Dragon King's Son-In-Law

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Dragon King's Son-In-Law Page 288

by Dragon King

  However, several generations of its sect masters didn’t attempt to make progress, which caused the decline in its power. Moreover, most of its masters died during the great war in the cultivation world that happened hundreds of years ago, and this sect wasn’t qualified to enter Sixth Heaven. As a result, it could only stay on Fifth Heaven as a first-tier sect.

  Slowly, it deteriorated into second-tier. All it did was to take advantage of third-tier and fourth-tier sects.

  Wu Yan was one of the most talented disciples in Qin Yin Sect. Before Kongtong Sect attacked them for the elixir pills, she just reached the Core Formation Realm by taking a foundation establishment pill given by the Herb King Valley.

  Foundation establishment pills were extremely effective for Qi Refinement Realm cultivators to reach Foundation Establishment Realm, and they were also useful for reaching the Core Formation Realm. Since Xie Yujia gave elixir pills to Qin Yin Sect, the number of Foundation Establishment Realm cultivators had increased a lot.

  Wu Yan became the second Core Formation Realm cultivator other than the sect master, which triggered Kongtong Sect’s greediness, resulting in them coming here to steal the cultivation resources.

  “Someone from your Qin Yin Sect got injured a while ago?” Hao Ren asked as they flew to the west.

  “Master, my senior sister, Ye Su, was hurt by a nearby sect when she went to the mountains to collect herbs for Master. Thanks to your elixir pill, she was able to keep her cultivation strength,” Wu Yan replied with great respect.

  “How was she during the attack from Kongtong Sect?” Hao Ren asked.

  “Master, the other person who got seriously injured alongside me was my senior sister,” Wu Yan said.

  “Em.” Hao Ren remained silent.

  The law of jungles applied to Fifth Heaven as well. Even female cultivators had to face the brutal competition.

  “Actually…” Wu Yan said after a few seconds of hesitation, “This was not the first time that we got injured. Sometimes, the injuries weren’t that serious, so we didn’t want to bother Master for help.”

  Hao Ren nodded and kept silent.

  Qin Yin Sect was the most earnest when collecting spiritual herbs for Ethereal Summit, which would obviously cause conflicts with other sects in the area.

  Xie Yujia didn’t like to argue or fight with others. Therefore, when she saw the disciples of Qin Yin Sect getting injured while collecting herbs, she would give them more elixir pills as compensation, and the idea of revenge never crossed her mind.

  As for Qin Yin Sect, the disciples never expected that the Nascent Soul Realm cultivator would seek justice for them. They were thankful already when they got elixir pills.

  Standing on the flying sword, Wu Yan looked at Hao Ren’s face and didn’t say anything.

  What she didn’t know was that even though Hao Ren looked calm and cool, he was mad deep inside. The cultivators of Qin Yin Sect were all females who never stirred up any conflicts. When they were collecting spiritual herbs, they were trying to find them in the wilderness.

  Therefore, it was unreasonable that other sects kept hurting them.

  Especially this time when Kongtong Sect came to Qin Yin Sect like robbers. They seriously hurt two disciples and killed six!

  If Qin Yin Sect didn’t try its best to defend and didn’t get help from Seven Star Sect and Qiong Hua Sect, their losses would be even worse.

  489 Destroy Kongtong!

  Hao Ren could probably figure out what Kongtong Sect was thinking… These days, Hao Ren and Xie Yujia were busy preparing for their exams and went sightseeing on Coral Island afterward. They hadn’t been to Ethereal Summit for many days, which convinced Kongtong Sect that the Nascent ancestor wasn’t in the Herb King valley.

  Kongtong Sect also believed that a small fourth-tier sect would be an easy target, and they bet that Qin Yin Sect didn’t dare to trouble that Nascent Soul Realm cultivator.

  After all, the Nascent Soul Realm cultivators usually ignored the little sects, and Kongtong Sect believed that this cultivator was the same.

  To them, they felt like this cultivator giving Qin Yin Sect some elixir pill was like a rich man giving a beggar a coin. If another beggar took that coin later on, the rich man wouldn’t be bothered to do anything.

  However, they were wrong.

