Dragon King's Son-In-Law

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Dragon King's Son-In-Law Page 38

by Dragon King

  The Principal of the university was prologuing with the most genuine expressions and enthusiasm. Xie Yujia, who sat beside Hao Ren, was holding her head up and in a passionate mood as if it was her, instead of Hao Zhonghua and Yue Yang, who had won the awards.

  The look on her face switched from excitement to discontent when she turned around and saw how calm Hao Ren was. She knocked Hao Ren with her arm and whispered, “Did you hear that! How incredible are they! They just won two international prizes!”

  “Just some prizes, what’s so special about them,” Hao Ren said calmly.

  “You!” Xie Yujia pouted. She stopped bothering him and continued looking forward with her neck stretched.

  She had done lots of research on scientific news and found out that the Gairdner Award was also known as “the mini Nobel Prize” as a quarter of the Gairdner Award recipients had won the Nobel Prize later. Therefore, this award was also called “the Pre-Nobel Prize”.

  As soon as the Principal finished his speech, roaring applauses resonated in the hall.

  The applauses were very enthusiastic and prolonged. It wasn’t because the Principal’s speech was excellent; instead, the arrival of the two world-famous scientists after winning the awards indeed drove up the students’ excitement.

  After the Principal walked down from the podium, Hao Zhonghua, who was a stalwart figure and had an imposing appearance walked up to the podium.

  Xie Yujia’s eyes radiated instantly; she was a crazy fan of Hao Zhonghua.

  Hao Zhonghua held the microphone, cleared his throat, and smiled. “The Principal overpraised me. As a matter of fact, we still have a long way ahead of us on the road of science. The development of science in China relied on contributions from generations, which can’t be simply measured by trophies and awards. The main purpose of me and my wife’s trip to Europe wasn’t accepting the awards; instead, it was connecting with professionals and scientists from abroad. East Ocean University is the first place we have come to give this lecture. We have some spare time as we had just come back, and I graduated from East Ocean University, so I have deep feelings for it…” his voice was plump and charming.

  Xie Yujia was listening carefully with her neck turned to the side. The passion she had wasn’t inferior to those fans of celebrities from middle school.

  “Hao Zhonghua is so attractive; he is so clever and charming… if my future husband could ever be like that…”

  Behind Hao Ren, there were a few girls making comments in a slightly trembling voice.

  “Em, is he that good-looking…” Hao Ren was speechless.

  He turned around to look at Xie Yujia. Her eyes were shining, her hands were laying under her jaw, her mouth was slightly open, and her expression showed how engaged she was.

  On the podium, as soon as he finished his polite greeting, Hao Zhonghua started talking about his most recent scientific research, which was what he won the award for.

  The professors and master and doctoral students in the front were listening carefully as if it was a traditional lecture, and they took notes diligently. Some were so immersed in the lecture that they nodded along and then lowered their heads to take notes as if they figured something out.

  East Ocean University’s undergraduates in the third area were listening carefully and quietly without making any noise, even though they couldn’t completely comprehend what Hao Zhonghua was talking about.

  However, Hao Zhonghua’s lecture didn’t dive in deep. Even undergraduates who weren’t majoring in biology could still get some of the points; it was just the details that puzzled them.

  The primary purpose of holding a scientific lecture at East Ocean University was to form a gathering effect. On the one hand, it was to introduce the undergraduates to an intense scientific research environment and to allow them to experience a higher level of academic knowledge. On the other hand, it was to draw the attention of the media and scientific community and to promote the school’s image.

  Hao Zhonghua spoke eloquently during the lecture. Once a while, he would use gestures to enhance the effects. Many scientists with grey hair had shown their admiration because of his clear statements and logical thinking.

  One hour passed by like a flowing river. When Hao Zhonghua finished his lecture, all the people in the hall were still enjoying the charm of science and longing for more, didn’t matter if they were the officials of the city or the university, professors or students.

  Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh… warm applauses resounded through the lecture hall like tides as soon as the crowd realized the lecture was over.

  The applauses lasted at least five minutes.

  Hao Ren also joined the crowd and applauded. Xie Yujia probably thought Hao Ren was finally influenced as she touched Hao Ren with her arm proudly and said, “See, that’s the power of science!”

  Afterward, she mused, “He is indeed a great scientist. He can explain the most advanced concepts in such an understandable way, and his communication skills are also incredible!”

  Hao Ren looked at her helplessly. He figured that Xie Yujia had idolized Hao Zhonghua to some degree as she was so close to having stars spinning in a circle in her eyes.

  70 Too Excited

  When Hao Zhonghua finished his lecture, it was his wife Yue Yang’s turn.

  Dressed in a plain suit, Yue Yang had a determined temperament. Her sharp eyes and clear tone reminded people of the portrait of Madam Curie in the hallway.

  Her lecture was about her research on one of the most impoverished areas in Africa, Lesotho Kingdom; this country had the highest altitude in the world. This three-year research made her the recipient of one of the most valued awards in the scientific community, the Graff Award. Moreover, in this research, she brought up an effective cultivation project for cereal crop based on the local ecological environment and state of the nation and its civilians in the hope of solving the most severe famine problems. As a result, it had drawn in enormous attention from all over the world.

  Similarly, nobody made a sound during the entire lecture. The professors were listening carefully with knitted eyebrows while the students were also paying full attention.

  Yue Yang’s lecture started from the local environment to the local politic climate, then from the living space of the residents to the influence of ecology on the industry. Next, she mentioned how the unproductive land could be altered through science…

  She gave a lively description of the three-year and five-year plans for the country as well as for its poverty and future developments. She also expressed how convinced she was that this troubled land would be revived.

  “That is so great…” sitting beside Hao Ren, Xie Yujia mused.

  Hao Ren was no longer spacing out like earlier as he was listening earnestly.

  The one-hour lecture soon finished, and the stormy applauses also lasted over five minutes. Yue Yang slightly bowed to the audience in the hall then walked down from the podium.

  The Principal showed up on the podium again, making his conclusion.

  At this moment, Xie Yujia took two books out of her purse. She said to Hao Ren in a worried voice, “Rush to the front with me later. I want to get their autographs!”

  “What?” Hao Ren looked at her, dazed.

  “Don’s worry about anything, just rush to the front with me in a bit!” Xie Yujia put a book in Hao Ren’s hand and said.

  At the same time, the Principal standing on the podium said, “In order to allow everyone to meet with Academician Hao and Academician Yue, both academicians have agreed that students with their books can ask them for autographs after the lecture. However, in consideration of the big crowd here today, each student can only have one book signed. Meanwhile, I hope all the students can keep order and maintain an excellent image of the university.”

  Hao Zhonghua and Yue Yang left the lecture hall under the security of a group of guards. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor tightly followed them, chatting and smiling.

  Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh
… although the Principal had asked the students to keep order, nothing could slow down the passion of the fans. All of them flooded out of the door like a free-flowing water.

  Xie Yujia also dragged Hao Ren and ran out wildly. No one could tell how a skinny girl like her could have so much power.

  Although Xie Yujia and Hao Ren were sitting at the front of the third area, about a hundred people were lining up ahead of them when they rushed outside.

  The master and doctoral students at the front were all well-prepared as everyone had a science book written by the academicians. Their seats closer to the front also allowed them to leave the hall earlier than others.

  Xie Yujia waited at the back of the line, and her pretty face had turned red. She was still dragging Hao Ren’s arm, and it even had five fingermarks on it. Standing beside Xie Yujia, Hao Ren felt quite helpless.

  “The Class President who is usually serious and poker-faced… I didn’t know there are times that she would be this cute…” staring at her pink cheeks and shining eyes that radiated, Hao Ren thought.

