Dragon Lady: A Gender Swapped LitRPG Adventure

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Dragon Lady: A Gender Swapped LitRPG Adventure Page 1

by Alyson Belle




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12


  Thanks for Reading


  About the Author


  Fantasy Swapped Online: Book 3


  Alyson Belle

  Copyright © 2017 Alyson Belle

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  All characters in this book are over the age of 18 (18+ only). All characters, locations, and situations are entirely fictional representations and any resemblance to real world scenarios are entirely coincidental.

  You can see more of Alyson Belle’s work, get in touch, and follow her blog on AlysonBelle.com.


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  An excerpt from Dragon Lady:

  “There you go,” I told him, resting a hand on my hip and raising an eyebrow. “Now you don’t have to worry about being gay anymore if I touch you.”

  I expected him to curse, struggle, maybe threaten me. Maybe to cry or beg or plead to change him back, considering how grossed out he’d acted all the time by the fact that I was a guy in a body of a chick. But I was not prepared for him to burst out laughing. He looked down at his new body and flexed his muscles, checking out the bulging biceps and rippling pecs of his new, manly form.

  Lefay almost seemed pleased.

  “I didn’t have any idea there was a spell that did this…” he murmured. “I feel so strong and tough.”

  It was such a weird reaction that my mouth dropped open in surprise. I’d meant this to be a punishment for him! Did he actually like that I’d turned him into a dude? What a weird chick.

  But then the pieces started coming together for me: She’d wanted to live inside a videogame because she didn’t like the real world. She reacted explosively and over-the-top about me being in a cross-gender body, way more than most people. Was it possible that she wasn’t squicked out by me coming onto her because she was grossed out by my body, but rather because she’d been grossed out by hers?

  A brilliant, new idea began to form. I scooched closer to Lefay, positioning myself between his knees, and looked up at him again with my dirtiest smile. “Say, Lefay… How would you like to have your dick sucked?”

  His cheeks darkened to a shade of deep indigo in what I assumed was a dark elf blush, and he swallowed nervously. “I… I…” he stammered. It was the first time I’d ever seen Lefay at a loss for words. That was when I knew I had him. I smiled and reached inside his pants, using all the feminine charms I’d learned over the last few days while I was stuck in the game to make myself as sexy and appealing as possible. I sighed and giggled, brushed my tits against his knees, and ran my other hand up his inner thigh while I slowly drew his stiffening cock out.

  “Oh god, that feels good,” he moaned. As a former guy myself, I knew exactly how good it felt for him. His whole demeanor had changed now that I was holding his cock in my hand—almost shy, instead of cocky and pissed-off, but definitely eager. I could see the lust in his eyes and how much he liked my touch. Whatever was going on inside Lefay’s head, his body was reacting exactly like a real dude. I wondered how long Lefay had secretly fantasized about being a man.

  As I began to slowly slide my hand up and down his cock, teasing him with my eyes, it occurred to me that this was the first time I’d been this intimate with a real player since Jazzus. It was exciting and different from being with an NPC. Knowing that there was a real person behind those lust-filled, indigo eyes, experiencing the building, throbbing anticipation of a pleasured cock for the very first time made playing with the dark elf almost as exciting as getting fucked myself. Just a few days before this, I would have been worried about all kinds of silly things—what this meant about me, whether it was gay to be doing what I was doing right now, what it said about Lefay that she was enjoying it.

  But now that I’d had a lot of experience as Lacey behind me, those questions seemed unimportant. We were just two people, two players, here in this space together. And I was going to do my damned best to make sure she had fun with it.

  Lefay’s head tilted back with his lips slightly parted, moaning in appreciation as I jerked him with quick, delicate movements.

  “Ooh, yeah, yeah…” he murmured. I pulled my hand away and he frowned. “W-wait. Why did you stop?”

  I smiled and stood, slowly unwinding my makeshift clothing from my body. His eyes nearly popped out of his head as the loosened bandages fell away from my breasts, allowing them to swing freely. Next I undid the tie that held the sarong-like wrap at my waist in place, letting it fall to my feet. I smiled at Lefay and arched my back, coming up onto my tiptoes as I stretched and thrusted my chest out prominently.

  His gaze slid up and down my body in an appreciative manner, lingering on the downy patch that led the way to my sex, and his cock hardened again after its brief respite from my silky fingertips. I moved closer to the bound elf and then lowered myself to sit on his lap, cradling his stiff rod against my increasingly wet slit, and rocked against him, pressing my soft breasts into his dark, muscled chest while I held his hungry stare. I looped my arms behind his neck and brushed my lips lightly against his, exhaling as I did so, knowing that the scent of a female breath would drive his male body wild. My own urges were growing as well. I was starting to need him as badly as I knew he needed me.

  “Do you want this, Lefay?” I whispered. “There’s no judgment here. I won’t try to control you. I won’t be cruel to you. And if you want, I’ll let you fuck me.”

