Dragon King's Son-In-Law

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Dragon King's Son-In-Law Page 372

by Dragon King

  From any perspective, this small-sized girl who was in calico clothes was a beauty, but Zhao Yanzi wouldn’t allow a stranger to touch her head.

  “I’m…” Jiang Yuan looked at Hao Ren and continued, “Your cousin’s new girlfriend.”

  Hao Ren widened his eyes at her words…

  “Trouble!” he thought.

  Sure enough, Zhao Yanzi glared at Jiang Yuan viciously, wondering where this errant girl came from while she had her hands full dealing with Xie Yujia.

  “He’s not my cousin; he’s my fiancé!” Zhao Yanzi glared at Jiang Yuan and emphasized each word.

  She must declare her identity. Otherwise, there would be more girls coming at Hao Ren, which was Zhao Yanzi’s biggest worry!

  She was worried about Xie Yujia before, but now she wondered why she couldn’t guard Hao Ren properly!

  Although LingZhao Middle School was only across the street from East Ocean University, she couldn’t guard Hao Ren 24/7.

  “The Lu sisters let Hao Ren do everything he wants, and only Xie Yujia…” While Zhao Yanzi was thinking, Xie Yujia appeared.

  “Hao Ren! Are you ok?” Xie Yujia walked out of the academic building.

  Concerned about Hao Ren, she sat in the classroom for a while and decided to come out to check on him.

  Subdued by Zhao Yanzi, Jiang Yuan was stupefied at the sight of Xie Yujia.

  Xie Yujia looked more beautiful than last time, overshadowing her despite her careful makeup!

  “What is it?” Xie Yujia looked at Jiang Yuan and asked.

  Her voice was soft, but Jiang Yuan was speechless, stunned by the presence of the girl whom she thought was ordinary!

  Women were wary of each other. Although Hao Ren didn’t remember Jiang Yuan, Xie Yujia had a good memory of the pretty girl who gave Hao Ren her cell phone number.

  “Nothing. She invited us to the art exhibition,” Hao Ren said.

  Jiang Yuan’s expression changed. She had come to invite Hao Ren specifically, but Hao Ren made it sound like her art exhibition was so unpopular that she had come to try and draw people to see it.

  “Art exhibition! Ok! Let’s go see it!” Zhao Yanzi immediately jumped up and said.

  When Hao Ren had first become her fiancé, no one cared for him but Xie Yujia. Now that Hao Ren turned excellent, all the girls tried to get him. This fact displeased Zhao Yanzi greatly.

  “Good. The exhibition is about to begin in the Arts Building. You’re all welcome to see it,” Jiang Yuan said.

  Finding this middle-schooler was fresh and cute, Jiang Yuan wondered if Hao Ren truly had two girlfriends.

  “My teachers are about to arrive, and I’ll need to go and greet them.” With an embarrassed smile, Jiang Yuan walked toward the Arts Building.

  She suddenly realized that Hao Ren was not as simple as she had imagined.

  “However, no matter how popular he is in school, he will never match my achievement as a bright star in the art circle. He will regret his decision!” she thought.

  Seeing Jiang Yuan walking away slowly, Zhao Yanzi suddenly turned to Hao Ren and pinched his arm with her right hand.

  “Ouch!” Hao Ren yelled in pain.

  Without nature essence, he was still stronger than ordinary people but was no longer as strong as iron. Comparatively, Zhao Yanzi was a Foundation Establishment Realm cultivator, and her pinch hurt him so much that he felt as if his heart would jump out.

  That section of His arm immediately turned purple.

  “Are… you ok?” Zhao Yanzi who was feeling jealous a moment ago looked remorseful when she saw Hao Ren’s arm turn purple.

  “Due to the physical transformation initiated by Lu Linlin and Lu Lili, Hao Ren doesn’t have any nature essence this week,” Xie Yujia explained and took out ointment to apply onto Hao Ren’s arm.

  “Oh… I didn’t know…” Zhao Yanzi looked sad.

  When she pinched Hao Ren in the past, she could only inflict a small red patch on his skin, and he didn’t feel a thing. That would infuriate her so much that she wanted to bit him.

  This time when she truly hurt him, she ached inside but didn’t want to show her feelings as Xie Yujia did.

