Dragon King's Son-In-Law

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Dragon King's Son-In-Law Page 212

by Dragon King

  “I’m fine, Grandma.” Hao Ren walked over quickly and supported Grandma.

  Grandma was excited and didn’t notice that Hao Ren’s clothes weren’t the same clothes he wore earlier. Seeing that Hao Ren was unharmed, she kept patting her chest and tried to relax.

  Little White kept on going around Hao Ren’s heels. It had an intimate relationship with Hao Ren and was undoubtedly worried about Hao Ren’s safety.

  Zhen Congming, who returned to the house with Hao Zhonghua and Yue Yang, held a cup of hot tea and looked at the reunion of Hao Ren’s family quietly.

  If Hao Ren didn’t unleash a power that was beyond his control, Zhen Congming would have revealed his demon beast form under rage.

  “Come on, nothing happened to your mom and me. Why did you come and look for us? Not to mention you also brought Zi out; it’s very dangerous to drive in the rain,” Hao Zhonghua saw that Hao Ren returned and said in a condemning tone.

  Two hours ago, the rescue team found the white Ford that was stuck in the highway. When they found out that the Hao Zhonghua couple were the people trapped there, they immediately raised the alert by ten times and guarded them back to the house by the ocean.

  Hao Zhonghua and Yue Yang were the real ‘national treasures’. How could the East Ocean City afford it if they had an accident in the city?

  Seeing Hao Zhonghua’s angry expression, Hao Ren didn’t answer and smiled casually.

  “What kind of attitude is that?” Hao Zhonghua got even angrier.

  “Alright, Ren was worried about you two. Now that Zi is back safely and Ren is also back, let’s forget about what happened.” Grandma didn’t want Hao Zhonghua to scold Hao Ren and stood in the middle to stop him.

  “Humph,” Hao Zhonghua snorted in discontent, took out his cell phone, and dialed out someone’s number.

  “Hello, Commissioner Liu, it’s fine, it’s fine; my son is back. Sorry to bother you so late.”

  “Good, good, good; I’m glad everything’s fine,” a middle-aged man’s polite voice came from the other side of the phone.

  Hao Zhonghua returned home, found out that Hao Ren hadn’t been back for a few hours, and called the East Ocean City’s Police Commissioner.

  The Police Commissioner was already sleeping. When he heard that Hao Zhonghua and Yue Yang’s son was lost in the night, he got scared and began to sweat. After the emergency call was made, the entire police service at East Ocean was mobilized.

  If Hao Zhonghua didn’t call this police commissioner back in time, this man would have ordered two helicopters to look for Hao Ren.

  Hao Zhonghua never liked to ask people for favors. If Hao Ren weren’t missing, Hao Zhonghua wouldn’t have dialed the Police Commissioner’s number so late at night.

  Because of Hao Zhonghua’s phone call, almost all the police officers in the city were summoned. However, Hao Ren returned to the house now as if nothing had happened; why wouldn’t Hao Zhonghua be angry about this?

  “Uncle, Hao Ren was worried about the two of you and drove out to find you guys. There was a rainstorm in late night; It is normal that he got lost by accident,” Xie Yujia walked up and tried to persuade him.

  Her voice was soft and gentle, and it instantly decreased Hao Zhonghua’s anger by half.

  “Don’t worry. Ren, don’t be so careless in the future,” Yue Yang added.

  In reality, Yue Yang was touched by the fact Hao Ren disregarded his own safety and came out to find them in the rainstorm at night. Hao Ren seemed to act indifferent toward them, but this incident allowed Yue Yang to see Hao Ren’s love toward them.

  “We’re going on a trip tomorrow. Since everyone’s fine, let’s rest up early,” Grandma tried to smooth over the atmosphere as she waved her hand and said.

  “Yeah, let’s go to bed early…” Yue Yang added when he looked up and saw that it was already midnight.

  “There’s one more thing I didn’t say earlier,” Hao Zhonghua interrupted Yue Yang and said with an especially serious expression, “Yue Yang, I really saw dragons when we were stuck on the highway.”

  Hao Ren couldn’t help but twitch when he heard Hao Zhonghua’s words.

