Dragon King's Son-In-Law

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Dragon King's Son-In-Law Page 181

by Dragon King

  Instead of blaming her, Hao Ren put the paper on the table and said, “I won’t go over the first four which you got right. In the fifth question, in triangle ABC, angle ACB is a right angle. Connect DE and analyze the relationship between DF and EF. For a proofing problem like this, you need to figure out the relationship between the angles first…”

  Hao Ren did not make fun of her. On the contrary, he started to analyze the questions for her patiently.

  Zhao Yanzi was a bit surprised, and she listened carefully with her eyes wide open.

  Hao Ren went through the questions with a pencil. He never really considered himself Zhao Yanzi’s fiancé nor thought about the East Ocean Dragon Clan’s issues when he tutored her.

  However, Zhao Yanzi was not as focused as Hao Ren. She looked up at Hao Ren’s serious face from time to time while she looked at the questions.

  In fact, although Hao Ren wasn’t that handsome, he looked particularly attractive to her when he was entirely focused on something.

  Same as when he concentrated on cultivating… and the same went to when he studied the blueprints in Zhao Hongyu’s studio…

  Hao Ren suddenly realized that Zhao Yanzi was staring at him when he was explaining the questions. He was surprised for a bit before asking her, “Um?”

  Zhao Yanzi turned around nervously as her heart started to race like crazy.

  “Then, question number 12, which is this equation: 1/a+a/x=1/b+b/x. For questions like this, you need to combine the two parts on each side. Then, you do the diagonal multiplication and division. After rearranging the equation, you can take the x out…” Hao Ren wrote quickly as he explained.

  “I know! You talk so much… I know how to do this. I was just a little careless!” she hit Hao Ren’s shoulder.

  “So, the answer is x=(abb-aab)/(b-a).” Hao Ren put the pencil down and rubbed his shoulder.

  “I know!” Zhao Yanzi couldn’t help but emphasis once more.

  “How come you got it wrong if you knew it.” Hao Ren smiled. He opened the little door to the balcony and said to her, “It’s late; I’m leaving.”

  He didn’t want to go through the living room where he had to talk with Zhao Yanzi’s parents again. Therefore, he got on Little White’s back and flew into the sky!

  Zhao Yanzi ran onto the balcony, and all she could see was Hao Ren dashing away like a shooting star surrounded by the red energy sphere.

  321 The Hao Ren You Didn’t Know…

  Hao Ren headed toward the East Ocean University on Little White’s back at high speed. Little White was no longer the same as before, and it could go as fast as a Nascent Soul Realm cultivator now that it had a set of flight dharma treasures.

  It arrived above the East Ocean University in just the blink of an eye.

  Hao Ren found a quiet place to land and put Little White into the necklace. Then, he quickly headed towards the Hongji Square which was located outside the school.

  He called Zhao Jiayi and asked the room number. Then, he hurried into the KTV and found their room.

  Xie Yujia and Ma Lina were the only two girls in the room, and there were seven guys. Currently, Zhao Jiayi was focused on singing a love song when Hao Ren entered.

  “Damn! How come you are so late! We are almost done!” Zhou Liren shouted when Hao Ren walked in.

  “I had something to do… and just got back…” Hao Ren squeezed over to Xie Yujia since she saved half a seat for him, and he sat down beside Xie Yujia, shoulder to shoulder.

  Hao Ren did try his best to rush back for Huang Jianfeng’s birthday. Although the issue with East Ocean Dragon Clan was giving him a headache, Hao Ren couldn’t put his friends behind. The guys from the university had always been his bros, and he didn’t want to let them down.

  “Here, here, here, sing a song!” Zhao Jiayi stuffed the microphone into Hao Ren’s hand. There was still half a song left.

  In fact, they were all tired of taking turns to sing before Hao Ren got there. They knew that Hao Ren sucked at singing and it would be a suitable punishment to embarrass him since he was so late.

  Hao Ren just got back on Little White’s back, and he could still feel the cold from the high altitude. He had no idea what to do when a microphone was stuffed into his hand.

  They were all good friends, but Hao Ren still felt a bit awkward singing in front of a bunch of guys.

  “Go ahead! It’s not like you haven’t sung for us before!” Cao Ronghua nudged Hao Ren.

