Dragon King's Son-In-Law

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Dragon King's Son-In-Law Page 451

by Dragon King


  The translucent white array formation at the library gate lit up, and Zhen Congming who was wrapped in a golden light ran into it and got knocked back by the array formation.

  The array formation suddenly intensified, and the level 2 inspectors who were by the gate were pushed back dozens of steps.

  Zhen Congming was holding more than a dozen books in his hands, and they all fell to the ground.

  “Stealing techniques?!”

  Hao Ren ran over. When he saw the fallen books by Zhen Congming, he was extremely shocked.

  Zhen Congming had used some methods to break through the array formations and made himself invisible to get into the library area where only the Deputy Shrine Masters and the Shrine Master were allowed in. However, when he was stealing the techniques, he triggered a trap so that he could only try to escape with the technique scrolls; he didn’t even have time to put the books into his storage space.


  A strong surge of pressure came down from the top of the Dragon God Shrine.

  The level 2 and level 3 inspectors who were of lower realms almost couldn’t stand straight because of the pressure.

  Hao Ren raised a sword formation to prevent himself from falling to the ground.

  Zhen Congming was only at Zhen-level, so there was no way that he could withstand this kind of pressure. However, he clenched his teeth and grabbed a book beside him which had a yellow cover. Then, he took out a black cape and used it to cover the golden light on his body.

  “Hmph! You want to catch me? Not so easy!”

  Zhen Congming took out a conch-shaped dharma treasure to break the array formation at the gate of the library. Under the watch of many inspectors, he ran out of the third-floor library.

  Hao Ren thought that things would go very wrong, so he ran out of the library. As soon as he exited the library, he saw Zhen Congming flying down the central staircases of the Dragon God Shrine like crazy.

  In this Dragon God Shrine, normal treasures wouldn’t work, especially the flight dharma treasures.

  Even Zhen Congming couldn’t break through the enormous array formation that was covering the Dragon God Shrine.

  Hao Ren didn’t expect Zhen Congming to come to the Dragon God Shrine to steal. He was also impressed by how this kid was able to get through all the layers of array formations and get into the highly restrictive area in which only the Deputy Shrine Masters and the Shrine Master had access to.

  Just when Zhen Congming reached the lobby and was about to fly out of the Dragon God Shrine, the elder who was in the small room that was in charge of registration came out and blocked him.

  Although the elder only showed the realm of Zhen-level, he was still very fast!

  Zhen Congming jumped up. Just when his right foot was about to be grabbed by this elder, he stepped onto the latter’s shoulder and leaped toward the gate of the shrine like an agile bunny.


  Zhen Congming saw a light when he came out of the east gate of the Dragon God Shrine.

  All sorts of bottles fell when he was flying out. From the look of it, he had stolen quite a lot from the Dragon God Shrine!

  Boom! A figure appeared at the west gate of the Dragon God Shrine.

  Yue Zilong!

  He dashed past the Dragon God Shrine and punched Zhen Congming in the back. Such speed and power even created waves on the big array formation that was protecting the floating platform.

  Zhen Congming was flying out of the Dragon God Shrine while staggering. Then, he got out a black disk before stepping on it quickly. In a split second, he was able to create a half transparent energy sphere. By borrowing Yue Zilong’s power, he was able to fly for a very far distance in seconds.

  Not only was Zhen Congming not hurt by Yue Zilong’s punch, but he was able to use the blow to his advantage and escape from the Dragon God Shrine! Zhen Congming went flying like a kite on the black disk with an energy sphere protecting himself.

  No wonder he was famous on and above Fifth Heaven and known to be the kid thief. Even under the attack of Yue Zilong, a Qian-level cultivator, Zhen Congming was able to escape with energy to spare!


  Yue Zilong flipped in the air and landed onto the platform heavily.

  Bam! The large platform that was floating in the air shook, and all the arenas around the Dragon God Shrine collapsed. These arenas were supposedly very strong.

  Also, the rooms where Hao Ren had once taken his written exam was now a junkyard as well.

  Yue Zilong was at peak Qian-level, and he was mad. His stomp was able to shake mountains and rivers, and that also applied to the array formation which kept this floating Dragon God Shrine in the sky!

