Dragon King's Son-In-Law

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Dragon King's Son-In-Law Page 398

by Dragon King

  The Lu sisters showed their strengths which were only on Zhen-level. While the three dragon cultivators could sense their realms, they couldn’t clearly see Lu sisters’ techniques and physiques through the colorful light around them.

  While they talked, they suddenly shot three dharma treasures at Duan Yao who was standing beside the back door.

  This time, they had launched their dharma treasures with full force.

  Bang! Bang! Bang! Three dharma treasures were bounced off Duan Yao’s dress.

  Duan Yao didn’t move, but the traditional dress was invincible against the dharma treasures and had easily blocked the attacks from the Nascent Soul Realm cultivators!

  “Such a powerful garment!”

  The three metal-elemental dragon cultivators looked surprised and then pleased.

  “The reason why Hao Ren attracted the attention of our master must be that he has countless treasures. He had even taken the Heaven-Reaching Shield, a supreme spiritual treasure, let alone other powerful dharma treasures!” they thought to themselves.

  Seeing them attacking her, Duan Yao was afraid.

  She knew that the colorful dress that Lady Zhen gave her was powerful, but she was afraid that it couldn’t defend against the repeated attacks from the three grand cultivators. She flew up and tried to flee into the deep ocean.

  With her nature essence recovered, she could fly in the colorful dress which had power no less than the purple gold hairpin.

  Hua… Duan Yao rose in a purple light while she flew toward the sea.

  “You can’t run!” One of the metal-elemental dragon cultivators reached out his right hand suddenly.

  In their eyes, this human cultivator, no matter who she was, must be related to Hao Ren since she was in his home. Once they caught her, they thought that they could use her to force out Hao Ren.

  The Lu sisters had tried to protect Duan Yao, but the latter went beyond their attack range when she suddenly flew toward the sea. Before they could use their Yin-Yang Bracelets, Duan Yao was caught by one of the metal-elemental dragon cultivators with one hand.

  The Qian-level and Kun-level dragon cultivators were equivalent to the Nascent Soul Realm.

  Trying to flee, Duan Yao underestimated the combat force of the dragon cultivators on First Heaven and was caught by them.

  Although the colorful dress was invincible against nature essence and dharma treasures, it was the same as ordinary clothes in other aspects. When the metal-elemental dragon cultivator flew toward Duan Yao and clutched her neck with the speed that was undetectable to the naked eye, she couldn’t escape even though she had the dress.

  In the house, Grandma was woken up by the shaking. She rubbed her eyes and looked out of the window. Due to her poor eyesight in the night, she only saw some vague black dots in the high sky.

  “Zhonghua! Zhonghua! Is it an earthquake?” Grandma yelled toward the door.

  Hao Zhonghua and Yue Yang were also woken up. After putting on his clothes, Hao Zhonghua ran to Grandma’s room to comfort her.

  Yue Yang ran to the balcony and looked toward the sea but could see nothing unusual. However, knowing she didn’t dream of the shaking, she called the duty room of the meteorological station on Coral Island, asking them to observe carefully.

  Xie Yujia and Zhao Yanzi were startled out of their dreams by the shaking as well. They turned on the light and realized that Duan Yao and the Lu sisters were absent. Afraid that the three girls had begun a fight, they rushed to the window and saw three metal-elemental dragon cultivators hovering in the high sky above the sea surface!

  With far better eyesight than Grandma’s, they saw one cultivator clutching Duan Yao by the neck while her feet were dangling in the air.

  “Hao Ren! If you don’t come out, this girl will surely die!” the metal-elemental dragon cultivators yelled.

  In Grandma’s room, Hao Zhonghua and Grandma were baffled when they heard the voice, wondering where it came from.

  Since the Lu sisters had created an energy sphere to engulf the house and the metal-elemental dragon cultivators in the high sky, the residents in other houses outside of the energy sphere couldn’t hear the shout.


  A golden light shot toward the metal-elemental dragon cultivators in the high sky.

  The metal-elemental dragon cultivator standing in the middle broke the energy arrow easily with his right hand while his left hand clutched Duan Yao’s neck harder.

