Dragon King's Son-In-Law

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Dragon King's Son-In-Law Page 417

by Dragon King

  It was like stabbing the iron shield with a wooden spear; the latter could never pierce the former!

  The golden shield didn’t reveal its true strength at the beginning, so the vajra had thought that the golden shield was still inferior to it. However, when it attacked, it realized that the golden shield had already surpassed it!

  Bang! The golden shield released a surge of more violent nature essence.

  The King Kong vajra, also a supreme spiritual treasure, was knocked away off!


  The composed dragon kings and elders exclaimed like kids after seeing this!

  “The Fuma of the East Ocean Dragon Clan is so powerful!” they thought to themselves.

  In fact, it was the golden shield that held the great power, not Hao Ren. However, if the golden shield hadn’t stayed with Hao Ren, it wouldn’t have had the chance to reach the realm of Nature Celestial Treasure.

  After all, Hao Ren had given it a hand in the Heavenly Tribulation.

  Boom! Boom!

  The golden shield released thousands of smaller shields!

  The sky was full of flashing golden lights!

  For the ordinary students, it looked like sunshine after the rain. No one knew that it didn’t come from the sun but Hao Ren’s dharma treasure!

  Sitting by the lake, Su Han rubbed her chest in pain and looked up at Hao Ren in the high sky in surprise.

  The vajra was obviously a supreme spiritual treasure, and even her longsword was no match for it.

  “What kind of dharma treasure does Hao Ren have that it can even overpower this vajra?” she thought.


  Thousands of smaller shields reflected overwhelming golden lights!

  Taiyi Cave Master gritted his teeth, and his grey jacket puffed up, releasing eight dancing golden dragons from his body!

  “Heavenly Dragon Scroll!” a dragon cultivator yelled.

  It was the highest-level technique of the metal-elemental dragons, allowing the practitioner to release eight golden energy dragons which were made from nature essence.

  The vajra couldn’t block the overwhelming golden lights since it excelled in offense and not defense! It was about to flee when the golden shield shot toward it suddenly.

  Swoosh! As a supreme spiritual treasure, the vajra flew more than 10,000 meters in the blink of an eye!

  The golden shield chased after it tightly, determined to show the vajra who was the boss!

  A golden light beam as thick as a mountain shot toward the vajra.

  Desperate, the vajra expanded to the size of a mountain.

  Bang! The vajra was instantly shattered! The huge vajra that was as big as a mountain was pierced by the nature essence released from the golden shield before shattering into pieces.

  In the blink of an eye, the golden shield flew to the spot where the vajra exploded and sucked in the treasure soul of the vajra!

  It was how the supreme spiritual treasures fought - battling to death! Even if the vajra surrendered, the golden shield probably wouldn’t accept it!

  Since the vajra fled, the golden shield wasn’t going to show any mercy!

  The battle happened in an instant. Since the golden shield hadn’t recovered fully from its elevation of realm several days ago, this battle consumed all of its limited nature essence, and it fell toward the lake while still spinning.

  It needed some time to absorb the vajra’s treasure soul. Little White who had been guarding Su Han by the lake jumped up suddenly and caught the golden shield in its jaws before placing it on the grass.

  In the high sky, Taiyi Cave Master who had released eight dancing dragons was red with fury when he saw that his vajra was defeated and shattered!

  He had two supreme spiritual treasures; Hao Ren took one, and the other was shattered by the supreme spiritual treasure that Hao Ren had taken from him! This infuriated Taiyi Cave Master!

  The golden nature essence all over his body suddenly turned into golden flames which then changed into white flames!

  The metal, wood, water, fire, and earth elements had different properties, and the peak stage of metal-elemental cultivation was white! Taiyi Cave Master had reached a realm high enough to release true flames instead of lights alone.

  Seeing the white flames instead of simple light emitting from Taiyi Cave Master, the dragon cultivators outside the library knew that this metal-elemental dragon cultivator had reached the highest realm of his cultivation technique!

  Boom! The eight dancing dragons connected from head to tail and formed a circle in front of Taiyi Cave Master, spinning with whistling sounds.