  “Zhonghua… How come you also believe in this?” Yue Yang felt slightly helpless. “How could there be creatures such as dragons?”

  “It’s true! I saw it with my own eyes!” Hao Zhonghua insisted.

  Hao Zhonghua’s worry was now gone, and his anger was vented when Hao Ren returned to the house. Therefore, the topic was changed to his extremely shocking discovery.

  “Dragons indeed exist.” Grandma held up her teacup. “When I was young and working in the field…”

  Grandma was about to tell her story again.

  Yue Yang’s expression looked very helpless. She had heard Grandma tell this story numerous times after she got married to Hao Zhonghua. Both of her ears almost had calluses from hearing it.

  Yet, how could she believe these tales from the elder? How could mythological creatures really exist?

  Hao Zhonghua and her never believed these groundless tales before. Yet, after this rainy night, Hao Zhonghua said that he saw dragons with his own eyes. This made Yue Yang feel even more helpless.

  “Yes, I saw them today. There were a few black dragons and one white dragon,” Hao Zhonghua answered Grandma.

  “You are probably seeing things. You must be too tired from overseeing the research institute. Take a break on the trip tomorrow,” Yue Yang rubbed Hao Zhonghua’s temples and felt sorry for him.

  Hao Zhonghua couldn’t persuade Yue Yang and could only turn to Zhao Yanzi and Xie Yujia.

  “Did you guys see dragons earlier?” he asked.

  Zhao Yanzi and Xie Yujia looked at each other and then looked at Hao Zhonghua as they shook their heads.

  Hao Zhonghua sighed and asked them again, “Then, do you believe in the existence of dragons in this world?”

  Zhao Yanzi and Xie Yujia looked at each other and then looked at Hao Zhonghua as they shook their heads again.

  “Uh…” Hao Zhonghua was at a loss for words and turned to Hao Ren. “Ren, you were just outside as well. Did you see the dragons in the clouds?”

  “Eh… no,” Hao Ren hesitated for a few seconds and replied.

  Hao Zhonghua stood in the living room stiffly and felt like he was isolated. He was a top-tier biologist in the world. Yet, at this moment, he seemed to represent ignorance, and other non-professionals appeared to represent the truth.

  “Zhonghua, don’t worry. I support you. There must be dragons,” Grandma stood beside Hao Zhonghua and said firmly.

  Hao Zhonghua turned around, looked at Grandma, and sighed.

  Out of everybody here, Grandma’s opinion was the most powerless one.

  “Since you guys didn’t believe this, I’m going to create a new research topic next week on dragons’ existence,” Hao Zhonghua stood up straight and announced.

  “Don’t be silly, Zhonghua. Dragons are a type of emblem. It originated from ancient people’s awe of water snakes. The so-called ‘mounting the clouds and riding the mist’ is not in accordance with scientific principles,” Yue Yang said and tried to persuade.

  “You guys don’t believe in this, but I do. I will find real dragons someday,” Hao Zhonghua said firmly with confidence.

  Yue Yang sighed deeply. She couldn’t express support and couldn’t voice opposition either.

  With Hao Zhonghua’s status in the scientific community, creating such a research topic would arouse many discussions, and many suspicions and ridicules would follow.

  Hao Ren, who stood in front of Hao Zhonghua, sighed secretly.

  “Dad is about to set up an enormous research fund to find the proof of a dragon, but he doesn’t know that a living one is standing right in front of him,” he thought.

  “I support you, Zhonghua!” As everyone in the living room was silent, Grandma suddenly said in a passionate tone.

  This was the first time that Grandma supported Hao Zhonghua’s scientif
ic research. She thought Hao Zhonghua’s research topics from before were too complicated and too distant, such as genes and cells; she never understood any of them. Yet, the topic of ‘finding dragons’ was more real and close in her mind.

  “Fine, using this topic to attract national even worldwide attention and bring up the relevant researches of marine organisms sounds like a good plan.” Yue Yang gave in. “It’s getting late; let’s sleep. We’re going on a trip tomorrow.”

  Zhao Yanzi and Xie Yujia looked at each other without saying anything.

  However, Hao Ren felt slightly flustered. With Hao Zhonghua’s reputation in the scientific community, could he actually discover the dragon cultivators by utilizing high tech?

