Claiming His Mate

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Claiming His Mate Page 2

by M. Limoges

  She snorted and glanced his way. “Sorry. Force of habit, I guess. It’s been a while since I’ve been out anywhere. Especially since I moved to Collins.”

  “Where’d you move from? And why here?” He asked, even though he knew the answers. Once her aunt died and his pack learned the woman’s niece would inherit the land adjoining theirs, they’d checked Michelle out a bit before Jace had stepped foot in her bookstore. It was imperative for them to protect Black Hill territory at all costs.

  “I’m originally from Oregon. My Aunt Cecelia left me this place in her will. I never really knew the lady, aside from meeting her a handful of times as a kid, but she was my mom’s sister and my only surviving relative. Actually, I didn’t even know she’d died until her attorney contacted me to settle her estate.”

  “Ms. Cecelia was a bit of an odd lady, but extremely kind. She mostly kept to herself, and everyone let her be.”

  Jace and his pack had often watched over Cecelia and her land while they patrolled their territory. He couldn’t help but smile, remembering the woman who’d ventured into the woods on numerous occasions, leaving a cache of food in the hopes of befriending the wolves she’d spied running on her land. Not one single member of the Black Hills pack believed the woman’s death had been an accident.

  He stole a glance at her from the corner of his eyes. “Are you missing Oregon much?”

  She stared out the front window and appeared to consider his question. “Not really. After my parents died, I suppose I fell into a rut. You know, go to work, come home, go to bed, wake up, and do it all over. I wanted the change moving here would bring.” She shrugged. “I miss a few of my friends, but I can still visit from time to time.”

  “I’m sorry to hear about your parents.”

  She shrugged and turned her head toward the passenger window. “Thanks. It was two years ago, so I’ve adjusted to not having them around anymore. I still miss them, though.”

  “What happened?” The words were out of his mouth before he could recall them.

  Silence filled the interior of the truck for a minute. Before he could apologize, she spoke. “It was a car crash. The roads were slick and it was a foggy day. An oncoming driver swerved into their lane, and my dad lost control of the car.”

  Now he really felt like a dickhead for asking.

  She quickly changed subjects. “So, what about you? How long have you lived in Los Lobos?”

  He was thankful for the change. “All my life. Born and raised. Probably will die there.” She shifted to face him, and he could easily read the curiosity in her features from across the dark cabin. “My family’s always been real close, so everything I know and love is there. No reason for me to seek it elsewhere when I have everything I could ever want right in front of my face.” He glanced at her and grinned.

  She gave him one of her sunny smiles which made him fucking melt inside. “I wish I had your optimistic outlook, Jace. So where is it you’re taking me? I’m starving.”

  “Hope you like bar food, because there isn’t exactly a McDonald’s on every corner as you probably found out when you moved here.”

  “Yeah, I discovered that real quick. At the present moment, I hardly care. As long as it’s hot and fresh, I’m good.”

  “Hot, I can guarantee. Not too sure about fresh.” He laughed.

  The rest of their ride passed with a steady stream of easy-going conversation. Jace was convinced he’d never spoken to another female, aside from his sister, so comfortably.

  After the twenty minute ride from Michelle’s on the edge of Collins to the strip of storefront shops along Main Street in Los Lobos, they arrived at the Den, the only bar in town. Jace parallel parked a block away and helped Michelle out of the truck. With his arm wrapped around her waist, he guided her down the street and eased the heavy steel door open for her to pass.

  At once, the twang of country music roared through the air. Jace dipped his head at the imposing form of Gee behind the bar, then searched through the crowded bar for Kate and his best friend, Stephen.

  Oh, he owed his sister big time for this. She couldn’t stand to be in the same room with his friend, though Jace had no idea why. Stephen had confided in him that Kate was his mate, but his stubborn sister resisted his friend’s charms. She guarded her secrets closely and had never expressed her reasons for rejecting Stephen’s claim. Jace nearly snorted. He didn’t envy the task ahead of Stephen if he thought to claim Kate as his own.

