Dragon King's Son-In-Law

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Dragon King's Son-In-Law Page 343

by Dragon King

  It was very crowded in the front of the room, and some students even brought small stools!

  Zhao Jiayi’s face was wounded, and he sat in the last row by the window. When they came over, the classroom was already full. However, Zhao Jiayi’s status had a bit of use as some guys who weren’t enrolled in the class gave them their seats.

  Hao Ren brought Xie Yujia and the Lu sisters with him as they walked past the crowd and toward the back of the classroom. This was supposed to be a regular course, but it became very popular since Su Han taught it.

  Ring, ring, ring, ring… The bell sounded.

  Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap!

  Su Han walked into the classroom from the hallway, and she was wearing a pair of thick heel sandals.

  “Wow…” Some students couldn’t get into the classroom and had to stand outside, and they immediately gasped upon seeing her.

  She was wearing a white T-shirt that had two pockets, a pair of jeans, a pair of pink slippers. She even had a white cap on!

  It was a super cute look!

  “Wow…” The students in the classroom couldn’t help but scream as well.

  “The students who aren’t enrolled in my class, please leave right now.” Su Han’s voice was cold, and the chilliness destroyed these students’ fantasy about her.

  Su Han’s eyes had a slight coldness to them, and her pink skin was as clear as jades. Every move of hers gave out a sense of cold haughtiness, but her casual outfit made her look like a beautiful girl on the streets.

  This type of contrast made the guys even crazier about her.

  The students who liked comparing turned around to look at the Lu sisters and Xie Yujia who were sitting by Hao Ren. Then, they looked back at Su Han who was at the front and tried to see who was the prettiest.

  However, Su Han’s charm was unique; it was ethereal and cold. She wasn’t someone they could compare with.

  When Su Han saw how noisy and red-faced the students were, she took off her cap, lightly swayed her head to smooth her hair, and said with the enrollment list open, “I’m going to take attendance now. Whoever’s not on the list, please leave.”

  Even such small movements triggered the male students; she was as enchanting as the woman in the shampoo commercial on TV!

  “Liu Ziyang, Guo Tao, Sun Liwen…”

  Su Han read the names in order.

  All the students who got their names called all stood up. Although Su Han’s voice was ice-cold, it was still music to their ears. This was probably their only opportunity to hear Su Han call out their names.

  As long as it was Su Han’s class, almost no one would skip it. However, Su Han didn’t pick on students to answer questions, so it was practically impossible for Su Han to call their names again.

  “Zhou Liren.” Su Han started to call the names of the students in the Mechatronic Engineering Program. Since the names on the list were in the order of student numbers, Hao Ren and the others were almost right together.

  “Here, here, here!” Zhou Liren responded feverishly.

  It was the third time he heard Su Han call his name. He had taken Su Han’s classes for four semesters, but he was late for the first class and missed attendance.

  Su Han didn’t look at Zhou Liren but focused on the list and continued with the attendance.

  “Hao Ren!”

  “Here!” Hao Ren responded calmly.

  Su Han suddenly looked at Hao Ren who was sitting in the last row and said, “I heard you got into a fight again.”

  “Ah,” Hao Ren hesitated for half a second and made a sound.

  Su Han looked at Hao Ren helplessly and asked, “Did you get hurt?”

  575 After Su Han? 1.3 for 1 Chapter

  Crank! Crank! Crank!

  Suddenly, all the students turned around to look at Hao Ren who was sitting in the last row, and they were as stiff as robots.

  Su Han looked indifferent, but she sounded like she cared a little bit!

  Seeing everyone looking at him, Hao Ren scratched his head awkwardly and responded, “I’m fine.”

  “Don’t get into fights again. If you have any problems, come and find me. Be good at school,” Su Han said and continued to take attendance. “Zhao Jiayi, Yu Rong…”

  Zhao Jiayi and Yu Rong were called, but they were so shocked that they almost didn’t realize it.

  Hao Ren was a bit embarrassed and thought, “What does she mean by be good at school…”

  The other male students who had a crush on Su Han were all going weak. Su Han usually didn’t even talk to other students, but it sounded like she was flirting with Hao Ren!