  Seeing her remorseful and stubborn face, Hao Ren shook his head helplessly and said, “You hurt me. No paying for your lunch anymore!”

  “Ah! You can’t do this!” Zhao Yanzi immediately stood taller.

  Seeing them bicker, Xie Yujia smiled and suddenly felt like she was an outsider.

  “Maybe Hao Ren only remembers me when he’s not with Zhao Yanzi…” she thought.

  “Yujia, how about going to the art exhibition instead of going back to the class?” Hao Ren asked her suddenly.

  “Erm. Ok.” Xie Yujia didn’t like skipping class, but she nodded since she was embarrassed to return to class after running out of the classroom.

  Besides, she wouldn’t be able to concentrate on the lesson anyways.

  Zhao Yanzi wanted to find something to do to kill time during the lunch break and experience university life, so she went with them.

  Jiang Yuan’s art exhibition was in the hall on the first floor in the Arts Building, a bit smaller in scale compared with the exhibition that Qin Shaoyang had in the library.

  However, it was extraordinary for a student to hold an individual art exhibition in the school.

  Jiang Yuan’s teacher had arrived; he was an old man in his sixties. Keeping him company, Jiang Yuan lifted her head proudly when she saw Hao Ren.

  The achievements of this ‘new star’ Jiang Yuan were the result of her teacher’s efforts. Her teacher had contacted many seniors in the art circle to visit the small exhibition, which was a great honor for Jiang Yuan.

  The professors of the Arts Program and the university officials also came by to greet this old painting master.

  Jiang Yuan was the focus of the exhibition.

  Standing before the seniors, she looked very humble. However, she couldn’t conceal her pride and smugness when she met the gazes of the other students.

  Since the exhibition was free, many students came to see it. Some of them were students of the Arts Program who came to see the paintings while the students from the other programs were here to see Jiang Yuan, the famous painter who was beautiful.

  “Ren! Ren”

  Zhou Liren’s scream sounded in the quiet exhibition room.

  Hao Ren turned his head and saw Zhou Liren and the other guys had also come here.

  However, Zhou Liren looked around while he waved, showing that he wasn’t here to see the paintings.

  Since there were many pretty girls in the Arts Program, Zhou Liren had come to the art exhibition to admire them.

  Hearing Zhou Liren’s shout, Jiang Yuan looked toward Hao Ren, and her interest in him immediately dimmed when she saw that he was friends with vulgar and ordinary guys.

  Someone like her had never had to interact with average students. If Hao Ren became her boyfriend, she would just go out with Hao Ren alone and wouldn’t deal with these loud and vulgar friends of his.

  “Hehe, you guys are here, too,” Xie Yujia greeted Zhao Jiayi and the others warmly.

  Jiang Yuan looked away slowly.

  “Humph! They are just ordinary people. I thought Hao Ren is different! As a future star, I lost my mind and fell for such a small figure who is just the talk of the school…” she thought.

  Looking at a senior painter beside her, she smiled sweetly and asked, “Mr. Sun, would you take a look at this painting…”

  Feeling all the people looking at her, she felt extremely content as if a bright road full of starry light was spreading before her, and her dazzling light overshadowed the small figures such as Hao Ren.

  Hua… hua…

  Suddenly, the crowd in the exhibition hall moved in agitation.

  “Song Qingya! The big singer Song Qingya is in our school!”

  “Erm?” Jiang Yuan was confused, wondering if Song Qingya was on the guest list of her teacher.

8 The Apology from South Ocean

  Boom… Hearing the news, the students didn’t know if it were true or not, but they all swarmed out of the hall.

  Pushed by the crowd, Hao Ren walked out while dragging Xie Yujia and Zhao Yanzi with him.

  Instantly, the art exhibition became deserted

  Even though she was embarrassed, Jiang Yuan also wanted to see Song Qingya.

  As a superstar singer, Song Qingya was popular across the country, and even Jiang Yuan was her fan.

  Jiang Yuan hoped that she could have the opportunity to take a picture with Song Qingya. Also, if she could invite Song Qingya to see her art exhibition, she would be in the entertainment news too.

  “Is Song Qingya the superstar singer?” The seniors in the art circle asked each other.

  In their sixties and seventies, they had no interest in the entertainment circle, but they had heard about Song Qingya.

