Dragon King's Son-In-Law

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Dragon King's Son-In-Law Page 131

by Dragon King

  Those two thieves were immediately beaten up by over ten young students.

  Hao Ren looked at them in surprise; he had no idea that the guys had so much strength in them. Before he made a move, the thieves were already rolling on the ground begging for forgiveness.

  Suddenly, a flashing police car appeared at the exit of the night market.

  “Big Dipper Fist! Buddha Palm Technique!” Zhou Liren got more and more excited as he shouted.

  “Damn it, let’s get out of here! See you at the west exit!” Ru Rong dragged Zhou Liren, who was in his battle mood, and sprang out of there.

  Although he didn’t care much for the class as the Vice Class President, he demonstrated strong leadership abilities!

  The group of people followed him to the west exit!

  Hao Ren saw the police and dragged Xie Yujia out of there as well since he didn’t want to get into trouble!

  The night market in Xin’an City was pretty big; it took them a while to get to a safe area.

  “Damn it; I haven’t even used my ‘Heavenly Maid Scatter Blossoms’ move yet!” Zhou Liren complained as they got out of the market, waving his arms around.

  Xie Yujia was out of breath. She laid her hands on her knees and looked around at the guys. As a good student, she had never been involved in a fight like this!

  However, she suddenly understood more about the friendship amongst the guys.

  Although they were noisy, the guys stuck up for each other! Even though they were risking being caught by the police, they wouldn’t let their buddy get bullied and blackmailed.

  However, if Hao Ren had a bad relationship with them, they would never have fought for him!

  Instead of his own strength, Hao Ren’s charm was in that everyone was willing to help him as his good friend!

  Even though it was a fight, she felt sadder about parting ways with the classmates whom she had profound friendships with.

  Would she ever be able to experience happy days like this in such a warm class again?

  “A bus can take us back to the hotel from here!” Yu Rong read the bus information on the other side of the street and came back happily.

  Then, everyone followed him across the street and got on the bus to Hanting Hotel.

  There were many empty seats on the bus since it was late at night. Yu Rong and the guys in the front of the bus started to discuss what just happened. Although they were just taking a bus, it gave them a special feeling to be on a bus with their classmates in an unfamiliar city.

  Hao Ren turned to Xie Yujia and sensed the reluctance to leave in her eyes. He lightly nudged her arm.

  “Yujia, don’t go.”

  234 Little White Has its Dignity too!

  Xie Yujia kept silent.

  The bus headed toward the hotel noisily.

  “Ren, later on, we…” Yu Rong turned around to talk to Hao Ren, but he swallowed the second half of the sentence when he sensed the strange looks on Hao Ren and Xie Yujia’s faces. He turned back to the front as if nothing happened.

  Yu Rong thought to himself, “Ren is confessing to her on the bus!”

  “Give me a day to think about it,” Xie Yujia answered.

  Yu Rong was trying his best to eavesdrop, and what Xie Yujia said confirmed his assumption. “Damn, Hao Ren is actually doing this on the bus! He seemed quiet, but he has some guts!”

  “Ok,” Hao Ren nodded. He knew that he for sure would regret it if Xie Yujia left. However, he didn’t have enough courage to stop her from reuniting with her parents.

  The bus arrived at the destination, and the door opened.

  Yu Rong yelled, “We are here! We are here! Get off the bus, everyone!”

  He also shouted to ease the awkwardness between Hao Ren and Xie Yujia.

  The group got off the bus and entered the hotel.

  “Come to our room to play cards later, Ren!” Zhou Liren shouted at Hao Ren excitedly.

  Yu Rong immediately pulled Zhou Liren’s ear and dragged him away. He said, “I’ll play cards with you. We can invite Gu Jiadong and Huang Jianfeng as well. Ren probably has something else to do.”

  “Something else? What is it?” Zhou Liren didn’t get the hint.

  Yu Rong kicked him into the room and closed the door behind him.

  “Go rest. You must be exhausted from guiding the class around today,” Hao Ren said to Xie Yujia when they got to the door.

  “Um…” Xie Yujia walked to her room.

  Hao Ren stood at his door and watched Xie Yujia enter her room. He sighed lightly and entered his room afterward.

