Dragon King's Son-In-Law

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Dragon King's Son-In-Law Page 27

by Dragon King

  This question was important to him, and he had to know the details.

  “You can’t recognize the Inspectors, especially those who wander around. Even elders like Lu Qing probably can’t spot them. Only Inspectors can sense each other’s existence,” Su Han explained.

  Inspectors were like secret agents whom you can’t avoid. Even the mighty East Ocean Dragon Clan has to be respectful towards them. No wonder Zhao Hongyu was cautious when she mentioned Su Han. Hao Ren had a better understanding of the situation now.

  “This thing you gave me,” Hao Ren pointed at the necklace and asked, “Will it last forever?”

  “The array formation on the necklace lasts only one month. After one month, unless I transfer more energy into it, the array formation will automatically stop working,” Su Han answered him.

  No one would expect such patient explanations from Su Han, who was so cold in the class that she never answered her students’ questions.

  Hao Ren wasn’t the only one who was surprised. Zhou Liren and the other students, both male and female who were watching them from a distance, were also astonished to see Su Han talk incessantly with a male student.

  The sky was cloudy, but the air was quite refreshing. Beautiful Su Han dressed in black and white walking shoulder to shoulder with the ordinary-looking Hao Ren under the willow shades along the lake bank was not a perfect picture, but others felt like they were intimate.

  “That was why I gave you the time limit of one month. If you can reach Kan-level in one month, your body will release pure dragon energy, and the other Inspectors won’t easily detect you. Besides, if you get to Kan-level, you will have some strength to defend yourself even if you meet a tough Inspector,” Su Han added.

  Looking at her, Hao Ren suddenly realized that she was, in fact, helping him.

  “Since you don’t acknowledge my official status, why do you want to help me?” Hao Ren asked her.

  Su Han sighed a little. “Because I owe East Ocean a favor and helping you is to return that favor,” she said.

  “What kind of favor?” Hao Ren continued to ask.

  Su Han looked at him and thought for a while before answering, “I grew up in the East Ocean Dragon Palace. Zhao Guang and Zhao Hongyu took care of me before.”

  “Dragon Palace?” Hao Ren raised his voice in astonishment. He was stunned that it did exist.

  “Yes. It’s hidden under the water of East Ocean, and I think Zhao Guang will take you there one day. Most of the elders of East Ocean are in the Dragon Palace, guarding the place while cultivating. Only a few clever ones are in the city assisting Zhao Guang,” Su Han said.

  Strange feelings surged in Hao Ren’s heart. He had thought the so-called dragons looked a bit too ordinary and thus was surprised that the legendary Dragon Palace really existed.

  “To Zhao Yanzi and others who live in the city, the Dragon Palace should be like their home and base, right?” he thought.

  “So you grew up in the Dragon Palace?” Hao Ren asked her with interest.

  “I am an orphan and was adopted by an elder of East Ocean. That’s why I spent my childhood in the East Ocean Dragon Palace,” Su Han said lightly.

  When she said those words, her expression was calm without a trace of sadness.

  After a few seconds of consideration, Hao Ren asked rudely, “I’ve been wondering, how old are you?” These are the names of the eight symbols in Bagua used by Taoists.

  47 The Beauty in the Ferrari

  Su Han turned around to look at him quietly. However, the coldness in her eyes could almost freeze Hao Ren into an ice sculpture.

  “24,” She stared at him for a few seconds before she told him her age.

  Hao Ren exhaled deeply, “I thought you are a few hundred years old…” he murmured.

  He only spoke his mind and didn’t think things through. Su Han was able to level up from Kan-level to Qian-level in 20 years, and she was what Zhao Hongyu referred to as a Heavenly-level Master. It showed how talented she was.

  Lu Qing, for example, tried his hardest and was only able to get to Kun-level after working towards it for a few hundred years. For him, Kun-level was already the highest he could dream of in this lifetime.

  The difference in power between them was not only one or two folds.

  Su Han rolled her eyes at him. Although her heart was as calm as a pond of water, she was a woman after all, and every woman cared about their age.

  “Ok, what other questions do you have?” Su Han asked Hao Ren in a cold voice.

