Dragon King's Son-In-Law

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Dragon King's Son-In-Law Page 184

by Dragon King

  “When I have time, I’ll bring Little White here for walks. We’ll meet again when the time is right,” Hao Ren said coolly and walked toward the path behind them.

  He walked away with a wave but without turning back and glance.

  Little White trotted alongside Hao Ren.

  The girls watched Little White leave with envy. They had seen lots of pets, but none of them looked as pretty, cute, and smart as Little White!

  They didn’t know that this furry Little White was not a pet at all; it was the king of all ordinary beasts in the mortal world!

  After making sure they were out of the sight of the girls, Hao Ren took Little White into the small forest in the southeast corner of the school.

  After creating an energy sphere, he shot into the sky on Little White’s back.

  With Little White’s speed, he could patrol around of the East Ocean City including the suburbs in about 15 minutes. However, Hao Ren was cautious, so he dashed around the city again.

  Up almost 1,000 meters in the sky without the solid protection such as the exterior of a plane, an ordinary person would have had jelly legs from fear. However, Hao Ren was used to flying and was not at all nervous flying almost at the same speed as a plane.

  Making sure that nothing was wrong in First Heaven above the East Ocean City, Hao Ren finished his patrol and flew up to the higher heavens.

  It was slow to cultivate in First Heaven, but the speed of cultivation would increase by a lot if he cultivated in Fifth Heaven where the essence intensity was greater.

  Little White shot up through Second, Third, and Fourth Heaven before passing the loophole they discovered last time and entering Fifth Heaven.

  The Fifth Heaven had green mountains, clear rivers, and floating clouds and mists!

  Hao Ren thought it would be risky for him to enter Sixth Heaven, so he stayed in Fifth Heaven to solidify his foundation even though he knew the essence intensity was greater in Sixth Heaven.

  Fifth Heaven looked boundless. However, Hao Ren wasn’t interested in exploring its boundaries since he just wanted to find a spot to cultivate.

  “Little White, find a spot with the greatest essence intensity!” Hao Ren bent down and whispered in Little White’s ear.

  Hu… Little White exhaled and sniffed, sensing the essence intensity of the surroundings.

  The essence intensity of Fifth Heaven was greater than the land, but the essence intensities were different in different places. Some mountains were spirit mountains and thus had greater essence intensity than other valleys.

  Little White flew in the air for a while before stopping in a misty valley.

  This valley was surrounded by mountains and full of thick fog. Hao Ren inhaled deeply and found that the nature essence was abundant there. It was a good place for cultivation and elixir making.

  As a demon beast, Little White was far more sensitive to nature essence than Hao Ren, and he trusted its choice.


  Little White lifted its head and howled.

  The panthers, wolves, tigers, and pumas scattered, and even the birds in the trees flew away.

  Little White emitted the aura of a demon beast.

  The animals living in Fifth Heaven were fiercer than those on the land, but none of them dared to mess with a demon beast.

  Instantly, with rustling sounds, all the animals in the valley moved out.

  With its roar, Little White claimed the valley as its territory!

  The foggy valley that was full of the chirping of the birds and the fragrance of flowers, but now only the fragrance of flowers remained.

  Little White landed slowly with Hao Ren on its back.

  The terrain of the valley was not even and was covered by all kinds of rare flowers and grass. It seemed to be a natural valley of herbs.

  Hao Ren had recently been learning architecture from Zhao Hongyu, but he still couldn’t cut the trees and build a hut for himself yet. Looking around, he flew up on Little White’s back and released his sword energies, formed One-line Snake Sword Array, and started to make a cave abode on one hill.

  The sword energies were so sharp that they could easily cut through iron. After forming a sword array formation, their power multiplied. Eighty sword energies shot into the hill and created a huge hole in it. They moved around and formed a sphere inside the hole, cutting out a round and smooth cave!

  Boom! The sword energies swept across the bottom, a smooth floor appeared in the cave abode!

  Swoosh! Swoosh… the 80 sword energies returned to Hao Ren’s body.

  The whole process only took half a minute.