  Jace spotted the pair sitting on opposite sides of a booth in the far corner of the establishment. Kate noticed him at the same time and waved him over. He placed his hand on Michelle’s back and propelled her through the bar’s occupants, a mix of shifters and their human mates. Proud to have his own on his arm, he grinned like an idiot, nodding greetings to others in his pack as they swept past.

  Once they made it to the booth, Kate scooted out of her seat and threw her arms around him. He chuckled at her show of affection and introduced her to Michelle.

  “This is my baby sister, Kate.” He waved to his friend seated on the other side of the booth. “And this is my best friend, Stephen.”

  Jace turned to usher Michelle in and froze at the look of panic on her face. Oh shit, what now?

  Chapter Three

  Oh. My. God.

  Michelle gaped at the attractive, sandy-haired man sprawled in the booth. It was him. The bare-assed man from the forest with Jace. Holy shit, Jace was sleeping with his sister’s boyfriend.

  Jace wrapped a hand around her elbow. “Everything good, Michelle?”

  She flapped her mouth open and closed twice before she could reply. “Sure, yeah.” She stuck out her hand and shook Kate’s. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Likewise. Jace has spoken so much about you.”

  He has? Kate gave her a warm smile that increased Michelle’s awkwardness.

  Stephen leaned forward, winked, and offered his hand. “Good to finally meet you, Michelle.”

  The man had to feel the nervousness vibrating through her as they shook hands. Get your shit together. She was just here to supply a cover for Jace’s sister. This was their private shit to deal with, not hers.

  They made it through the introductions and slid into the booth. Kate seated herself beside Stephen, while Jace sat next to Michelle. She eased as far to the wall as physically possible, but Jace continued to scoot closer until the side of his leg and arm rested against hers. What the hell?

  A middle-aged waitress with kinky curls soon sidled over to their table to take their orders. Before anyone had a chance to speak, Michelle blurted her order for a gin and tonic. Jace turned to her and quirked a brow in surprise. Ducking her head, she shrugged and stared at her polished nails. She couldn’t very well tell him his nearness set her on edge, and the fact his lover sat across from them, teasing Kate, didn’t put her at ease one damn bit.

  Michelle tried to loosen up as she listened to the trio chatter. Her phone vibrated in her pocket, and she pulled it from her jeans. She scowled at the familiar number that flashed across her screen. Damn Marston. Again. Why wouldn’t the man leave her alone?

  “Who is it?” Jace stared at the phone in her hand.

  She looked up to see three pairs of eyes locked on her. She shook her head. “No one. Just some idiot.”

  Kate leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table. “What’s going on?”

  Michelle waved a dismissive hand. “It’s nothing, really. Just some creep from this land development company in Collins that won’t take no for answer.”

  Jace nudged her shoulder. “What’s he want?”

  “They’re pestering me to sell my aunt’s land. I’ve told them I have no interest, but this bastard, Carl Marston, keeps harassing me about it.”

  She felt Jace stiffen beside her. Across the table, Kate and Stephen exchanged a marked look with Jace that Michelle couldn’t quite decipher, and then the two turned their penetrating stares on her. Goose bumps rose on her arms. She had the impress
ion the trio knew Marston as well. Before she could question them, the waitress arrived with their drinks and food. Michelle decided to let the matter drop for now. Instead, she focused on the burger and fries in front of her.

  After a satisfying meal, Jace and Stephen decided to challenge each other to a game of pool while Kate grabbed Michelle’s hand and tugged her to the bar.

  “Gee, give us a couple more drinks down here, would ya?”

  “I probably shouldn’t have anymore. I’m not really a drinker.” Michelle scrunched her nose.

  Kate grinned. “Hell, Michelle. It’s time to kick up your heels and have a bit of fun. Those two will be playing for a while. And I won’t let anyone grab you. Not unless you want them to.” She winked.

  “Alright, I’ll trust you. Let the night begin.” Michelle laughed and glanced to the bartender who plunked a new drink on the bar.

  She froze for a moment and sized up the older man. Lord, she didn’t ever want to run across him in a dark alley.