  Hao Ren wasn’t a Nascent Soul Realm cultivator, and he wasn’t ignorant.

  Soon, a sect that occupied thousands of acres of land appeared before Hao Ren and Wu Yan.

  “Kongtong Sect is right there,” Wu Yan said as she pointed ahead.

  Even though Kongtong Sect had fallen, it still had a bright history and thus was able to get this large stretch of land.

  However, it was nothing in Hao Ren’s eyes since he had seen big sects on Six Heaven as well as the huge East Ocean Dragon Clan.


  Hao Ren sped up and instantly passed through Kongtong Sect’s gate. At the same time, the longsword on his back flashed, chopping the gate into halves.


  The longsword shined again, destroying the grand protective array formation of this sect.

  He wanted to avenge for Qin Yin Sect, but he also didn’t want to reveal his Light Splitting Sword Shadow Scroll. Therefore, he picked up a good sword and used his nature essence through it. It was still very powerful.

  “Good techniques!” More than a dozen Core Formation Realm cultivators, who were elders, appeared over the place and shot their dharma treasures toward Hao Ren.


  Hao Ren’s longsword buzzed, and a sharp sword energy appeared. It knocked away the first dharma treasure that was flying toward Hao Ren and also injured this elder.

  Then, the sword shined even more and dashed forward. The accumulated rage exploded along the sword energy.

  The sword energy turned into arrows and hit two of the elders so hard that they flew away while puking up blood.

  Then, the sword energy extended hundreds of meters and hit the middle of a mountain. All the paths and side palaces were crushed into pieces.

  Standing on Hao Ren’s flying sword, Wu Yan looked at Hao Ren in shock. She didn’t know that he was so powerful.

  “He is the first disciple of the Nascent Soul Realm cultivator after all…” The more she thought about it, the more she felt how shallow she was.

  “Who are you?”

  These Core Formation Realm elders yelled loudly even though Hao Ren had severely beaten them.

  “Herb King Valley, Ethereal Summit.”

  Hao Ren stated five words, and the longsword in his hand drew out another streak of glorious light.

  The lotus pond in front of the main palace also got exploded into pieces.

  The disciples of Kongtong Sect started to run everywhere and had no intention of facing their enemy.

  The tip of Hao Ren’s sword emitted brights light. Shortly, a ball of lightning came out of the sword and blew a hole in the middle of Kongtong Sect’s main mountain.

  “Whoever injured the disciples of Qin Yin Sect, come out right now!” Hao Ren’s angry shout could be heard clearly anywhere in the territory of Kongtong Sect.

  All the Foundation Establishment Realm disciplines of Kongtong Sect hid in their cave abodes; no one had the guts to come out. As for the Qi Refinement Realm disciples, they rushed out of Kongtong Sect, and some of them even had packed their belongings.

  It was way more important for them to save their own lives when a powerful enemy appeared.

  “Come out, those who killed the disciples of Qin Yin Sect,” Hao Ren yelled again.

  Hao Ren was seriously raging this time.

  Although he didn’t have much of a relationship to the small sects nearby, they were still under his watch.

  The three small sects spread around Herb King Valley, and they supported each other even though life was hard for them.

  The reason Xie Yujia shared some of the elixir pills that she made with great efforts with them was to help them out.

bsp; However, Kongtong Sect acted surprisingly unreasonable as they didn’t only rob but also killed the Qin Yin Sect’s disciples.


  Hao Ren threw another sword energy and cut a two-meter-deep trail on the square practice field.

  If these people didn’t react, Hao Ren was going to demolish the entire Kongtong Sect.

  What Hao Ren had learned from cultivation was that tolerance would only make the enemies more arrogant.

  Those Core Formation Realm elders surrounded Hao Ren from a distance but were too terrified to make a move.

  They had never heard of Ethereal Summit, but they knew Herb King valley, the valley behind Qin Yin Sect where the rumored Nascent Soul Realm cultivator lived.

  “This young cultivator is incredibly mighty. He is probably a disciple sent by the Nascent Soul Realm cultivator to take care of the conflict. The Nascent Soul Realm cultivator has this young cultivator’s back, and that is probably why he doesn’t hesitate to demolish Kongtong Sect,” they thought.