  His eyes widened slightly and he sucked in a quick breath, his muscles tightening beneath my thighs. I rubbed my cheek against his face, letting my soft hair trail over his skin, and rocked harder against his cock.

  “Yes,” he replied. “God, yes.”

  Chapter 1

  Flying was incredible. I’d never experienced such a rush of power or freedom as I did while bursting through a bank of clouds or folding up my powerful wings and diving toward the thick, multi-hued canopy of the Fey Wild forest, only to snap them back out, catch an updraft, and zoom back up into the clear, blue sky at the last possible minute. As I soared through the air, my leathery dragon wings beating on either side of me and keeping me aloft, I could feel the cool wind buffeting against the scaly skin that now sprouted from my soft, maidenly shoulders. I marveled again at the engineering that must have gone into creating these sensations for Fantasy Realms Online: not only could my VR jack interface with my male brain to simulate all of the lifelike sensations of this female Courtesan avatar, Lacey, that I was temporarily trapped in, but it also convinced my brain to experience the feeling of limbs no human actually had, down to whether my wings were cold or dry or injured. The one departure from reality was that a wingspan this small should never have been able to keep my bodyweight aloft, but small concessions were necessary in a game where
humans could conjure fireballs with a thought and cast enchantments on NPCs to force their obedience.

  I had finally hit level 65 and earned my wings—literally, thanks to the custom Sorceress class I had unlocked in my quest to free Topper from Vierdimin’s lieutenants. That had been quite the marvel too, as I was only the second player on the server to unlock a secret class, and all of the insane powers that came with it. Between my outlandish charisma stat, the impressive gear and perks I’d earned, and my use of three different spell schools, I was well on my way to being the most powerful character on the server… maybe even more powerful than Vierdimin himself by the time I got to level 80. And that wasn’t even considering the fact that I still had my whole list of Courtesan skills in my arsenal, from Charm to Vejazzle. Who would have guessed that a stupid class like the Courtesan, a class considered a joke by most serious players, a class that could actually level up exclusively by fucking NPCs, had the potential to be one of the strongest characters in the game?

  There was a kind of poetic justice to it, and it reminded me of other games I’d played in my childhood where the apparently weakest, most useless characters had secret strengths and abilities. I still remembered how exciting it was when I’d upgrade my Magikarp to a Gyarados in Pokemon, or my Goof-Off to a Sage in Dragon Warrior III. I couldn’t believe that no one had thought to check if Courtesans might be something similar, although given the reputation they had on our server and how many NPCs I’d had to let do me to get this high in level, I could see why most players wouldn’t want to volunteer to do the research.

  But now, as a Sorceress, I had so much power! I couldn’t wait to try my new Evocation or Alteration spell trees, and the wings from my new dragon-based form would allow me to save the gold I would have normally had to spend on a mount at level 65. That was really handy since my ultra-fast leveling meant I would have had to dip into our guild bank to grab the necessary funds, which would have annoyed Topper to no end. The guy could have been an accountant in real life with how closely he watched withdrawals and deposits. There was a reason only he and three officers had full access to it: Kromgorn, my old barbarian avatar, Jazzus, who was currently captured by our enemies, and Haxor… our former friend turned traitor.

  Thinking about Haxor darkened my mood and brought me back to the reality of our situation. Flying was exciting, but no amount of bursting through clouds would change the grim realities that faced us: trapped in the game by Vierdimin for uncertain reasons, possibly being pushed around like pawns on a chessboard by his schemes, with one guild officer captured and one defector to our enemies. This had been a fun test of my new abilities, but it was time to get back to work. Especially if Vierdimin was planning what Topper thought he might be.

  I spotted my friends through a break in the trees, in a glade far below, and I felt a twinge of sadness when I looked for Erlix and he wasn’t there. It was just Fiero and Topper waiting for me. I reminded myself that Erlix wasn’t really gone—he’d just been sent back to his bind point, wherever that was, and we didn’t have time to go find him now. Besides that, he was too low level to join us on a trip into the skies, and Topper seemed pretty confident that’s where our enemies in The Secret Order were holding Jazzus. But it didn’t change the fact that I had a soft spot for the dirty little halfling who’d accompanied me on my adventures as Lacey so far. Despite his low level, he’d been invaluable, and things wouldn’t be the same without him.

  I folded my wings and dove toward the glade, snapping them wide to slow my descent just above the trees, and landed lightly on my feet beside Fiero, who began to applaud.

  “Most excellent, my princess,” Fiero cried, rushing to hug me in his big, scaly grasp as my wings shrunk and melted back into the unmarred flesh at my shoulder blades. The dragonkin had decided that since I now wore the Lv. 75 Fabulous Tiara of the Dragonkin Sorcerers, I deserved an honorary rank of “princess” among his people. I blushed. It was silly that anything would still embarrass me after some of the stunts I’d pulled to get to level 65, but someone referring to me as “princess” was still pretty weird. Also, now that I was back with Topper, I felt weirder than ever about playing the game in a girl’s body. Hanging out with that pervy halfling Erlix was one thing—he’d only ever really known me as Lacey. But I’d gone on hundreds of adventures with Topper as Kromgorn the Barbarian, and I could tell he was uncomfortable that I was a woman now, although he did his best to hide it. That made me feel a little awkward around him. It also might have been my imagination, but I could swear he smirked every time Fiero called me “princess.”