  After cultivating the Heavenly Dragon Scroll, the ultimate metal-elemental technique, to the peak stage, a cultivator could release eight natal dragons which represented Qian, Kun, Xun, Dui, Gen, Zhen, Li, and Kan. They were in sync with the Heavenly Dao!

  Taiyi Cave Master had reached peak Qian-level hundreds of years ago and was an important figure in the Elders Council of the metal-elemental dragon clan.

  His lowest-leveled disciples who left his cave were at least at Qian-level, and his disciples included peak Qian-level cultivators such as Wang Shitong.

  It meant that even though Taiyi Cave Master hadn’t reached the Heavenly Dragon Realm, his power overshadowed the others, and he wasn’t afraid of the Dragon God Shrine!

  Furious, he used the Heavenly Dragon Scroll and released eight true dragons which represented his full force!

  “Not good!” Seeing the eight dragons connecting from head to tail in the sky, Zhao Guang’s expression changed instantly.

  He was about to transform into his dragon form and block the attack for Hao Ren when Taiyi Cave Master attacked with a dark face.

  The eight dragons that had flashing golden lights around them crashed toward Hao Ren in the form of Eight-Trigram!

  Bang! Hao Ren’s 1,280 sword energies formed a sword array and tried to block the attack.

  However, these sword energies were melted the moment they went near the energy dragons!

  The energy sphere created by the golden boat was shattered instantly, and the eight dragons burned a red circle in Hao Ren’s chest, sending him flying for thousands of meters!

  “Hand over the items!” Furious, Taiyi Cave Master flew over in a white light and reached out his right hand to grab Hao Ren.

  Swoosh! A sharp whistling sound came from the distant void.

  With four ridges and a sharp tip… it was the Black Dragon Spike!This was the pestle from last chapter. We realized that vajra is a better word, so we switched it over.

  688 Eight-Trigram Versus Five-Elemen

  Before the Black Dragon Spike got close to Taiyi Cave Master, the overwhelming murderous spirit arrived with a whistling sound!

  A black shadow appeared in the distant western sky.

  It was hard to imagine the force which threw the half-meter-long sword from thousands of meters away!

  Taiyi Cave Master withdrew his right hand and slapped toward the weird-looking sword with a wave of white light in his palm.


  The Black Dragon Spike shot through hand palm, leaving a hole with four corners!

  The intense murderous spirit brought a chill to Taiyi Cave Master.

  “Anyone who messes with the nephew-in-law must die!” A magnificent voice came from the sky.

  The voice contained overwhelming nature essence, and the ordinary students couldn’t hear the voice clearly; they felt like a rumble of thunder was sounding in the sky.

  “Third Uncle!”

  Feeling the acute pain in his chest and the burning nature essence in his body, Hao Ren looked toward the western sky in pleasant surprise.

  The black shadow turned into a human form instantly and rushed to Hao Ren’s side in the blink of an eye.

  In a ragged robe and with messy hair, Zhao Kuo’s face was black and dirty, making him look like a beggar, but his body released a magnificent presence!

  With a wave of his hand, he summoned the
Black Dragon Spike into his hand.

  “You…” Surprised at the interruption, Taiyi Cave Master looked at Zhao Kuo in hatred and waved his hands, sending the eight dancing dragons toward Zhao Kuo.

  The Heavenly Dragon Scroll was the ultimate technique of the metal-elemental dragons. It was said that the metal-elemental dragon cultivator who charged into the Heavenly Dragon Realm hundreds of years ago practiced this technique, which was why the technique’s name had been changed into Heavenly Dragon Scroll.

  After reaching peak Qian-level hundreds of years ago, Taiyi Cave Master had begun to cultivate the Heavenly Dragon Scroll and had reached level 9 which allowed him to release eight dancing dragons.

  Due to his great power, the other peak Qian-level members in the Elders Council had to give way to him.

  Afraid to kill Hao Ren and lose the Mystic Water Sword Techniques, he didn’t use his full force. But now, the eight dancing dragons unleashed their real strength!

  Taiyi Cave Master would kill anyone who stood between him and the Mystic Water Sword Techniques!