  In fact, Hao Ren wanted to ask about her body measurements for Zhou Liren. But he could only secretly wonder in silence to avoid being beaten by her. He could never ask that out loud.

  “Oh, are there any quiet places in the school where I can concentrate on cultivating?” Hao Ren suddenly remembered and asked.

  He was interrupted by Zhao Jiayi just when he was going to achieve a breakthrough last time when he was cultivating on the balcony. It made him gloomy for several days.

  “Quiet places…” Su Han thought about it and said, “You should go find Lu Qing and ask for a spare office to cultivate in.”

  “That’s…a bit dramatic,” Hao Ren hesitated. Owning a separate office as an ordinary student would soon be found out by others. Who knew what kind of disturbances it would cause.

  “It’s your business as for where you should cultivate. I’m not dealing with it,” Su Han said coldly as if Hao Ren’s question about her age triggered her.

  “Or…” Hao Ren asked cautiously, “Could I borrow your office?”

  “You are asking for a yard after taking an inch, eh?” Su Han raised her eyebrows.

  Hao Ren laughed awkwardly and explained, “I just think it would be nice to be able to ask you if I run into any problems…”

  He realized that Su Han was charming even though she was mad at him. It was bizarre that Su Han, who had always been so calm, could get mad at him.

  It was his cautious suggestion that upset her. He had definitely touched this “imperial guard’s” sensitive spot.

  Su Han pondered as she looked at Hao Ren, “You are right. Zhao Guang is busy with work, and Lu Qing is swarmed with trivial things, so neither of them have the time to guide you. How about you see me in my office from 4:00-6: 00 PM, Monday to Friday. But don’t bother me at other times.

  Hao Ren was thrilled to get Su Han’s permission. Not only did he get a chance to spend time with a pretty lady, but his chance of survival had also increased! After all, she was the strongest person other than Zhao Yanzi’s Third Uncle he had ever met.

  This was why he tried his luck with Su Han when she came to see him today.

  Su Han actually had her own reasonings for this decision. She was a cultivation addict by nature, and what she hated the most was being interrupted during cultivation. However, she wanted to return East Ocean’s favor of bringing her up. On top of that, she found Hao Ren to be a hard-working guy, so she didn’t mind giving him some instructions.

  If it weren’t for those reasons, she would have smashed away anyone with such a request.

  “I’m heading back if you don’t have any more questions,” she said lightly.

  Hao Ren looked up at the big clock hanging on the library building and realized it was already half past four. That meant he had been walking with Su Han for the past half an hour.

  None of the guys at school had the chance to even spend a minute with her, yet Hao Ren walked and chatted with her for 30 minutes! This could cause the guys to kill him with jealousy if they found out.

  Even for Zhou Liren and the guys, it would be a luxury experience to walk for half an hour with Su Han. They had never seen or heard of something like that.

  “Ok, I’ll come to see you at four every weekday as long as I don’t have class!” Hao Ren said.

  Su Han nodded and briskly walked to her office.

  “Oh…wait a moment!” Hao Ren suddenly thought of something and called.

  Su Han stopped and
turned around.

  Having seen this, Zhou Liren almost wanted to run over and chock Hao Ren. “Aside from the walk, Hao Ren could even call out for her to stop!” he thought.

  “Um…lots of people saw me walking with you on campus today… How should I explain it to them?” he asked.

  “Just say I’m your older sister,” Su Han said after thinking for a bit.

  Then she left swiftly.

  Hao Ren was relieved as he watched her leave. Having an answer that she had agreed to was much easier than making up a lie himself, especially if it would make her mad in the future.

  The fact was, this seemingly cold and weak lady would finish Hao Ren with just one finger.

  When he turned back and prepared for the upcoming interrogation from his roommates, a bright red color entered his view.

  He looked over and saw a red Ferrari driving towards the campus. Although it was not fast, the flame-like color still dragged a ray of red behind it.

  “I have…probably seen that car this morning…” Hao Ren remembered.

  Su Han, who had almost reached her office, also slowed down at the sight of the car.

  The red Ferrari slowly approached Su Han and stopped right in front of her.

