Dragon King's Son-In-Law

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Dragon King's Son-In-Law Page 300

by Dragon King

  “Level 4 detox pill…” The elders standing beside the Second Duke of North Ocean exclaimed.

  Level 4 elixir pills were precious, and detox pills were even rarer.

  With its limited usage and the complicated making process, the level 4 detox pills were extremely rare while the elixirs such as the Foundation Establishment Pills and Essence Replenishment Pills were quite common.

  “I owe a big one to East Ocean!” the Second Duke cupped his hands and said.

  “Our water-elemental dragon clans are a big family. There’s no need to thank us,” Premier Xia answered with a smile.

  The Second Duke looked at Hao Ren on the River-Mountain Qian-Kun Painting and found this Fuma and Great General of East Ocean dashing, just like what the rumors said.

  The Second Duke didn’t believe the rumor that the Fuma of East Ocean demonstrated great strength during the general exams at Dragon God Shrine. However, after seeing how Hao Ren forced back the level 8 demon beast with his own eyes, the Second Duke was struck with many complicated feelings.

  He had thought that East Ocean, with Zhao Kuo, was enough to overshadow the others and didn’t expect that the Fuma of East Ocean would be so powerful as well.

  Glancing at the Second Duke’s mount, Hao Ren found that the magnificent-looking black panther hadn’t even reached level 1! It was far inferior to Little White.

  No wonder when the Second Duke fought the level 8 demon beast, his black panther didn’t attack with him. It was because the black panther didn’t dare to get close to a level 8 demon beast.

  Hao Ren flew the River-Mountain Qian-Kun Painting back to the camping spot of the East Ocean soldiers.

  After defeating the demon beasts, the soldiers of the East Ocean Dragon Clan received the order to rest where they were, but they still kept the defense array formation so that they could fight at any moment.

  From this perspective, East Ocean’s troops were more disciplined than those from South Ocean and North Ocean.

  Seeing Hao Ren coming back, Liu Yi immediately reported the casualties. Among the 50,000 soldiers, only about 100 died, but they lost thousands of demon horses.

  The 500,000 soldiers Hao Ren summoned were the main force of East Ocean’s military, and they defended the outer range of East Ocean’s territory. Tough and experienced, they had been engaged in constant battles with demon beasts all year round and had a deep understanding of the fierceness of the demon beasts.

  Before they came here, they thought that there would be massive casualties. But to their surprise, under the leadership of the Commanding General and the Herald General, they had gained a complete victory. Silently, the soldiers all admired the Herald General for his miraculous military maneuvers and the Commanding General for his unrivaled courage.

  The troops of the four ocean dragon clans organized themselves and marched toward the West Ocean Dragon Palace.

  Now that East Ocean, South Ocean, and North Ocean had helped with the defeat the demon beasts, West Ocean didn’t dare to dissuade them.

  Having recovered from his injury, the Third Prince of South Ocean sat on his jade chariot and waved his fan, looking confident.

  The Second Duke of North Ocean rode the black panther with his machete bound on the back of his black silk robe, looking strong.

  Hao Ren also led his 50,000 black-armored soldiers toward the West Ocean Dragon Palace.

  The current West Ocean Dragon Palace lost all its previous glory with collapsed buildings and walls everywhere.

  After being burned down by Zhen Congming, attacked by Lu Linlin and Lu Lili, defeated pathetically by the East Ocean Dragon Clan in the war it started, and attacked by the demon beasts without warning, the West Ocean Dragon Palace had no resources nor energy to restore itself into its former magnificence.

  Seeing the dilapidated palace, the Third Prince of South Ocean and the Second Duke of North Ocean frowned slightly. They knew that the West Ocean Dragon Clan lost pathetically both in business on land and in the battle under the sea after they messed with the East Ocean Dragon Clan, but neither of them had imagined such a pitiful sight.

  The irony was that the East Ocean Dragon Clan which had stepped on the head of the West Ocean Dragon Clan now had its soldiers enter the latter’s ocean area without care together with the soldiers of the South Ocean Dragon Clan and the North Ocean Dragon Clan!

  “Well… I almost can’t recognize it.” Zhao Yanzi looked around in disbelief.

  It had been a long time since she last came to the West Ocean Dragon Palace, but in her impression, the West Ocean Dragon Palace was no less impressive than the East Ocean Dragon Palace, Besides, the West Ocean Dragon Palace had a back mountain and thus was more significant than the East Ocean Dragon Palace.