  Hao Ren was proud of this cave abode that had an area of 80 square meters. It was a pity that no one was there to admire him cool presence

  Sighing, he rode Little White into the cave abode that was on the steep hill.

  There were some small rocks in the cave, and Hao Ren waved his hand using nature essence, blowing all the dust and small rocks out of the cave abode.

  Looking around the empty space, he felt like something was missing. He thought for a moment and realized it needed furniture. He moved two huge pieces of stones into the cave abode and cut out a square stone table and a bench with his sword energies. Then, he released a sword energy from his fingertip and cut out a small water cup.

  He turned around and realized that there was no place for him to cultivate. Shaking his fingers, he released five sword energies and cut out a rectangle stone bed in the wall.

  After he finished, Hao Ren looked around his DIY little cave abode in satisfaction. Without any paying anything, he now owned a small 80-square-meter home on Fifth Heaven.

  The intense essence gushed into the cave, perfect for Hao Ren’s cultivation.

  The exams in the Dragon God Shrine was in one month, and he was not here to appreciate the flowers. After straightening up the cave abode, he immediately sat down cross-legged and cultivated.

  In the dragon tribe, although they had the Inspector System to keep the basic order, the world was still ruled by the cultivators with great strengths. If he had the same power as the old Grandma, Hao Ren would be able to do anything he liked.

  Seeing Hao Ren was cultivating, Little White felt bored. It whimpered and lied at the entrance of the cave abode.

  Its duty automatically changed from Hao Ren’s mount to his guarding spirit beast.

  Resting its head on its front legs, it lied lazily on the ground while its ears listened alertly to the sounds coming from the surrounding area; nothing could escape its notice.

  Since the beasts and birds had been driven away by Little White’s presence, the sunlit valley was quiet as if it was midnight.

  Hao Ren gradually entered deep meditation while nature essence traveled through his body smoothly; the five-elemental essence fitted perfectly with the laws of nature, and he was now oblivious of both himself and the outside world.

  This state was what was achieved in so-called seclusion cultivations.

  In the past, he had never experienced such a relaxed cultivation environment even in Su Han’s office.

  The essence blew through the valley like a breeze, and the thick fog at the bottom of the valley sat there without scattering. The usually playful Little White knew Hao Ren was cultivating and thus kept quiet on the smooth ground.

  Hu… Three hours later, Hao Ren exhaled the dirty energy out of his body.

  His entire body seemed to have been cleansed by the essence here, and he was extremely relaxed. After three hours of cultivation, he had not gained a breakthrough but was closer to unlocking the next opening.

  If he didn’t need to go to Zhao Yanzi’s school this evening, Hao Ren would have continued to cultivate there. He felt so great as if he was lying in his warm bed in the winter, reluctant to get up for school.

  Hao Ren patted Little White’s back and got it up before flying out of the cave abode.

  Looking back at the quiet valley and high mountains rising above the mist and fog, Hao Ren thought
for a moment and named this place Ethereal Summit!

  “Speed up and let’s go back!” Hao Ren scratched the white fur on Little White’s neck and shouted.

  Swoosh! Little White’s paws released colorful lights, and it instantly dashed away while leaving rainbows in the air with its afterimages

  Shooting through the loophole, Little White entered Fourth Heaven. Soon, they returned to the sky above the East Ocean City.

  It was almost the evening, and the sunset was beautiful.

  The golden sun was on the same level as Hao Ren.

  When they were close to the ground, Hao Ren put Little White away and landed in a small alley not far from Zhao Yanzi’s school.

  Withdrawing the energy sphere, Hao Ren walked out of the alley and took out his cell phone to call Zhao Yanzi.

  After two rings, Zhao Yanzi answered the call.

  “Hello? Are you here now?” Zhao Yanzi’s impatient voice came from the phone.

  “Yeah. I just arrived at the gate of your school, waiting for you to come out,” Hao Ren said.

  “You don’t have to wait out there. Come in! The teachers are all gone!” Zhao Yanzi said immediately.

  “Since your school has ended, why should I go in?” Hao Ren asked in bafflement.