  The beautiful lady in the car took off her sunglasses and flashed a charming smile, “Su, long time no see!”

  Who could it be if it wasn’t Zhao Hongyu!

  Zhao Jiayi and the guys were just about to interrogate Hao Ren. However, the Ferrari and the beautiful lady made them stay where they were as if they were under a spell.

  “Hongyu, how come you are here?” Su Han asked lightly as if she weren’t surprised about Hongyu showing up at all.

  Hao Ren thought about it and realized that Su Han might have already sensed Zhao Hongyu approaching from a few kilometers away with her level of strength.

  “There isn’t much to do at work, so I took off earlier and came here to catch up with you,” Zhao Hongyu got out of the car and walked to Su Han as she said softly.

  The guys were surprised to see such an elegant lady stepping out of the car. She was obviously a high-class office lady with a great temperament.

  “You want to talk about Hao Ren, right?” Su Han turned around and looked at Hao Ren, who wasn’t far away, as she said to Zhao Hongyu, “I won’t cause him any trouble this month, so you don’t have to worry about it.”

  Su Han’s cold attitude was pushing people away. Due to her high status, Zhao Hongyu had to show her some respect, but she wasn’t going to beg her or anything. Having heard a precise answer from Su Han, she nodded and said to Hao Ren, “Ren, you don’t have any classes this afternoon, right?”

  Hao Ren nodded.

  “Then come home with me. We can go get groceries on the way back,” Zhao Hongyu waved him over and asked him to get in the car.

  Hao Ren sat in the million-dollar Ferrari.

  As they drove away, Zhao Jiayi and the guys were stunned with their jaws falling to the ground behind them.

  48 Daily Errands

  The Ferrari drove out of the campus smoothly and entered the road outside. It wasn’t very hot because it rained last night, so the weather was quite breezy and pleasant.

  The Ferrari Zhao Hongyu drove was a two-seat roadster. Her charming figure and stylish attire caught a lot of attention from the pedestrians while they waited for the red lights even though she was wearing sunglasses.

  On the contrary, Hao Ren was dressed very casually, and that didn’t really match up with the scene.

  “Ren, it’s still early, how about I take you to a mall and buy some clothes for you?” Zhao Hongyu turned her head around and asked Hao Ren.

  “Em, no thanks. I’m comfortable with what I’m wearing now,” Hao Ren answered as he touched his clothes.

  He got most of his clothes from the light textile market around his university. The clothes there usually didn’t have any brand names, and there was a vast price difference between them and those sold in the mall. However, Hao Ren didn’t care much about that as long as the clothes were comfortable to wear. It didn’t bother him if some of the clothes were worn out.

  Zhao Hongyu didn’t want to force Hao Ren. Suddenly, she smiled and said, “Did Su Han give you the necklace, it seems that she has accepted you already.”


  The roadster dashed out as soon as the green light went on.

  Her driving skills seemed first-class to Hao Ren. The red Ferrari was smoothly shuttling back and forth between the traffic flow on the broad road.

  “It is hard to tell that Zhao Hongyu, who is so gentle and kind, could be so aggressive while driving,” Hao Ren thought as he secretly stared at the side of her calm and graceful face,

  Nevertheless, as the powerful engine of the Ferrari was roaring, it also attracted many whistles from some playboys who were in their own fancy cars. If Hao Ren didn’t sit beside her, those guys probably would get close and flirt.

  However, if Zhao Hongyu even sped up slightly, those guys wouldn’t be able to catch up.

  The car drove to somewhere near Zhao Yanzi’s home, and they parked in front of a local grocery market. Zhao Hongyu took out a basket from some corner of the car like she was doing magic tricks as she got out of the vehicle, and Hao Ren got out with her. Zhao Hongyu picked up her car key and locked the car with two beeps, and then she paid five yuan to the old man for parking.

  “Let’s go,” Zhao Hongyu said to Hao Ren gently and walked into the dim indoor grocery market with the basket. As they walked in, there were some curious young, and middle-aged men gawking over the million-dollar car. It was expected since they could only see a Ferrari in magazines or on TV.