  Zhen Congming had flown away, but he couldn’t stand straight and fell from the disk.

  Yue Zilong suddenly jumped up and charged at Zhen Congming like a bullet.

  “How dare you try to stop me!” Zhen Congming was also a bit angry, so he threw out a few balls.

  These balls exploded in the sky. Even though Yue Zilong had a tough body, he was still blasted a few hundred meters away.

  All the inspectors of the Dragon God Shrine opened their eyes widely due to shock.

  Hao Ren had run out the gate of the Dragon God Shrine. He was prepared to go and help Zhen Congming, but Zhen Congming had thrown something to him.

  Hao Ren caught it with one hand. Then, he looked down to examine it and realized that it was the mission booklet of the Dragon God Shrine.

  Yue Zilong had been blasted away by a few extremely powerful Heavenly Lightning Balls. His clothes were torn, but Yue Zilong himself looked untouched. He clasped his hands together and charged at Zhen Congming with a fist punch.

  Hao Ren suddenly blocked Yue Zilong with his sword energies; he didn’t know that Yue Zilong would be this ruthless when he attacked.

  However, Yue Zilong was powerful, so he destroyed Hao Ren’s sword energies in the sky.

  Whoosh! Whoosh! Two other cultivators came flying out of the Dragon God Shrine.

  Peak Qian-level!

  There were now three peak Qian-level Deputy Shrine Masters who were trying to catch Zhen Congming!

  Zhen Congming took out a bronze mirror from his pocket. All of a sudden, the sky was lit up with different lights.

  He tightly held a book called ‘Demon Transformation Scroll’ in his hand. This was a cultivation technique for demon beasts and was stored in the very back of the Dragon God Shrine’s library.

  For ordinary mortals, the five-elemental cultivation was their way of cultivating, and the highest realm that they could reach was the Soul Formation Realm. However, some evil cultivators and demon cultivators could make mortals become one of them.

  The book that Zhen Congming stole was one that could make humans learn the demon techniques!

  He had also stolen a lot of elixir pills from the Dragon God Shrine. Amongst what he took was an ultimate secret pill called the Demon Transformation Pill!

  The colorful lights shot out of the bronze mirror, and they stopped the three peak Qian-level cultivators from getting close!

  Qiu Niu had given this treasure to Zhen Congming. Unless he was in a very dangerous position, he would not use it.

  Zhen Congming wanted to slip in and then slip out secretly. He was stealing these things so that he could trick Wu Luoxue into cultivating this. His plan didn’t go as smooth; the moment that he got the technique, he had triggered a trap in the Dragon God Shrine.

  Bam! A black light was shot down from the top of the Dragon God Shrine.

  The black light was able to break through the colorful lights of the bronze mirror, and then it struck the bronze mirror, breaking it into four pieces.

  The three peak Qian-level Deputy Shrine Masters instantly threw out three ropes to tie up Zhen Congming.

  “None of you in the Dragon God Shrine are good people!” Zhen Congming shouted.

  Hao Ren looked down at the mission booklet and saw the latest mi
ssion, [Hao Zhonghua, a mortal scientist, had published information about dragon scales, which is confidential information to the Dragon Tribe. There is a need to it cover up. Supplementary information: kill if necessary.]

  The person who took this mission was Qin Shaoyang!

  740 Severe Offense!

  Whoosh! A chilliness overtook Hao Ren.

  He ignored the fact that Zhen Congming was being caught right now. He threw the mission booklet to the side and started to accumulate power.

  Hao Ren left two distinguishable footprints on the firm obsidian stairs when he blasted off into the air with his sword energies!

  Then, Hao Ren ripped off the golden shield pin from his collar, and the golden shield immediately turned back into its normal size, allowing Hao Ren to stand on top of it.

  All the nature essence within Hao Ren’s body was infused into the golden shield. If the golden shield didn’t obey him right now, Hao Ren would punish it hard!

  He didn’t know that his dad had found a dragon scale, nor did he think that his dad would publish the findings this quick!