  Su Han ignored all the male students’ reactions and continued to take attendance. She finally got to the last one. “Xu Ke.”

  “Here!” a crisp and resonate voice sounded in the classroom.

  Hao Ren followed the voice and saw the metal-elemental dragon, Xu Ke, sitting in the last row but by the hallway.

  Su Han looked up at that corner as she closed the enrollment list.

  “If I didn’t call you, please leave the classroom,” she said.

  She sounded authoritative. Although the students still wanted to see Su Han, they felt the enormous pressure. Students started to get up and leave, and the ones who weren’t supposed to be here left one after another.

  “Xu Ke, I see that you’re a first-year student. This course requires calculus and university-level physics as prerequisites, so you probably won’t understand the class. You can still drop courses during the first week of school, so drop this course when you have time,” Su Han said as she looked at Xu Ke.

  She gave out a sharp sense of haughtiness, and this aura made it hard for others to approach her.

  “It’s ok, Instructor. I was the group leader of the extracurricular physics club at my high school, and I also competed in high school robotics competitions for three years and got first place consecutively. I’m pretty familiar with sensors,” Xu Ke responded.

  He chose this course on his own, and none of his classmates were taking it with him. Therefore, he sat at the corner near the back door alone.

  This frustrated Su Han a little. She knew Xu Ke’s identity and could sense that Xu Ke chose this course to observe Su Han.

  Su Han was a dual metal-elemental and water-elemental cultivator, so she had the bloodline of metal-elemental dragons. Although Xu Ke was a full metal-elemental dragon, Su Han was an inspector.

  She was too lazy to keep a very close watch on him, but the latter came to investigate her.

  She suddenly felt like Hao Ren didn’t beat Xu Ke enough last night.

  “Instead, Hao Ren should have beaten up this annoying metal-elemental brat so bad that he couldn’t pick a fight again,” she thought.

  “OK. Since there is no problem, let us begin the class!” Su Han said as she lightly bit her lip and turned around to start the projector.

  Many students were a bit excited since it was their first time successfully enrolling in Su Han’s class. Each of Su Han’s movements was very beautiful and elegant in their eyes.

  There was a ten-minute short break in between the two classes. In the past, Su Han would go to the staff lounge by the staircase to take a break. However, she stayed today.

  She twisted open the cap of a bottle of water and stood by the window. As she drank the water, she looked outside to see the sceneries of the school.

  “Wow. She’s gorgeous,” Zhou Liren couldn’t help but gasp as he looked at Su Han.

  “Senior, please help me when you can!” Xu Ke walked in front of Hao Ren and said to him with a soft smile.

  Xu Ke’s smile looked very bright. When he was smiling, it seemed like his eyes were squinted.

  “Em.” Hao Ren snorted and didn’t continue the conversation with him.

  “Big brothers. I’m Xu Ke, a first-year student. Nice meeting you!” He turned to Zhao Jiayi and the other guys who were standing near Hao Ren and said politely.

  Zhao Jiayi and the others didn’t know who
he was, so they just gave him a simple response.

  “Hehe… thanks, Seniors!” Xu Ke lightly bowed and ran back to his seat.

  Yu Rong asked Hao Ren who was in front of them, “Who is that kid?”

  “First-year kid; you don’t need to bother with him.” Hao Ren clenched his teeth and glared at Xu Ke.

  Xu Ke looked very humble and gentle, so no one knew when he was going to attack.

  Xie Yujia also looked at Xu Ke and felt like he was up to no good when he came over to talk to Hao Ren. Lu Linlin and Lu Lili were strong, but Xu Ke had moved around freely even when the Lu sisters were watching. This meant that he wasn’t a simple person.

  Ring, ring, ring… The bell sounded again.

  Su Han went back to the podium while holding her bottle of water.

  “Let’s adjust the seating first.” Su Han looked at the students in the classroom and said, “Hao Ren, Xie Yujia, Lu Linlin, and Lu Lili, come sit in the front row.”

  All the students who had taken her class before, including Zhou Liren and the others, were shocked.

  Su Han’s class never had seating plans before; it was usually first come first serve, so the people who came late had to sit in the back. It was such an unusual thing for her to adjust the seats.

