Dragon King's Son-In-Law

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Dragon King's Son-In-Law Page 368

by Dragon King

  With their unusual powers and special statuses, the Soul Formation Realm cultivators could be called Earthly Immortals who could travel on the land and in the heaven freely. However, the person who could cultivate in seclusion on Eighth Heaven was not an ordinary Soul Formation Realm cultivator.

  Godly Cloud Dao, the sect that occupied the entire Eighth Heaven, was extremely arrogant and would kill the cultivators of Seventh Heaven if they trespassed onto Eighth Heaven.

  Eighth Heaven kept to itself and didn’t have any dealings with any sects on Seventh Heaven. It was said that it had several Soul Formation Realm cultivators.

  Ordinary Soul Formation Realm cultivators could move around on Eighth Heaven, but it didn’t mean that they could take a cave abode on Eight Heaven and cultivate there.

  Therefore, the elders of Sky Mountain Sect knew that the Soul Formation Realm cultivator who was cultivating in seclusion on Eighth Heaven either belonged to God Cloud Dao or was powerful enough to rival with God Cloud Dao!

  “Master, shall we… send a letter to Seventh Heaven?” Duan Ye asked.

  Since Sky Mountain Sect excelled in making elixir and raising beasts, it was in good terms with a few sects on Seventh Heaven. Duan Yao’s Big Dipper Constellation Scroll had been acquired from a Seven Heaven sect through trading.

  There were altogether seven sects on Seventh Heaven, and three of them had relationships with Sky Mountain Sect which provided them elixirs regularly in exchange for their protection.

  There had been only four Nascent Soul Realm cultivators at Sky Mountain Sect. However, due to the fast development of the sect, five more Nascent Soul Realm cultivators appeared in the last 50 years, making the number of Nascent Soul Realm cultivators reach nine, far surpassing the other sects on Sixth Heaven.

  About 200 hundred years ago, one sect was kicked to Sixth Heaven from Seventh Heaven, so the ambitious Sky Mountain Sect had been hoping to elevate to Seventh Heaven.

  However, this battle turned all their efforts into nothing.

  “Forget it!” Lingwu Master waved his hand.

  “This…” Duan Ye looked at Lingwu Master in bafflement.

  With Soul Formation Realm cultivators in the sects, the Seventh Heaven sects would help Sky Mountain Sect due to the good relationship between them.

  Duan Ye knew their enemies had a Soul Formation Realm cultivator at their back, but Sky Mountain Sect wasn’t without its connections!

  At least the two parties could settle this matter with the appearances of their respective Soul Formation Realm cultivators, and Sky Mountain Sect could be able to recover some of its losses!

  However, Duan Ye didn’t know that the Soul Formation Realm cultivator who helped Ethereal Summit lived on Eighth Heaven.

  After sensing that the Soul Formation Realm cultivator had attacked from Eighth Heaven, Lingwu Master immediately knew that Sky Mountain Sect had no chance of winning.

  “That’s settled.” Lingwu Master’s eyes flashed. “Yao, you are grounded for half a month wearing Ice Fire Shackle!”

  Duan Yao widened her eyes while her mom sighed and led her out of the secret chamber.

  Ice Fire Shackle was a special dharma treasure which brought extreme cold and heat alternatively to the person who wore it. It was impossible to resist with nature essence for cultivators under the Nascent Soul Realm.

  It was the harshest punishment except for destroying the cultivation physique. The cultivator with the Ice Fire Shackle on couldn’t eat and would start dying after ten days. In the 15 days of punishment, Duan Yao would die if her mom didn’t sneak elixir pills to her.

  “As to Ethereal Summit…” Lingwu Master thought for a moment and said, “Pay them 30,000 spirit stones, 6,000 spiritual herbs, 20 level 3 snow lions, 600 blood condensation pills and… Ten mid-tier dharma treasures as our apology.”

  “This…” Duan Ye widened his eyes, just like Duan Yao.

  After losing hundreds of Core Formation Realm cultivators, the temporary reduction of realms for eight elders and Lingwu Master, the shattering of the Sky-Turning Stamp, and the destruction of their sect, they were going to… apologize to their enemies!

  The supreme spiritual treasures were indeed powerful, but the Soul Formation Realm cultivators on Seventh Heaven must also have them!