  But now, the walls of the West Ocean Dragon Palace collapsed, and the buildings inside were on the verge of falling as well. Some guards ran around in alarm when they saw the troops coming near.

  Being accompanied by dozens of guards and more than ten elders, Zeng Yitao in his robe came to the main gate to welcome the troops.

  Pale-faced and shivering with fear, he lost all his previous arrogance.

  The so-called main gate of the dragon palace only had two big pillars left, and the plaque with the words, West Ocean Dragon Palace, was nowhere to be seen.

  Zeng Yitao looked like a king who had lost his kingdom and was coming out to surrender.

  At the sight of this, Zhao Yanzi felt pity for him but also despised him even more.

  “Zi! Zi!” Seeing Zhao Yanzi, Zeng Yitao seemed to have found his savior. He rushed up without caring for his status as the prince as he shouted, “Help me! Help me!”

  Seeing him rushing up, Zhao Yanzi immediately took several steps back.

  However, Zeng Yitao didn’t give up. He reached out to catch Zhao Yanzi’s arm and continued, “Zi, take me to East Ocean! Take me to East Ocean!”

  “What are you doing?” Zhao Yanzi stepped behind Hao Ren in a hurry.

  Without Zeng Xin spoiling him, Zeng Yitao became groundless and worthless. Sensing the danger around him, he tried to find some support from Zhao Yanzi, who had some connections with him after all.

  He once had an ok relationship with Zhao Yanzi until Zeng Xin ruined it by wanting Zhao Yanzi to marry into West Ocean.

  Zeng Yitao tried to find some help through Zhao Yanzi, but she ignored him and clung to Hao Ren.

  “Crown Prince! Crown Prince!”

  Seeing Zeng Yitao acting so shamelessly before the commanding generals of the other three ocean dragon clans, Premier Lu of West Ocean hurried over to stop him.

  Like a frightened bird, Zeng Yitao suddenly turned to Hao Ren. “Help me! Take me out of the West Ocean Dragon Palace!”

  Hao Ren looked at him quietly and remained silent.

  He still remembered the scene when Zeng Yitao ordered Black Wolf to catch Xie Yujia and also couldn’t forget that the West Ocean Dragon Clan sent its elders to launch a sneak attack on Grandma and others.

  He remembered all these and didn’t think that Zeng Yitao had forgotten them as well.

  A sword energy rose suddenly, and the intense chilliness it released stopped Zeng Yitao.

  “Humph!” With a dark face, Liu Yi dashed forward from Hao Ren’s side.

  Startled by Liu Yi’s fierce look, Zeng Yitao immediately retreated four to five steps.

  “In the past thousands of years, the four ocean dragon clans have been allies, and we should help West Ocean when it’s in need,” the Second Duke of North Ocean said suddenly.

  “You’re right. The Demon Sea holds a grudge against the West Ocean Dragon Clan and will come back to attack again. South Ocean offers to station 300,000 soldiers around the West Ocean Dragon Palace to help guard the palace,” the Third Prince of South Ocean said immediately.

  “North Ocean will send five senior elders here to help the West Ocean Dragon Palace rebuild the palace,” the Second Duke of North Ocean said earnestly.

  His tone didn’t lea
ve any space for discussion or opinions of the West Ocean Dragon Clan.

  Among the four ocean dragon clans, the East Ocean Dragon Clan took first place due to Zhao Haoran’s efforts. Then, the West Ocean Dragon Clan took the second spot with its overall strength of its elders.

  Now that the West Ocean Dragon Clan’s strength was substantially damaged, the South Ocean Dragon Clan and the North Ocean Dragon Clan wanted to take the opportunity to surpass it.

  “Since South Ocean and North Ocean will take the responsibility of rebuilding the West Ocean Dragon Palace, East Ocean Dragon Clan will guard the sea area between the West Ocean Dragon Palace and the Demon Sea,” Hao Ren said calmly.

  The Third Prince of South Ocean and the Second Duke of North Ocean exchanged a look. With his casual words, Hao Ren had put the vast sea area from the boundary of the Demon Sea to the center of the West Ocean Dragon Clan under the control of East Ocean with the good excuse of guarding against the demon beasts.

  “The East Ocean Dragon Clan has a bigger appetite than us! Do you think we only brought small troops with us?” the Third Prince of South Ocean and the Second Duke of North Ocean thought.

  Boom! Boom… The nearby ocean waves suddenly surged up.