  Hao Zhonghua and Yue Yang sat behind a long desk, smiling at every student that came up and asked for autographs.

  The officials of the city didn’t leave probably out of respect. Instead, they stood beside the desk and looked at the couple signing autographs with smiles on their faces.

  The scene of Hao Zhonghua and Yue Yang sitting down signing autographs while the officials of the city stood beside them modestly was great for the news and their images.

  Instantly, all the camera flashes got turned on, and various cameras were aimed at the officials and the academicians. They didn’t only record the enthusiasm of the students but also the great respect the government officials had for the scientists.

  It was an honor for the officials to come to the lecture given by both academicians in person. However, their cheerful and supportive presence during the autograph signing portion had definitely promoted Hao Zhonghua and Yue Yang’s status as well.

  Those two scientists were well-known worldwide, and even the officials of the city treated them with great respect. If anyone ever offended the two respectable scientists, that person would probably be in trouble.

  With the world-famous scientists’ contribution to East Ocean City, the development of technology as well as the high-tech and environmental protection industries in East Ocean City had soared incredibly. The fast-paced growth also dramatically improved the image of the city, which was something that could never be bought with tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of yuan!

  The lineup for autographs was moving slowly. Xie Yujia stood on her tiptoes as if it drove her crazy that she wasn’t able to talk to her idols while they were so close to her.

  Finally, after waiting in line for half an hour, they were getting closer to the long desk. It was eventually Hao Ren and Xie Yujia’s turn to get their books signed when a few doctoral students ahead finished talking to the academicians unwillingly.

  Xie Yujia rushed forward with a book in her arms, but she got irritated when she saw Hao Ren moving slowly behind. She called to him, “Hao Ren! Hurry up!”

  Her tone wasn’t too kind since she was undoubtedly impatient because she waited for so long. Also, Hao Ren was indeed moving too slow when it was their turn to get her idols’ autographs.

  Hao Ren paced himself, held out the book, and went up to Xie Yujia awkwardly. With the long desk in between, Xie Yujia was facing Hao Zhonghua while Hao Ren was facing Yue Yang.

  “Academician Hao, I am your loyal reader! I bought all the books you published! It is such a pity that only one book can be signed!” it wasn’t easy for Xie Yujia to have the chance to be so close to her idol, and she couldn’t help but speak quickly.

  “Huh, huh, alright,” Hao Zhonghua took over the book from Xie Yujia, opened it to the title page, picked up his pen, and signed his name smoothly.

  Meanwhile, Yue Yang looked up at Hao Ren who was silently standing on the other side of the desk. She also opened the book to the title page and signed her name.

  “Academician Yue, I am also your fan! I have read all of your books as well!” Xie Yujia said to Yue Yang contentedly after getting the autograph from Hao Zhonghua.

  “Huh, really?” Yue Yang observed Xie Yujia from top to bottom as she gave an elegant smile to Xie Yujia.

  Xie Yujia was staring at them in excitement but had no idea what to say. As she was wondering if it was time to leave, Hao Zhonghua asked unexpectedly, “Is this your boyfriend?”

  “Ah?” Xie Yujia paused for a second. Afterward, maybe due to being too nervous, she blurted out, “Not yet!”

  Hearing the answer from Xie Yujia, Hao Ren was slightly surprised, and his body shivered a little.

  “Huh, huh,” Hao Zhonghua laughed as he looked at Xie Yujia’s pretty and passionate face without saying anything.

  “Excuse me, please walk forward if you have gotten the autographs,” the student who was in charge of maintaining order said to Xie Yujia and Hao Ren.

  Xie Yujia then realized that she couldn’t continue to stay there. She smiled at Hao Zhonghua and Yue Yang brightly and dragged Hao Ren, who was still blanking out, out of the autograph-signing area.

