Pretty In Pink

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Pretty In Pink Page 3

by Sommer Marsden

  “Yep, there it is.” The long nails used to hold it into the white siding were pulling free. The top of the gutter was flush with shiny ice and as the wind whipped her hair around her face and Charlie’s, Kimber saw the gutter sag a bit more with a Whu-unnnnnh. A deep, mournful, spooky-ass sound.

  “Is that your monster?” He turned to her, the two of them smushed close in the old window.

  “Yeah.” She nodded, staring at the place where his pulse jumped in his throat. There was the smoky shadow of stubble and a small nick where he’d shaved. “That’s it.”

  She shivered from another chilled curl of air and he put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her in. “Got a hammer?”

  Her mind went off If I had a hammer…But then she caught on and a nervous whoop of laughter escaped her. “Sure. Somewhere!”

  “You want me to run home? I have a few.” Charlie pushed his hands into his pockets and waited. His jeans slid lower on his hips, scrambling her brain more. Funny, she had been totally calm and ambivalent about Charlie Brewster until she’d been close enough to really see him. Smell him. Feel that warm, kind energy that baked off of him like heat off a woodstove.

  “You really don’t have to. I regret I even bothered you. I’m just…”

  “Hey,” he said, and shocked her by putting his finger out and resting his fingertip along her top lip to hush her. “It’s no big deal. At all. I’m happy to help. And besides, Clarice is in hog heaven. A roll of butcher’s paper and things to draw with? To her, it’s Christmas already!”

  Kimber grinned. “Just call me ho-ho-ho! Well, no, don’t call me ho. That would be bad. I meant Santa. That’s what I meant.” Her mouth took off going ninety while her brain told her to shut up.

  “Santa never looked so good,” Charlie said and moved his finger only to replace it with his lips. He kissed her softly, and she startled. But the jolt ceased and a sizzling rush of warmth flared in her belly and chest. Her breath stalled in her throat, and she kissed him back.

  He pulled back, staring at his work boots. “Gosh,” Kimber said. Gosh! Who said gosh?

  “That was rude.” He shook his head, frowned.

  “No. Not rude. Really unexpected, but not…”

  “I should know better. I’m a cop for God’s sake. You could press charges,” he said and laughed. It was a bitter kind of laugh and made her wonder. “Hammer?”

  “Oh, in the kitchen,” Kimber said and he turned in the doorway to leave. “I won’t!” she called.

  Charlie turned back. “What?”

  “I won't press charges.”

  That made him smile and that made her heart happy for an instant. She was off men, and he might not be totally safe, but he was nice. So her being off men and whatnot, it was fine. It was just a kiss.

  “I’m glad.” He hit the steps, his boots echoing in the hall.

  His kiss created a rush of heat in her body. It had been a long time since she’d been with a man. She could remember going down on Johnny. It was something she liked to do. She liked the feel of his cock on her lips, liked to wrap her tongue along his length and suck until his breath double clutched in his throat. His hands tugged at her hair and he fucked her mouth in that way that said he wanted her. Bad.

  Johnny could be rough but just rough enough that she liked it. It was that one little part of his pig headedness that she did enjoy.

  The night it ended, he’d turned her quickly so that she let out a little cry and then he'd driven into her from behind. Hard and fast, one finger turning circles of friction on her tight little clit. Johnny's teeth had found her nape and he'd bitten down like an animal claiming his mate. He’d come in a short quick burst of air and moans and Kimber had followed suit, lost in the flurry of movement and pleasure. Her pussy clamping up around him, her body rolling with the rush of release. She'd shivered and jumped under his warm bulk and then had turned to kiss him. That’s when he’d said, “If I marry you, will you give up this stupid dream of starting your own business?”

  She’d kicked his ass out five seconds later.

  Charlie's kiss had been hot and soft and just hard enough to excite her. All of her had responded to him and the way he held her arms said he could take her. He could take her and make her come and not leave her feeling small or insignificant or sad.

  “I'll be damned.” Kimber touched her lips. They still tingled with his energy. “He is bi.”

  Chapter 3

  What the hell was he thinking? It hadn’t been long enough. And you most certainly didn’t ever hook up with your neighbor. If it all went sour, which it surely would eventually, where the hell did you go? Don’t be an ass.

