ZetaTalk: Awakening

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by Nancy Lieder

  efforts than you are aware of.

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  ZetaTalk: Prophecy

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  ZetaTalk: Prophecy

  Note: written on Oct 15, 2000

  Studies show that the majority of the populace believes in the alien presence, in the likelihood of intelligent life

  existing elsewhere in the Universe and being curious enough or having the capacity to travel to Earth for a visit. Since

  the majority of humans on Earth are not contactees, where does this solid belief come from? This is derived from a

  combination of factors, and when weighted by each individual human, leans heavily in the direction of life elsewhere

  being a possibility. These factors include the diversity of life they see on Earth, the likelihood of some process like

  evolution in that they can observe a similar skeletal structure on many different animal types, their own curiosity about

  the greater Universe extrapolated to a desire for space travel by humans, and the persuasiveness of UFO sightings.

  Regardless of statements by the establishment, the population believes otherwise. What factors, then, does the populace

  take into consideration during any discussion on pole shifts, past or pending?

  In spite of the pompousness of self appointed experts in the scientific community, the public in general takes them

  with a grain of salt. The scientific community argues with itself, loudly at times, and presents contradictions to

  confused students. Announcements are regularly made about recent discoveries that contradict past assumptions, with

  new theories put forth as the new truth to be honored as fact. A jaded public listens with half an ear, giving other

  factors greater weight. More weight is given the views expressed by local experts, individuals known to the

  community for sober deliberation and solid conclusions that pass the test of time. When something momentous is

  about to happen, all eyes turn toward these individuals, to see their reactions and conclusions. In that the coming pole

  shift is expressing itself locally via weather changes and crop disasters, the global situation will not reach the local

  level until little time is left. Thus, the evaluation or conclusions of scientists, who disagree and argue, or the

  conclusions of local wisemen, is unlikely to cause the populace to conclude that a pole shift is pending.

  Past geological upheavals are all around the common man, but go unseen as they have been there for the lifetimes of

  those living. Sheer cliffs, torn continents, risen or fallen ocean levels - all are put into the category of something

  unknown that happened before one’s time. The explanation that much of this happened eons ago, during a time when

  the Earth was perhaps impacted by an asteroid, is accepted, and often this is due to the desire to believe that nothing so

  horrific could occur during one’s own lifetime. The desire to be comfortable is strong, and denial an easy route.

  Patterns showing that cataclysms are recent, and periodic, cause discomfort in most, and thus are quickly put to rest by

  any alternative explanation - the study is wrong, the dates confused, or the reporter not credible. Such patterns, where

  compelling to those who have accepted, emotionally, the coming changes, will not be accepted by those not ready to be

  aware. Awareness must be preceded by a plan, steps to be taken by the individual, who must accept that their life will

  be changed before they can allow themselves to believe it.

  Folklore and prophecy speaks to the coming changes eloquently, in all cultures and through many mediums. These

  stories and prophecies hold the populace spellbound, in the main, because the average man understands that for lore to

  persist through time, or for a prophecy to be widely known, it must have had a great impact on all who heard it, and

  thus it holds validity. This is a factor little understood by the establishment, who arrogantly assume that their

  statements are taken as valid by the public. Thus, folklore and prophecy are ignored by the establishment, as

  insignificant. They are wrong. Prophecies about albino animals, the White Buffalo, or a red sky accompanied by great

  heat and drought, or snow in summer, are also prophecies that can be verified by the average man. That many

  prophecies come true at the same time also holds weight. This - more than any argument in the media or

  pronouncements by experts or careful pattern analysis of geological changes - affects the average man, and causes him

  to consider the possibility that a time of global and spiritual change, as predicted, is about to occur.

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  ZetaTalk: Prophecy

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  ZetaTalk: Zhuge Liang

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  ZetaTalk: Zhuge Liang

  written Aug 4, 2006

  Zhuge Liang wrote a set of Prophecy in the form of poems, 20 or more poems. The 15th

  poem wrote about the sudden rise of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the last

  sentence of that poem clearly refers that in 2005 the CCP will meet a great debacle. In

  fact, it was in the spring of 2005 that a book 'Nine comments on CCP' was released and

  caused a trend in China to resign from the CCP. Now there has been over a hundred

  million former party members resigned. So the poems have a track record. In the 16th poem Zhuge Liang

  wrote that the world will face a great danger. The red flood will destroy the land and many people will

  die. At this time a saint will emerge and lead people to overcome the hardship. Finally China will be a

  land of light and love. Since his prophecy indicated the demise of CCP, any information referring to his

  prophecy has been blocked in China.