  The Dragon God Shrine was the central management organization of the Dragon Tribe. There was no reason to think that the Dragon God Shrine did not know that Hao Zhonghua was Hao Ren’s father. If they sent out such a mission, then… It was the first time that Hao Ren got so mad after he started cultivating!

  The golden shield flew toward East Ocean City with the traveling speed of the Soul Formation Realm.

  The Kunlun Mountain was not far away from the Dragon God Shrine. If it were in the past, Hao Ren would have taken another route, but he did not have time to do that now!

  He flew directly into the territory of the Kunlun Mountain!

  “Who dares to trespass in Kunlun!” a crisp voice sounded from the mountain, and more than a dozen female cultivators in white flew out of the mist on flying swords.

  Hao Ren sent out his sword energies and blocked them.

  The golden shield passed through the restricted territory of the center of the Kunlun Mountain. There should be Soul Formation Realm cultivators, but none came out now.

  Near the edge of the Kunlun Mountain’s territory, dozens of cultivators formed a fence when they got the news of the trespasser.

  In this Kunlun Mountain, there were only female cultivators and Soul Formation Realm cultivators!

  Five Tigers Sheep Flock Array Formation!

  Hao Ren attacked them and created a hole in their formation

  The female cultivators shouted, but Hao Ren ignored them and continued forward.

  The female cultivators attacked Hao Ren with all sorts of swords, but they all landed behind Hao Ren because he was traveling so fast!

  Now, Hao Ren realized that there was no Soul Formation Realm cultivators in the Kunlun Mountain right now, so it would be the best time to barge in. However, Hao Ren was in no mood to do such a thing right now!

  Hao Ren flew away as those female disciples watched.

  He was willing to kill anyone who dared to stop him now.

  Even though the golden shield was traveling at the speed of Soul Formation Realm, Hao Ren still thought that it was too slow.

  Qin Shaoyang and Hao Ren were enemies, so he had obviously accepted this mission to hurt Hao Ren!

  Hao Ren would not let him do that!

  If Qin Shaoyang were to hurt his family, he would kill him!


  The golden shield charged into East Ocean City.

  Hao Ren patted the inspector’s token on his waist and was shocked to find that the functions of his token weren’t restricted.

  It was probably because the Dragon God Shrine was still busy dealing with Zhen Congming.

  This token could be used to search other inspectors in the area. Very soon, Hao Ren was able to lock onto the location of his home by the sea


  Hao Ren stomped hard on the golden shield, and they flew toward the sea rapidly.

  It was already 6 PM, so his parents would be home by now if they didn’t work overtime.

  Right now, Hao Ren hoped that they were home instead of at their workplaces.

  From afar, Hao Ren saw Qin Shaoyang up in the sky above his home on the golden weaving shuttle.

  Since Hao Ren charged out of the Dragon God Shrine, he was still wearing the inspector’s black robe and had the level 4 inspector’s token by his waist.

  Qin Shaoyang looked shocked when he saw Hao Ren, mainly because he didn’t think that Hao Ren would appear in this outfit.

  He gently bowed and was about to greet Hao Ren, but the latter was already attacking him with sword energies.

  When Hao Ren saw Qin Shaoyang there, he was a bit relieved since it showed that Qin Shaoyang had not attacked his parents yet.

  If he came back a bit later or was caught up in the Dragon God Shrine, Qin Shaoyang might have killed his parents already.


  Qin Shaoyang didn’t expect Hao Ren to attack him suddenly. However, he was able to react quickly and use his golden weaving shuttle to create a wall to block off Hao Ren’s sword energies.

  When Hao Ren saw that Qin Shaoyang’s nature essence was golden, he knew that Qin Shaoyang’s realm was far inferior compared to Su Han’s. That was why Hao Ren immediately focused on shooting out sword energies.

  “You think you’re so great because you’re a level 4 inspector?” Qin Shaoyang looked a bit ferocious as he unleashed his mid-tier Kan-level power.

  When he last saw Hao Ren, the latter was only at Dui-level. However, Hao Ren was at mid-tier Xun-level already!

  Qin Shaoyang was shocked by this rapid cultivation speed.

