Chasing Pan: Tales from Neverland (Dark Fairy Tales Book 3)

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Chasing Pan: Tales from Neverland (Dark Fairy Tales Book 3) Page 3

by S Cinders

  My face heated at the picture her words brought to mind. Rather than the kiss of my dagger at his throat, I pictured Peter’s lips crashing down on mine. I had never kissed a man before, and found myself curious as to what a man tasted like. More specifically, I wanted to know what he tasted like.

  Peter stopped suddenly, and his eyes flew to mine. My body felt like it erupted into flames as his green eyes took in every inch of my corseted chest and tiny skirt.

  He swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing as he opened the door to another room.

  “Please, we can discuss things further inside.”

  Was it just me? Or did his voice sound huskier that before?

  Peter’s eyes never left me as I crossed in front of him in my wobbly heels and made my way into his office. It was sleek and modern, having all kinds of contraptions that I hadn’t a clue what they did.

  A large part of me wanted to explore. That was just my nature as a pirate, that and plunder. I had always liked the plundering.

  “Tink,” his voice brought me back to the presence. “Why, after all these years have you sought me out?”

  Tink looked at me, “Because Captian Hook wanted to kill you.”

  At this point, I could have killed her.

  I blushed, “How do you do?

  His lips twitched, “You are here to murder me?”

  A wrinkle formed between my brows. This wasn’t how things went in Neverland.

  “But not before I kiss you!” Lilly blurted out.

  Peter’s eyes widened, “Princess Tiger Lilly, I almost didn’t recognize you.”

  She beamed, “I am all grown-up now.”

  His eyes settled back to me as he answered her, “Yes, I can see that.”

  I felt the place between my thighs heat.

  “It’s only been fourteen years, Peter,” Tink smirked. “Although, your ‘real world’ looks much different than it did when I first found you lurking in ladies boudoir.”

  Peter drew a breath, “Please sit down.”

  We each took a seat in the plush chairs in front of his large desk. There was a window behind us that looked out over the city, and I couldn’t help but be captivated by the lights and bustle below.”

  Peter settled into his large desk chair, “It might have been fourteen years for you, but it’s been well over a hundred for me. Forgive me, but those times seem more like a dream.”

  This wasn’t how things were supposed to go. I felt myself standing and leaning over his desk before my brain caught up with my actions.

  “I am here to avenge my father!” my hand went to the place where my dagger was usually kept by my side. And then I remembered that I didn’t have it.

  He didn’t even look alarmed. In point of fact, his eyes darkened, and I looked down to see that my breasts were on full display leaning over his desk. I wanted to back away, but pirates didn’t back away from danger. They embraced it.

  He leaned forward, and I felt his minty breath against my lips.

  “I thought there was to be a kiss before you ran me through?”

  I hated the amusement that I heard in his voice.

  “The kiss of death?” I growled out.

  His lips curved up, and I felt it at the base of my stomach. This man was lethal.

  And then Lilly cried out, “It was my kiss!”

  But Peter wasn’t listening.

  His eyes had narrowed to my lips, “Are you truly Hook’s daughter?”

  I jerked back. His words reminding me of who I was and what I had come to do.

  “I am Captain Ebony Hook, and I am here to avenge my father!”

  Peter rose to his feet. He towered over me.

  “Feel free to try, Sweet Ebony, I welcome the challenge.”

  Clenching my hands into fists, I blurted out, “Pistols at dawn or swords?”

  Peter was enjoying this entirely too much. I could see it in his eyes as they blatantly skimmed my body.

  “Whichever you prefer, although to be fair, you have just taken a long journey and must be exhausted.”

  I was rather tired.

  “Pirates don’t need rest!” I blurted out, and Tink snickered.

  I turned to glare at her and didn’t notice that Peter had crossed from behind his desk. He gently brought my face around and tipped my chin up so that I could see his eyes.

  Need and want surged through my body.

  “At least get a decent meal and a good nights rest,” his tone was soothing. “You are all welcome to stay at my home until my demise of course.”

  Bastard, he was making fun of me!