  The poems after the one that described the pole shift talk about a kind of transformation process that

  China will enter, a new kind of era. The 18th and 19th mainly describe that after the saint's salvation, all

  different kinds of people, all different races of people will get rid of any misunderstandings or obstacles

  and unite with each other. The whole world will become one. People will not care too much about fame or

  individual interests. The saints or holy people will get off the stage and won't let people worship them. All

  the lands in the world will enjoy light and love. I sense that in Zetatalk, most information is largely about

  the US and the western world. So I hope the Zeta can comment on the Eastern Prophecy and give more

  concern about the Eastern world.

  Ma Qian Ke

  In almost every culture, there is folklore and prophecy to warn about the coming changes, what the

  Christians call the End Time. Revelations points to red dust and mountains being moved. Islam points to a

  prophesied 6 days when the Sun will seem to rise from the West. And quite outside of organized religion

  are the prophets in almost every tongue and backwater and island chain who have described what to look

  for, signs in the skies, and what these signs will lead to.

  ZetaTalk: Dragon's Claw, written Mar 9, 2006

  In the twenty-ninth year of King Chieh [the last ruler of Hsia, the earliest recorded Chinese dynasty] , the Sun was dimmed... King Chieh lacked virtue... the Sun was distressed... during the last years of Chieh ice formed in

  [summer] mornings and frosts in the sixth month [July] . Heavy rainfall toppled temples and buildings...

Heaven gave severe orders. The Sun and Moon were untimely. Hot and cold weather arrived in disorder.

  The five cereal crops withered and died.

  Written during the reign of Emperor Qin c.1600 B.C.

  China has great history, much of it lost in past pole shifts. There are on occasion discovered great cities, or pyramids, burried and forgotten. Record keeping in Egypt suffered in the same manner. For hundreds of years, survivors are

  discombobulated, wandering, starving, half mad, and keeping records the least of their concerns. No one knows why

  the Great Pyramids of Egypt were built, as they certainly were not burial vaults. How could such information be lost?

  Thus it was with the great cities of China, as the Chinese people have not just recently come to benefit from their

  native intelligence and steadfast work ethic. They were great before, immensely so. Ideally, the records would be intact

  and shared with the common man. Has this been the case in Western civilizations? The Kolbrin, a record of past pole shifts from Egypt, was hidden in Scotland and spirited away to New Zealand when the church hiearchy tried to burn

  the Kolbrin entirely. Does the Catholic church share what they know with their flock? They lie. At the present time,

  heads of state around the world have been alerted that there is a presence in the inner solar system, with contries such http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta309.htm[2/5/2012 11:38:53 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Zhuge Liang

  as the US and Russia and France and China nervously watching the interloper Planet X with all the technology at their

  disposal. Has the public heard about this? Not from these officials! Because of lost records, and the desire of leaders to

  mis-lead their people about what is to come, prophets and mirages have emerged to fill this void.

  Zhuge Liang was not a mere mortal, which should come as no surprise among those familiar with his

  accomplishments. He was studious and intellectual, but also a great warrior and a natural leader of men. For a prophet

  to be taken seriously, they need a strong track record or some other boost in fame that keeps they from fading from

  view. Edgar Cayce is remembered in the West because he was a great healer and had insights into diseases that the

  doctors were unable to grasp. Were it not for this, his predictions on the coming pole shift, the signs to look for, might

  have been lost. In like manner Zhuge Liang stood tall, in legend, his words respected and recalled. His message was

  more than a warning about the coming pole shift, the red dust and incessant rains, which he termed a red flood. It was

  more than a warning to expect much death and hardship during these tumultuous times. He delivered a message of

  hope! One does not deliver the devastating news without explaining the outcome. His description of times of light and

  love, when men will stop fighting because of greed or the desire for power, but will instead support and love one

  another, is an exact description of what we have termed the transformation! That he devoted more time to describing the future, and scant time to describing the current Chinese Communist Party and the time of the pole shift, speaks

  volumes. He is saying, in essence, that this is what the Chinese people should focus on, the future, the time when those

  operating in the Service-to-Other will prevail.

  Zhuge Liang predicts a saint, a natural leader who will emerge during the time of the pole shift. This was a logical

  guess, based on what he knew of the Chinese people and politics. He knew the Chinese people well. He understood

  that their ability to work in consensus with one another would put them into a government that would approximate

  Communism. He understood how corruption emerges in these settings, and that a dictator would likely emerge. The

  insights he gained during his life as Zhuge Liang were augmented by what he brought forward from past lives in

  China. In a past life, he had been close enough to the Dynasty leaders to see their reactions during a pole shift, and

  knew there would be a repeat performance during the coming shift. We have often stated that the official leadership

  will collapse during the times ahead, for many reasons. Cowards often strut around proclaiming their courage, as the

  current leadership in the White House exemplifies. Bush and Cheney and Rove, all avoiding duty in the Viet Nam era.