  “I asked you to stop calling me that, Fiero,” I said. “Don’t make me take this tiara off.”

  “But you are a princess, milady!” Fiero protested. “You’re the sorceress that was prophesied. The first of a new order!”

  I rolled my eyes at the NPC’s programmed responses and sighed. Technically he was right. As the first person to unlock the Sorceress class, I had paved the way for others to unlock the power of this unique class. And removing the tiara was a bluff anyway. I might feel silly wearing the thin, girly metal, but I was a girl right now, and the stats on the crown were amazing. There was no way I’d be replacing it any time soon, if ever, and there was also no point in arguing with NPCs. Instead I addressed Topper, whose attention was focused on a portable mailbox he’d magicked up from inside his pack. It was a one-time use tinkering item that he was running low on, but it was the only way we could get messages out here in the Fey Wild, and also the only way we could communicate with our contacts in the outside world.

  “Any word from Erlix?” I asked him, picking at the bandages wrapped around my torso. They were even more revealing than my ranger leathers had been, but I needed the room for unveiling my new wings. I could find some real armor later and get it tailored with wing holes.

  Topper shook his head. “No word from the halfling. Just some concerning messages from Iciez. She won’t even log into the game anymore because she’s afraid of getting stuck and having the servers shut down. Can’t blame her. Fortunately, she can still use the webchat app to send in-game mail and give me updates. I just wish the updates were cheerier.”

  “Things are that bad?” I frowned. Iciez was a mage from our guild that had gotten out before Vierdimin locked us in, and she’d been able to feed us some info from the outside world, none of it good. Last we’d heard there had been a strong push from concerned parents to get the game servers shut down because of what had happened, and tons of stuck players were in comas in the real world, whether they unplugged or not.

  “Pretty bad.” Topper shook his head, looking grim. “It sounds like it’s utter chaos out there. Iciez says politicians are coming down hard on the Fantasy Realms devs for allowing this to happen and demanding they shut the servers down immediately until they figure out what’s going on.”

  “But that’s crazy! We’re still in here. They already tried disconnecting players, and they didn’t magically wake up. It doesn’t make any sense that killing the servers would fix the problem.”

  “Yeah, well. Have you ever tried explaining something that technical to a nontechnical person? The families of the people caught up in this don’t care about the details. They’re mad, they don’t understand what happened, and they want the devs to pay.”

  I wanted to hit something. It was politics as usual out there—something went wrong, and people just blamed it on whatever was convenient without trying to understand. If their social pressure took the servers down, I had no idea what would happen. We might die. We might end up in a much worse situation if Topper’s fears were right and Vierdimin had a plan to carry us to a private server, where he could do whatever he wanted with us. There’d be no way to know for sure unless we could capture him and make him talk.

  “Okay. Fine,” I said. “That doesn’t change anything about our plan. You said you know how we can find Vierdimin, right? Spill the details, Topper. I need to know in case something happens to you again—there may n
ot be time for a second rescue.”

  He hesitated, but finally nodded. Topper liked to keep his plans close to the vest, but he could see the logic in what I was saying. I was the only player immune to Vierdimin and his guild’s attacks, thanks to the Charm spell I still had locked on Vierdimin.

  “Right. It’s really simple. I’m disappointed that I didn’t think of it sooner, but I’m not a mage, and Divination is the least used spell category.”

  I grinned. “Almost as useless as Illusion magic, right?”

  He snorted. “We’re learning all kinds of things about the game mechanics lately. Anyway, there’s a divination spell that lets you locate an item. It just points you to the nearest one. Normally, it’s a pretty useless spell unless you’re checking if a mob is carrying a specific drop you want, but you can use it on any item that’s been spawned in the game.”

  “How does that help us find Vierdimin, though? We can’t specify that we want an item carried by a particular player, can we?”

  “Nope. But think for a second… what does Vierdimin have that no one else in the game would?”

  I gasped and smacked myself in the forehead. “Oh my god! Duh. His Lv. 80 Staff of Matter Manipulation!”

  Topper nodded. “Bingo.”

  It was one of the rarest drops in the game, an incredibly powerful artifact, and Vierdimin was the only player to have successfully obtained one. No one else even knew how to get it yet—I’d only seen pictures of it on data mining websites. Somehow he’d figured it out, probably by the same means he’d figured out how to hack the game, and it was a huge advantage for him. Because he’d had it when he cast the original spell, I had a sneaking suspicion that it was the key to everything he’d been able to do.

  But since it was so rare, that meant that at most there would be two in-game right now. One on whatever raid boss had dropped it, assuming it had respawned with the loot again, and the other with Vierdimin. Because it was such a rare drop, we’d almost certainly be able to follow the path to find him immediately.


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