  “Wow, Mr. Jackboots! What’s the problem?” Sarah said, her head popping around the corner. Clarice looked up and smiled. She looked so cute tucked at Kimber’s red painted dining room table. Yellow and green polka dots covered the artistic kitschy furniture. It certainly was a mood lifter.

  He realized he'd been walking sort of…militaristically. “I forgot how loud they were.”

  “He’s upset,” Clarice said, coloring away, not looking up.

  “Hey!” Charlie said.

  “Oh, really? Do tell.” Sarah laughed. She looked way too interested in his mood for Charlie’s taste.

  “There’s nothing to tell,” he said, going into the kitchen. He looked around, nothing in the world resembled a tool box. “Hammer?” he asked Sarah.


  “He always walks hard when he’s mad,” Clarice piped in.

  “Are you mad?” Sarah asked, eyes wide.

  “No. I am not mad. Hammer?”

  “The hammer’s in the cookie jar.” Kimber came up behind her friend. She eyes the butcher’s paper.“Lovely Santa’s village ladies. Charlie’s going to help me with the gutter. It’s frozen and pulling away.”

  “There’s your monster,” Clarice said.

  “I’ll be damned,” Sarah said.

  Kimber nudged her friend. “Sarah, language.”

  “I've heard worse,” Clarice said.

  Charlie laughed. “In the cookie jar. Of course. Where else would you keep a hammer?”

  He stomped back upstairs, not angry with Kimber, but with himself. He shouldn’t have kissed her. Shit, he shouldn’t have wanted to kiss her. Priscilla had just smashed his heart to bits. For no damn good reason. And…

  “Are you angry with me?” she asked from the doorway.

  “Of course not. No. Why?” But he leaned out the window to put space between them. Being in the room with her was a bit too much.

  “You seem mad.”

  “At me.” He banged against the rogue nails to secure the gutter.

  “What did you do?” she asked softly. The hammering mangled her words, but he heard her.

  “Nothing. I kissed you and I shouldn't have.”

  “It’s . I really don’t—”

  But Charlie barreled on, drowning her out, wanting to explain. “I just ended something. Okay, that’s a lie. It was ended. And things are insane. My sister and Clarice buying a house, Christmas, snow, and now my partner wants to come back.” Bang, bang, bang. Carl had been one of the men Priscilla has cheated with. Carl, his own goddamn partner. She’d left him for a different guy, and Carl had slithered off to Florida. Charlie had started to rebuild his life without the woman he’d assumed would be his life forever and without a partner he considered a brother.

  Charlie reeled himself in and stared at Kimber. Everything was a mess and he wasn't being fair to her. His life consisted of babysitting, overdue errands, nursing his broken heart and now he had to deal with old wounds. Plus, he had a new partner, Terry. He’d grown fond of and accustomed to Terry. She was a tall blonde who could kick ass, take names, and get a perp in cuffs before you could blink. And he didn’t think he had the emotional fortitude to work with Carl just yet, if ever. He half feared shooting him. Accidentally, mind you, but the subconscious…what a tricky thing.

  Kimber blinked and looked almost li
ke she would cry. Which broke his heart. There was something about his new neighbor that made him want to protect her. And make her safe. He’d damn near broken his own neck getting over here to help her because as soon as she had described her problem, he’d known the answer. And he was so happy to be able to help, even though he didn’t want to be. He shouldn’t care at all. Not this soon. Hell, the next decade would be too soon.

  “That does sound stressful,” she interrupted his thoughts. Bright red spots of embarrassment, or anger, or maybe just cold stood out on her pale cheeks. She twirled one finger in her dark brown hair and she looked like a living doll.

  “So, I’m all kinds of confused. And this time of year doesn’t help, does it?”

  “No.” she shook her head, taking a step back.

  “I apologize if I freaked you out. Or was out of line. I’m just sorry I kissed you,” he said. He hadn’t wanted to upset her. It had been rude of him, but the urge had been so swift and all consuming, he’d been powerless to rein himself in before he acted. Now she blinked furiously. Charlie took a step toward her and reached for her arm, but Kimber backpedaled fast with a shrill laugh.