  “Wu Rang, the Zhenguo General of the South Ocean Dragon Clan, arriving with 250,000 troops to aid West Ocean!”

  Boom! Boom… Almost at the same time, rough ocean waves surged up again.

  “Liu Qingshan, the Huya General of the North Ocean Dragon Clan, arriving with 250,000 troops to aid West Ocean!”

  The Third Prince of South Ocean and the Second Duke of North Ocean smiled light-heartedly.

  509 Meeting Hao Ren’s Friends!

  From afar, the troops of South Ocean and North Ocean stood in formations with fluttering flags. It was a magnificent sight.

  Looking from the main gate of the West Ocean Dragon Palace, the soldiers standing in dense formations looked like chess pieces, and one couldn’t see the end of them.

  After a series of losses, the West Ocean Dragon Clan was defenseless. With each of them bringing nearly 300,000 soldiers here, South Ocean and North Ocean were, in fact, trying to take control of the West Ocean Dragon Clan.

  Although Ho Ren defeated the level 8 demon beast and obtained two favors by saving the Commanding Generals of South Ocean and North Ocean with detox pills, that wasn’t enough for the other two oceans to yield to him when he only had 50,000 soldiers here.

  East Ocean Dragon Palace was the farthest from the West Ocean Dragon Palace since the Demon Sea separated them. Even if the East Ocean Dragon Clan sent out troops at this moment, they would arrive too late since South Ocean and North Ocean would have finished occupying the areas by then.

  According to the plans of the Third Prince of South Ocean and the Second Duke of North Ocean, once they controlled the West Ocean Dragon Palace, they would obtain all the territories of the West Ocean Dragon Clan.

  The Crown Prince of West Ocean was too weak to resist South Ocean and North Ocean.

  Although the overall military force of the West Ocean Dragon Clan was once great, most of their elite troops had died in the war with the East Ocean Dragon Clan, including several powerful elders of Qian-level and Kun-level. Right now, the West Ocean Dragon Clan was too weak to do anything.

  “As close neighbors of the West Ocean Dragon Clan, I think South Ocean and North Ocean can handle the aid of the West Ocean Dragon Clan.” After some consideration, the Second Duke of North Ocean said to Hao Ren.

  Hao Ren smiled lightly and remained silent.

  Guang! Guang… Huge waves crashed from the ocean surface to the bottom.

  “Left General - Chen Rong, Right General - Lu Yuanshou, Central General - Hu Chunyi from the East Ocean Dragon Clan have arrived with 4500,000 soldiers to aid West Ocean!”


  Close to half a million soldiers shouted in unison.

  The magnificent sound waves created huge ocean waves.

  The Third Prince of South Ocean and the Second Duke of North Ocean, who had been confident a moment ago, looked at each other knew that they were out-calculated.

  The East Ocean Dragon Clan had sent 500,000 soldiers!

  The South Ocean Dragon Clan and the North Ocean Dragon Clan only dared to send 300,000 soldiers each, but the East Ocean Dragon Clan sent 500,000 soldiers!

  From their formations and auras, they knew that these 500,000 soldiers of East Ocean were the elites!

  They looked at Hao Ren in bafflement, surprised that this young commanding general of East Ocean would be so bold as to occupy the territory of the West Ocean Dragon Clan by force while South Ocean and North Ocean had to hide their intentions with the excuse of helping West Ocean to fight the demon beasts.

  “I think it’s settled then. With East Ocean’s 500,000 elite soldiers, the area from the Demon Sea to the West Ocean Dragon Palace will be as safe as it can be, and the West Ocean Dragon Palace can begin its rebuilding without any worries.” Hao Ren said as he glanced at Premier Xia, Elder Sun, and Elder Lu beside him. “Can you three stay here and talk about the details while Zi and I head back?”

  Premier Xia, Elder Lu, and Elder Sun bowed with cupped hands and said, “Farewell, Commanding General!”

  “Liu Yi, you stay here for the time being and take the responsibility of guarding the surrounding areas of the West Ocean Dragon Palace.” Hao Ren glanced at Liu Yi and said lightly.

  “Yes, Commanding General!” Liu Yi answered in a resonant voice.

  Hao Ren’s intention was evident by leaving an elite troop around the West Ocean Dragon Palace.

  South Ocean and North Ocean silently lamented the sharpness of East Ocean. Faced with 500,000 elite soldiers, they didn’t have the strength to object.

