Dragon King's Son-In-Law

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Dragon King's Son-In-Law Page 207

by Dragon King

  “Hey! Hey! Slow Down!”

  Since Zhao Yanzi was wearing leather high-heels and a long dress, she wasn’t able to walk fast. She couldn’t help but yell at Hao Ren who walked directly out the door after she swallowed the pieces of cantaloupe.

  Hao Ren walked to the road and waved at a taxi.

  Zhao Yanzi rushed toward Hao Ren, tripping and falling into Hao Ren’s arms.

  “So careless…” Hao Ren looked down and said to her.

  “Baa!” Zhao Yanzi made a funny face and suddenly punched Hao Ren in his chest.

  The power of the Foundation Establishment Realm was much greater than her previous strength; Zhao Yanzi’s punch could have punched a hole in a tree.

  Even though Hao Ren was able to bare her strength, his chest still felt a little tight. He grabbed her hands and asked, “What are you doing?”

  “It’s all because of you! I didn’t ask you to clean that well for me! I had to demonstrate today! And from now on, I have to clean as good as you every time!” Zhao Yanzi said angrily.

  Hao Ran was baffled as he already forgot about that small incident. However, Zhao Yanzi, who was leaning on Hao Ren, was releasing a slight fragrance. Apparently, Zhao Hongyu had dressed her up carefully before coming to this event.

  “Did you put makeup on?” Hao Ren looked down at her and asked.

  “Makeup? Never!” Zhao Yanzi wrinkled her nose and broke free from Hao Ren’s arms before she got in the taxi.

  “This girl, she is more beautiful than before. Is it because she started cultivating…?”

  Hao Ren couldn’t help but smile. He then got in the taxi and gave the driver the address.

  The taxi was driving toward the house by the sea. Under the street lights that were flashing by, Zhao Yanzi looked like the most exceptional sculpture created by the most talented artists; there was not a single flaw with her perfect facial features.

  “Did my grandpa say anything to you?” Zhao Yanzi suddenly turned her head.

  “He… seemed fine,” Hao Ren replied.

  “What do you mean by fine? Was he mean to you?” Zhao Yanzi continued to ask.

  “He was alright, not as mean as you.”

  “You!” Zhao Yanzi pouted for a second. Then, she calmed down and said, “He’s like that all the time, mean to everyone. I have to visit him in the U.S. every summer, but I’m a little scared of him.”

  “He is like your third uncle,” Hao Ren said.

  “My third uncle is not as mean!” Mentioning this, Zhao Yanzi looked out the window and murmured, “I don’t know where he is right now…”

  As Zhao Yanzi started missing her uncle, Hao Ren suddenly missed Zhao Kuo as well.

  Under First Heaven, perhaps there were only two people who practiced the Light Splitting Sword Shadow Technique. One of them was Hao Ren, and the other one was Zhao Kuo.

  “If my uncle is here, my pocket money would double…” Zhao Yanzi added sadly.


  Hao Ren smacked his head on the car window.

  “Huh, but that’s okay. Grandpa must have locked Zeng Yitao in a cell inside the dragon palace. I should go there and mess with him when I have the chance! Life is still fun after all!”

  Zhao Yanzi suddenly became happy again.

  Hao Ren took in a deep breath. He suddenly felt like his future would be miserable if he didn’t start speeding up his cultivation progress…

  362 I’m Proud!

  Rustle… When the taxi drove along the road by the ocean, the rain suddenly surged from the black shoreline toward the beach.

  Zhao Yanzi, who was staring at the view outside of the car, was startled and moved closer to Hao Ren.

  Slap… The raindrops fell on the top of the taxi loudly.

  The humid air became cooler with the arrival of the storm.

  After several clear days, the sudden storm broke the pattern.

  While the storm raged above the ocean, hidden currents were surging under the surface.

  Oldman Zeng, leading 100,000 soldiers, charged toward the East Ocean Dragon Palace.

  With the arrival of Zhao Haoran, the South Ocean Dragon Clan and the North Ocean Dragon Clan withdrew their support, and Oldman Zeng thought about backing off as well.

  However, after the East Ocean Dragon Clan caught Zeng Yitao, Oldman Zeng had no choice but to fight.

  Zhao Haoran was obviously forcing the West Ocean Dragon Clan into war.