  Now that Hao Ren’s dad was about to reveal the secret of the Dragon Tribe, it was the best opportunity to attack Hao Ren. As long as Hao Ren went against the Dragon God Shrine, then he would lose his inspector status. Then, Qin Shaoyang would no longer need to fear Hao Ren.

  From how Qin Shaoyang saw it, he would have had a chance with Su Han if it weren’t for Hao Ren!

  He might even have the chance to become a level 4 inspector after the completion of this mission!

  Also, Hao Ren had conflicts with the metal-elemental dragon clan. If Qin Shaoyang were able to defeat Hao Ren, he would become a hero amongst the metal-elemental dragons!

  Qin Shaoyang had calculated the pros and cons of fighting Hao Ren in his head, and he quickly concluded that there were a lot more benefits to him! He no longer hesitated in his attacks!

  Hao Ren’s dad’s research was threatening to the Dragon Tribe, so even Su Han couldn’t help him!

  If there weren’t an array formation around Hao Ren’s home where even Kun-level cultivators couldn’t get in, Qin Shaoyang would have gone in long ago to catch Hao Zhonghua!

  He didn’t care if Hao Ren were an inspector or not. If anyone was stopping an inspector from completing his mission, that person was an enemy of the Dragon God Shrine!

  “How naïve of you to want to fight me, a Kun-level cultivator, when you’re only at Xun-level?” Qin Shaoyang squinted his eyes as he smirked. He had hit Hao Ren with his Golden Shuttle. The Golden Shuttle split into twos.

  “Golden shield!”

  Hao Ren kicked the golden shield.

  The golden shield let out a bright light that made Qin Shaoyang couldn’t open his eyes.

  “This is the Heaven-Reaching Shield…!” Qin Shaoyang suddenly reacted and realized that this flying treasure under Hao Ren’s feet was actually his uncle-master’s Heaven-Reaching Shield!

  It was dusk, and the sky was suddenly lit into a golden color.

  Grandma came out of the house and looked up into the beautiful sky.

  Yue Yang and Hao Zhonghua followed Grandma out into the yard to look up into the sky.

  It was supposed to be dusk, but the sky was suddenly lit up. The fluffy clouds in the sky looked like they were shining dragons.

  When Qin Shaoyang saw Hao Ren’s parents coming out, he used one of his golden weaving shuttle
s to strike toward them in the garden.

  “How dare you!” Hao Ren fought hard with his sword formation.

  No matter what happens, Hao Ren’s family was the most important thing to him. If Qin Shaoyang dared to attack his family, Hao Ren would show no mercy!

  Five-elemental lightning bolt! Mystic Water Sword Techniques!

  Hao Ren dashed forward and pierced toward Qin Shaoyang.

  Martial arts cultivation, physique cultivation, sword cultivation, essence cultivation, and lightning cultivation all merged into one!

  The Mystic Water Sword Techniques were the martial arts cultivation, controlling sword energies was sword cultivation, tempering his body with the heavenly lightning bolts was physique cultivation, his five-elemental cultivation technique was essence cultivation, and striking his body with lightning bolts was lightning cultivation!

  This attack shook the world!

  Qin Shaoyang saw the colorful energy sword flying toward himself, and he felt like it was impossible to dodge due to how great the sword technique was!

  This energy sword had purple lightning energy buzzing on its surface. The tip of the colorful sword was buzzing and could instantly split into sword energies to form an invincible sword array formation!

  Qin Shaoyang was paralyzed and did not know how to defend himself.


  Hao Ren’s colorful sword pierced through Qin Shaoyang’s golden weaving shuttle and then through his chest!

  The other golden weaving shuttle that was shot toward the garden hit the array formation on top of the house, and it created a small crack. Since Qin Shaoyang was defeated, the golden weaving shuttle quickly fell to the ground and lost its power.

  Hao Ren shot one sword energy toward the golden weaving shuttle and shattered it. This colorful sword energy was made from all five elements and was as powerful as the lightning bolts!

  The golden weaving shuttle was Qin Shaoyang’s natal dharma treasure. Hao Ren had pierced through his chest with the colorful energy sword and destroyed his dharma treasure with another sword energy.


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