  “Let’s sleep, Little White,” Zhen Congming whistled at Little White, and Little White jumped up and followed Zhen Congming into his bedroom.


  At this moment, the surface of the ocean that was a few thousand kilometers away from the house suddenly exploded.

  The warfare between the East Ocean Dragon Clan and West Ocean Dragon Clan officially began!

  371 I’m not the Greatest Hero

  Zhen Congming stopped right before entering the room and looked out the window.

  Little White stuck its head up as well, hyper-focused.

  With their demon beasts’ instincts, they noticed that the intense battle under the ocean had begun in the distance.

  Splash…splash…splash… Sea waved rapidly smashed onto the rocks on the beach, creating loud noises.

  “How can there be so many tides at this time of the day…” Yue Yang was extremely sensitive to the sound of the waves due to her profession, and she frowned at this observation.

  Splash… Splash… Two even more intense waves smashed onto the beach outside the house.

  Yue Yang checked the time and realized it was already midnight. She quickly took out her phone and dialed a number.

  “Hello, I’m Yue Yang. Is this the Ocean Environment Center? Is there any particular change in the statistics you gathered in the East Ocean?”

  “Ms. Yue, the statistics today are fairly regular,” people answered on the other side of the phone.

  “How about now? Look at the graph of the past hour,” Yue Yang continued.

  “The statistics on tides haven’t been changing much… Wait a minute… There is a giant vortex about 100 kilometers away from the East Ocean City,” the observers in the station said hastily.

  Shoo… As soon as they answered, another storm suddenly broke the quietness of the night.

  Countless fishes and shrimps were falling alongside the heavy raindrops!

  It wasn’t raining! The seawater just got thrown into the sky!

  This was the sign of an upcoming tornado!

  The war between the East Ocean Dragon Clan and the West Ocean Dragon Clan underneath the sea generated enough energy to form a tornado above the sea!

  Streaks of visible white energy were shooting out above the ocean in an

  A single one of them could turn half of the East Ocean City into a wasteland!

  Boom! Boom!

  Two tornados accidentally smashed into each other on the ocean surface and broke a hole in the clouds!

  “Announce an alert right away!” Yue Yang commanded calmly into the phone. She picked up a blanket from the couch and put it around Grandma. Then, she hastily walked her to the garage while holding her arm.

  She had been studying meteorological environment for over ten years and had never witnessed something as horrifying as this. According to her judgment, these tornados that suddenly appeared could reach the East Ocean City in half an hour!

  There was a basement connected to the garage, and it was an extra space offered to them when they purchased the beach house. It was useful for storing things, but it also became Yue Yang’s top choice to hide from the tornados.

  “Zhonghua, take Zi and Yujia and follow me!” Yue Yang turned to Hao Zhonghua as she walked Grandma to the garage.

  Hao Ren, as a Gen-level cultivator, deeply admired how calm Yue Yang was when such terrifying tornados were quickly getting closer to them.

  “Let’s go!” Zhao Zhonghua dragged Zhao Yanzi and Xie Yujia, who were already stupefied by the ‘fish rain’, and ran into the basement.

  “Ren, Bring over Congming!” Hao Zhonghua shouted at Hao Ren while he ran.

  Beep… Beep… The siren woke up the sleeping people as it went off through the entire city.

  Even though Hao Ren’s family lived far from downtown, they could still clearly hear the alarm.

  Yue Yang clearly knew about the unpredictable changes in the ocean climate. A tornado could form immediately and disappear quickly as well. These tornados might go away before they could even get onto land, but she had to get the people prepared.

  She was willing to take responsibility for alarming the entire city and turning it into a semi-chaos.


  Another two tornados smashed into each other, and tons of ocean water formed into a storm, pouring down rapidly from the high sky.

  Hao Ren knew that the East Ocean Dragon Palace was not far from the beach. The fierce storm on the ocean surface could be the beginning of the war between the East Ocean Dragon Clan and the West Ocean Dragon Clan.

  Although the war between the dragons was taking place deep in the ocean, it would definitely harm mortals on the land.

  That was why East Ocean tried its best to avoid head-on confrontations with West Ocean; Zhao Guang didn’t want to harm innocent people.

