205

  Palmyra 170, 171

  Passchendaele 93, 94

  Patrick, St: Confession 219

  Peddars Way 29

  Pelagius 105

  Penicuik 150, 151, 248

  Pennines 122, 155

  Persian Wars 32

  Pertinax, emperor 163

  Petergate, York 166

  Peterill, River 191

  Petilius Cerealis 27

  Petrie, Flinders 82

  Pevensey Castle 215, 229, 230, 250

  Pevsner, Nikolaus 46–7, 49, 50

  Phillips, William, and Conybeare, Daniel: Outlines of the Geology of England and Wales 154–5

  Piazza Armerina 205

  Picts 217, 219

  Pillerton Priors 207

  Pindar: Olympian Ode 95

  Pitt-Rivers, Augustus 44

  Placida 76

  Plautius, Aulus 13, 14, 62

  Pliny the Elder 8

  Plummer, John, and Nelson, George: Silchester: the Pompeii of Hampshire 61, 67

  Polmont Woods 146

  Pompeii 200

  Poundbury 10, 88

  Praetorian Guard 12

  Prasutagus 16, 27

  Prinknash Abbey 203

  Propertius 60

  Ptolemy 29

  Pugin, Augustus 227

  Pump Room, Bath 95, 96, 97, 103, 105, 245

  Pytheas: On the Ocean 8–9

  Quintus Corellis Fortis 167

  Raetians 116

  Ransome, Arthur 183–4

  Oscar Wilde: A Critical Study 184

  Rape of Pevensey 229

  Ravenglass 180, 185, 248–9

  Reading Museum 67, 70, 73, 244

  Reculver 215

  Regina, tombstone of 170–1, 248

  Remus 195

  Reynolds, Joshua 201

  Rhine, the 217

  Ribchester 179, 248

  Ribchester helmet 188, 248

  Richard I, King 229

  Richard of Cirencester (Richard of Westminster) 152–5

  De Situ Britanniae (On the Situation in Britain) 153, 154, 156

  Richardson, Steve 113–14

  Richborough (Rutupiae) 12–14, 242

  Roach Smith, Charles 53–5

  Illustrations of Roman London 54

  Robert (brother of William the Conqueror) 229

  Roebuck, John 145

  Rogers, Richard 49, 56

  Rolfe, Fred 222

  Roman Army Museum, Vindolanda 246

  Roman Inscriptions of Britain, The 181

  Rome xviii, xxii, 15, 16, 22, 26, 36–7, 38–9, 83, 139, 163, 164, 195, 196, 211, 218