  “I will run you through!” I demanded hotly.

  He stepped closer so that there was less than an inch between us, “You are certain of that?”

  “I am the best swordsman in Neverland,” and I was.

  He smiled, and I felt my pussy throb. This intense attraction was a nuisance.

  “Then you have nothing to worry about,” he purred low into my ear. “Think about your friends. They must be tired and hungry as well. You larder is empty by now. I know that the journey is long.”

  He was right, damn him.

  “How do I know that you won’t slit my throat in my sleep?” I demanded.

  He brushed a silky hair behind my ear, “I would no sooner harm a masterpiece like yourself than I would a butterfly. But, if you wish, you may arm yourself with whatever weapons or guards you deem necessary.”

  I thought of Alex and the lost boys.

  “You will take all of us in? And give us food for the return trip?”

  He nodded gravely, “It is the least I can do since you came all this way to see me.”

  I stuck my hand out, “Gentleman's agreement then?”

  His eyes flared as he grasped my hand. Fissions of awareness shot up my arm, and I tried to pull away, but he held me a moment longer.

  “Gentleman’s agreement,” he concurred.

  I turned to the girls and saw that Tink looked bored, and Lilly a bit confused.

  “You are not the boy that left,” Lilly murmured.

  Peter turned to her, “I am sorry, Princess. But no, I am not the boy who left all those years ago. Time has a way of changing one.”

  He glanced at me carefully, “Perhaps you might see that in your stay here.”

  I bristled, “I am still going to kill you eventually. I am just seeing to the needs of my crew.”

  His face was impassive, but I couldn’t help but note the challenge in his green eyes.

  It was like a spider leading its prey, but I wasn’t particularly certain if I was the spider or the fly.

  CHAPTER 6 – Peter

  MY COCK WAS ROCK HARD as, I tried not to stare at Captain Ebony Hook eating her soup. She had on this black strappy corset thing that minimized her waist to nearly nothing. All the while, accentuating her magnificent tits. Ebony did not lack in that department.

  Her dark glossy hair was thick and wavy as it carelessly fell to the middle of her back. Some of the strands covered her left eye, and I found myself wanting to push it back behind her ear.

  She was a tiny little thing and resembled nothing of Captain Hook from my memories. He had tight black curls and a certain Latin flair to him. Ebony had an exotic tilt to her cheekbones and large gray eyes. I wondered who her mother could have been.

  Sitting slightly further down the table was Alexander Smeed. He looked more like what I would imagine Hook’s progeny to look like. With black hair and a scruffy black beard, he scowled at me, not touching his food.

  I had been shocked to see Nibs, Cubby, and Tootles. I knew they went by different names now, much as I did. But I had never expected my past to become a part of my future.

  Ebony looked up, and I felt a jolt of awareness. The woman was absolutely stunning.

  “Are we to fight tonight?” she said, conversationally.

  I couldn’t help the smirk that formed. It was beyond adorable how bloodthirsty the creature was. I just had to remember that Ebony was used
to fighting in Neverland. Where no one ever died, and people lived happily ever after.

  There was no possible way that I would be fighting her, unless she wanted a good tumble in the sheets, which I was more than ready to accommodate.

  “You just arrived,” I said, choosing my words carefully. “You and your crew will need some time to rest and recuperate from your journey.”

  Her brows wrinkled, and I wanted to soothe her with my lips.

  “But we wouldn’t want to impose?”

  Damn, she was so innocent.

  “No imposition, I have plenty of room,” I gestured to my home. “A few of us may need to bunk up, but it won’t be unpleasant.”

  Tink raised her brows naughtily, “I am more than willing to share my bed.”

  I’ll bet she was. I hated when Tink was in human form.

  “I get Tinkerbell!” Charlie shouted.

  “No, I do!” Tom interjected.

  “Why would she want a bunch of pussies like you two when she could have a real man,” Nate winked at Tink.

  Ebony seemed to be intently watching the three idiots try and take on the biggest slut I have ever known. And I have met a lot of women over the years. None of them compare to Tinkerbell.