  Hao Ren turned on the TV to make the room less quiet before he went for a shower. He had been cultivating the Light Splitting Sword Shadow Scroll every night lately and had seen some visible improvements. He just needed an impact force to break through his openings.

  Little White hopped around impatiently in the hidden space in the necklace, so Hao Ren let it out of there so that it could take a hot shower as well. In a week’s time, it consumed all of Hao Ren’s Essence Replenishment Pills and even sneaked into the library when Hao Ren let it have some free time. It used its ability of rolling around on the ground to attract a bunch of girls and got over 70 hot dogs from them!

  Hao Ren carried Little White in his hand as he walked out of the bathroom in the robe provided by the hotel. He noticed two people standing outside the bathroom when he was just about to rest in bed!

  Hao Ren backed off half a step in panic and then realized that they were Lu Linlin and Lu Lili!

  “How many times did I tell you not to scare me like this? Please?” Hao Ren said to them helplessly as he sighed.

  He backed up another half a step with Little White after seeing how charmingly they laughed. “Did you… See me in the shower?”

  Lu Linlin covered her smile as Lu Lili blushed slightly.

  Little White shivered in Hao Ren’s arm at the question as well. Hao Ren rolled his eyes at it. “What are you shivering for? You don’t even wear clothes!”

  “Hehe, did Gongzi forget about the Trading Convention this weekend?” Lu Linlin asked while she stared at his chest on purpose; it wasn’t covered with the robe.

  “I do remember about it,” Hao Ren set Little White free on the floor and replied, “But I thought it is tomorrow.”

  “It’s today, but my sister and I didn’t want to disturb your romance with the other Zhumu,” Lu Linlin said with a hint of jealousy.

  Hao Ren looked at her and realized how hard it was to deal with the older sister.

  He glimpsed at their outfit and realized that they were in their cyan and green ancient dresses; the ones they were in when they made their first appearance at the school.

  “Ok, we won’t do a lot of talking for now. Change into these, Gongzi. If you wore the modern clothes, you would get questioned,” Lu Linlin took out an outfit and a pair of cloth shoes magically and handed them over to Hao Ren.

  Hao Ren looked down at the light blue Daoist robe in Lu Linlin’s hand.

  “Right away?” he was surprised.

  “Yeah, why else does Gongzi think we came here to see you tonight?” Lu Linlin questioned back.

  Hao Ren thought about it, and his facial expression changed a bit. Then, he took the outfit to the bathroom to get changed.

  Lu Lili looked at Lu Linlin timidly and said, “You are so brave to tease Gongzi, sis.”

  “I wasn’t teasing him; I was telling the truth.” Lu Linlin pouted.

  Soon enough, Hao Ren got out of the bathroom in the Daoist robe. Lu Linlin took out a cultivation hat and put it on Hao Ren.

  Lu Lili secretly laughed at Hao Ren, who looked weird in the hat.

  “Let’s not waste any time, Gongzi. Let’s go!” Lu Linlin held Hao Ren’s hand and took out a bracelet.

  Lu Lili followed him over and held onto his other hand. Little White saw that Hao Ren was about to leave and hopped into his arms. Then, Hao Ren put it back into the hidden space.

  The bracelet enlarged slowly
and covered up the three of them. Then, it turned into a ray of white light and shot into the sky!

  It only took them a few seconds to get from First Heaven to Fifth Heaven. Lu Linlin’s techniques were definitely better than Zhao Hongyu’s.

  It was pitch dark on Fifth Heaven. The Nature Essence was thick, and immortal mountain after mountains floated in the sky. Anyone without proficient sword-flying skills would run into the hills and fall off!

  Some white light slowly appeared in front of them.

  “We are almost at the Trading Convention!” Lu Linlin said cheerfully.

  She commanded the bracelet to land rapidly as the three of them reached the ground steadily.

  It was actually another immortal mountain with the top cleaned up nicely, turning it into a flat top mountain. That was where the Trading Convention was located.

  There were white lamps on several temporary stone pillars. They were not lanterns nor luminous pearls. However, they could light up the area near them.

  They looked at the Trading Convention’s venue and found that it was almost as big as the entire East Ocean University’s campus! Thousands of white lights brightened up the place as if it was a lantern festival!