  “Today is my turn to do the cleaning, and I can’t go right now. You can wait for me outside if you want.” Zhao Yanzi ended the call with a click.

  327 Who Do I Favor?

  Hao Ren put away his cell phone.

  After a moment of consideration, he decided to go in and have a look. Zhao Yanzi said that she was cleaning, but it was more likely that she was being lectured by a teacher for misbehaving.

  The school gate was now open.

  Hao Ren walked into the campus and mingled in with the crowd.

  In fact, the old gatekeeper had noticed Hao Ren, but he let him in since Hao Ren was the Fuma of East Ocean, and the school had ended for the day.

  Hao Ren entered the school and walked against the flow of students toward the academic building where Zhao Yanzi was staying.

  Since LingZhao Middle School was a semi-boarding school, when the school day ended, some students went out for dinner while others went home. The academic building was now empty.

  Hao Ren went to Grade Eight Class Two’s classroom. Through the glass window on the door, he saw Zhao Yanzi straightening up the desks and chairs.

  She was flipping the dozens of chairs onto the desks, cleaning the blackboard, and sweeping the floor… Hao Ren pushed the door open and entered.

  Zhao Yanzi had flipped up half of the chairs, and her gaze turned to the door. “Oh. You came in after all.”

  “It sucks to be a middle-schooler since you have to do the cleaning,” Hao Ren mumbled and walked in.

  “It can’t be helped. It’s my turn this week.” Zhao Yanzi pouted. She never did housework at home, and it was hard for her to clean the whole classroom.

  “Are you doing it alone?” Hao Ren closed the classroom door and asked her.

  “Little Ling is supposed to do it with me, but today is her mom’s birthday, so she went home early.” Zhao Yanzi lifted another chair and flipped it onto a desk.

  It was hard work for little girls, but Zhao Yanzi was now a Foundation Establishment Realm cultivator, and such labor was no sweat for her.

  Now that he was in the classroom, Hao Ren wouldn’t wait and watch her do the cleaning. He helped her flip the remaining chairs onto the desks.

  In her blue school uniform and with her hair up in a ponytail, Zhao Yanzi reminded Hao Ren of his years in middle school. Her figure was neither fat nor thin, and she looked young and energetic in her school uniform. Beneath her skirt were a pair of white stockings and a pair of running shoes, the most common attire for a student.

  When she bent down to lift the chair, her ponytail swung swiftly, showing the brisk energy in her small body.

  “Hey! Why are you staring at me!” Seeing Hao Ren watching her in a daze with a chair in his hands, Zhao Yanzi yelled and frowned.

  Her fierce look was not mean to him. Instead, Hao Ren found it quite cute. With Zhao Yanzi’s personality, if she disliked someone, she wouldn’t speak to that person at all, let alone asking that person to help her.

  “Ok! Ok! I don’t need you to flip the chairs for me. You go and help me clean the blackboard. The water bucket is over there, and the wipes are there too!” With one hand on her hip, she gave him orders.

  Since Little Ling had left early, she had to do two people’s work. Although the work wasn’t too heavy for her, she found it very annoying. With Hao Ren at her command, she didn’t need to be polite with him.

  Hao Ren glanced at her with a smile before walking to the teaching platform and picking up the wipe. After dipping it into the water in the bucket, he stood on his toes and began to clean the blackboard.

  Nowadays, the ‘blackboards’ were different from those in Hao Ren’s time. They were now made with white plastic, and the teachers used color markers instead of chalk. However, the process of cleaning the boards was the same.

  The top of the board was a bit high for Zhao Yanzi, and she would have to do the cleaning on a chair and move the chair constantly to reach other areas of the board. No wonder she assigned the annoying job to Hao Ren.

  If traces of the markers left on the whiteboard were not cleaned properly, they would sink into the board and become permanent. Therefore, after cleaning it once, Hao Ren washed the wipe and waited for the board to dry up a bit before cleaning it a second time.

  After two rounds of cleaning, the whiteboard was as shiny as a mirror without any traces of markers.

  “Perfect…” Hao Ren tossed down the wipe and exhaled deeply.