  The West Ocean Dragon Palace had been shaken to such a pathetic state after messing with the East Ocean Dragon Clan, and they didn’t want to follow that path.

  “Zi! Zi!”

  Standing dazed at the gate, Zeng Yitao yelled again immediately.

  Not even looking at him, Zhao Yanzi took Hao Ren’s hand and stepped onto the River-Mountain Qian-Kun Painting with Hao Ren. Then, they flew out of the ocean.

  She never liked Zeng Yitao who had been an arrogant brat. More importantly, her grandpa, Zhao Haoran, died after the fierce battle when West Ocean invaded East Ocean, and Zhao Yanzi was lenient toward him by not beating him viciously.

  The River-Mountain Qian-Kun Painting rushed out of West Ocean and bypassed the Demon Sea by flying above South Ocean. With level 8 demon beasts at the edges of the Demon Sea and countless demon kings, big and small, lurking in the center, Hao Ren couldn’t take the risk with Zhao Yanzi by his side.

  While they took the route above the South Ocean Dragon Clan’s ocean area, they were stopped and questioned. After Hao Ren showed his identity, South Ocean didn’t block them.

  It took Hao Ren and Zhao Yanzi a lot of time because they went in a big circle. When they returned to Purple Bamboo Island, it was already nighttime.

  Seeing the return of the River-Mountain Qian-Kun Painting, Zhao Hongyu and Zhao Guang immediately came out.

  “How did it go?” Seeing only Hao Ren and Zhao Yanzi on the River-Mountain Qian-Kun Painting, Zhao Guang asked.

  “The demon beasts were defeated. Four generals and the 500,000 soldiers are stationed in West Ocean while the two Elders and the Premier are discussing the details in the West Ocean Dragon Palace.”

  “Ok…” Zhao Guang nodded. The picture was clear to him; with the decline of West Ocean, East Ocean couldn’t let South Ocean and North Ocean take all the benefits. By sending 500,000 elite soldiers without hesitation, Hao Ren helped East Ocean gain the upper hand at the very beginning since the number of soldiers they had at West Ocean were South Ocean and North Ocean combined.

  If the East Ocean Dragon Clan had hesitated due to their conflicts with West Ocean, all the benefits would have been divided between South Ocean and North Ocean, which meant that East Ocean wouldn’t have any
say on the important issues.

  Thinking back on Hao Ren’s decisions, Zhao Guang felt like he was a bit similar to Zhao Haoran.

  “Uncle, Auntie, I’ll borrow the River-Mountain Qian-Kun Painting for something else,” Hao Ren said while Zhao Guang was in deep thought.

  “Where are you going?” Zhao Yanzi asked immediately.

  “I’m going to watch a basketball game, and I’m running late,” Hao Ren said.

  “Take me with you!” Zhao Yanzi said quickly.

  “Why do you have to follow me everywhere?” Hao Ren looked at her, complaining.

  “I’m not following you. I just want to watch the basketball game!” Zhao Yanzi retorted.

  Seeing them bickering, Zhao Hongyu snickered and waved at them gently. “Go ahead!”

  “We’re off then!” Hao Ren ran into the palace and changed back into his regular clothes before stepping back onto the River-Mountain Qian-Kun Painting.

  Whoosh! They shot toward the north swiftly.

  Hurriedly, Zhao Yanzi grabbed Hao Ren’s arm, startled at the fast speed.

  As a primitive treasure taken from the Nine Dragon Palace, the River-Mountain Qian-Kun Painting was very fast when it was activated.

  After using the River-Mountain Qian-Kun Painting for some time, Hao Ren was now experienced with it. He had tried with each of the five-elemental nature essences, and the speeds were the same.

  However, now that he injected hundun energy, a combination of all five types of nature essences, into the River-Mountain Qian-Kun Painting, the speed increased by ten times abruptly.

  After all, the treasures from the Nine Dragon Palace was the most powerful when chaotic energy powered them. Zhao Yanzi rode on her mom’s River-Mountain Qian-Kun Painting often, but she had never experienced such an insane speed!

  Standing behind Hao Ren, she wrapped her arms around Hao Ren’s waist with her whole body leaning against his back, knowing it would be a disaster if she fell from this height at such great speed.

  The River-Mountain Qian-Kun Painting entered the land area and flew toward the big city swiftly.

  “Slow down! Slow down!” Zhao Yanzi grabbed Hao Ren’s waist tightly with both hands and yelled.


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