  Lu Linlin and Lu Lili held onto each of Hao Ren’s hands and didn’t let go. Although some men noticed Hao Ren due to his two charming companies, no one paid too much attention to him.

  Hao Ren observed the situation around him and found it normal to see a male with three to four female companions. Everyone was dressed in decent ancient outfits, like Lu Linlin and Lu Lili, or Daoist outfits. If Hao Ren didn’t know he was on Fifth Heaven, he would have thought that he was on a set for making a movie!

  Aside from the moving crowd, there were all kinds of temporary stands everywhere!

  There were treasures, elixir pills, and techniques!

  “Don’t worry, Gongzi. No one will see through your technique,” Lu Linlin whispered to Hao Ren.

  Hao Ren’s body was giving out a dark blue light. However, he had all five elements.

  “Um…” It was Hao Ren’s first time participating in such a Trading Convention, so he was very cautious and didn’t wander around the stands by himself. He looked around with Lu Linlin and Lu Lili.

  The flat top mountain had a large space, and there were hundreds of stands as well as tens of thousands of cultivators. Over half of them were here to get ready for the Nine Dragon Palace trip. Hao Ren shivered at the thought of tens of thousands of cultivators attacking the Nine Dragon Palace at the same time.

  There were also many beautiful women in either ancient dresses or Daoist outfits walking around. The number of charming women was at least five or six times more than that in the city. Hao Ren was almost tired of checking them out. He knew that if Zhou Liren were here, he would be overexcited to death.

  However, these girls were not as pretty as Lu Linlin and Lu Lili once they were compared, and those cold and haughty female cultivators weren’t as charming as Su Han either.

  After getting accustomed to the environment, Hao Ren walked around a few nearby stands.

  Fire Separation Technique, Golden Light Technique, Feign Death Technique…

  They all seemed to be very fundamental techniques. The truth was, the real powerful techniques wouldn’t be sold in the Trading Convention, so they only brought in these techniques to make up the numbers. What was actually useful were the elixir pills, Dharma Treasures, and talismans and Dharma Notes. However, Hao Ren didn’t ask around since the twins were with him.

  After a while, Hao Ren asked Lu Lili, “What makes the lamps shine on the stone pillars?”

  “Gongzi doesn’t know?” Lu Lili was surprised and explained, “There is nothing special about them but some simple array formations. The Spirit Stones under the covers are giving out light through ignition.”

  “Spirit Stones?” Hao Ren wanted more details.

  “Um, the Spirit Stone is the currency amongst cultivation sects on and above Fifth Heaven, and there are four kinds of them: low-tier, mid-tier, top-tier, and perfect-tier. However, it’s not only a currency but also can assist with cultivation. Cultivators can reach a higher speed in cultivation by taking the Nature Essence from the stones. Therefore, Spirit Stone is a resource, and since everyone needs it, it became a currency. These are only cheap, low-tier stones so no one would use them for cultivation,” Lu Linlin explained to Hao Ren patiently.

  He nodded. “Um, Elder Lu and the others seem to have never mentioned Spirit Stones to me.”

  “That’s because the dragon cultivators don’t need Spirit Stones to assist them in cultivation. The most the Spirit Stones could do for dragon cultivators are to power array formations. You need to know, Gongzi, that the Dragon Cores in the dragons’ bodies are natural cultivation treasures. Human cultivators would need to consume countless Spirit Stones in order to reach the Core Formation Realm, yet dragons can reach Zhen-level easily,” Lu Lili continued.

  Lu Linlin couldn’t help but add after seeing how her sister enjoyed explaining, “Does Gongzi know that there are things the human cultivators all fight over with their lives in the Nine Dragon Palace?”

  “You do know about the Nine Dragon Palace. Um… What do they want from there?” Hao Ren asked.

  “Spirit Stones,” Lu Linlin answered, “There are plenty of Spirit Stones in the Nine Dragon Palace. There are multiple Spirit Stone Mines under each mountain, and I heard that the Grand Palace, as well as the nine branch palaces, are all made with perfect-tier Spirit Stones!”

  “Perfect-tier Spirit Stones…” Hao Ren thought about the seemingly normal large black rocks in the Nine Dragon Palace. “Are those the perfect-tier Spirit Stones?!”