  Kate linked her arm with one of Michelle’s. “Thanks, Gee. This is Michelle, Jace’s lady.”

  “Oh no, we’re not—”

  “Nice to meet you.” Unsmiling, he extended one massive mitt toward her. “It’s time Jace settled.”

  Michelle wasn’t about to question the man even though he had it all wrong. She placed her hand in his, awaiting the squeeze that would crush her fingers to a pulp. To her surprise, his grasp was gentle. As she gazed into his brown eyes, she sensed a familiarity there, like she’d known him all her life. Odd.

  Kate laughed. “See, he’s really just a giant teddy bear.”

  Gee rolled his eyes, released Michelle’s hand, and moved on to the next patron, thoroughly dismissing them.

  Five gin and tonics later, Michelle floated on an alcohol-induced cloud. For two hours, she and Kate sat in the booth, laughed over Kate’s childhood stories of Jace and Stephen, and watched the men play game after game of pool across the bar. Despite the sarcastic remarks Kate tossed out about Stephen, it was obvious she had a soft spot for him. Of course, that caused Michelle to chug her drink, knowing what she did about the friendly woman’s boyfriend and brother.

  A throat clearing from beside their table captured their attention. Michelle glanced up to find a rugged good-looking man with a well-groomed beard standing next to her. An attractive smile curved his lips when their gazes met.

  He nodded his head. “Evening, Kate. I thought I would come over and offer to buy your friend here a drink.”

  “Hi, Damien.” A mischievous grin formed on Kate’s mouth. “You know what? I think Michelle would like that. She might even dance with you.”

  “Well that would make my night, sugar.” He beamed at Michelle and presented his hand to help her rise.

  A bubble of excitement rushed through her inebriated limbs. She lifted her hand to place it in his, and then he was gone before she could stand. In his place stood Jace, looming above her.

  He glared at Kate. “What the hell are you doing?”

  She gave a nonchalant shrug. “Just seeing if you’re paying attention.”

  Jace knelt on the outside of the booth and wrapped his hands around Michelle’s. She tried to ignore the sizzle of electricity fizzling up her arm. It happened each time he touched her.

  “How are you doing, sweetheart?”

  Michelle tried not to pant at the endearment. She tipped her head to the side and studied him. “Hi, Jace.” She touched a finger to his smooth cheek, because how could she not? “I dream about you sometimes, you know.” Then the most unladylike belch flew out of her mouth before she could stop it.

  His eyes widened for a split second before he looked at his sister. “How many drinks did she have?”

  “I’m afraid I didn’t keep count. Maybe you should get her home and into bed.”

  Anger slashed across Jace’s face and Michelle worried she’d embarrassed him. She tried to rise from the booth. Unfortunately, gravity wasn’t her friend at the moment. She plopped back on the cracked leather seat and a giggle burst from her lips. Great, now I’m a tittering idiot.

  Jace slid her to the edge of the booth and scooped her into his arms. Michelle squealed and to her dismay, giggled again. Kate laughed and waved as Jace carried Michelle across the bar. Patrons lifted their drinks in salute and cheered. She buried her face in Jace’s shoulder to hide her mortification. Well, at least Jace had all the cover he needed tonight. The entire bar thought he’d be getting laid.

  Chapter Four

  Jace wasn’t sure which head he wanted to bust first. His sister’s for letting Michelle get as drunk as she did, or his pack mate, Damien, for trying to pick up on his damn mate.

  He glanced over at her slumped in the passenger seat, head pressed against the window. Damn it, he shouldn’t have left her alone with his sister. What the hell had Kate been thinking? She knew Michelle couldn’t handle alcohol like they could. As shifters with higher metabolisms, they burned the alcohol off before it had time to settle into their bloodstream. Though chugging a bottle of hard booze would do the trick, which sounded like a damned fine idea to Jace at the moment.

  Hell, who was he kidding? This was his fault.

  He’d felt the tension pouring off her while they sat side by side. She’d been a ball of nerves around Stephen and Kate. Then she’d gotten that damned call from Marston. After dinner, he’d left her with Kate, using pool as an excuse to discuss pack business with Stephen. Their alpha, Andrew Tao, needed to hear the disturbing news as soon as possible.