  Kongtong Sect had a glorious past since it used to have many Nascent Soul Realm cultivators. However, they had fallen now. They didn’t even have one Nascent Soul Realm cultivator. The strongest cultivator they had was peak Core Formation Realm, which gave them no confidence to fight back.

  Wu Yan stared at Hao Ren gratefully. She could feel that he was mad.

  She thought that with the support from that Nascent Soul Realm cultivator, this young man would scold Kongtong Sect. However…

  Dressed in a golden robe, the sect master of Kongtong flew down from the back of the main mountain as he realized that the situation would get out of control.

  “Please calm down. We will take care of this.”

  Hao Ren didn’t respond to him at all.

  Instead, he looked back at Wu Yan and asked, “Point out the people who killed in Qin Yin Sect.”

  Wu Yan looked at those elders as she tightened her teeth and lifted her soft hand. “Him, him, him, and that guy.”

  She was ready to risk anything.

  On Fifth Heaven, small sects had to give in when big sects bullied them, and there was no way for revenge.

  If Hao Ren only gave simple warnings to Kongtong Sect during this trip, as soon as he moved out of Herb King Valley, Qin Yin Sect would be in big trouble.

  But… Wu Yan felt that this young cultivator was different. She was willing to trust him and bet Qin Yin Sect’s future on him. If anything bad happened to Qin Yin Sect, she would kill herself to apologize.

  Hao Ren looked at the four elders Wu Yan pointed at, and he slightly closed his eyes and brought out his longsword.

  The four elders were ready to use their killing techniques as well.

  They would fight until their deaths if Hao Ren were going to kill them.

  Four kinds of dharma treasure shot toward Hao Ren.

  However, Hao Ren’s long sword emitted four dashes of colorful light.

  Boom, boom, boom, boom.

  After four crisp sounds, the four dharma treasures were destroyed.

  Hao Ren’s longsword couldn’t take such strong nature essence and cracked immediately as well.

  The residual energy in the four sword energies hit the four elders on their bodies and went through their stomachs.

  Hao Ren was still using the Light Splitting Sword Shadow Scroll, but it was in a different form.

  He was at low-tier Gen-level, but the strength he exhibited was mid-tier to even top-tier Gen-level. How could the Core Formation Realm elders defeat Hao Ren when they weren’t that strong in the first place?

  The four elders fell to the ground one after another, and they realized that all their golden cores had been shattered. They would never have the chance to cultivate again.

  Based on their statues and realms, they would never get the chance to get rare spiritual herbs and elixir pills to restore their golden cores. They weren’t different from dead after losing their ability to cultivate.

  The face of the sect master of Kongtong paled. He was planning to say some nice words, make up some excuses, and return the stuff they took along with more treasures to get this over with.

  He was even willing for his sect to become a force under this Nascent Soul Realm cultivator.

  However, he didn’t expect Hao Ren to leave no negotiation room and directly end the four Core Formation Realm elders.

  Four Core Formation Realm elders… This meant that Hao Ren damage almost half of the strength of Kongtong Sect.

  Kongtong Sect would soon be downgraded to a third-tier sect. Moreover, with the considerable loss of its disciples and buildings, it wouldn’t take too long for Kongtong Sect to drop to a fourth-tier sect.

  The news would spread wildly on Fifth Heaven!

  “Qin Yin Sect, Seven Star sect, Qiong Hua sect. Whoever dares to bully these sects, I will… kill them without mercy!” After leaving his warning, Hao Ren threw away the rest of his sword, stepped on his flying sword, and flew toward the east.

  The broken sword he threw out stabbed into a stone plate beside the main palace, and it was so deep inside that only the handle could be seen.

  The rest of the Core Formation Realm elders stared at each other in dismay. Then, they looked at the mess around Kongtong Sect and started to make their own plans.

  “Take some of the treasures in the sect and leave this place…” a lot of them thought.

  They could still get elder positions in small sects based on their Core Formation Realm strength.

  Hao Ren’s flying sword left a streak of white light in the sky, and they returned to the entrance of Ethereal Summit shortly.