  It is the self focused and power hungry who claw their way to the top, by fraud and theft and intimidation and bribery

  and back stabbing. They will have no answers for the common man during the coming times, and will go into well

  stocked bunkers to save themselves. There with bedmates like themselves, the worst moral lot, without ethics or

  concern for each other and each power mad to become the top dog, they will essentially destroy each other in savage

  battles. Meanwhile, there stands the citizenry, without leadership. Natural leaders emerge, of a different moral fiber,

  and it is this that Zhuge Liang speaks about.

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  ZetaTalk: China Mirage

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  ZetaTalk: China Mirage

  written May 13, 2006 on the live GodlikeProduction Radio show.

  This was a deliberate sign - go to the mountains, leave the coast - this was the message given to them. They were

  being given a telepathic message at the same time to their subconscious. What might come to mind is that movie Close

  Encounters of the Third Kind, where a ship goes by and blasts with a ray of light certain individuals who have a

  message into their subconscious, go to a certain hilltop in Wyoming, as unique volcanic spire. Then several individuals

  managed to make it so that they could be included and leave the Earth in a spaceship, a mothership. This is not that

  message, but there are similarities. They were given this holographic view at the same time they were told, it is not

  safe to be on the coast where they obviously were, looking out on the ocean. The mountains, you should seek a city in the mountains, was the intent of this holographic view, a type of sighting.

  Rare Mirage Appears off East China Shore

  May 7, 2006


  Thousands of tourists and local residents witnessed a mirage of high clarity lasting for four hours

  off the shore of Penglai City in east China's Shandong Province on Sunday. Mists rising on the

  shore created an image of a city, with modern high-rise buildings, broad city streets and bustling

  cars as well as crowds of people all clearly visible. The city of Penglai had been soaked by two days

  of rain before the rare weather phenomenon occurred. The mirage took place during the week-long

  Labor Day holiday. The small city received over 30,000 tourists on Sunday. Experts said that many

  mirages have been recorded in Penglai, on the tip of Shandong Peninsula, throughout history, which

  made it known as a dwelling place of the gods. They explained that a mirage is formed when

  moisture in the air becomes warmer than the temperature of sea water, which refracts rays of

  sunlight to create reflections of the landscape in the sky.

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  ZetaTalk: 1999 Predictions

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  ZetaTalk: 1999 Predictions

  Note: written on Apr 15, 1999

  We predicted, in 1995 when ZetaTalk first started, the weather changes. This is a matter of record, because our

  emissary Nancy has put on the web site a What's New page that traces all the way back to 1995. We predicted the

  erratic weather that is occurri
ng now where no one else did.

  We stated in the beginning of 1995 that there would be weather changes of such a nature that there would be crop

  failures due to crops being wrongly signaled, a spring coming too soon so that plants start off on their cycles and then

  a dramatic reversal, winter returning. This can cause a crop failure as surely as an intractable drought or a deluge that

  literally washes the seeds out of the ground. In addition we predicted that livestock and fish harvests would suffer,

  because they are going to be affected by a tendency to have increased diseases, fungal infections and the like that can

  run rampant through commercial operations. Private family homes, small operations, are more protected from that, as

  they break the illness cycle. But, for instance, a warehouse of chickens can be wiped out in a wink because of their


  So, what is going to happen in the next four years? Are we going to just trot along and arrive one day when the giant

  comet comes roaring through and a pole shift occurs? Of course not. You're going to have increasing earthquake

  tremblers. There has been a tightening up of the plates against each other that has not even appeared in your media,

  thought the information is available and has been documented on the Troubled Times web site that our emissary and

  her fellow co-workers have put out. Deep Earthquakes have skyrocked at an exponential rate since the mid 1980, and this indicates a tightening up of these plates. Where this has not translated to surface quakes, it soon will, and you will

  find that because these deep plates are locked in that a quake in one place transmits to another, and you will have what

  Nancy has been referring to as domino quakes. Rather than months going by before a repercussion is felt in another

  part of the world, repercussions will happen almost instantaneously. This will be defused by the media which will fail

  to report them. Some earthquakes in remote places will not be reported at all, but nevertheless, word will get around.

  The oceans will continue, as will the weather, the ocean of air, to become more erratic. Winds sweeping in without


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