  Hao Ren and the three girls who had been called by Su Han stood up and walked to the front of the class.

  “Zhao Jiayi, Yu Rong, Zhou Liren, Gu Jiadong, sit in the second row,” Su Han continued.

  Zhou Liren and the others who were confused a moment ago instantly became very excited. Now, they could sit in the second row for sure and look at Su Han from up close every week.

  “The business students sit on the left side of the first row…”

  “The law students sit on the right side of the first row.”

  The students shuffled their seats in order.

  “Oh. Xu Ke, you don’t need to move. Just sit there,” Su Han said calmly as she held the enrollment list.

  After Su Han’s adjustment, the rows from the first to the second last were all full, and no seats were left empty.

  This tight-knit seating arrangement made the last row of this classroom look very empty; only Xu Ke was sitting in the corner spot by the back entrance.

  “Sit like this from now on for this class. You don’t need to fight for spots anymore,” Su Han said.

  Then, she turned on the projector again and lectured, “We were talking about the types of sensors just now. Now, let’s talk about…”

  Xu Ke sat alone in the back row; all the seats on his right were empty. It gave out the feeling that he was purposely isolated, and this seating arrangement forced him to keep a distance from Su Han and Hao Ren.

  Xu Ke could no longer keep calm after Su Han made such an obvious arrangement. He glared at Su Han who was in the front of the classroom and held his fist tight. His gritted his teeth so hard that it made a series of sounds.

  Su Han pretended that she didn’t see how discontent Xu Ke was and continued to lecture at a composed speed.

  Ring, ring, ring, ring… The bell sounded again, indicating that the class was over. Su Han had just finished her last slide in time, and she put on her white cap and picked up her files before walking out of the classroom quickly.

  Hao Ren put his textbooks in his bag and turned around, discovering that Xu Ke had already left. The latter probably left from the back door.

  Xu Ke took advantage of his identity as a first-year student and pretended to be naïve, but Su Han used her position as the instructor and isolated him. She also gave Xu Ke a few hard slaps in the face while she was at it.

  “Are you out yet?” When Hao Ren just walked out of the classroom, he received Zhao Yanzi’s call.

  “Class is over?” Hao Ren asked her.

  “I’ve been waiting for you for half an hour already! I’m outside Green Hill Cafeteria!” Zhao Yanzi shouted.

  “Coming, coming!” Hao Ren exclaimed as he ran toward Green Hill Cafeteria.

  Hao Ren knew that Zhao Yanzi would come and find him. Since LingZhao Middle School’s lunch break was half an hour earlier than East Ocean University’s, they would get off school half an hour earlier on Friday as well.

  Xie Yujia was standing on the field outside the academic building and was unlocking her bicycle lock. When she saw Hao Ren running off, she was a bit disappointed.

  Since LingZhao Middle School moved next to East Ocean University, Zhao Yanzi had almost contacted Hao Ren every day. She felt a little bitter.

  Suddenly, the Lu sisters appeared by her side and said, “Big Zhumu, let’s go eat shaved ice!”

  Xie Yujia smiled helplessly and replied, “OK. Let’s go.”

  At this moment, Hao Ren had arrived at Green Hill Cafeteria after running like the brisk wind.

  Zhao Yanzi was tiptoeing and reading the announcement board at Green Hill Cafeteria.

  She was wearing her light blue uniform of LingZhao Middle School, and the words on the tag on her shirt had changed from ‘Grade Eight Class Two, Zhao Yanzi’ to ‘Grade Nine Class Two, Zhao Yanzi.’

  Overall, the female uniform of LingZhao Middle School was pretty. Especially when Zhao Yanzi wore the middle school uniform with a pair of white socks and sneakers, she looked very fresh and full of youth.

  “Hey!” Hao Ren called out.

  Zhao Yanzi turned around and looked at Hao Ren. However, she still stood by the announcement board. She had pigtails, and her two pink hairclips were in the shape of kittens.

  Due to the hot weather, sweat was dripping off her nose, making her look especially cute.

  Hao Ren walked over, and Zhao Yanzi pouted and said, “I’ve already waited for you for over half an hour!”