  Romulus 83, 195

  Rough Castle 146, 247

  Roy, William 142, 143, 152, 154

  maps (Military Survey of Scotland) 142–3, 143–4, 148, 150

  Military Antiquities of Britain 143, 152

  Royal Academy of Arts 191

  Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland 145, 247

  Rudston Venus 205–6

  ‘Ruin, The’ 220

  Ruskin, John 182, 184, 249

  Sachsenhausen 14

  St Albans 11, 28, 89–90

  St Helen’s Chapel, Colchester 22, 242

  St Michael’s Mount 9

  St Oswald’s 120

  St Paul’s, London 46, 47

  Salamis, Battle of 32

  Sandwich 13–14

  Sappho xvii

  Sarmatia 179

  Saxons 14, 58, 59, 60, 192, 215, 216, 217, 219, 226–7, 228, 229

  Saxon shore forts 215, 229

  Scafell 185

  Scotland 75, 134–56, 173–4, 206, 241, 247–8

  Scots 217, 219

  Scotsman 106

  Scott, Sir Walter: The Antiquary 155–6

  Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh 141

  Seabegs 144

  Seaber, ‘Black Jack’ 225

  Sebasteion, Aphrodisias 18

  Second World War 229

  Segedunum fort and museum 113–14, 115, 246

  Selous, H. C.: Boadicea Haranguing the Iceni 228

  Senhouse Museum, Maryport 249

  Septimius Severus, emperor 120, 137, 161, 163–5, 168, 248

  Septimius stone 200

  Serapis 166, 167

  Seton-Williams, Veronica 90–1

  Severa, Claudia 132

  Severus see Septimius Severus, emperor

  Sewingshields Crags 111, 112

  Sextus Valerius Genialis, tombstone of 200

  Shakespeare, William 5, 7, 33

  Cymbeline 11, 34–5, 36

  Henry V 36

  King Lear 35

  Richard II 36

  Shetlands 9

  Shrewsbury Museum 76, 244

  Sibbald, Robert 100

  Sicily 205

  Silchester (Calleva Atrebatum) 60–74, 198, 244

  Silenus 221

  Skye 139

  Snettisham hoard 11, 30–1, 242

  Soane, Sir John 50, 51, 227

  Society of Antiquaries 86, 143, 150, 153, 173, 204, 206

  Solinus, Gaius Julius 5, 153

  Collectanea rerum mirabilium, A Collection of Marvels 98

  Solway Firth xvii, 112

  South Shields: Arbeia fort 116, 170–1, 248

  South Wales News 84

  Southwark 43

  Spain xviii, 82, 218

  Stainton Fell 179

  Stair, John 67

  Stallworthy, Jon 77

  Stane Street 208

  Stanton Drew 100–1, 102

  Stanwix 120

  State Museums of Berlin 165

  Stenhousemuir 150

  Stephenson, Roy 53

  Step to the Bath, A 96

  Stirling, James 51

  Stonehenge 100

  Stour, River 13, 14

  Strabo 8, 10, 100

  Stratfield Saye 67

  Strawberry Hill 187

  Stroud 201

  Stuart, Charles (Bonnie Prince Charlie) 138, 139

  Stukeley, William xix, xx, 6, 64–5, 96, 98, 100, 101, 149–50, 151, 152–4, 156, 173, 187, 194, 226

  An Account of Richard of Cirencester, Monk of Westminster, and of his Works 153–4

  Itinerarium Curiosum 64

  Suetonius 11–12, 14, 15, 88, 100

  Twelve Caesars 11

  Suetonius Paulinus 27–8, 31, 32, 45, 100

  Sulis-Minerva 93–4, 98, 103

  temple of 94, 97, 98

  Sussex 17–18, 229–30, 242, 250

  Sutcliff, Rosemary 70–1, 72, 244

  The Eagle of the Ninth xviii, 70–2, 176, 197

  The Silver Branch 197

  Swaffham 28

  Swaledale 122

  Swallow (boat) 184

  Swan Hunter 115–16
br />   Sycamore Gap 112

  Syria xviii, 200

  Syrians 170

  Tacitus xvii, xxi, 7, 9, 10, 17, 19, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32–3, 34, 35, 44, 45, 62, 100, 137, 139–41, 142, 153, 155, 173, 176, 177, 192, 228

  Agricola 17, 62, 137

  Annals 25, 55

  Histories 140

  Tas, River 30

  Taunton: Museum of Somerset 210, 249

  Tennyson, Alfred, Lord 8

  Terence xviii

  Thames, River 11, 15, 27, 43, 44, 47, 57, 177

  Thanet 13, 14, 219

  Theodosius (father of Theodosius the Great) 217

  Thermae Baths Spa, Bath 93, 99, 245

  Thomas, Professor David 128, 129, 130

  Thomas, John 84

  Thornbury, Walter: Old and New London 46

  Thornycroft, Thomas: Boadicea and Her Daughters 23, 37–8, 39

  Thule 9

  Tiberius, emperor 8, 17, 18

  Tilbury 34

  Times, The 90, 223

  Tineius Longus 116

  Togodumnus 12, 15, 25

  Toland, John 100

  Tolkien, J. R. R. 87

  Tomlin, Dr Roger 51, 104, 106, 107, 129, 130–1

  Trajan, emperor 112, 166–7

  Trapain Law 138

  Trinovantes 11, 99

  Trinovantum 45, 99

  Tulip, Henry 120

  Tullie House Museum, Carlisle 181, 188, 190, 191, 193, 246, 249

  Tungrians 116

  Tupper, George 208–9

  Tupper, Thomas 209

  Turkey 18

  Turner, J. M. W. 187, 227

  Tutankhamun, tomb of 85

  Tuttiett, Linda 115

  Twechar 147

  Twice Brewed pub 120

  Tyne, River xvii, xix, 112, 116, 246

  Ulpha Fell 179

  University of London

  Institute of Archaeology 80

  University College 80, 81

  Valentia 153, 217

  Vaughan Williams, Ralph 78–9

  Vegetus 51–2

  Venta Icenorum 29, 30

  Venta Silurum see Caerwent

  Venus 205–6, 211

  Vercingetorix 27

  Verica 12

  Verney, Tessa see Wheeler, Tessa Verney

  Verulamium 28, 89–90

  Vespasian 15, 62, 88, 91

  Vespasiana 153

  Victoria, Queen 36, 38, 122

  Vikings 58

  Vindolanda 116, 127–32, 246

  Virgil vii, xvii, 8, 130, 195–6

  Aeneid vii, 12, 37, 39, 73, 83, 167, 174, 194, 197, 211, 213

  Eclogues 8, 196, 197

  Georgics 130

  Viroconium Cornoviorum see Wroxeter

  Vivius Marcianus, tombstone of 46, 53

  Vortigern 219

  Wade, General 141, 142

  Wade, John 202

  Walbrook Stream 44, 51

  Wales 25, 81–6, 207, 244–5

  Walmer 5, 6

  Walpole, Horace 187

  Wantsum channel 14

  Warburton, John 118, 119

  Waterloo, Battle of 67

  Watling Lodge 146

  Watling Street 14, 75

  Watt, James 145

  Watts, George Frederick 26–7, 227, 228

  Waveney, River 215

  Webb, Stanley 75, 78


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