  Duan Ye was surprised that Lingwu Master, who had been an aggressive man, would come up with such a solution!

  Lingwu Master waved his hand tiredly and said, “If they are still not satisfied, we’ll increase the compensation.”

  “This…” Duan Ye was so stunned that he didn’t know what to say.

  Duan Ye had come up with his ideas according to Lingwu Master’s personality. However, the aggressive Lingwu Master, who had gone through all kinds of great conflicts and killed several Nascent Soul Realm cultivators, now backed off!

  “Eight nephew-disciples, you must hurry up and break the lock. If the guys such as Lieyang recover their cultivation strengths before you do, our Sky Mountain Sect will really drop to Fifth Heaven,” Lingwu Master said with an ashen face.

  612 Breaking the Note with Five Elements


  Sitting opposite to each other, Lu Linlin and Lu Lili exhaled deeply.

  After two hours, they finally dissolved the essence-locking note in their bodies.

  They had had a brief fight with Qingfeng Hermit, but their combined force was no match for the latter.

  This time, Qingfeng Hermit locked more than dozens of Nascent Soul Realm cultivators’ strengths from two heavens away, which showed that her power was probably unrivaled.

  The Lu sisters were now at the Core Formation Realm which was equivalent Zhen-level, but they would return to their peak after some cultivation.

  “Hehe… Your skin is so smooth, Sister!”

  “Your waist is getting slimmer each day!”

  They smiled at each other cheerfully and stood up before flying out of the cave abode hand in hand. They went to the entrance of Hao Ren’s cave to check on him.

  Hao Ren’s cave abode was quiet, and colorful lights would flash occasional, showing that Hao Ren was still cultivating.

  Wondering about Hao Ren’s situation, they lingered at the entrance, looking into the cave with concern.

  Shua! Shua! Shua!

  Three hundun sword energy flew out of the cave abode while Hao Ren came out stepping on two sword energies.

  One must break before building!

  After the exhaustion of his nature essence, Hao Ren had used the small cloud rain array in his cave abode for lightning cultivation, complete cleansing his meridians.

  At some risks, he had unlocked another five openings and gained a slight improvement in his realm!

  “Gongzi!” When Hao Ren came out, Lu sisters went up to him immediately.

  Seeing that they had recovered their vibrant and pink complexions, Hao Ren smiled with relief, knowing they had dissolved the notes. “How are Yujia and others doing?”

  “We haven’t checked on them yet!” Lu Linlin answered.

  Hao Ren was their priority. Also, according to their observation, Xie Yujia and Zhao Yanzi had only suffered from physical injuries; there weren’t any several internal injuries.

  “I’m afraid Gongzi must dissolve Sister Su’s note,” Lu Lili said.

  “Oh?” Hao Ren looked at them in bafflement.

  He thought that the note from Eighth Heaven had a time restriction just like Xie Yujia’s and would disappear after a while. However, Lu Lili seemed to mean that it needed a special way to dissolve it.

  “Gongzi, you’ll know when you see it.” Lu Linlin went up and took up his arm.

  With a smile, Lu Lili took up the other arm.

  Hao Ren was dragged into Xie Yujia’s cave abode by them.

  Xie Yujia and Zhao Yanzi had changed into clean clothes, and their wounds had all healed.

  Sitting on the stone bed, Su Han was cultivating with all her force. Sweat dampened her silk white blouse, showing the shape of her
undergarments beneath.

  “Hao Ren…” Seeing Hao Ren, Xie Yujia called out in a low voice.

  “How is it?” Hao Ren asked.

  “Can’t dissolve it temporarily.” Xie Yujia shook her head and said.

  Walking to Su Han’s side, Hao Ren saw that she was trying to fight the note in her body with tightly shut eyes.

  Having spent four hours on it, Su Han still couldn’t dissolve the note.

  With their injuries healed, Xie Yujia and Zhao Yanzi had stayed with Su Han in the cave abode while she cultivated with all her force.

  “How to dissolve it?” Hao Ren turned to ask Lu sisters.

  He knew Su Han’s personality and her passion for cultivation. If she couldn’t recover her previous realm, she would collapse.

  If anyone could help her recover her realm, she would do anything for that person.