  Zeng Yitao was a rare cultivation genius of West Ocean. However, a mysterious grandmaster attacked him and damaged his dragon core, making him unable to cultivate anymore. Despite all this, he was still the heir of the royal family of the West Ocean Dragon Clan.

  It was just like the case with Zhao Guang. He didn’t have a high cultivation strength but still could control the East Ocean Dragon Clan. After all, cultivation strength wasn’t the critical factor in deciding a person’s status in terms of inheritance.

  Since dragons had long lives, they tended not to give birth to many offspring to avoid future conflict. That was why Zhao Haoran only had three sons even though he was more than 1,000 years old.

  Oldman Zeng only had one son who died in an accident a few years ago, so his direct heir was his grandson, Zeng Yitao.

  In the West Ocean Dragon Clan, Zeng Xin was the old dragon king while Zeng Yitao was the crown prince; they didn’t have a dragon king. Zeng Xin had been waiting for Zeng Yitao to get to a mature age before putting him on the throne.

  Now that Zeng Yitao was captured, the lifeline of the West Ocean Dragon Clan was held in the hands of the East Ocean Dragon Clan. As a fierce and decisive man, Zeng Xin immediately made his decision: Fight!

  While the 100,000-soldier troop marched toward the East Ocean Dragon Palace, the minor forces along the way quickly moved clear of its path.

  By the seashore, Hao Ren and Zhao Yanzi’s taxi arrived at Hao Ren’s home.

  After paying the taxi driver, Hao Ren dashed toward the house while pulling Zhao Yanzi behind him.

  There were only a few steps from the stair to the door.

  However, in the few seconds that Hao Ren took to dig out his key to open the door, the pouring rain soaked them.

  “Cold! So cold!” Zhao Yanzi yelled. She hadn’t expected that it would rain today, and she hadn’t dressed warmly for the banquet.

  Click. Hao Ren finally opened the door.

  Zhao Yanzi dashed into the house, thoroughly drenched. Like a small bird seeking shelter in its nest, she shook her dress and stomped her feet.

  “Is Zi here?” Grandma’s genial voice sounded from the living room.

  Hao Ren looked over and saw Grandma comfortably lying on the couch while Xie Yujia, in her blue dotted pajamas, was clipping the former’s fingernails.

  “Grandma, it’s the bad uncle’s fault! I’m soaked!” At the sight of Grandma, Zhao Yanzi began to complain.

  “Hehe…” Looking at Zhao Yanzi’s bright pink face, Grandma couldn’t help but laugh. She asked Xie Yuji who was by her side, “Yujia, do you have a change of clothes for Zi?”

  “Yes, Grandma.” Xie Yujia put the nail clipper on the table and wrapped up the clipped nails in a piece of tissue before walking into her room and taking out a set of clean pajamas.

  “Humph! Humph!” Zhao Yanzi was panting with anger but wasn’t too confident.

  She didn’t want to wear Xie Yujia’s clothes, but she would be more uncomfortable if she didn’t.

  “You can change in my room,” Xie Yujia said to Zhao Yanzi.

  “Humph! Humph…” Zhao Yanzi snorted heavily.

  Xie Yujia didn’t mind her rudeness. She smiled and walked to the couch to continue clipping Grandma’s fingernails.

  “There is a trip tomorrow, right? Is that why Zi is staying the night in our home?” Grandma asked Hao Ren.

  “Yeah, Grandma. But I don’t know about tomorrow’s weather yet,” Hao Ren said.

  “Tomorrow will be a sunny day,” Grandma comforted him.

  Click! Xie Yujia�
�s door opened, and Zhao Yanzi walked out with Xie Yujia’s pajamas.

  Since she was shorter and one size smaller than Xie Yujia, the difference was shown in the clothes she wore, which gave Zhao Yanzi great dissatisfaction.

  More importantly, Xie Yujia could fill up the chest area of the pajama top while Zhao Yanzi couldn’t, another thing to deepen Zhao Yanzi’s hostility.

  “Come here to Grandma, Zi!” Grandma beckoned to her.

  No matter what kind of figure she had, Grandma adored her.

  In the loose pajama, Zhao Yanzi staggered into Grandma’s arms, hiding the biggest disadvantage of her body as compared to Xie Yujia.

  Lovingly, Grandma caressed her hair and asked Hao Ren, “How come Congming is not back yet?”

  “Oh… He… will return with Dad and Mom. Zi and I came back before the event ended,” Hao Ren said.