  “Driving a Ferrari to go grocery shopping, what kind of life is this…” Hao Ren felt speechless as he followed Zhao Hongyu inside.

  “Girl, you here for grocery shopping again?” as Zhao Hongyu walked in, some farmers and butchers said hi to her from their booths.

  Zhao Hongyu smiled at them as she carried the basket and walked up to the closest vegetable booth, “Uncle Liu, how are the vegetables today?”

  “Fresh! Absolutely fresh! I just dug them out of the field this afternoon!” that fifty-year-old man with messy hair promised to Zhao Hongyu while tapping his chest.

  “Great, get me two potatoes and three tomatoes, I’ll make some soup when I get home,” Zhao Hongyu said with a smile.

  “Ok! I’ll pick the best for you!” the booth owner laughed happily. He then picked out some potatoes and tomatoes and weighed them. “The total will be five yuan and thirty cents, just give me five yuan!” he said.

  “I can’t do that!” Zhao Hongyu took out her wallet from her stylish coat like she was doing magic tricks again. She grabbed a five yuan bill and then dug out thirty cents and put them on the electrical scale. After that, she put the tomatoes and potatoes in her basket.

  “Come back next time!” the man spoke loudly to Zhao Hongyu in a happy tone after closing a small deal.

  “Alright, alright!” Zhao Hongyu answered happily as well. She then walked to another booth, “Granny Sun, how are the fruits today?” she asked.

  “Those cherries just arrived today! They are delicious!” the granny with wrinkles all over her face said to Zhao Hongyu.

  “Hehe, then let me get a kilogram please,” Zhao Hongyu took a bag and put some in.

  She turned around to ask Hao Ren, “what fruits would you like? what would you like for dinner?”

  “Doesn’t matter, auntie. It’s up to you,” Hao Ren said shyly.

  “Who is this, I have never seen him before,” the granny at the fruit booth asked as she weighed the cherries.

  “My distantly related nephew,” Zhao Hongyu answered.

  “Ah, young man, you look quite handsome,” the granny said after observing Hao Ren.

  It was Hao Ren’s first time hearing someone call him “handsome”, and he didn’t know how he should feel.

  After buying fruits, Zhao Hongyu then brought Hao Ren to get some
more meat, flour, and other vegetables… Every booth owner was greeting Zhao Hongyu passionately, and Zhao Hongyu chatted with them while shopping.

  Ever since he was young, Hao Ren had only been to the grocery market a few times with his grandmother, and he barely went there after he grew up. Grocery shopping with Zhao Hongyu and hearing her chats with the farmers suddenly seemed so genial to him.

  Who could tell that this beautiful woman drove here in a Ferrari?

  Having got everything they needed after walking around, the basket got heavier and heavier, so Hao Ren volunteered to carry it.

  They walked out of the grocery market and saw a couple of kids playing around the fancy Ferrari. Some were so naughty that they even tried to climb into the roadster; the old man managing the parking lot couldn’t even do anything to stop them.

  Zhao Hongyu didn’t get mad at all. She just walked up there and opened the car door after unlocking the car, and the kids dispersed as soon as they saw the owner was back.

  Zhao Hongyu smiled helplessly. She sat in the car and waved at Hao Ren, “Get in the car.”

  Hao Ren got in the car with the basket, and Zhao Hongyu pointed at the space back in the car and said, “Just leave it at the back.”

  Water was dripping from the basket that was full of vegetables and meats, and Hao Ren followed the instruction and put it into the baked-porcelain-painted rut located at the back of the fancy, million dollar Ferrari…

  Anyone else who witnessed this would probably break down…

  Zhao Hongyu started the car, drove it out of the parking spot, and seamlessly joined the traffic flow on the road.

  Hao Ren sat in the passenger seat and quietly watched everything Zhao Hongyu was doing. Zhao Hongyu wasn’t only a famous designer, a virtuous housewife, Zhao Yanzi’s mother, but also the Dragon Queen…

  She had perfectly switched between all of those roles and had tried her best to do everything to the best of her abilities. Staring at Zhao Hongyu who was so close to him, Hao Ren suddenly had a deep admiration for this young mother.


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