  “It’s simple. Gongzi, you need to guide the five-elemental nature essence and merge with Sister Su’s mind. Then, the note will be dissolved. I did it with my sister,” Lu Linlin answered.

  “Merge in mind… How can Su Han and I merge minds? Can you two do it?” Hao Ren asked them.

  “Our cultivation method is different from the dragon cultivators’ and will probably achieve the opposite result if we force it, making the lock tighter than before,” Lu Lili answered cautiously.

  “Don’t waste time! Do it!” Su Han yelled with her eyes closed.

  “We’ll go out, so we won’t disturb your cultivation.” Xie Yujia pulled Zhao Yanzi with her, walking toward the entrance.

  She felt weird to leave Hao Ren and Su Han alone in the cave. However, she felt guilty since Su Han was injured by Old Grandma when she tried to rescue them.

  Zhao Yanzi looked back at Hao Ren and Su Han while she walked to the entrance, feeling heavy in heart.

  “Place your palms and knees against hers. You need to push out the note from the Shenting Acupoint,” Lu Linlin reminded Hao Ren before pulling Lu Lili out and putting up any array formation at the entrance.

  Seeing them going out and forming an array formation at the cave entrance, Hao Ren felt nervous.

  “Excuse me.”

  Hao Ren sat down cross-legged, facing Su Han.

  “Ok…” Su Han answered in a low voice.

  With his knees pressing against hers, Hao Ren shot out the sword energies using Light Splitting Sword Shadow Scroll from his knees.

  After she dropped to the Core Formation Realm, Su Han’s realm was the same as Hao Ren’s. With her eyes closed, she sensed Hao Ren’s nature essence with her greatest efforts.

  Watching Su Han at such close range, Hao Ren could clearly see the exquisite curves beneath her sweat-dampened silk blouse and her beautiful face.

  Putting away his distracted thoughts, Hao Ren picked up Su Han’s soft hands and clasped her fingers with his.

  Su Han’s teeth bit on her lips lightly before getting serious again.

  Ten weak sword energies shot out from Hao Ren’s ten fingers into Su Han’s smooth wrists before her meridians accepted them.

  Su Han’s meridians were slim and clean like transparent pipes, which was the result of her purifying process while she cultivated to Qian-level.

  Hao Ren’s sword energies traveled through Su Han’s meridians which covered her body as if he was feeling each inch of her skin.

  Sword energies contained Hao Ren’s spiritual senses which were like his eyes.

  Su Han raised her shoulders slightly with some alert and discomfort, feeling as if she was going through a machine, and her body beneath her clothes was visible to the outside

  “Don’t let your sword energies run around randomly,” Su Han reminded him.

  Although cultivators were supposed not to mind these things, Hao Ren was after all a male.

  Hao Ren didn’t want to explore Su Han’s curves on purpose, but Su Han’s cultivation technique was different from his own, and so were the routes of some fine meridians.

  Like a small array formation, the essence-locking note entered the meridians and spread to all the corners, locking some meridians and blocking the movements of nature essence, and thus reducing her realm.

  Sensing Hao Ren’s sword energies, Su Han felt her belly turn warm and her chest tingle.

  Alarmed, she knocked away Hao Ren’s sword energies.

  “If you dare to look again, I’ll kill you!” Su Han opened her beautiful eyes and stared at Hao Ren coldly.

  Hao Ren felt wronged since he had not sneaked glances around. Instead, he had just swept through swiftly despite his occasional amazement at her beautiful curves.

  He didn’t know that Su Han had an especially sensitive body, and Hao Ren’s sweepings were felt by her strongly.

  “Again!” Knowing it was no use to explain, Hao Ren shot the sword energies into Su Han’s body through her knees and fingers again

  Su Han’s heart suddenly raced, which was obvious to Hao Ren whose sword energies were traveling through her body.

  “Merge your mind with mine…” Hao Ren told her.

  “Who’s going to merge minds with you!” Su Han closed her eyes and curled her lips, but she finally entered the quiet cultivation state.

  It was hard for cultivators to allow another’s spiritual senses to enter their bodies, especially for Su Han who liked to cultivate in solitude.

  “There is a thread of metal elements.” Hao Ren found a point at Su Han’s right elbow.

