Dragon King's Son-In-Law

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Dragon King's Son-In-Law Page 360

by Dragon King

  As for the Nascent Soul Realm elders of Sky Mountain Sect, they wouldn’t come to Fifth Heaven usually since it might trigger commotion among the sects on Sixth Heaven.

  Although this Hongyuan Master was sneaky, he still didn’t dare to do anything to the Sky Mountain Sect cultivators.

  During critical times, this Hongyuan Master could still help Sky Mountain Sect, especially since there was this array formation which needed a Nascent Soul Realm cultivator to break.

  “The juniors of Sky Mountain Sect, you don’t have to worry. Since it’s a fair fight, none of you should retreat,” Hongyuan Master said after he flew close to the valley.

  When Hongyuan Master called them juniors, Mo Lianshan and the others were not happy. However, Hongyuan Master had helped them by blocking the retreating path for Hao Ren.

  Hongyuan Master then looked at Hao Ren and said, “I’m very kind and generous, so I won’t make it hard for you. Since fairness is important to me, I won’t let them bully you with their numbers advantage.”

  Mo Lianshan secretly cursed at Hongyuan Master again because such an arrangement would give Sky Mountain Sect more trouble and increase the casualty count. It would be much easier if they all went together to attack that Ethereal Summit cultivator directly.

  “Lingwu Master, what do you think of this arrangement?” Hongyuan Master used up his nature essence and shouted at the sky.

  “Humph!” Only a snort sounded from Sixth Heaven.

  Sky Mountain Sect was a large sect on Sixth Heaven. Now that they borrowed the power of Hongyuan Master to force the cultivator out from inside, they would lose face if they still bullied him by their numbers advantage.

  “Stop the nonsense. I’ll show him!” A green-robed cultivator who was riding on a level 3 snow lion charged out.

  This green-robed cultivator looked rather peculiar. He had a black goatee and held a brown bamboo flute in his hand, and he seemed more awe-inspiring than Mo Lianshan.

  The level 3 snow lion charged in front of Hao Ren, and the green-robed cultivator threw his bamboo flute out.

  The bamboo flute expanded as it flew in the air and changed immediately into a large bamboo.

  The Core Formation Realm cultivators of Sky Mountain Sect opened their eyes wide to see what power Hao Ren had. They had not been able to clearly see Hao Ren’s real abilities when the latter appeared on the golden boat at the peak of the valley.

  Now that Hao Ren showed himself again, they were able to see that he was around top-tier Core Formation Realm. However, he didn’t look like a top-tier Core Formation Realm cultivator.

  Usually, there wouldn’t be such a young top-tier Core Formation Realm cultivator. They knew that even those who had talent needed to cultivate until they were around 100 years old to reach this stage, and they could only look like they were in their mid-ages.


  Hao Ren’s 320 sword energies suddenly appeared and then disappeared.

  Hua, hua, hua, hua… Before that brown flute could even get close to Hao Ren, it had already been cut into 40 to 50 pieces!

  The sword energies suddenly appeared again, merged, and charged toward the level 3 snow lion.

  Bang! The level 3 snow lion was not a strong enough opponent against Hao Ren’s sword energies. The snow lion was knocked back 100 meters, and the skinny green-robed cultivator lost one of his most precious dharma treasures. Just when he was about to use other techniques, Hao Ren’s thin sword energies which had formed into a fist was already charging at his face!

  Ding! A green pearl suddenly appeared in front of Hao Ren’s sword energies, and all the sword energies slid off the surface of the pearl.

  “Junior. Be easy on others,” Hongyuan Master’s voice immediately sounded.

  At this dangerous moment, he saved the green-robed cultivator of Sky Mountain Sect.

  The green-robed cultivator who had just been saved by Hongyuan Master was so scared that he almost lost his soul. If Hongyuan Master had stopped Hao Ren one second later, his Yintang Acupoint would have exploded. Even if he didn’t die from the attack, all his cultivation strength would be gone.

  Hongyuan Master smiled; he showed off his power, got a favor, and watched a good show!

  Then, he looked at Hao Ren again and thought, “This kid is quite impressive. I hope that he can injure a few more Core Formation Realm cultivators, draining more strength of Sky Mountain Sect.”