  Standing at the entrance of the library, Zhao Guang yelled in surprise at the sudden sight of Zhao Kuo.

  Zhao Kuo had told Zhao Guang that he wouldn’t return until he reached peak Qian-level.

  “Did he reach peak Qian-level already?”

  “F*ck off!”

  Zhao Kuo puffed his chest and roared in a fury.

  He punched out repeatedly, using the fundamental boxing techniques of East Ocean!

  The eight dancing dragons were knocked away by Zhao Kuo one by one!

  The dragon cultivators were dumbfounded.

  They had heard that the Third Lord of the East Ocean Dragon Clan was unrivaled, but they had never imagined that he could fight eight energy dragons with fists!

  As the ultimate technique of the metal-elemental dragons, the Heavenly Dragon Scroll was the technique used by the grand cultivator who reached the Heavenly Dragon Realm. After all, it was challenging to release eight energy dragons in one breath, and the result was super powerful!

  Hao Ren lay in the golden boat on his side while the natal nature essence in his body was trying hard to heal his injuries. He looked carefully and realized that Zhao Kuo wasn’t fighting with bare fists; five-colored lights were flowing around his fists!

  Tempering one’s body with the five elements!

  Zhao Kuo had tempered his body to an extreme degree with the Light Splitting Sword Shadow Scroll!

  Hao Ren used the heavenly lightning bolts to temper his body, stimulating the meridians from the inside out, which was a form of inner cultivation. Zhao Kuo had tempered his body with the five elements, hardening his body from the outside in, which was a form of outer cultivation, perfect for his battle style!

  Zhao Kuo could now battle level 8 demon beasts with bare fists, and his iron-like body was invincible to dharma treasures!

  When he transferred the five-elemental nature essence to his arms, they were more powerful than regular dharma treasures!

  While his thick arms swung around like windmills, the eight dancing dragons couldn’t get close to him!

  The dragon cultivators watched the battle in amazement and excitement!

  Meanwhile, Hao Ren took a closer look and found that Zhao Kuo had reached top-tier Qian-level!

  Top-tier Qian-level, but peak Qian-level yet.


  Zhao Kuo punched out and sent one energy dragon to the side.

  Dense sword energies shot from his body! There were tens of thousands of them!

  In total, there were 20,480 sword energies!

  Immediately, Taiyi Cave Master withdrew the eight dancing dragons, surprised that this cultivator who suddenly appeared was so difficult to deal with!

  He didn’t know that Zhao Kuo had re-cultivated after failing the Heavenly Tribulation and had tempered his body with the five elements, which was to some extent similar to the demon beasts’ cultivation method.

  Recently, he had practiced in the Demon Sea where no ordinary cultivators dared to enter, and he even defeated level 8 demon beasts!

  If he could reach peak Qian-level, the level 8 demon beasts in the Demon Sea would suffer more in his hands!

  However, he was able to survive in the Demon Sea since Lady Zhen had ordered the level 9 and level 10 demon beasts not to attack Zhao Kuo!

  Since Zhao Kuo had battled his way out from the Demon Sea, why would he be afraid of Taiyi Cave Master who was at peak Qian-level?

  Each of the level 8 demon beasts was equivalent to peak Qian-level!

  The eight dancing dragons returned to Taiyi Cave Master, forming a circle of burning fire.

  The fire was neither the ordinary flames nor the flames of the fire dragons; it was the Destruction True Flame created by the metal-elemental technique after reaching a high level.

  They were white and almost transparent flames!

  “Humph!” Zhao Kuo snorted, and his dark face turned fierce, pointing over 20,000 sword energies toward Taiyi Cave Master.

  One followed Eight-Trigram while the other followed the Five-Element.

  Which one would be the winner? The Heavenly Dragon Scroll or the Light Splitting Sword Shadow Scroll?

  The dragon cultivators standing at the entrance of the library held their breaths while the ordinary students looked up at the sky and saw surging clouds.

  By the lake, Su Han looked at Zhao Kuo and Taiyi Cave Master who stood opposite to each other. Little White leaned on her thighs while it stared at the sky with its big watery eyes, seeming to feel the tension in the air.

