Dragon Lady: A Gender Swapped LitRPG Adventure

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Dragon Lady: A Gender Swapped LitRPG Adventure Page 3

by Alyson Belle

  I was highly skeptical of Topper’s assessment of Haxor. It was true that he knew the guy better than anyone, but the evidence was right in front of our faces—and he hadn’t known him well enough to predict that he’d turn on us, after all. Then I remembered Erlix taunting me the last time we’d visited the guild house.

  “You know, Erlix claimed that he had a way to raid our guild vault,” I offered. “Maybe Vierdimin found some kind of loophole to access it and stole the goods himself.”

  Topper frowned. “Maybe. But I doubt it. I think the halfling was blowing smoke up your ass, Lacey. These guild vaults are airtight once they’ve been locked.”

  I pictured what it would feel like to actually have a halfling blowing smoke up my ass, and then I blushed. It was just a figure of speech. I’d been getting freaky for a little too long, apparently.

  “Well Vierdimin has to be behind this. Somehow.” I struggled in vain to think of any other possibility. What did it matter, anyway? It was all gone now, and I didn’t think we were getting it back.

  “Sure, but Vierdimin can’t really break the rules of the game. Bend them, yes, apparently. But not break them. If he could do things like access our guild bank without restrictions, we’d have lost this fight already, and he’d be here to taunt us about it. He won’t have that kind of power unless we let him complete this plan he’s cooking up—if it is what I think it is. And believe me, we don’t want to find out.”

  That much we could agree on, at least. I felt sick. It was a devastating morale blow to lose the contents of our guild bank like this, however it had happened, but even more than that it was a hit to our power. I’d been counting on that Charisma gear and the high level spells we’d saved which you could only get from monsters. It’s not like we had a few extra days to go on a spell hunt. This detour had already wasted too much time. But it wouldn’t do any good to sit here and cry about it. We needed to pick ourselves up and get back to work.

  “We need to go to Jaiden’s Crossing,” I said. “That’s our best option right now.”

  “Huh? Why?”

  “Jaiden’s Crossing is the first sky zone for newly minted flying characters, right? It’s the quest hub for all the flight-only zones, and it’s also where they have all the basic upgrades for characters hitting level 65 for the first time.”


  Topper looked confused and angry. He must really be worked up if I had to spell this out for him like this. I felt sorry for the guy. It had been a tough few days for both of us, but at least I’d spent it being a hero instead of being stuck in Lefay’s energy cage.

  “And basic spells are better than none. Even if I just get the default set of Evocation and Alteration spells from the level 65 vendors, I’m still the most powerful mage at my level on the server right now for those spell schools. I can fry NPCs without getting fancy.”

  I wasn’t actually sure if the thing about being the most powerful mage was true, but I had a hard time imagining someone with more power than I had at the moment, especially if you included my Courtesan class specials, pet capabilities, and long-cooldown skills. It wouldn’t take me long at all to get my spell skills up to par, and not all players had the benefit of a guild to hand them all the best spells at each new level. The game was balanced around spells I’d be able to buy in Jaiden’s Crossing, and if it was good enough for newbies, it was good enough for me… for now.

  Topper considered my suggestion and then grudgingly nodded. Another stop before the Sky Islands was yet another time sink, but the power jumps we’d accrue would be worth the sacrifice.

  “Okay. Fine.” He took a deep breath. “I mean, you’re right. Good suggestion, Lacey. We need to get our heads in the game, or we’re going to lose them. But I still say this wasn’t Haxor. It’s not his style.”

  I remained silent, even though I disagreed with him. We’d find out sooner or later, and it wasn’t worth debating. It’s not like it would bring our gear back to prove that Haxor took it. With a final, longing look at our pillaged vault, we turned to go.

  Chapter 3

  As we touched down on the gently bobbing sky-pier that marked the entrance to the floating city of Jaiden’s Crossing, the zone name flashed across our HUDs: Jaiden’s Crossing - Level 65. A little thrill ran through me at the sight of it. I’d officially made it to the big leagues now. Approaching the final levels, getting to experience the wonder of high level zones, having a taste of real power—it was all intoxicating. Even if I’d never intended to experience it in this feminine avatar, it was still exciting to be here.