  According to the rules, dragon cultivators couldn’t kill mortals, but human cultivators were not included.

  Duan Yao’s face turned green due to the lack of oxygen. Caught by the metal-elemental dragon cultivator, she couldn’t use any cultivation strength to break free.

  To the metal-elemental dragon cultivators, her life was nothing!

  Xie Yujia stood in the small garden and pulled her bow to shoot out another energy arrow.

  Standing by Xie Yujia, Zhao Yanzi clenched her fists but couldn’t do anything to help. Although her realm was a bit higher than Xie Yujia’s, she couldn’t attack from a distance like Xie Yujia!

  This energy arrow weakened when it reached the three metal-elemental dragon cultivators who were in the high sky, and one of them broke Xie Yujia’s attack casually.

  Xie Yujia’s demonic bow and energy arrows could threaten Core Formation Realm cultivators but were ineffective to Nascent Soul Realm cultivators, especially peak Qian-level dragon cultivators.

  Seeing the dangerous situation, Lu Linlin and Lu Lili threw out their Yin-Yang Bracelets and dashed toward the three metal-elemental dragon cultivators although they had dropped to Zhen-level.

  While Hao Ren was still in his breakthrough, they must do their best to buy him some time!

  Bang! Bang!

  Sure enough, the Lu sisters who had dropped to Zhen-level were no match for the metal-elemental dragon cultivators, and they were almost struck into the ocean by their opponents’ dharma treasures that were shot from the left and the right.

  If not for the transparent energy spheres created by the diamond rings that Lady Zhen gave them, they would have been severely injured!

  The Lu sisters kicked on the ocean surface lightly and dashed up once again!

  Standing in the small garden, Xie Yujia shot out six energy arrows to help the Lu sister. When she saw that Hao Ren was absent, she had guessed that he must be in the critical moment of cultivation and felt a bit nervous.

  “Roar!” Little White transformed into its snow lion form, lunging toward the three metal-elemental dragon cultivators in the high sky. However, as a level 3 demon beast, it could fight with low-tier Nascent Soul Realm cultivators but not three peak Qian-level cultivators!

  The three metal-elemental dragon cultivators waved, and Little White was thrown into the ocean!

  The Lu sisters rushed up again with Yin-Yang Bracelets!

  Spitting flames, Little White dashed up as well!

  The situation was heart-wrenching and tragic!

  Watching the flashes outside and hearing the crackling sounds, Hao Zhonghua and Grandma were baffled.

  After a while, Grandma turned to ask Hao Zhonghua, “It’s midnight. Who’s launching fireworks?”

  Hao Zhonghua was also wondering why there were fireworks above the sea surface.

  Suddenly, loud noises of window-breaking sounded, and Hao Zhonghua who was standing at the window in Grandma’s room saw a white dragon flying past their window!

  Separated by only a window, he could clearly see the scales on this dragon’s body!

  658 Dragon! Dragon! Dragon…

  Hao Ren had been in the critical moment of cultivation. The threads of nature essence released from the Poison Pill Plan traveled in his body randomly. Meanwhile, the nature essence that he had cultivated in this week charged at the spiritual core where Zhao Haoran’s 1,000 years of cultivation strength was stored.

  While the two kinds of nature essence mingled in his body, Hao Ren had to hold his breath and concentrate
on dealing with them. He had a few glimpses of the fierce battle outside, but he couldn’t help them with his sword energies, let alone rushing out to rescue them.

  Since the creation of the world, Yang and pure represented heaven while Yin and turbid resembled earth. The two kinds of nature essences in Hao Ren’s body were in sync with the Heavenly Dao.

  The Zhen-level nature essence that Hao Ren cultivated during this week was seeping into the meridians and turning into the connate essence, and the Gen-level nature essence which Hao Ren cultivated before the plan spread all over the body after it was unlocked, turning into postnatal essence.

  In one breath, Hao Ren’s dragon core which had been sealed for one week suddenly was locked with many openings!

  Feeling sick, Hao Ren’s head turned hot, and he instantly transformed into a dragon and rushed out of the window.

  Transforming into a dragon!

  He broke through to at least Dui-level!

  The white dragon that was over 1,000 meters long dashed between the sky and the earth!