  “Give it to me!” seeing Hao Ren holding Yue Yang’s book, Xie Yujia pulled the book with Yue Yang’s autograph on it into her arms, worrying that Hao Ren might accidentally damage it. Then, she put it cautiously into her purse together with the book signed by Hao Zhonghua.

  “You are so silly. It is such a rare chance to see great scientists like them, and yet you didn’t even say a word,” Xie Yujia complained to Hao Ren. Then, she looked down at her purse and smiled contentedly.

  She was cheered up, and she said to Hao Ren, “Alright, but you did do a good job today for getting me a book with their autograph. I’ll treat you to midnight snacks!”

  71 You Got It??

  Her excitement proved that she was actually in a good mood.

  However, what Hao Ren was concerned about at the moment was that somebody might call him. He wasn’t too interested in midnight snacks, so he refused politely, “Today’s lectures are fantastic. Class President, I appreciate the ticket you gave me. Regarding midnight snacks… that’s fine.”

  “Good, now you admit that the lectures were excellent! How about you treat me to midnight snacks then!”

  Her face was still pink; she was still immersed in the excitement.

  “Em…” Hao Ren hesitated.

  “What, you don’t want to? I showed you the wonder of science, but you don’t even want to thank me?’ Xie Yujia squinted her eyes.

  “It’s not like that. I am just worried that if we don’t go back now, the dorm gates will be locked,” Hao Ren explained.

  “The university knows many students are going to the lectures so that the dorm gates will close at eleven o’clock tonight instead,” Xie Yujia said.

  Seeing Xie Yujia in the mood, Hao Ren had to agree, “Ok, I’ll get you midnight snacks. Let’s go to Hongji Square.”

  After all, Xie Yujia had treated him twice already. Hao Ren decided to treat her tonight so that he could return the favor.

  “Ok!” Xie Yujia got her bike, and Hao Ren rode the bike and took her to Hongji Square outside the west gate of the university.

  In the balmy night, Hao Ren was riding smoothly on the quiet road on campus with Xie Yujia on the back seat. The night breeze softly blew through the leaves, and everything was so quiet and peaceful.

  It reminded Hao Ren of the last time when he walked side by side with Xie Yujia for midnight snacks outside the university.

  “University life would be such a failure if you don’t date during the four years…” having Xie Yujia in the backseat, the quote that had been mused by numerous senior students suddenly came across Hao Ren’s mind.

  He looked back at the round hall in Academic Building E, which was still dazzlingly bright. It was also at this moment when he noticed Xie Yujia, who was sitting in the back while staring
quietly at the artificial lake in front of them with a content smile on her face.

  Long eyelashes, star-shining eyes, pretty features, flowy hair, and smooth figure…

  “The Class President is a beautiful girl,” the thought crossed his mind.

  He pretended to look at Academic Building E unintentionally, so he looked back and kept riding.

  Hongji Square was as busy as usual when they arrived. The dorm would only be locked at eleven o’clock; therefore, the energetic students weren’t willing to go back that early.

  “Are you hungry, Class President? I’ll buy you some Sanhuang Chicken,” while parking the bike, Hao Ren said to Xie Yujia.

  Although Hao Ren didn’t invite girls out for food often, he still knew that he couldn’t send her off by just buying her a bowl of cheap hot spicy dip.

  “Sure, Dexin Restaurant,” Xie Yujia rubbed her tummy and replied; she indicated that she was indeed hungry.

  Hao Ren smiled and walked across the square to Dexin Restaurant with Xie Yujia.

  “Ren!” all of a sudden, a familiar voice sounded from the rear corner behind him.

  Hao Ren turned around and saw Zhou Liren sitting at an outdoor barbecue booth, and Zhao Jiayi’s palm had already covered his mouth.

  “You guys are eating here too?” seeing the three other guys from Hao Ren’s dorm, Xie Yujia was quite surprised.

  Since they met, Hao Ren had no choice but to walk over there with Xie Yujia.


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