  They were in way over their heads

  “Who wished you this way?” I murmured to Tink, before taking a sip of wine.

  “The good Captain, of course!” Tink slipped a finger to her abundant breasts and ran it along the exposed skin.

  I wasn’t the least bit interested in her, so she turned her attention back to the boys.

  My gaze swung to Tiger Lilly, “And how do you fit in all of this?”

  Her beautiful dark eyes met mine solemnly, “It was a mistake, I shouldn’t have come. I thought that I would find the carefree person you once were. I was wrong.”

  Alexander Smeed shot daggers at me.

  It would appear that I had made another enemy. Although, unlike Ebony, I think he could be a problem.

  “Don’t say that Lilly,” Ebony reached a hand to cover her arm. “We have had so much fun together, haven’t we?”

  Tiger Lilly smiled at Ebony, and I could tell she held true affection for her.

  She covered Ebony’s hand with her own, “We have become the best of friends. You are right, Ebony. Thank you for reminding me.”

  “You can still kiss him if you want,” Ebony went on as I choked on my soup.

  “I beg pardon?” I coughed into my napkin.

  “Well, men like kissing pretty girls, don’t they?”

  Dear heaven above, how was I supposed to answer something like that?

  My dick throbbed, and I knew exactly who I wanted to kiss, it wasn’t Tiger Lilly.

  Ebony’s cheeks began to pink, and I would have paid handsomely to find out what she was thinking at that moment.

  Tiger Lilly giggled, “I don’t think you are supposed to ask questions like that, Eb.”

  Alex grunted, “Not every man wants to kiss every girl.”

  Ebony rounded on him, “That hasn’t seemed to stop you!”

  Alex turned a bright red, and Tiger Lilly slumped further into her chair. I was getting the strangest impression that she had never wanted to kiss me in the first place, that this little act was more about Ebony’s first mate than it was me.

  “I am getting tired,” Tink yawned, and a bit of pixie dust fluttered from her blonde hair.

  “Of course,” I removed my napkin and stood. “My housekeeper, Mrs. Worth, will be in tomorrow. I am sorry it was just soup tonight. I am not very handy in the kitchen. However, the bedrooms are already made up. So, if you will follow me, please?”

  The party stood and walked down the hall with me. There were two bedrooms on this floor. The first went to Tiger Lilly and Tinkerbell, and I tried to put Ebony in the next one. But she insisted that her crew were taken care of before herself.

  With that in mind. Alex and Charlie took the next bedroom. We went up the stairs where Tom and Nate took the last spare room. The only other bedroom was my own.

  I turned to Ebony, “I could sleep on the couch if you prefer?”

  She looked at me as If trying to figure out how a man my size could fit onto the small settee. I have to admit. It would be horrible.

  “No,” she shook her head, “That won’t be necessary. Tom and Nate have been instructed to protect me if I raise my voice at any moment. And we have a gentleman’s agreement. If you are game, I can tolerate your presence for one night?”

  It would be a hell of a lot more than one if I had my way. The strange thing was, I didn’t have the foggiest clue if she knew what kind of danger she was really in.

  I raised my hands innocently, “I won’t lay a finger on you. Unless you want me too, of course.”

  That brow wrinkled again, “Why would I want you too?”

  I shrugged, “You might need help getting out of that contraption.”

  I pointed to her tight corset.

  She flushed, “Oh, I didn’t think about that. What will I wear to sleep in?”

  Nothing—or better yet, me—was my vote, but I didn’t think she was ready for that.

  “I can loan you a nightshirt if you wish? I only wear the bottom half anyway.”

  Ebony blinked her long eyelashes, “Thank you! That would be perfect.”

  I showed her into my bedroom and watched as she took in the massive king size bed and dove gray décor. It was masculine and understated next to the luxurious mahogany wood.

  Her gaze went to the bathroom door, and I followed it.

  “Would you like to take a shower or soak in the bath?”

  Her face lit from within, “Would you mind? I know that we are not supposed to be friendly to one another. But it has been so long since I have had a hot bath!”