  Zhao Jiayi liked to sing the most in their dorm, and he had always dragged the guys to KTVs. However, Hao Ren usually sat on the side and listened; he would hum from time to time but never actually sang.

  “Eh-hem!” Hao Ren cleared his throat, turned to Xie Yujia, and laughed in embarrassment as he brought the microphone up to his mouth. After taking a deep breath, he started to sing in harmony with the music, “Showing me the change of seasons…”

  Everyone was stunned as soon as Hao Ren opened his mouth.

  Especially Zhao Jiayi, who used to claim himself as a real singer; he couldn’t believe his ears.

  “Is it really…Hao Ren singing?”

  Ma Lina, who sat beside Xie Yujia, was also stupefied.

  She had no idea that Hao Ren was such a great singer with such a beautiful voice!

  The right tone and the lovely voice were not inferior to those talented celebrities!

  Hao Ren immediately stopped when he noticed their weird expressions. He asked, “What’s the matter?”

  Due to the sudden pause, they were sure that the machine wasn’t accidentally playing with the original song.

  “Damn! You are such a good singer, and you have been hiding it from us all this time!” Zhou Liren pushed from the back and strangled Hao Ren’s neck.

  Zhao Jiayi was also confused. He had been busy training with the basketball team and rarely had chances to go karaoke. He specifically picked two songs for today, and he felt pretty satisfied with his performance. However, he didn’t expect that Hao Ren would completely crush him.

  “This guy…” Zhao Jiayi looked at Hao Ren and wondered if he practiced singing daily after he started dating Xie Yujia.

  Hao Ren also didn’t realize that his cultivation not only changed his aura but also made his voice clearer and brighter. He was just copying the artists from his memory, but to his surprise, he astonished all of them.

  “Keep going! Keep going!” Xie Yujia encouraged him to keep singing.

  “Sing! Sing! Sing!” Huang Jianfeng and the other guys chimed in.

  Hao Ren blushed out of embarrassment. He cleared his throat and followed the lyrics on the screen, “The black in front of my eyes is not…”

  Huang Jianfeng and the other guys were listening to Hao Ren carefully, astonished. They suddenly realized how handsome and stylish Hao Ren appeared to be under the spotlight.

  How come they had never realized that such a handsome guy had been hanging out with them all along!

  Ma Lina nudged Xie Yujia’s waist with her hand, hinting at the good eyes her friend had. From her perspective, Xie Yujia had gotten herself a boyfriend that would make other girls jealous.

  In fact, upon a closer look, Hao Ren would be quite attractive with a more thoughtful outfit and a new hairstyle.

  Hao Ren put the microphone down after the song, but the guys urged him to keep on singing. Hao Ren didn’t want to sing anything; it was ok when it was only him and Xie Yujia in the room like last time, but he really wasn’t used to singing in front of a group of people.

  The next song was already up, and Zhao Jiayi had to take over microphone since Hao Ren was reluctant to keep going. But compared to Hao Ren, Zhao Jiayi sounded much worse although he was outstanding in the group.

  “Hey! I had no idea that you are so good. We can go karaoke together in the future!” Ma Lina leaned across Xie Yujia and knocked Hao Ren with her fist.

  “Ok…” Hao Ren looked down and shrugged.

  Xie Yujia smiled sweetly between the two of them.
  Hao Ren really looked like a singing prince when he had the microphone in his hand. If he were at a school event singing a song on the stage, a lot of girls would fall for him!

  Ma Lina had always thought that Hao Ren was too ordinary to be with Xie Yujia. Now, she finally changed her point of view and realized that Xie Yujia was the lucky one. It turned out that guys could change up a lot as well!

  “You only sang half a song, and you were so late. Three cups as a punishment!” Huang Jianfeng carried the cups of liquor to Hao Ren when his own face was slightly flushed.

  They were all in a good mood today, so they all had a few drinks. But it was responsible of them for not making the two girls drink. Hao Ren knew that he was guilty, so he belted all three cups of drinks without rejecting.

  “Watch out…” Xie Yujia reminded him from the side.

  Ma Lina had a strange feeling when she saw this. “Xie Yujia must really love Hao Ren to care about him this much. What trick did Hao Ren use on her to charm her like this? She usually was immune to guys…” she thought.