  “Let me do it!” A red-robed cultivator who was holding onto a red longsword and riding a level 4 snow lion suddenly charged at Hao Ren.


  The red sword and red-robed made this cultivator look like a burning fireball that was on top of the white snow lion.

  Hao Ren looked at this opponent and shot out the 320 sword energies before suddenly flying back for 100 meters.

  The sword energies split into two groups, and they spun like two boomerangs.

  The red-robed cultivator let out flames that covered a large surface by using his unique skill!

  However, those flames were not able to burn Hao Ren as the latter’s sword energies had hit them from two sides.

  Hao Ren was riding on Little White’s back and had not moved an inch!

  This strike hit both sides of the red-robed cultivator, and he fell from the sky.

  “Junior Brother Liu…” Mo Lianshan rode his snow lion and rushed toward the valley to catch the red-robed cultivator who was half dead.

  The snow lion that this red-robed cultivator was riding on was also knocked away by hundreds of meters!

  In a blink of an eye, Hao Ren had damaged two Core Formation Realm cultivators of Sky Mountain Sect. Even if elixir pills of Sky Mountain Sect were used, these two would still be severely injured!

  “This Core Formation Realm cultivator of Ethereal Summit didn’t even do much!” the Sky Mountain Sect cultivators were secretly scared. There were quite a few Core Formation Realm cultivators in Sky Mountain Sect, but not many of them were this strong!

  Although there was a difference in strength between those who were at low-tier and top-tier of Core Formation Realm, there were still other factors such as techniques, snow lions, and dharma treasures that may change the power level. That was why a top-tier Core Formation Realm cultivator might not win against a low-tier Core Formation Realm cultivator.

  Unless the Nascent Soul Realm and the Core Formation Realm were compared; the difference was much greater!

  Hao Ren almost instantaneously beat two Core Formation Realm cultivators, and he looked very composed as if he were a Nascent Soul Realm cultivator!

  “Come at me as a group of five!” Hao Ren said after a period of silence.

  This sentence thoroughly agitated the cultivators of Sky Mountain Sect.

  Mo Lianshan put the red-robed cultivator on the hill and rode his level 4 snow lion as he raised his black sword.

  Four cultivators who were closest to Mo Lianshan also raised their dharma treasures.

  Immediately, five cultivators and five snow lions surrounded Hao Ren in five directions.

  Hao Ren felt that he was going to improve his realm from mid-tier Gen-level to top-tier Gen-level. However, he didn’t breakthrough after training. This time, he found a bunch of people to practice with him!

  “Little White!” Hao Ren shouted.

  “Roar!” Little White raised its neck and roared.

  The top-tier Core Formation Realm was close Gen-level, and mid-tier and low-tier Core Formation Realm were equivalent to Zhen-level.

  It was rather easy to fight Zhen-level cultivators when Hao Ren was at Gen-level. Hao Ren could even fight Dui-level cultivators with his Light Splitting Sword Shadow Scroll, so he was not a bit scared when he had to face five Core Formation Realm cultivators!

  “Let’s see if I can break through to top-tier Gen-level!” Hao Ren raised his right hand, and the sword energies formed a straight line.

  One-line Snake Array Formation! This array formation charged toward Mo Lianshan.

; Mo Lianshan rushed to use his black sword to defend himself, but these sword energies slipped through his waist and hit his storage bag!

  The Sky-Turning Stamp and other objects in the storage bag all fell out.

  Hao Ren reached out his right hand, and the golden Sky-Turning Stamp flew back into Hao Ren’s palm!

  “How dare you!” Mo Lianshan’s eyes opened wide.

  Hongyuan Master squinted his eyes, pretending that he didn’t see anything. This Sky-Turning Stamp was indeed a good dharma treasure, but it still wouldn’t belong to him if he took it. This was none of his business!

  600 Fight, Breakthrough…

  Hao Ren had intentionally lost the Sky-Turning Stamp to Hongyuan Master and now had successfully retrieved it. Everything was done according to plan.

  Through this, Hao Ren had successfully alienated the two sides.