  Since Zhen Congming came to live in their home, Grandma loved him as a second grandson. Hao Ren wondered if he should tell her about Zhen Congming’s crush on a girl.

  “That kid loves to go out and play. I’ll call Zhonghua to ask them to return as soon as they can. After all, it’s storming, and anything could happen,” Grandma said.

  Obviously, she missed Zhen Congming who came back home each night. After spending day and night with Zhen Congming, she had transferred some of her love for Hao Ren to the ‘cuter’ Zhen Congming.

  “Grandma, I’ve finished clipping,” Xie Yujia put away the nail clipper carefully and said to Grandma.

  “Well, you did an excellent job!” With Zhao Yanzi in her arms, Grandma raised her hands to admire Xie Yujia’s work.

  On her wrinkled hands, her nails were very neat. Obviously, Xie Yujia was a perfectionist even in such minor details.

  “Grandma, it’s late. I’m going back to my room for the night,” Xie Yujia slowly stood up and said to Grandma.

  She knew her cultivation talent was poorer than Zhao Yanzi’s. Looking at Zhao Yanzi’s bright eyes, she knew the latter had gained another breakthrough, which gave her more pressure and made her feel more insecurity.

  “Calling the night so early?” Grandma held Xie Yujia’s soft hand, reluctant to let her go.

  Today, Xie Yujia cooked for her, watched TV with her, and chatted with her. All this had made the night very enjoyable while Hao Ren and his parents were absent. However, at the arrival of Hao Ren and Zhao Yanzi, she immediately wanted to go back into her room. Grandma felt terrible for her.

  “I still need to do some reviewing for the exams,” Xie Yujia answered.

  “Ok! Ok! It’s late! Let’s call it a night!” Grandma stood up from the couch and smoothed out her clothes.

  With Xie Yujia going back to her room, Grandma felt terrible about doting on Zhao Yanzi alone. As a fair Grandma, she decided to call it a night.

  “Zi, you can sleep in Yujia’s room. I do not sleep well recently and need to sleep alone,” Grandma continued.

  “I…” Even though she was unwilling to share a room with Xie Yujia, Zhao Yanzi didn’t want to say no to Grandma.

  “Hehehe…” Grandma chuckled and walked upstairs to her room.

  “I’ll sleep with you…” The moment Grandma entered her room, Zhao Yanzi immediately turned to Hao Ren and said.

  “Ugh…” Hao Ren looked at her with a surprised expression.

  “In one room!” Zhao Yanzi hurriedly added.

  With a smile, Xie Yujia shook her head and entered her room. It was storming tonight, so it was not safe to go to Fifth Heaven.

  After all, heavenly lightning was the most dangerous thing to cultivators, even ordinary lightning posed the same danger.

  Seeing Xie Yujia entering her room, Hao Ren hesitated for a few seconds before walking to the stairs. Zhao Yanzi followed him closely.

  “You take my room, and I’ll sleep on the couch,” Hao Ren said to Zhao Yanzi after they got to the second floor.

  “No!” Zhao Yanzi refused immediately.

  “Why not?” Hao Ren asked her.

  She pouted and didn’t answer. Since Hao Ren’s home was larger than her home and the rooms were bigger, she was afraid to sleep alone in on such a stormy night.

  However, she would never tell Hao Ren this reason.

  Sighing helplessly, Hao Ren opened his door, and Zhao Yanzi immediately walked in and opened the window.

  The boundless black sea entered her sight, and the chilling air surged in, making her shiver all over.

  “Is East Ocean and West Ocean going to start a war?” Zhao Yanzi quickly shut the window and asked Hao Ren.

  “I don’t know.” Hao Ren walked over to shut the curtains.

  “My mom let me live in your home, that means something is not right,” Zhao Yanzi continued.

  A worried expression appeared on her cute face.

  Hao Ren looked at her and realized that she was not as carefree as she seemed.

  “Hu…” Zhao Yanzi exhaled deeply before kicking off her slippers and crawling into Hao Ren’s bed.

  Grandma aired the quilt in the sun today, so when Zhao Yanzi got under it, she immediately felt the warmth.

  Seeing her helpless expression, Hao Ren sighed.

  Living in a wealthy and influential family couldn’t ensure one’s happiness. Zhao Yanzi’s behaviors in front of people were a result of her troubled mind.

  She didn’t like Zhao Haoran because she knew he would declare war, putting her parents in danger.