  “Got it.” Su Han marked it with her nature essence.

  “Another a thread of wood elements.” Hao Ren found another lock at her neck.

  “Ok.” Su Han marked it, and Hao Ren left a small sword energy at the place as well.

  “Here… Another one,” Hao Ren said hesitantly.

  This point was on the side of Su Han’s right chest. Too embarrassed to say the specific position, Hao Ren stopped the sword energy at the spot so that she could feel it.

  “Ok,” Su Han answered coldly.

  These points were pieces of the note that exploded in the body, and they interacted with each other, forming an array formation covering all the meridians.

  Half an hour later, Hao Ren had checked Su Han’s entire body and found 36 note pieces made up of five different elements.

  It was easy to shatter something, but it was challenging to fit these pieces back to its original form.

  Hao Ren pinched lightly on Su Han’s slightly sweaty palms.


  The 36 sword energies of different elemental attributes shot into Su Han’s body at the same time.

  Su Han’s metal-elemental and water-elemental nature essence in her meridians gave way at the same time.

  Moving with the precision of a surgeon, Hao Ren shot 36 sword energies onto the 36 note pieces.


  A light rose from Su Han’s chest while the note that was reformed form the pieces was forced to her Shenting Acupoint by Hao Ren’s sword energies!

  The Shenting Acupoint was the acupoint for releasing energy, and legendary people had a third eye in this spot. After forcing the note to this spot, Hao Ren’s sword energies didn’t have the extra strength to force it out.

  Su Han didn’t dare to move since her metal elemental and water elemental nature essences were incompatible to the note, and it would explode again if she touched it.

  Taking Su Han’s hands in his, Hao Ren forced the note to stay put. Without thinking, he lowered his head slightly and kissed Su Han’s forehead.

  It was cold. Fine and soft hair fluttered slightly.

  With 36 critical acupoints hit by Hao Ren’s sword energies, Su Han’s body turned to jelly and couldn’t summon a thread of nature essence, falling into Hao Ren arms softly.

  Hao Ren immediately reached out and held her soft shoulders.

  Su Han’s face leaned against his neck while fine hair covered her long eyelashes, looking like a little bird leaning on its master.

  Su Han’s full chest pressed on Hao Ren’s chest; it was qui
te soft and bouncy.

  Hao Ren pressed his lips onto her forehead and sucked out the essence-locking note!


  Hao Ren spat out the note which landed on the stone wall and dissolved instantly.

  “Hu…” Hao Ren exhaled in relaxation.

  He looked down on Su Han who had a red mark on her forehead. Hunching her shoulders slightly, she had her head buried in Hao Ren’s chest, and her back formed a beautiful curve.

  Hao Ren pushed at her lightly, and she leaned against the stone wall.

  She was damp all over, revealing her exquisite curves.

  Hao Ren pulled her slim hands and put his arms around her slender waist.

  While Hao Ren took the opportunity to devour her beautiful body with his eyes, thinking if she had lost consciousness, Su Han released her top-tier Qian-level strength all of a sudden!

  Bang! Hao Ren was exploded out of the cave like a rock!

  Guarding outside the cave abode, the Lu sisters reacted quickly. They flew up swiftly and pulled Hao Ren to the ground by holding his shoulders.

  “How did it go?” Xie Yujia hurried over and asked him.

  “I think… it went well,” Hao Ren answered as he touched his forehead

  There was a red palm print on his forehead. Indeed, he had been tempted when he looked at Su Han who looked like a sleeping beauty since no man could keep calm in that situation.

  With the White Jade Sword in her hand, Su Han appeared at the entrance of the cave abode, and her expression was the typical cold one. She snorted lightly, “I have things to do. I’m heading back!”

  However, Hao Ren clearly remembered that Su Han had blushed with embarrassment when she knocked him away!

  Swoosh! Su Han flew away stepping on the longsword.

  Her magnificent presence showed that she had recovered her realm!

  “Sister Su flies so fast. The new sword is of high quality…” Zhao Yanzi looked into the distance and said.

  “Hehe, Gongzi…” Lu sisters held Hao Ren’s arms and teased, “We haven’t recovered our realms yet. You need to help us, too, Gongzi!”


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