  “I didn’t tell you to wait for me,” Hao Ren said.

  “My mom told me to get you for dinner.” Zhao Yanzi turned around and looked at Hao Ren before turning to the announcement board. “Oh… probation!”

  Hao Ren followed her eyes and read the announcement inside the glass announcement window.

  On the announcement board, such an announcement was posted: [This notice is to announce that the school has decided to give Hao Ren, a third-year student of the Mechatronic Engineering Program, a probation since he got into a fight outside the school and got into a fight with other students in Clear Stream Cafeteria.]

  Besides this announcement was the school’s punishment announcement for the soccer team. They also received the same probation punishment.

  “Two wins in a row, both inside and outside the school. You’ve got a bright history!” Zhao Yanzi touched Hao Ren’s arm as she gloated.

  “Wasn’t it all for you?” Hao Ren looked at her.

  “I’m not connected to the other fight, ok?” Zhao Yanzi immediately cleared her connection to the second fight.

  She looked up, and two of her canine teeth showed, making her look adorable.

  Hao Ren reached out to squeeze her nose. Then, he looked at the announcement board and felt a bit helpless since it was the first time that he had ever received punishment from the school. Also, probation was a severe punishment, only less severe than being expelled from the school.

  Zhao Yanzi held onto Hao Ren’s hand and took it off from her nose.

  “I’ll go talk to Elder Lu so that he can remove this punishment! How come he didn’t take care of it for you?” Zhao Yanzi said.

  “It’s ok! It’s ok!” Hao Ren quickly held onto her arm. He didn’t expect Zhao Yanzi to care this much even though she still gloated.

  As they talked in front of the announcement board, it was only natural that they attracted other’s attention, especially since Zhao Yanzi was wearing a middle school uniform and was very energetic and pretty.

  Hao Ren could sense that many people were looking over, and he looked at the punishment on the announcement board again and blushed. Getting the probation was already something to be ashamed of. If people knew that he was dating a middle school girl, he didn’t know how things would turn out.

  “I’m going to the West Ocean Dragon Palace. Do you want to come?” Hao Ren asked as he dragged her away from the announcement board.

  Zhao Yanzi only had two classes on Friday, so she could leave a long time ago; even students who were living in dorms could go home on the weekend. On the other hand, Hao Ren had three classes on Friday, two in the morning and one in the afternoon. That was why he got off later.

  “Sure!” Zhao Yanzi wanted to drag Hao Ren to go shopping with her, but it was fine not to go since the weather was so hot.

  After Hao Ren kissed her that time, she felt like her heart beat fast around Hao Ren. She came to find Hao Ren right after her classes were over; it was because she wanted to be with Hao Ren. When she was with him, she felt lovely inside.

  “Let’s go…” Hao Ren pulled her toward the gate to take a taxi.

  Only a few minutes after Hao Ren left the announcement board, Zhao Jiayi and the others came. When they saw the announcement, they were so shocked that their eyes almost popped out.

  “F*ck! Probation. What the hell!” Cao Ronghua and the others shouted.

  “I told you that there’s no way Hao Ren could get away this time. Didn’t you know that Hao Zhonghua saw their fight? Hao Zhonghua is even more important than the mayor. Think about this, if the mayor came to visit the school and saw students fighting, what would the school do?” Yu Rong said.

  Gu Jiadong and the others listened to Yu Rong’s explanation and nodded. Hao Zhonghua was almost as important as the Provincial Governor, and Hao Ren chose to fight at such a time.

  “In such circumstances, even if Hao Ren’s parents come to the school to beg for mercy, it wouldn’t be helpful!” they thought.

  “If Hao Zhonghua’s view of East Ocean University changed because of this, Ren would be in a worse position… Didn’t you see that Vice Principal Lu asked for Hao Zhonghua’s opinion? Hao Zhonghua is even more important than the Principal…” Yu Rong, the current Class President, told everyone his analysis as they walked toward Academic Building A.

  After these guys left, Huang Xujie came to the announcement board on a mountain bicycle. He snickered when he saw that Hao Ren receive probation as a punishment. Then, he kept riding his bike toward the main gate.


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