  Hao Ren felt the warmth in his stomach after those three cups of liquor. However, such little alcohol was not a problem for him at all. Hao Ren could easily push the alcohol out of his body through his fingertips with the Light Splitting Sword Shadow Scroll.

  The atmosphere of the room picked up after Hao Ren got in.

  Hao Ren drank one cup after another, yet he didn’t feel any discomfort. The guys were all surprised at how Hao Ren’s voice had gotten so much better, and now his tolerance for alcohol increased drastically as well.

  After three rounds, Hao Ren had gotten everyone who tried to make him drunk out of it. They all stopped toasting when they saw Hao Ren was still able to drink more, although his face was slightly red.

  “Have less.” Although Xie Yujia knew that Hao Ren wouldn’t get drunk, she still worried about him and pushed his cup down.

  Luckily, Zhao Jiayi and the other guys couldn’t have anymore. Otherwise, they sure wouldn’t be ok with what this ‘sister-in-law’ of theirs just did.

  Since the guys weren’t even able to stand still, Ma Lina picked up the microphone, chose a few songs, and started singing. She was not as pretty as Xie Yujia, but she was a good singer.

  The room finally started to sound fun again.

  Hao Ren deeply exhaled on the couch, evaporating the alcohol from his stomach.

  Xie Yujia sneaked a peek at him and asked quietly, “Is there something bothering you?”

  “Hehe, nothing.” Hao Ren smiled with his head down.

  Xie Yujia looked at him, worried. “I felt like something is on your mind the second you entered the room.”

  “Nothing…” Hao Ren removed the slim hand Xie Yujia put on his shoulder softly.

  The more Hao Ren said he was ok, the more Xie Yujia believed that he had a lot of things on his mind.

  “How about… we go for a walk?” Xie Yujia gritted her teeth and asked lightly.

  After a few seconds of silence, Hao Ren nodded and said, “Ok, let’s go get some fresh air.”

  Zhao Jiayi and the other guys were lying randomly in the room; they were almost falling asleep on the couch.

  “Ma Lina, I’m taking a walk outside with Hao Ren. Keep an eye on them!” Xie Yujia stood up and said to Ma Lina.

  Ma Lina threw Hao Ren and Xie Yujia a suspicious look and said, “Ok, go ahead! I’ll be here!”

  The KTV rule stated that the customers were not allowed to sleep in there, and at least one person needed to be awake.

  “Um!” Xie Yujia walked out of the room holding Hao Ren’s hand.

  The air in the corridor was fresher than the air in the room.

  Xie Yujia pulled Hao Ren with more force and dragged him into the square outside.

  It was already midnight, and the Hongji Square was empty. Most shops were closed except for a restaurant and an internet café.

  It had passed the time when the dorms closed, and most of the students had gone back to their dorm rooms. The Hongji Square turned from lively to quiet and isolated.

  It was a bit chilly at night, and Hao Ren and Xie Yujia could see their breath under the street light.

  Xie Yujia shivered as she let go of Hao Ren’s hand and rubbed her hands together.

  “Let’s head back if you are cold,” Hao Ren saw that Xie Yujia wasn’t dressed warmly, so he quickly suggested.

  “I’m ok. Let’s keep walking,” Xie Yujia said outright and stepped forward.

  As she was walking in the front, Hao Ren had to speed up to catch up with her.

  “What’s wrong? Did you fight with Zi?” She suddenly turned back to Hao Ren.

  She looked particularly beautiful under the hasty dim light.

  The Hongji Square was designed according to European villages. The artistic gift store behind Xie Yujia became a nice background under the moonlight.

  “Not a fight…” Hao Ren turned slightly.

  “Zi has her attitude, but she is a nice girl…” Xie Yujia continued innocently.

  “Come to a place with me, Yujia,” Hao Ren suddenly interrupted her.

  322 The Change of Identity?

  “Um?” Xie Yujia stopped and looked at Hao Ren.

  Where could they go in the middle of the night? It was way passed the dorm closing time, and there should be nowhere else to go except for a walk around the square or going back to the KTV room.

  While Xie Yujia was pondering, Little White got out of Hao Ren’s necklace.