  Above the black sea surface and under the clear sky, the white dragon flew up magnificently!

  Meanwhile, the dragon essence that came from Hao Ren’s transformation shot up into the sky as well.

  “This…” Hao Zhonghua was dumbfounded.

  Dragon! It was a dragon that he had been searching so hard for!

  Grandma was surprised at the sight and then turned cheerful. “Great! It’s a small white dragon, a good sign! It’s an ocean dragon that is trying to ascend on the Moon Festival Day!”

  “Yue Yang! Yue Yang!” Hao Zhonghua left Grandma and ran toward his own room.

  Meanwhile, Hao Ren felt like he could go anywhere in the vast world!

  The sword energies which were scattered in the sky gathered around Hao Ren’s dragon body.

  Bang! Bang!

  The sword energies turned from 160 to 320, and then from 320 to 640!


  The number of sword energies doubled again to 1280!

  “It’s the dragon transformation!” The three metal-elemental dragon cultivators were a little surprised.

  When they saw Hao Ren last time, he was only at Zhen-level, and they wondered how he had skipped Gen-level and reached Dui-level in the blink of an eye! He had even successfully transformed into a dragon!

  They didn’t know that the Lu sisters had been blocking them so that Hao Ren could have the time to transform into a dragon.

  They had been secretly surprised by the Lu sisters who were blocking them with a pair of dharma treasures that were close to supreme spiritual treasures, and they wanted to take those two dharma treasures by force. They didn’t expect Hao Ren to transform into a dragon suddenly!

  “Humph! He is only a small Dui-level dragon!”

  Recovering from their initial shock, they turned their attacks from the Lu sisters to Hao Ren.

  Any dragon cultivator who had just turned into a dragon would experience the weakest moment! Faced with three top-tier Qian-level cultivators, even the dragon form couldn’t stop them.


  A lightning bolt struck down from the sky!

  With Hao Ren’s breakthrough and transformation into his dragon body, the Heavenly Dao sent down the challenge!

  The 1280 sword energies suddenly came together, spiraling into the high sky.

  “Gongzi!” Seeing that Hao Ren had transformed into a dragon, the Lu sisters knew that he had gained a breakthrough, but they were still worried about him.

  If not for the attacks of the three metal-elemental dragon cultivators, they could have prepared fully for Hao Ren, but Hao Ren had to pass the challenge by himself in this hasty moment.

  The purple lightning bolt which was as thick as an arm struck Hao Ren’s head! A dragon must resist the force of the heavenly tribulation!

  Standing at the window, Grandma was excited.

  “This is a dragon transformation… To become a dragon, it must withstand the heavenly lightning bolts! If it can’t withstand the heavenly lightning bolts, it would be struck back to its original form and could even die. Ay, it isn’t so easy to transform into a dragon…” Grandma had heard all this from her seniors when she was little, and she had never imagined that she would witness this process in her life!

  The purple lightning bolt crackled while it spread from the head to the tail of the dragon. Since Hao Ren now had the Immortal Physique which was equivalent to half a heavenly dragon, he wasn’t afraid of the heavenly tribulation at the stage of dragon transformation!

  Not used to the huge dragon form, he moved the dragon tail, and the purple lightning bolt disappeared.

  “Good!” Grandma yelled from the window.

  Crack… Another lightning bolt struck down.

  This time, it was a golden lightning bolt, and Hao Ren blocked it with his claws!

  The three golden lights launched by the three metal-elemental dragon cultivators were destroyed by the remaining force of the golden lightning bolt.

  The three metal-elemental dragon cultivators looked at the white dragon, astonished that there were two lightning bolts during the dragon transformation tribulation! Thinking that Hao Ren probably couldn’t survive this heavenly tribulation, they stopped attacking him to avoid attracting the lightning bolts to themselves!

  Bang! Hao Ren was struck down for hundreds of meters, and its tail almost touched the ocean.


  His dragon tail slapped the ocean surface, and he flew up again.

  “Good! The Sway of the Dragon Tail!” Anxious, Grandma watched from the window and felt more excited than ever in the past dozens of years.