  We would be a whole lot friendly soon enough, I promised myself. But for the time being, I walked her into the bathroom and pulled out a plush towel. Then I leaned down to turn on the tub and noticed when I stood that her eyes were glued to my ass.

  Trying not to embarrass her, I pretended not to notice. But my cock noticed.

  “There is bubble bath under the counter and some lotion if you need it. Those bottles on the side are shampoo and body wash. Is there anything else you need?”

  Ebony shook her head, her eyes not leaving the steaming water.

  I was about to leave when she stopped me.

  Please, let her be asking me to join her!

  “My bustier, it laces up in the back,” she bit her plump lower lip, “Could you help me?”

  Lifting her hair, she turned and gave me a sultry look over her shoulder.

  Fuck, I might just die after all.

  CHAPTER 7 – Peter

  MY FINGERS GENTLY BRUSHED her warm skin as I unhooked the top of the leather and I felt her shiver. Smiling, I was happy to see that she was just as affected as I was.

  Every so slowly I untied the black ribbons and released the hook and eyelets that held her top on. I took every opportunity to touch her silky skin relishing when I saw goosebumps appear on her arms.

  My dick was inches away from her perfect ass, all I had to do was press it into her, and she would know my feelings. I couldn’t have denied it.

  But that damn innocence kept creeping up in the back of my mind.

  She caught the leather before it fell and I stepped back unable to take my eyes away from the broad expanse of skin. Ebony was bare from her neck to her waist, and I noticed that she hadn’t needed the corset to make her tiny waist seem smaller.

  When she turned around, I saw the sides of her breasts that were no longer covered by her top.

  Her eyes were deep pools of grey, questioning and wanting.

  “I will leave you to it,” my gravelly voice making me wince.

  She didn’t speak, didn’t blink, or even seem to breathe as I backed out of the small bathroom.

  I was so fucked up. I didn’t know what to do.

  And then I had a fist flying at my face
. I instinctively moved, grabbing the hand and whipping it behind my attacker.

  Alex snarled at me, “What do you think you are doing?”

  “I was showing you hospitality,” I tightened my grasp, and he winced.

  “I will stay with Ebony,” his voice was cold. “I don’t want you anywhere near her.”

  “It is a noble thing to protect one’s sister,” I guessed.

  His eyes widened a fraction betraying him before he answered, “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

  I took a gamble and released him. The water was shut off from inside the bathroom, and I made a motion for him to follow me. We walked in tense silence down the stairs. I showed him into my study that was far away from the guest rooms.

  Without thought, I walked over to the cabinet and poured two glasses of malt whiskey. I needed something strong, with a bit of a burn.

  Offering Alex one, I threw back the other.

  His eyes never left my face as he sipped his own drink.

  “I do not know if you share the same blood,” I began. “But it is obvious that you are Hook’s son.”

  Alex’s jaw tightened, “You don’t know anything.”

  “Why are you really here, Alex?” I sank down into my leather desk chair. “Cut the bullshit about avenging Hook. I need the truth.”

  Alex looked like he wanted to chop me into little pieces. We sat in silence for a moment or two, and I worried that I wasn’t getting anywhere with him.

  But then he relented, “Ebony is as much my father’s daughter, and I am his son.”

  “What does that mean?”

  Alex glanced around the room taking in the rich furnishings, “He would like this, you know.”

  I thought of what I remembered of my old nemesis and smiled, “Not nearly ostentatious for the old bastard.”

  Alex barked out a laugh, “You might be right about that. Look, I never anticipated that we would actually find you. Tink isn’t known on the island for her reliability. We have been gone almost a month. Things were going according to plan, and then you showed up.”

  I quirked a brow, “I do most humbly apologize, although I am not certain what for.”

  Alex leaned in, “My father is the cruelest man I have ever known. He left my mother without any support and Smeed stepped in. He raised me like I was his own. But the older I got, the more I knew that I didn’t resemble Smeed in the slightest. From what Smeed has told me, they found Ebony wandering about as a small child. I don’t remember life on the ship without her. As to why Hook claimed her as his own, I have no clue. Perhaps she really is his daughter.”


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