  “Right. Let’s go out and have a look.” One of them suggested.

  The senior painter who just spoke was a master in the art circle and liked to hear Beijing Opera. However, he was also a fan of Song Qingya. He listened to her songs at home, but he was embarrassed to admit it.

  “Let’s go.” The others agreed.

  They had come to see the exhibition to show their respect to Jiang Yuan’s teacher.

  In fact, in their eyes, these paintings were quite immature even though they were great among the younger generation.

  Now that Song Qingya had come, these senior painters wanted to see her as well, losing interest in the art exhibition.

  The professors of the Arts Program walked out of the exhibition with these seniors following the crowd.

  People were everywhere outside while the students who were supposed to be in class piled up by the windows of the academic buildings on both sides of the road.

  Wearing a high-waist dress, a pair of red high-heels, a pair of sunglasses, and silver earrings, Song Qingya’s outfit was simple, but it couldn’t conceal her shiny light as a star.

  She had come to East Ocean University to see Hao Ren. Thinking that she wouldn’t be recognized in this outfit, she asked her assistant to park the van in the distance while she walked to the academic buildings to find Hao Ren.

  However, she only walked a dozen steps before a student recognized her with a scream, attracting the attention of nearby students.

  The five to six bodyguards rushed out of the van to block the students who dashed toward her.

  This convinced the students that she was indeed the big star Song Qingya. Instantly, more students swarmed over.

  Song Qingya was too famous. Not expecting that she would come to East Ocean University, the people, no matter if they were fans or not, surrounded Song Qingya.

  “Ok. Make a path for her,” a clear and calm voice sounded in the crowd.

  The students looked back and saw that the speaker was Hao Ren who stood between Xie Yujia and Zhao Yanzi. After a few seconds of hesitation, they stepped back gradually.

  At the sight of Hao Ren, the members of the Calligraphy Club in the crowd helped to disperse the crowd.

  The chaotic situation turned orderly in the blink of an eye after Hao Ren spoke!

  Standing at the outer edge of the crowd and being pushed around by other students, Jiang Yuan was stupefied.

  The emperor of the students!

  Hao Ren had a unique presence!

  In her mind, if such a guy could be her boyfriend, she would have a dazzling memory in the future!

  Since she was rarely in school, she didn’t know how the students felt about Hao Ren, a figure who could beat an entire soccer team and had a vice principal to cover him!

  “Never mess with Hao Ren!” This was a statement that most students followed.

  Therefore, when Hao Ren spoke, the students who knew his significance all stepped back while the ones with slow reactions were pulled aside by the members of the Calligraphy Club.

  Seeing the crowd becoming orderly, Song Qingya smiled cheerfully at Hao Ren’s voice and waved her hand. “Here you are; I came to see you.”

  Hong… Song Qingya’s words stupefied the people around her

  “The international star came to the school to see Hao Ren?!” they thought.

  Seeing Zhao Yanzi beside Hao Ren, Song Qingya blinked at her slightly.

  She didn’t officially greet Zhao Yanzi. After all, she was still in middle school, and her school life would be affected by such a big sensation.

  Zhao Yanzi knew that if her classmates knew that she was friends with Song Qingya, she would be bothered by the other girls in her school. Therefore, she smiled cheerfully and didn’t say a word.

  Song Qingya glanced at the other girl beside Hao Ren, and her eyes lit up instantly.

  Immerged in people’s praises, it was rare for Song Qingya to feel like someone was more beautiful than herself.

  The girl was dressed simply without any make-up, but she was eye-catching and stood out from the crowd.

  She saw that Xie Yujia was looking at her as well, and she felt a bit wrong. She felt like Xie Yujia was wondering about the relationship between Hao Ren and her.

  “Well, Zi has a great rival, which explains her agitation,” Song Qingya thought as she lowered her head with a smile. Then, she said to Hao Ren, “I came to record a special interview in East Ocean City, and I came to see you while I’m here.”

  “Hehe, I see. You attracted such a big crowd,” Hao Ren said with a smile.

  Hearing their friendly conversation, Xie Yujia’s expression softened a bit. After seeing that Zhao Yanzi wasn’t anxious, she knew she had over-reacted.