  There were perfect-tier Spirit Stones in the world of cultivation which were even more precious than gold and diamonds!

  Hao Ren remembered the tower in the Nine Dragon Palace which was high in the sky. It was made of dark black square rocks that were half a meter in each dimension; they were all perfect-tier Spirit Stones!

  “But it’s not so easy to get inside the Nine Dragon Palace. Only one out of ten may survive. The deeper one gets, the more dangerous it will be because there are Demon Beasts everywhere!” Lu Linlin added.

  “Demon Beasts?” Hao Ren was surprised to hear that because he didn’t encounter any of them last time.

  But judging from the way the twins were talking about the Nine Dragon Palace, their knowledge all came from books. All in all, the Nine Dragon Palace was not a simple place. There were countless treasures as well as dangers in it!

  Little White got a little unsettling in Hao Ren’s necklace as it sensed the change of environment.

  Since they were in the cultivators’ area, Hao Ren thought it should be fine to let it out.

  Little White hopped out of the hidden space as it sensed the strong Nature Essence and immediately transformed into its larger form.

  “You need to behave, Little White. We are here to buy food for you; if you don’t behave, we will sell you here!” Lu Linlin bent her back and pointed at its nose to give it a warning.

  Although Little White was a Spirit Beast, it had high EQ. It sensed the Lu Linlin’s threatening tone and immediately hid behind Hao Ren. However, half of its body was still sticking out given its size.

  Hao Ren was just about to tell her not to threaten Little White when a girl with a silk ribbon around her waist came to them in the air and landed right in front of Hao Ren. “Hey, Junior Brother. Did you see Master Lu?”

  “Um?” Hao Ren was confused.

  The girl was a bit impatient. She looked at Hao Ren, dissatisfied. “You look unfamiliar, and I don’t think I have met you before. Are you one of Master Lu’s disciple who came here for the Nine Dragon Palace?”

  Hao Ren didn’t say anything.

  She then looked at Little White beside him and commented, “Your pet is a mortal creature, not even on level 1. It seems like you can’t be that talented either. Nevermind; I’ll find him myself!”

nbsp; A golden little lion suddenly ran out of her right sleeve and transformed into a two-meter tall giant Golden Lion. Its four paws were enveloped by fire as it carried the girl away at a fast speed!

  Hao Ren was confused while Little White blinked and looked at the giant Golden Lion with its large, innocent eyes, looking upset. Although it always pretended to be cute, Little White had self-esteem too…

  235 We Have Money!!!

  “Hehe, she thought you are a disciple of Sky Mountain Sect since you are with Little White,” Lu Lili stepped up and laughed.

  Hao Ren looked at the Golden Lion which was already far away. Then, he decided to forget about it and kept walking around.

  After a while, it suddenly occurred to him.

  “Sky Mountain Sect? Then, they should probably have 10,000-year Seven-Colored Snow Lotus?”

  “Do all the major sects have stands?” Hao Ren asked Lu Lili.

  “This Trading Convention is a free market for the cultivators, not the sects. Usually, a few friends would rent a stand and lay their belongings out,” Lu Lili said.

  “Um, you two have more knowledge. Help me locate Sky Mountain Sect’s stands,” Hao Ren said.

  The Trading Convention was very crowded and noisy. There were lots of chances of finding something good. However, it wasn’t easy to locate a specific stand.

  “Sky Mountain Sect is an important sect on Sixth Heaven. Their stand should be in the middle of the venue,” Lu Lili said.

  Hao Ren followed her, and she added, “There are differences between big and small cultivation sects. There are many small sects on Fifth Heaven, and some that have specialties and strengths are located on Sixth Heaven, where the Nature Essence is thicker. They each have their own territories. As for the major sects with powerful strength, seven or eight sects took over Seventh Heaven. The super-powerful sects in the world of cultivation, Godly Cloud Dao, took over Eighth Heaven, which is the closest to Ninth Heaven.”

  Statuses were clearly defined by levels as if it was a fully-developed society. Judging from the number of cultivators who attended this Trading Convention, there were millions, maybe even tens of millions of cultivators on Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Heaven!


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