  The sect master of Qin Yin, Liu Yan, wasn’t at the entrance anymore, so Wu Yan got off the flying sword. It looked like she wanted to say something to Hao Ren, but she hesitated and didn’t do it.

  Honestly, Wu Yan was a pretty girl.

  Hao Ren knew what was on her mind, so he waved his hand and said, “You can go now; your sect master really cares about you. Have some good rest and try your best to assist her so that Qin Yin could get stronger.”

  “I will remember your words.” Wu Yan bowed to Hao Ren with her eyes full of admiration. Then, she turned around and left.

  She respected Hao Ren from the bottom of her heart since he was so determined and decisive, but she didn’t fall in love with him.

  She knew that she wasn’t good enough for this young man, and she didn’t want emotions to bother her future cultivation. Since this young cultivator didn’t need her as a cauldron, she would go back and concentrate on her cultivation.

  After watching her leave, Hao Ren sighed in relief and went back to the valley.

  There was no doubt that what Hao Ren did would help the situation of the three small sects near Ethereal Summit. He might not be able to change the culture on Fifth Heaven, but he could at least guarantee peace around Ethereal Summit.

  490 It’s OK to Sleep Together~

  Hao Ren and Little White left the valley and returned to First Heaven. Then, they returned to Brooklyn.

  Hao Ren entered the room through the window. Then, he put away the red energy sphere and messed up his bed. He had to pretend he had slept through the night.

  Very soon, Hao Zhonghua came knocking on the door.

  “Ren. Did you wake up yet?” Hao Zhonghua shouted.

  “Just woke up!” Hao Ren opened the door with a yawn.

  Hao Zhonghua looked over Hao Ren’s shoulders to see his bed. Then, he looked at Hao Ren’s expression and said, “Yujia’s mom made breakfast. Come down and eat.”

  “OK. I’ll go wash up.” Hao Ren walked toward the washroom on the second floor.

  “You didn’t sleep in your own room last night, right?” Hao Zhonghua questioned.

  “Huh?” Hao Ren was shocked and observed Hao Zhonghua carefully.

  “I wanted to have a father-son conversation with you last night, but you weren’t in your room,” Hao Zhonghua said.

  “Um…” Hao Ren didn’t know how to explain
this, and he thought whatever he says would make things worse.

  “You were in Yujia’s room, right?” Hao Zhonghua looked Hao Ren in the eyes and slowly asked.


  Just when Hao Ren uttered a word, he was interrupted by Hao Zhonghua. “There are only a few rooms in this house. If you weren’t in your own room, then you could only be in Yujia’s. I understand how impulsive you could be at this age, but I just don’t want you to let Yujia down.”

  Hao Zhonghua’s words were calm, and he looked at Hao Ren seriously.

  Hao Ren looked at his dad and didn’t know what to say. According to standard logic, there was no way that he could have jumped down from the second-floor window. Also, he didn’t have the keys to this house, so there was no way he could have sneaked back in. The only possibility left was that he stayed in Xie Yujia’s room.

  Hao Zhonghua already had Hao Ren at Hao Ren’s age, so he ‘understood’ Hao Ren.

  “Men need to be responsible.” Hao Zhonghua patted Hao Ren on the shoulder and walked toward the staircase.

  “Uh….” Hao Ren watched his dad leave and hesitated for a few seconds.

  After some thought, he had realized that his dad’s words were not complete nonsense.

  After washing up, Hao Ren went down to the first-floor kitchen to eat the homemade breakfast made by Xie Yujia’s mom. That was when Yujia came down from the second floor.

  She was wearing white slippers, a pair of short jeans, and a simple white shirt. She looked like a liberal American girl but still had the gentle softness of an eastern lady.

  “Hehe. Yujia, why did you sleep that late,” Hao Zhonghua greeted Xie Yujia enthusiastically as he took sips of his milk.

  He knew the ‘things’ that ‘bad boy’ Hao Ren did, so he was very nice and intimate toward Xie Yujia.

  “I was chatting with my mom last night. That’s why I slept late,” Xie Yujia responded with a smile.

  Her smile was sweet and warm.

  “With your mom…” Hao Zhonghua was confused, so he quickly asked again, “Where did your dad sleep?”


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