  Remembering Zhao Hongyu’s attitude toward them, Hao Ren began to understand that she was preparing a plan B for Zhao Yanzi by getting her to marry Hao Ren. The East Ocean Dragon Clan looked magnificent, but it had its own problems. After hundreds of years of peace in the world of cultivation… Maybe one day, Zhao Yanzi could quit being a dragon and become a happy, ordinary wife, far from the danger and the trouble.

  “This… is the boundary!” Crawling under the quilt, Zhao Yanzi said as she drew a line on it.

  “This…” Hao Ren was about to tell her that he would take out another quilt when someone knocked on the door.

  Hao Ren opened the door and found it was Grandma in her pajamas.

  Grandma froze for a moment when she saw Zhao Yanzi in Hao Ren’s bed, patting the spot beside her.

  However, Grandma quickly woke up from the shock as she said to Hao Ren in a loud voice, “Your dad called just now. They are trapped in a landslide!”

  363 The Most Powerful Force!!

  “What!” Hao Ren’s eyes widened, and he asked Grandma immediately, “Where are they trapped?”

  In the recent years, to develop the tourism industry, the East Ocean City repaired the district near where Hao Ren’s home was each year, and the seaside road was well-maintained, and the hills facing the road was reinforced each year. That was why landslides had never happened in recent years.

  “He’s still on the line. Talk to him!” Grandma put the cell phone into Hao Ren’s hand.

  “Hello? Hello?” Hao Ren yelled anxiously into the phone.

  “Ren, we’re fine. Don’t worry. The landslide happened ahead of us and blocked our way. We have called for help, but we’ll have to wait for a while due to the storm. You should go to bed early; we are safe in the car.” Hao Zhonghua’s voice sounded over the phone

  “Are there any cars behind you?” Hao Ren asked immediately.

  “No. It’s late, and few cars are driving on this road at this time. Besides, I hear that there are smaller landslides on other sections of the road as well, and I guess they trapped the cars behind us. Don’t worry; the car has lots of gas, and the air conditioner is in good order,” Hao Zhonghua said.

  Hao Ren thought for a few seconds with the cell phone in his hand.

  If it had been any other time, Hao Ren wouldn’t worry. However, the East Ocean Dragon Clan and the West Ocean Dragon Clan were officially entering a war today…

  The more he thought about it, the more worried he got. After pushing the cell phone into Grandma’s hand, he said, “I’ll drive over and take a lo

  “Ren, I’ll go with you!” Grandma grabbed his hand and said anxiously.

  She scolded Hao Zhonghua for this and that regularly, but she was the most anxious one when he was in danger.

  “Grandma, you should stay at home. I’ll go alone!” Hao Ren convinced Grandma to stay in her room.

  “I’ll go as well!” A clear voice sounded behind them.

  In her pajamas, Zhao Yanzi got out of bed and shouted at Hao Ren.

  She looked anxious, obviously worried about Hao Zhonghua and Yue Yang’s safety.

  “All of you stay at home!” Hao Ren picked up the keys and dashed to the stairs.

  However, Zhao Yanzi put her slippers on and followed him downstairs.

  Ignoring her, Hao Ren opened the door and dashed to the garage in the downpour.

  In her thin pajamas, Zhao Yanzi ran out after him.

  “What are you doing?” Hao Ren turned his head and glared at her.

  “I’m going with you!” Zhao Yanzi looked determined as the rain wetted her clothes.

  Frowning, Hao Ren rushed back into the house and pulled a jacket from the closet behind the door. After throwing the jacket over her shoulders, he dashed to the garage again.

  Zhao Yanzi froze for a moment before kicking off her slippers and running toward the garage with her bare feet.

  “What’s happening, Grandma?” Xie Yujia’s voice came from the house.

  “Yujia, please stay home with Grandma!” Hao Ren shouted after empowering his voice with his nature essence before driving the red Ferrari out of the garage.

  Afraid that the West Ocean Dragon Clan schemed to split them, he asked Xie Yujia to stay and guard the house.

  While the car dashed out of the neighborhood, Hao Ren released Little White from his necklace.

  On its white neck hung a dazzling golden bell, and Hao Ren used it to send a message to Lu Linlin and Lu Lili, asking them to come and guard the villa.

  Since Zhen Congming lived in the house, he must have placed some powerful array formations around it. However, since he was now with Hao Zhonghua and couldn’t manage the array formations himself, the power of the array formations was limited.


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