  Hearing their conversation, the surrounding students realized that Hao Ren and Song Qingya seemed to be friends, which deepened their awe of Hao Ren.

  In fact, the relationship between East Ocean and South Ocean wasn’t distant. Having met Song Qingya once who was a friend of Zhao Yanzi’s mom, Hao Ren and Song Qingya were no strangers.

  The most astonished person here was Jiang Yuan who had thought that Hao Ren’s power and popularity was restricted within the school. Now, she found that Hao Ren was even friends with the superstar Song Qingya!

  Her proud heart was shattered, knowing that Hao Ren who could have a friendly conversation with Song Qingya had no regard for her!

  Zhou Liren and Hao Ren’s other buddies were also astonished. With their eyes wide open, they were stunned to find out that Hao Ren knew the superstar Song Qingya.

  Zhou Liren was especially astonished. Even though Su Han as a goddess in his mind, Song Qingya was his main goddess! He was a super fan of Song Qingya!

  Although Su Han was more beautiful, Song Qingya was a superstar, an international idol, and the super goddess of his dreams! She was sweet and noble with exceptional talent in singing!

  “Can we talk alone?” Song Qingya spread her arms.

  “Ok,” Hao Ren agreed.

  The members of the Calligraphy Club immediately helped Song Qingya’s bodyguards to make a pathway.

  Song Qingya and Hao Ren walked to a spot out of the hearing of the students who took out their cell phones and took pictures on tiptoes.

  “Our president’s cultivation strength has grown again. I could sense his nature essence before, but now it’s invisible to me.”

  “Yeah. He has reached the realm of merging into the mortals. Powerful!”

  The members of the Calligraphy Club whispered to each other while keeping order.

  None of them dared to test Hao Ren’s strength, thinking that Hao Ren had gained another breakthrough during the weekend, and that was why they couldn’t sense his realm.

  Although Hao Ren’s nature essence had disappeared, his presence was still there!

  “Didn’t Brother-In-Law come with you?” When they were alone, Hao Ren asked Song Qingya.

  Since Zhao Yanzi called Song Qingya ‘Sister,’ he thought it was ok to follow suit even though it sounded quite intimate.

  “He’s extremely busy, bu
t he will visit your father-in-law soon,” Song Qingya said with a smile.

  Belonging to the river branch, her husband Yongding Dragon King was very powerful. Yongding River was one of the five prominent rivers, and it had more than 50,000 square kilometers under control.

  As the Seventh Princess of South Ocean, Song Qingya had been matched well with marrying Yongding Dragon King.

  In the past half a year, the East Ocean Dragon Clan had emerged with strong momentum, almost devouring the West Ocean Dragon Clan. That induced the dragon kings from all directions to offer congratulations.

  With his territory north of the mainland, Yongding Dragon King was closer to North Ocean in location, but he had a more intimate relationship with South Ocean through marriage. However, with East Ocean getting stronger, he must have a relationship with them.

  Coming to East Ocean City, Song Qingya’s main purpose was to visit East Ocean Dragon King and Hao Ren instead of recording the interview.

  Now that she was married to Yongding Dragon King, she must handle things for her husband. Before Yongding Dragon King, who had only a few connections with East Ocean, come to visit East Ocean, she had come here prior to his visit to deepen the connection.

  “Good. We’ll welcome brother-in-law to visit East Ocean,” Hao Ren said. He brought up the topic of her husband for this purpose.

  The East Ocean Dragon Palace was actively befriending the other dragon clans. Now that the Southeast Region was settled, they would like to befriend Yongding Dragon King, an important force in the North.

  Hao Ren’s words represented the attitude of the Commanding General of East Ocean. Therefore, Song Qingya was pleased with his welcome.

  “Good. When he’s free, he will visit East Ocean,” she said.

  “Ok.” Hao Ren nodded.

  His impression of South Ocean was neutral, but he liked Song Qingya.

  Song Qingya turned her head and glanced at the excited students before saying to Hao Ren with a smile, “A few days ago, I went back to the South Ocean Dragon Palace, and I must thank you for saving my elder brother.”

  Then, she bowed at Hao Ren slightly.

  Song Qingya was obviously referring to the incident when Hao Ren gave a detox pill to help the Third Prince of South Ocean get rid of the toxin from a level 8 demon beast.


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