  Jaiden’s Crossing had been named for the archmage Jaiden Whisperwind, who had cast a magical bubble around his city, shearing through soil and stone alike, to lift it into the sky and preserve it from the hordes of their earthbound enemies. I knew that because like any serious player, I read my in-game quest lore. I knew what was up—it was surprising how often the devs hid tidbits of important information there.

  It was also called Jaiden’s Crossing because it marked the crossing into the zones where you needed a flying mount and was one of the few high-level town zones, which was why it also served as the end-game high level player hub. Now that we could access this town, I didn’t expect to be spending much time back in Minsc, as much as I would miss Kirth’s surly face.

  The sky piers were massive slabs of independently floating granite, tethered to the multi-hued cobblestones of the magical city by shimmering gossamer arcane chains. We’d pierced the sky-bubble as we entered, with only a slight chill gliding over my skin to mark it, and now I followed Topper into the town square, gawking at the magically-enhanced architecture.

  Topper was less impressed, having been a regular for a while now. He smiled at my blatant wonder.

  “You look like a tourist, Lacey,” he teased. “Enjoy the town while you can. It’s usually so choked with players you don’t want to do anything but get in and out.” He took a quick, appreciative glance around. “It is pretty nice, though, isn’t it?”

  I nodded. “So what’s the game plan? Where do I get my spells?”

  Topper scratched his chin and took another look around the square. He waved in a vague direction. “I’ve never had a reason to go to the arcane district, but Haxor usually wandered that way to get new spells. Check over there. Since we’re here anyway, I’m going to stop by the Lightbearer’s Guild and pick up a few healing and protection spell upgrades I’ve been putting off getting since I hit my last level. You gonna be okay on your own for a bit?”

  I grinned and flexed my tiny muscles. “Me? Please. I’m the most powerful level 65 caster on the server. If I can’t disable, Charm, or nuke trouble, I’ll just pop a Vejazzle.”

  Topper’s cheeks flushed and he looked away, nodding. It was funny how old-school and uptight about my sexual escapades he still was sometimes, but I guessed I would have been uncomfortable with it too if I hadn’t been living it myself. He bid me a mumbled farewell and headed off to the Paladin trainers, and I wandered in the direction he’d indicated. I soon passed under an archway marked by glowing runes and found myself surrounded by a new set of shops and landmarks that bore the subtle marks of magic use—more charms hung in the windows, warding glyphs were scrawled over shop doors, and the strange, though not unpleasant, smell of brewing potions wafted through the air.

  Topper had been right about the experience of being here alone. The NPCs mostly kept to their shops, with the exception of an occasional patrolling guard or bored-looking questgiver, and the city felt like a ghost town. It had been designed for much more player traffic, with its wide, winding roads. Despite the solitude, I was actually enjoying having the opportunity to drink it all in without distraction from other players. It felt like I was one of the first people to arrive.

  There were a number of magic shops available, split by the type of magic they offered: Alchemy and Enchanting went together, as did Illusion and Divination—crafting and perception, respectively. The Alteration and Evocation schools were o
ffered in an imposing, two-story edifice with constantly-roaring torches on the exterior. It was an impressive display to clearly mark the type of magic that could be found within.

  I expected the shopkeeper to be a wizened old man in a robe, or a hunched-over witch like the spell seller in Minsc had been, so I was surprised when a bronzed, shrewd-looking young man with a pointed, oiled beard parted the curtains to the back room of the shop and strode out with powerful, confident steps. He was shirtless, wearing only a loose sash and wide linen trousers, and his muscled chest had been inscribed with red and golden runes. I didn’t need to use an inspection skill to sense the power he wielded. Bartholomew the Shopkeeper, Lv. 70 floated above his dark, close cropped hair.