  To Fifth Heaven cultivators who lacked resources, especially Nascent Soul Realm cultivator, such a good dharma treasure was very much desired. That was why Hongyuan Master felt discontent when he had to give it back.

  “Create a formation!” Mo Lianshan saw that Hao Ren took back the Sky-Turning Stamp; he was angry but also scared that the Grand Uncle-Master of Sky Mountain Sect would blame him for losing the dharma treasure. Therefore, he ordered the other Sky Mountain Sect cultivators to surround Hao Ren immediately.

  The Foundation Establishment Realm cultivators of Sky Mountain Sect mainly focused on practicing defensive array formations, but the Core Formation Realm cultivators were adept at offensive array formations.

  There were many strong cultivators on Sixth Heaven. Therefore, the Core Formation Realm cultivators would need to work together to kill the enemy.

  These four cultivators who dashed forward with Mo Lianshan were all disciples of the First Elder of Sky Mountain Sect and were like close brothers with Mo Lianshan. They had practiced this Chained Five Stars Array Formation countless times and had even successfully killed tens of top-tier Core Formation Realm cultivators with it.

  Regardless of how many people Hao Ren called out, they would have relevant array formations to attack!

  The Sky Mountain Sect’s largest array formation was made of 250 Core Formation Realm cultivators and was called Nine Sky Star-Breaking Array Formation. This array formation could even kill any cultivator below mid-tier Nascent Soul Realm!

  All five cultivators were using swords right now!

  Hao Ren put back the Sky-Turning Stamp. In front of such an array formation, he would instead use his familiar Light Splitting Sword Shadow Scroll.

  The 320 Sword energies spun around him counter-clockwise, and they looked like crowds of fishes that were swimming in the sea.

  “Attack!” Mo Lianshan commanded.

  Hao Ren had already seriously injured two Sky Mountain Sect cultivators. They could already use this as a reason to kill Hao Ren.

  Five sharp swords pierced toward five different spots on Hao Ren’s body.

  These swords were not controlled by hands but rather nature essence! Sword-Controlling Technique!

  “Release!” Hao Ren’s sword energies split into five groups, and each group aimed for one of the five swords.

  Out of the five Core Formation Realm cultivators, Mo Lianshan and one other were at top-tier Core Formation Realm while the other three were mid-tier Core Formation Realm cultivators. Three of them were wood-elemental-attribute while the other two were fire-elemental-attribute.

  Hao Ren fought against the five on his own. The sword energies that he shot out were targeting their elemental attributes.

  Hao Ren could counter them effectively.

  Buzz… The tips of the swords clashed and let out an ear-piercing noise. Suddenly, the ten swords were in a deadlocked situation in the middle of the air.

  The Foundation Establishment Realm cultivators all watched in shock.

  Mo Lianshan was also like an uncle-master to them, but the alliance of five couldn’t even defeat one young Core Formation Realm cultivator.


  Hao Ren sent out waves of nature essences and forced the five swords back simultaneously!

  Hongyuan Master who was floating nearby was also shocked by this sight.

  “The Herb King Master’s direct disciple is already this strong,” he thought as he calculated whether he should go against Ethereal Summit.

  According to rumors, this direct disciple destroyed Kongtong Sect easily. Hongyuan Master didn’t believe it before, but now that he saw Hao Ren fighting against five disciples of Sky Mountain Sect, he thought that the rumor was real now.

  Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!”

  The sword energies randomly flashed!

  Mo Lianshan and the other four Core Formation Realm cultivators stood in their respective spots, controlling the swords.

  Hao Ren controlled five swords but was equal to them in power; he was able to split his spiritual senses amongst five objects!

  Those Foundation Establishment Realm cultivators and even those Core Formation Realm cultivators all watched in shock.

  If a Nascent Soul Realm cultivator ran into a situation where Core Formation Realm cultivators surrounded him, he would use his full power to kill the Core Formation Realm cultivators one by one. It was difficult for a low-tier Nascent Soul Realm cultivator to fight against five Core Formation Realm cultivators at the same time.

  Hao Ren focused on maximizing the power of his Light Splitting Sword Shadow Scroll, and Little White who was carrying Hao Ren was quite busy!