  However, under Zhao Haoran’s tough attitude, the war was inevitable.

  The battles between the elders of the two dragon clans underneath the ocean made the nature essence dash out of the sea and generated turbid airflows above the ocean.

  There were quite a few Qian-level and Kun-level masters on both side, and they could easily flip over mountains and oceans. Ten East Ocean City would have been destroyed if the war took place on land.

  “Little White, Congming, go in the garage!” Hao Ren pointed to the garage. He created a red energy shield with both hands and suddenly dashed into the sky.

  Su Han was recovering in the East Ocean Dragon Palace, so she probably wouldn’t be able to get out of there during this tangled warfare.

  On the other hand, Qin Shaoyang was just severely injured by Hao Ren, and even his dharma treasure was in Hao Ren’s hands. On top of that, he didn’t have enough of an emotional connection with the East Ocean City to fight for it…

  This meant that Hao Ren, the assisting inspector, was the only one who could protect the East Ocean City at the moment!

  Hao Ren had just leveled up to Gen-level and hadn’t stabilized his realm yet. However, he had to put up a line of defense to stop the wild tornados.

  Zhen Congming was good at setting up array formations, but he was too weak. He could only look up at Hao Ren who was in the red energy shield and flying toward the sky.

  There was a streak of pure nature essence in Hao Ren’s body, and even Zhen Congming couldn’t see through it. Zhen Congming assumed that this was precisely the nature essence that helped Hao Ren achieve Gen-level all of a sudden…

  He whipped his hair and dashed toward the garage, hoping that the rain wouldn’t drench him.

  Little White looked at the sky, worried. It ran a few steps toward the garage before it turned and transformed into its snow lion form. Then, it hopped into the sky.

  Although it hated the feeling of getting soaked by the rain, it didn’t want to let its owner go on his own.


  Little White carried Hao Ren!

  The flame under its paws spread all around it, and the fire soon covered Little White in no time!

  It was like a giant fireball hanging in the dark sky! However, this fireball was surrounded by the red energy shield and couldn’t be seen by ordinary people!

  Little White was high in spirits as it became a level 2 demon beast! Its four legs turned into a pure golden

  Hao Ren felt the warmth on Little White’s back. He looked down at Little White’s shiny eyes and the crazy fire around him. He immediately sensed Little White’s strong battle hungriness!

  The raindrops around them were instantly evaporated!

  Mortals couldn’t see this scene. Otherwise, it would have been so cool to be seen riding a snow lion who was covered in flames.

  Light Splitting Sword Shadow Scroll, Sword Array Formation!

  Hao Ren’s 320 sword energies spurred out of him on command.

  There was a loud noise coming out of the ocean, and the tides splashed up. There were millions of vertexes in the sea, and Hao Ren could imagine how intense the battle between the East and West Ocean Dragon Clans was underneath the water.

  Another streak of powerful nature essence spurred out of the ocean, and the strong energy broke through tons of water and generated a vacuum zone. The surrounding water poured into the bottomless pit, forming another giant vortex.

  In the meantime, the dashing nature essence twirled up the airflow and generated another tornado!

  The war underneath the ocean was at least ten times as intense as the tornados that were above the ocean!

  Shoo… A tornado splattered toward the direction of East Ocean City.

  “Two Dragons Array Formation!”

  Hao Ren flicked his fingers, and the 320 sword energies dashed toward the tornado.

  The tornado was a few thousand meters high and twirling at a speed of 800 mph. It was immediately chopped into pieces by Hao Ren’s sword energies as a cucumber was cut with a sharp knife.

  The tornado died down and blew toward the shore in the form of fierce wind, sending yellow sand into the air.

  Another two tornados twirled toward the south region of East Ocean City!

  Large amounts of rain and seawater splattered around the tornados!

  The 320 sword energies divided into two groups and dashed into the center of the tornados and formed two One-line Sword Array Formation to destroy them.

  The died down tornados threw a large number of fishes on to the roofs and streets in the south region of the city.

  There was a dozen of unsteady tornados on the ocean surface, which formed and disappeared randomly. They swiped around crazily, but none of them could get near East Ocean City!


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