  His eyes narrowed as he studied me, pulling at the tip of his oiled beard. “A sweet courtesan graces my shop. And yet also something more than a mere courtesan, I believe. What can Bartholomew the Grand do for you, sweet creature?”

  I blushed at his flowery compliments. How did the devs continue to find new ways to make the NPCs objectify and compliment my body while keeping the same basic tone consistent? Bartholomew’s hungry eyes traced over my curves, and I was more aware of my delicate skin and ample figure than I’d been in a while. There was something about the gaze of a powerful man resting on my body, NPC or not, that sent a little shiver of submissive delight through me. I felt an innate urge to please him. In fact… I realized that the city had a whole new set of high level NPCs for me to Seduce, if I wanted to. But I needed spells first—then I’d decide if I had time to lay the town for extra XP.

  “I need a full set of level 65 Alteration and Evocation spells,” I said.

  Now his eyes widened in surprise. “Indeed? And what will a Courtesan do with these? Unless… You’re a Sorceress. Incredible. I never thought I’d lay eyes on such an impressive creature. You honor me with your presence.”

  This guy was really laying it on thick, but I had to admit that it was kind of fun to be recognized by NPCs for the rarity of my special class unlock. I smiled and inclined my head, basking in his amazement.

  “Nevertheless,” he continued. “What you ask of me does not come without a price. I trust an experienced and rare adventurer such as yourself has ample gold to provide for such power?”

  Bartholomew made a small gesture, and an unfurled parchment appeared on the table between us, containing a list of the available level 65 spells with prices for each. I blanched as I scanned down the list.

  Holy shit. No wonder Jazzus is always broke! Spells are ridiculously expensive.

  I had been counting on using the money I’d been saving for my epic mount to buy my spells, but I hadn’t expected them to be this pricey. I could see now that even if I spent all of the cash I had on hand, I wouldn’t be able to get the whole set—probably not even half. I became frustrated all over again about the guild bank robbery that had turned us into poor, broke scrubs. And I hadn’t even considered my level 65 Illusion spells yet!

  It was a good thing Courtesans came with a built-in solution to problems of this nature. I hadn’t taken a new pet since I had dropped Fiero, waiting for the right NPC to come along, and a magic-wielding shopkeeper who could sell me all his spells for a song seemed like a great pick. I smiled slyly, pushed my rack out where Bartholomew could get a solid eyeful, and whispered “Charm.”

  My skill washed over the magician, but I saw immediately that it hadn’t worked. He didn’t even resist it—it just sort of fizzled. Bartholomew quirked another one of his haughty little smiles at me, like he was laughing at a private joke, and tsked.

  “Surely you didn’t expect that trick to work on me?” He raised an eyebrow. “I’d hardly be able to stay in business if I gave my spells away to every mage who charmed or ensorcereled me, hmm?”

  My cheeks warmed. I had expected it to work, but obviously the devs would have thought of this. If getting items were as easy as charming the vendors, it would be an even bigger oversight than the sex XP! The whole economy would be broken in a week.

  “Sorry,” I mumbled, figuring it was even worse etiquette to get caught trying to charm a powerful mage than to actually do it—at least when they were charmed they didn’t laugh at me.

  But I really needed the whole set of high level spells. There were only three spells from each school of magic, and with our guild bank cleaned out it was the only firepower I was going to be able to lay my hands on before our confrontation with Haxor.

  It was time to get creative. So maybe I couldn’t Charm the shopkeeper. Still, this was Fantasy Realms Online, wasn’t it? The game that prided itself on realistic modeling and bragged about how anything was possible in their virtual world? The game that let you strike all kinds of deals with NPCs if you met their individual needs?

  I was Lacey the Courtesan, and I needed to start thinking like Lacey the Courtesan. What would I do if I were really a woman hard up for cash and desperate, with this handsome and powerful man in front of me?