  “Let’s go!” Hao Ren put up a red energy sphere and hopped on Little White’s back.

  Xie Yujia hesitated a bit before she got onto Little White’s back as well. She didn’t think much because she thought Hao Ren was just taking her up to the sky in order to relax a bit.

  Little White leaped into the sky with Hao Ren and Xie Yujia on its back.

  East Ocean City was completely quiet at that moment.

  It was pitch black except for some busy areas.

  They didn’t feel the chillness because the red energy sphere could block the wind, and Little White flew up 100 to 200 meters in the sky in no time. Hao Ren and Xie Yujia could overlook the entirety of the East Ocean City in its deep sleep.

  Hao Ren took a deep breath as he looked at the large city. From an inspector’s point of view, he was responsible for this entire city.

  Even the East Ocean Dragon Clan couldn’t interfere with other cultivators in the East Ocean City.

  “What’s the matter?” Xie Yujia asked as she sensed Hao Ren’s concern.

  She had a strange feeling while up the sky on Little White’s back, admiring the East Ocean City in the moonlight with Hao Ren.

  Due to the pollution in the city, they couldn’t see the stars clearly from the ground. But at this moment, she felt like the stars were within a hand’s reach.

  The moon was so bright and so round.

  Little White floated in the sky since it didn’t get any command from Hao Ren. Xie Yujia lightly held onto Hao Ren’s shirt from behind as she gazed into the sky. The sense of romance hidden deeply in her heart slowly appeared.

  She softly leaned her cheek on Hao Ren’s back and felt his warmth.

  She didn’t want to keep asking about Hao Ren’s issues because she didn’t want to bother him even more. The relaxing atmosphere in the sky was enough for her.

  Mixed feelings piled up in Hao Ren’s mind as he held onto Little White’s hair.

  He used to be just an ordinary student. But nowadays, he was representing the East Ocean Dragon Clan as well as the Dragon God Shrine. The entire East Ocean City was in his hand. If he were just to let it be, a loss of balance might occur any day in the city.

  He did neglect some things, but he had to be responsible for his mistakes.

  Hao Ren pulled on Little White’s hair and pointed to the east. “East Ocean Dragon Palace!”

  Bright lights shone on Little White’s paws as it received the command.

  Shoo! It flew toward the ocean
in the distance.

  It was the first time Xie Yujia experienced Little White’s extreme speed. She quickly put her arms around Hao Ren’s waist.


  Little White smashed into the ocean in a flash, and its speed barely changed underwater. They soon arrived at the front gate of the East Ocean Dragon Palace.

  The guards immediately stepped aside when they saw Hao Ren.

  He put Little White away and decided to walk. Although he was the Fuma, he didn’t want to break the rules and fly around as he wished.

  It was midnight; time for sleep even in the dragon palace. Hao Ren was already familiar with the structures in the dragon palace, so he took Xie Yujia straight toward the palace where Su Han lived.

  Xie Yujia had no idea why Hao Ren suddenly took her here. But since she was here with him and couldn’t head back on her own, she had to follow Hao Ren.

  Lanterns were hanging high on both sides of the hall. Even at midnight, the dragon palace showed its elegance.

  When they entered Elder Xingyue’s palace, several female disciples nearby immediately asked cautiously, “Who is it?”

  “It’s me. I’m here to see Su Han,” Hao Ren said.

  Four Zhen-level female cultivators in black robes got out of the side chambers. They relaxed when they saw Hao Ren; they knew that he was the Fuma of the dragon palace as well as Su Han’s assistant.

  In fact, Hao Ren had been checked countless times by the hidden guards on his way here. An intruder would never have reached this point.

  “Senior Sister Su has already rested. Does Gongzi Hao have an emergency?” One of them asked.

  The female cultivators of the East Ocean Dragon Clan mostly stayed with Elder Xingyue. They would cultivate in different places during the day and come back here to rest at night. Su Han was an inspector, but from the apprentice’s point of view, she was nominally their senior sister. Therefore, they respected Su Han immensely.

  “I’m just stopping by; she shouldn’t be asleep yet,” Hao Ren said; he knew that Su Han was obsessed with cultivation, especially now since her strength had fallen behind due to her injuries. Given how her personality was, she must be cultivating all night long.


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