  When a portion of the lightning bolt entered the ocean, it lit up the whole surface and exploded a crater while sending hundreds of tons of fishes into the air.

  The ocean wave shot up by Hao Ren’s dragon tail surged into the sky for thousands of meters in the form of a water beam!

  While the water beam shot toward the metal-elemental dragon cultivators, they lifted their hands to block, and Duan Yao took the opportunity to escape from them, flying toward the Lu sisters.

  Seeing Duan Yao escaping, the three metal-elemental dragon cultivators were not worried. After all, their target was Hao Ren, and they would deal with the rest after catching Hao Ren

  A dragon was the weakest after the heavenly tribulation; it was the perfect time to catch Hao Ren.

  However, before they could attack, another lightning bolt struck down from the high sky!

  “What on earth is this dragon transformation?! Why are there three heavenly lightning bolts?” The three metal-elemental dragon cultivators who had witnessed countless dragon transformations felt like something was not right.

  Among the truly powerful metal-elemental dragons, there would be two heavenly lightning bolts while they transformed into dragons, and two was the limit. However, the Heavenly Dao had struck out three heavenly lightning bolts while Hao Ren transformed into a dragon!

  The third heavenly lightning bolt was a five-color lightning bolt!

  Even the three knowledgeable metal-elemental dragon cultivators had never seen such a heavenly lightning bolt! They didn’t know that it was the heavenly lightning bolt that punished heavenly dragons.

  “Gongzi!” The Lu sisters watched Hao Ren with sweat in their palms.

  They didn’t expect the heavenly lightning bolts to be so mighty, and there was even a five-color lightning bolt specifically aimed at Hao Ren’s Immortal Physique!

  Hua… In the colorful lights, Hao Ren fell into the water and tumbled into the ocean!

  With wide eyes, Grandma watched tensely. Due to her poor eyesight, she couldn’t see the tiny figures such as the Lu sisters, but she could see that a huge white dragon was struck into the ocean by the colorful heavenly lightning bolt.

  She sincerely hoped that this white dragon could survive the heavenly tribulation and fly up to heaven, not knowing that this white dragon wasn’t a water beast from the ocean but he
r beloved grandson!

  “Hahahaha… In the full Moon night, the energy of the stars is the greatest. It’s stupid to transform into a dragon at this time!”

  “He’s dead. Just wait for his dead body! If you girls go with me without a fuss, I’ll spare your lives!”

  The metal-elemental dragon cultivators had calmed down from the initial shock. When the sky went back to normal, and Hao Ren floated up little by little after dropping into the sea, they knew that Hao Ren had been killed by the heavenly lightning bolt that they had never seen before.

  Things happened so fast that they didn’t even have the time to react, but they were the final winners anyway!

  Hovering beside the Lu sisters, Duan Yao touched her aching neck and looked at the sea surface coldly with a sense of desolation.

  “Are all the hateful things that he had done gone with his death?” Feeling empty, she didn’t know if it were right of her to retaliate Hao Ren.

  In the small garden, Zhao Yanzi and Xie Yujia were also looking at the sea surface with wide eyes in surprise.

  They were all feeling lost, wondering what they should do if Hao Ren really died.

  Hua… Suddenly, a white dragon flew up from the sea in the surging water.

  The heavenly lightning bolt had shredded one layer of skin which was the only impurities in the dragon body. Now, the white dragon was crystal clear with glimmering silver light on it, prettier than jade!


  The three metal-elemental dragon cultivators widened their eyes.

  At Dui-level, which was the threshold of dragon transformations, it was not easy to withstand one heavenly lightning bolt let alone three. In addition, this dragon had even leveled up!

  Two dragon horns appeared on this dragon’s head; a result of the lightning energy!

  A dragon which could summon rain, wind, lightning, and thunder!

  “Yeah!” Grandma slapped the window, feeling the boiling blood in her body.

  In the small garden, Zhao Yanzi and Xie Yujia held each other with tears in their eyes since they had thought that Hao Ren was dead.

  “Transforming into a dragon on the night of full Moon would summon the strongest heavenly lightning bolts, but the strength gained in the process is also the mightiest!” The Lu sisters said to the three metal-elemental dragon cultivators.


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