  “It must get real lonely up here in Jaiden’s Crossing,” I murmured, drawing closer to Bartholomew and tracing a finger along the glowing runes on his chest. “All by yourself in this big old shop…”

  I fluttered my eyelashes at him and leaned forward to make sure he had an ideal view of my amazing rack. His smile never faltered, still playing across his face in an expression of amusement, but now I thought I detected the smallest flicker of hunger in his eyes. I couldn’t tell if he was attracted to me or not, but with my otherworldly Charisma score, my odds were good.

  “It has been some time since I’ve enjoyed the company of a woman,” he remarked.

  “Ooh, you poor dear. All alone and lonely. And such nice muscles. You must be dying for a soft touch, a soft sigh.” I stroked his bicep, noting that he seemed to be enjoying my attention. “I give an excellent blowjob, you know… if someone were to make a gift of some spells, I could share those talents.”

  Bartholomew raised a single eyebrow at me. Suddenly he moved, quick as lightning, his powerful hands snaking around my back and tangling in my limbs. He literally swept me off my feet and spun me around to dip and kiss me. His strong, spicy scent filled the air around me, intoxicating me, and my skin tingled where his hot skin touched me.

  The kiss shocked me, but after a moment I melted into it and relaxed in his powerful grasp, yielding to his advance and surprised at how much I enjoyed doing so.

  “You will have your spells, maiden,” he whispered hoarsely. “But a man has needs that your mouth alone cannot satisfy. I will have what I need, and then you will have what you need.”

  I was speechless! This was nothing like my previous encounters, which had all been with charmed beaus or quick Johns getting in and out of my pyramid scheme. Bartholomew wasn’t charmed at all, though, and he was taking control of the situation—like a real man!

  My heart was hammering away with excitement of this unexpected turn of events, and my body had gone wild with desire for this man that was claiming me as his own and demanding that I satisfy him with my sex. Where moments ago I’d felt confident and in control, I now felt shy and submissive. All I could do was squeak my assent.

  But Bartholomew hadn’t even waited for it. With a sweep of his powerful arm, he’d cleared the countertop and laid me back down on the smooth stone. The slick obsidian surface was cool on my back, and I felt another chill as he roughly yanked my makeshift dress aside and exposed my bare legs, which pressed tightly together to conceal my sopping sex. I wanted him, but I was embarrassed. Why was this different than it had been before?

  Maybe because before I’d always been in control. Now Bartholomew was in control. I was just his woman, and he was using me as he pleased. All my cheesy seduction lines flew out of my head while the encounter unfolded almost faster than I could register what was happening.

  The magician was a tangle of hot kisses and growling need as his hands and mouth worked their way across my body, groping and tasting me greedily. If I hadn’t been so distracted by the moment,
I would have been mortified—this was so much more raw, and so much more intimate than my prior encounters! And I wasn’t into men!

  But my body didn’t give me the choice. Whatever he was doing, it was working for me. He must have had pheromones keyed to my body or something because I had it bad for him. My mouth watered at the sight of his cock bulging beneath his trousers, and all I could think about was him penetrating my wet, hot, sex. All thoughts of an exchange vanished. I wanted one thing only, and that was for Bartholomew to hold me down and fuck me.

  My lips parted with a cry of delight as he yanked his trousers down and entered me in a single swift motion, and began to fuck me with quiet, steady grunts. His strong arms flexed against my delicate back, drawing me against his hot body and crushing my breasts between us, and the runes on his chest felt hot—though not unpleasantly so—in the wake of our passion.

  My excitement built until it burst through me, ripping into me with a tidal force of orgasmic bliss that hit me again and again in a series of spasming convulsions. I began to scream with delight at the ministrations of this brilliant fucking magician, and I could feel him come as well, spilling his seed into me and freezing as he shook with the force of his own orgasm.

  Then he released me, lowering me back onto the counter with a satisfied sigh. My head was spinning. It might have been my imagination, but I think I literally saw stars. I laid still, gasping for air, and trying to recover my composure as Bartholomew pulled his pants back up and dusted himself off. He cleared his throat and adjusted his sash.

  “That was excellent,” he remarked. “You may have your spells, madam.” He gestured at the counter beside me and a stack of six scrolls appeared.


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