  “What are you doing? It’s not art!” Seeing Hao Ren cleaning each corner of the whiteboard including the marker holders, Zhao Yanzi suddenly complained.

  Hao Ren was here doing the cleaning only this once, and he did it too thoroughly for her comfort. After all, she had to do the cleaning for the rest of the week!

  Just imagine, if on the second day, the Class Advisor praised Zhao Yanzi by saying, “Little Zi cleaned the classroom very well yesterday. From now on, everyone else must learn from her, and I hope she will keep up the good job…”

  Zhao Yanzi felt devastated by this prospect!

  Her attitude toward life was entirely different from Xie Yujia who tried to do everything perfectly.

  Hao Ren didn’t expect Zhao Yanzi to complain about the work he did for her. He froze for a moment and understood her intentions. Obviously, if he cleaned too well, Zhao Yanzi would have a high standard to follow for the rest of the week.

  “Humph!” Zhao Yanzi gave him a dirty look before picking up the broom and cleaning the floor. At the end of the school day, the floor was littered with paper slips, snack wrappers, and pencil shavings, etc.

  After putting the garbage into the bin, she picked up the mop in the corner and wetted it in the water bucket before mopping the floor.

  Cleaning duty after school was full of trivial details and tiring, and the clean classroom would return to its previous messy state the second day. No wonder Zhao Yanzi was impatient.

  Hao Ren stood on the teaching platform and watched from above while Zhao Yanzi mopped the floor of the aisles. He had an illusion that he was classmates with Zhao Yanzi, and they were on the same duty team in which the guy would loiter around and avoid doing the work while the girl would quickly carelessly finish the job.

  “Well, it would be fun to be in the same class as Zhao Yanzi and bicker with her every day,” Hao Ren thought to himself.

  “What are you looking at? Dump the dirty water and wash the mop.” Zhao Yanzi rushed over and pushed the mop into Hao Ren’s hands before kicking the water bucket.

  “Is it finished?” Hao Ren looked around the messy chairs and desks and asked her.

  “What more do you want?” Zhao Yanzi glared at him.

  With a smile, he lifted his right hand and activated the L
ight Splitting Sword Shadow Scroll.

  A suction force appeared in his palm while all the fine dust in the classroom flew toward him.

  Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth!

  The dust in the classroom belonged to earth!

  The Light Splitting Sword Shadow Scroll could absorb and dissolve these matters!

  However, this kind of earth elements was not pure, and Hao Ren wouldn’t take it into his body. He just collected them a few centimeters away from his palm and turning them into a spinning ball.

  He then lifted his left hand slightly.

  The water in the water bucket rose up in the form of a water beam. As his left hand shook, the water beam turned into many tiny water drops, splashing onto the surface of the floor, desks, and chairs and even on the window.


  The water in the classroom formed a whirlpool flying toward his left hand before rolling into a huge palm-sized water drop.


  The huge water drop fell into the water bucket, and the dark yellow ball of dust condensing in his right hand was also tossed into the water bucket.

  The somewhat clear water instantly turned dirty.

  Now, the entire classroom including the windows was sparkling.

  Zhao Yanzi watched what happened over the last few seconds incredulously and gasped at the clean classroom.

  “You… Jerk!” she suddenly shouted, and her fists hit Hao Ren’s shoulders repeatedly.

  He had cleaned the classroom so well! How could she manage it for the rest of the week?!

  “Ok! I’ll go and wash the mop!” Disengaging himself from the attacks of her fists, he picked up the mop and water bucket and ran out of the room into the men’s washroom at the end of the corridor.

  “Doesn’t matter how fierce she is, she wouldn’t dare to enter the men’s washroom!

  While he was messing with her, Hao Ren felt as if he had returned to his middle school years, and Zhao Yanzi was his nemesis in the class.

  After dumping the dirty water in the sink and washing the mop, Hao Ren returned to the classroom. Under her cold glare, he walked downstairs with her while laughing.

  Minutes after they left, Luo Ying, the Class Advisor who just finished correcting some homework, came to the classroom to check the cleaning job.


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