  Hua… Taiyi Cave Master attacked first, launching the eight dancing dragons with white flames toward Zhao Kuo. The eight energy dragons intertwined and turned into 64 dragons; eight trigrams changed into 64 hexagrams!

  The dragon cultivators at the entrance of the library were astonished, not expecting Taiyi Cave Master to hide so much power!

  “Break array!”

  Zhao Kuo’s 20,480 sword energies formed a sword array, which was different from Hao Ren’s sword array since Zhao Kuo himself created it according to the art of war.

  Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth were five powerful troops!

  The 20,480 sword energies engulfed the 64 dancing dragons, darkening the sky and blowing up the sand and rocks from the ground.

  The wind blew the umbrellas from the hands of the students who were standing on the steps and broke dozens of small trees on the campus.

  It was a battle happening in the high sky thousands of meters from the ground!

  It was a fierce battle in which a sword array was fighting the dragons!

  Both cultivators turned nature essence into tangible things with advanced cultivation techniques! They were battling using nature essence!

  However, Zhao Kuo was only at top-tier Qian-level, a bit weaker than his opponent in terms of realm!

  Bang! In the high sky, Taiyi Cave Master and Zhao Kuo both backed off hundreds of meters.

  Taiyi Cave Master looked at Zhao Kuo in astonishment, not expecting the Light Splitting Sword Shadow Scroll to be so powerful!

  Zhao Kuo was also surprised at this old man’s great power since he still couldn’t defeat his opponent after cultivating the Light Splitting Sword Shadow Scroll to such a high level!

  The dragon kings and elders watching the battle were even more astonished when they saw Zhao Kuo being even with this metal-elemental dragon cultivator even though he was half a level lower than his rival!

  “No wonder he was called the No.1 Master in the Mortal World!” they thought, “It was said that he had re-cultivated after failing in the Heaven Tribulation. However, was that fake news? How could he be at top-tier Qian-level after such a short amount of time? However, it was heard that he cultivated using a water-elemental technique before, but he is using all five elements now… Both the East Ocean Dragon King’s younger brother and son-in-law are cultivating this profound cultivation technique which requires grea
t fortitude to reach the highest realm! If the two men work together, they can defeat a great army!”

  While the dragon cultivators thought about that, Zhao Kuo and Taiyi Cave Master had resumed their battle in the high sky.

  Just coming out of the Demon Sea, Zhao Kuo wanted to use this opportunity to test his strength, similar to how the golden shield used the vajra to test its power after its elevation in realms!

  Withdrawing the nature essence, Zhao Kuo and Taiyi Cave Master fought in the sky with their bodies.

  Wearing the grey jacket with several holes in it, Taiyi Cave Master was quick with his punches and kicks.

  As a fierce fighter, Zhao Kuo’s fists and kicks were even more forceful.


  They landed on the big square before the library, and their landing force knocked away the ordinary students who were standing on the steps.

  Their quick movements looked blurry, and the dragon cultivators on the small square couldn’t tell them apart. They could only see two shadows.

  Taiyi Cave Master’s cultivation technique was powerful, and so were his close-range combat techniques! Besides, each of their punches and kicks was empowered with nature essence!

  It wasn’t easy for Zhao Kuo who wanted to kill the old master with punches!

  For the ordinary students, they saw two tornadoes sweeping across the big square, and the paving stones were shattered.

  Recovering a bit from his injuries, Hao Ren landed on the ground as well, but he couldn’t do anything.

  Besides, Zhao Kuo wouldn’t allow Hao Ren to help him!

  Powerful! Standing on the small square before the library, the dragon cultivators exclaimed silently.

  The metal-elemental dragon cultivator was powerful, and so was the cultivator of East Ocean!

  Standing on the edge of the small square, Xu Ke watched for a while and then walked toward his dorm building silently. No matter what happened to his master, he would continue to stay in East Ocean University for a while.

  Swoosh! When Zhao Kuo was punching forward, Taiyi Cave Master blocked Zhao Kuo’s fist while another supreme spiritual treasure flew out of his sleeve!


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