  It had to face five snow lions together!

  Those level 3 and 4 snow lions were able to spit out fireballs. Hao Ren had no problem facing five cultivators at the time, but Little White was quite tired facing five!

  It had to shift its body continuously to dodge the fireballs, and the fireballs that were close had to be put out by its claws.

  Those Sky Mountain Sect cultivators were once again shocked.

  A level 3 snow lion could face five snow lions which were on the same level or higher level than it!

  This cultivator was indeed very incredible, and even his spirit beast was very unbelievable!

  In reality, Little White had golden fur covering its legs, and it also had a set of dharma treasures in its claws that could help it fly faster and defense it during emergencies.

  Pa! Pa! Pa!

  A series of loud, crisp noises sounded in Hao Ren’s body.

  He had already unlocked 186 openings through cultivation but unlocked three more right now.

  “Attack!” Mo Lianshan opened his eyes wide and shouted.

  The five cultivators’ attacks intensified; they had completely given up on defending and were now focused on attacking Hao Ren!

  The five snow lions had stopped attacking Little White and were all shooting fireballs at Hao Ren!

  The cultivators and their mounts split, changing their formation into five humans and five beasts and attacking Hao Ren from ten directions!

  Hua! Hao Ren’s sword energies all split.

  One turned into two!

  The 320 sword energies turned into 640 sword energies!

  Inside Hao Ren’s dragon core, two more openings were unlocked! If the openings were forcefully unlocked before, then this time, Hao Ren had patiently cultivated and created small holes; he just had to wait for the right timing to unlock them in full!

  With each new opening, his nature essence accumulation would increase by a bit!

  The surrounding nature essence all rushed toward Hao Ren. When Hongyuan Master saw this, the look on his face changed.

  “The nature essences are suddenly gathering around him… It couldn’t be… that this kid is charging at the Nascent Soul Realm?” he thought.

  Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa!

  There were four more new openings.

  He had reached 195 openings!

  Top-tier Gen-level!

  From Zhen-level to Gen-level and from Gen-level to Dui-level, one’s body would change drastically. However, if it were just inc
reases of tier within a level, then there would be no tribulation.

  Within 50 kilometers of Ethereal Summit, clouds gathered, and the wind blew heavily.

  Hongyuan Master watched his surroundings closely so that he could leave at any time. From the look of the situation, the Herb King Master might be coming back!


  The 640 sword energies doubled to 1280 sword energies all of a sudden!

  Thousands of sword energies appeared; this wasn’t a number that those Foundation Establishment or Core Formation Realm cultivators had imagined before!

  What was the feeling of seeing thousands of dense sword energies suddenly appearing in the sky?

  If they were to fall, not a single Foundation Establishment Realm cultivator would be able to escape!

  Hongyuan Master who was about to stop Hao Ren didn’t say a word. He felt that each of those sword energies had the power of a low-tier Core Formation Realm cultivator!

  Even though he was a low-tier Nascent Soul Realm cultivator, he was no match for 1000 Core Formation Realm cultivators!

  Bang! Mo Lianshan and the other four cultivators were closely surrounding Hao Ren, and they had no time to react. Therefore, they were all knocked back, creating big holes in the cliffs!

  The 1280 sword energies then suddenly merged and became 640 sword energies. Then, they merged again and became 320 sword energies.

  With Hao Ren’s strength at Gen-level, he could only maintain 640 sword energies for only a few seconds. He was only able to let out those 1280 sword energies since he had reached a breakthrough, and his nature essence accumulation peaked. Therefore, he was able to get a taste of what mid-tier Dui-level felt like.

  Hongyuan Master’s legs softened due to fright. He had been through a lot to get to the Nascent Soul Realm and didn’t want to die here.

  If those thousands of sword energies had been aimed at him, he would be cut into pieces!

  “He had just reached a breakthrough and is currently weak. Hurry up and capture him!”

  High up in the sky, the voice of the Grand Uncle-Master of Sky Mountain Sect sounded once again.

  Through his voice, one could hear anger. His voice instantly woke up the 73 Core Formation Realm cultivators.


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