  The Black Hills pack was more than aware of Carl Marston. He and his wealthy counterpart, Dave Roberts, ran a successful land development company in Collins. Unfortunately, their pastime included hunting. And not just bucks and rabbits, it was wolves they were after.

  It came as no shock to Jace that the men had found out a large population of wild wolves ran on Los Lobos lands. Living in close proximity to Collins, it was bound to happen. Despite each shifter in Los Lobos’s best efforts to safeguard the town’s secrecy and keep nosy humans out, the threat of exposure and extinction rose each day as more people settled in surrounding areas.

  His pack had resided on their land for years, and they damn sure wouldn’t be ceding it over to a group of immoral hunters any time soon. Marston and Roberts weren’t the first to stumble onto their territory, and no doubt they wouldn’t be the last.

  But what troubled Jace the most was the fact the bastards had locked their sights on Michelle. Frankly, it scared the shit out of him. He and his pack suspected the two men were responsible for Cecelia’s death, but they had no proof. Marston and Roberts wouldn’t hesitate to take drastic measures to ensure Michelle’s property fell into their hands. No matter the cost. Even if that meant eliminating Michelle.

  Damn and fuck. His little mate had no idea of the danger she’d inadvertently landed herself in.

  Jace pulled into her driveway, shut off the ignition, and leaned back against the headrest. He glanced at Michelle. She sat slumped in the seat, soft snores puffing from her nose. Hell, he needed to get her inside. When he’d thought to get his beauty into bed tonight, this wasn’t precisely what he’d had in mind.

  He got out, walked around the truck, and made sure she didn’t fall out when he opened the passenger door. After fishing her keys out of her handbag, he lifted Michelle into his arms. She mumbled something about remembering to lock the door and he chuckled. She hadn’t completely checked out for the night. Once he hustled her inside and locked the door behind him, he found her bedroom upstairs and deposited her on the bed.

  In the darkened room, he stared down at her sleeping form, fully dressed and twisted at an odd angle. Damn it, he couldn’t leave her like that. He wanted her to rest well since he was certain she would have a hell of a hangover in the morning.

  Untying the laces of her shoes, he tugged them from her feet, followed by her socks. Once he’d worked her hair loose from her ponytail, he slid the glasses from her face and placed them on
the bedside table. For all of thirty seconds, his hands lingered over the button of her pants before he thought better of it. Yeah, that just might be a bit too awkward. He placed her under the covers and sat on the edge of the bed. Unable to resist touching her one final time for the night, he brushed the back of his finger over her flushed cheek.

  Michelle’s eyes fluttered open and she darted a glance around the room, then visibly relaxed. When her gaze landed on him, she smiled one of those sunny smiles that made him weak in the knees. She sat up and simply stared at him. He wasn’t sure if she could make out his features in the nearly darkened room, but he had no trouble seeing hers, a perk of being a shifter.

  Her soft breaths filled the silent room, and the citrus scent lingered on her skin. Moonlight streamed through the window, illuminating her golden hair. Jesus, she took his damn breath away.

  Then she leaned forward and pressed her soft lips to his.

  Momentarily stunned, he froze, not moving a muscle. Once she laid one of her small hands on his chest, it spurred him into action. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back with all the fervor racing through his blood. If touching her soft skin had sent tiny pulses of energy through his body, then kissing her damn near felt like being struck by lightning.

  Desperate to feel the delicious heat of her mouth, Jace deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue past her parted lips—seeking, tasting, claiming what was his.

  His hardened cock pressed painfully against his jeans, reminding him this wasn’t the right moment. She was drunk, and he refused to take advantage of her. He wanted her fully aware of everything that happened between them.

  Jace tore his mouth free from hers and held her at arms’ length until he could recall his wavering self-control and steady his racing heart. His wolf clamored inside of him, desperate for another taste. Damn it, he shouldn’t have allowed the kiss to go so far.


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