  “It’s really okay! Fine. No worries. Thanks for bailing me out. Seriously. I mean I am so indebted. That never would have occurred to me. I’d have ended up calling a plumber. Or the police.” She laughed again, but her face was unconvincing. “But I guess I did, then, didn’t I?”

  “Hey, we’re neighbors. And friends, I hope…or can be. I’m not the cops. I’m your back-up.” He wanted to touch her, but he refused to get caught up in the peachy scent of her long, brown hair or the flush and sparkle on her pale cheeks from the cold. He would not focus on how goddamn pretty she was. “Thanks,” Kimber said softly. She backed up again and Charlie felt his heart shrivel.

  Damn. He had upset her. He was an ass. All he could do was save a tiny bit of face. “No worries. You’re all set.” He shut the window and moved past her, giving her a wide berth so he wouldn’t upset her further. “I’ll get Clarice. She still needs to do her homework and Janette will be here soon. Plus, little girl wants to redress the flamingo.”

  “The flamingo?”

  “On the lawn. Apparently there is a Rudolph flamingo outfit that is to. Die. For.” He laughed feeling even more like a turd.

  “I’m sure it is,” Kimber said, but her smile fled.

  Charlie headed down the hall. If only you knew to keep your lips and hands to yourself, you clod…

  * * * *

  My partner wants to come back…I’m sorry I even kissed you.

  Kimber fixed two glasses of wine and handed one to Sarah. “My wires are completely crossed. And so are yours! He kissed me, then said his partner wants to come back. Then he says he regrets that he ever kissed me.”

  “He kissed you? Well, Christ! Don’t just sit there, tell me how it was.” Sarah taped the long block of butchers paper to the wall above the dining set.

  Even with all the chaos, the silly winter scene lightened her mood.

  “It was hot. And irrelevant. I don’t know why he even kissed me. Holy Christmas, am I mannish?” she squealed.

  “Don’t be insane,” Sarah sighed. “You are as far from mannish as a person can humanly get. And he’s not gay. I’m telling you. I'll buy bi,” she said and snorted at her own word play. “But not gay. So, go for it. He’s attracted. Maybe his ex won’t come back. Maybe he’ll get past it. Maybe your feminine wiles and gorgeous face will win out over any kind of hot steamy sex he’s had with another woman or man. Another big, strapping, handsome man. I’m thinking with dark hair and big blue eyes and a taut chest and rippling ab—”

  “Hello! Please save your pornographic guy on guy fantasies for later. Not that I’m not down with that,” Kimber sighed, “but I’m still smarting from the whole I’m sorry I even kissed you thing.”

  “Whatever. Listen, sister, I was watching when he looked at you in his house—even here—and there was nothing about that look that screamed gay. He might like Sam, Sam the Barber Man too, or the guy who changes his tires, but he definitely liked you, Kimber, as well. And does it matter, really? I thought you were off men?”

  “I am,” Kimber said. But even she saw through the lie.

  * * * *

  Snow had fallen hard through the evening and by night that horrible sound had invaded her house…again. Kimber had had no choice but to call Charlie. He’d rushed right over. It wasn’t her fault he hadn’t put on a shirt, only bothering to toss on a gray, zipper hoodie. He still wore dark navy and green plaid pajama bottoms like he’d crawled out of bed. His boots squeaked across her hardwood floor when he followed her in. The snow in his hair made him look like something ethereal. An angel fallen from Heaven. Or possibly just fallen.

  “I appreciate this so much. I really do. I didn't know…I don’t trust myself to hang out a window. I’m a bit on the skittish side. Okay, so not really skittish, more like clumsy.”

  Charlie grinned. In that grin he looked both wise and boyish. She felt her pulse in her throat as well as in her pussy. Kimber pressed her knees together, trying to quell that urgent feeling of arousal, the flexing only served to heighten it and she had to bite her tongue to gain any focus at all.

  “It’s fine. That’s what I’m here for.”

  He touched her arm and the warm feel of his hand on her skin made the rest of her body hum like a big engine. “Thanks.”

  She led the way up the stairs, aware her ass in the hot-pink, penguin pajamas leveled with his gaze. The material resembled long johns as opposed to billowy flannel pj’s. Kimber would be forced to lie if you accused her of saying she’d chosen them on purpose. She’d say she hadn’t, but she had.

  Lingerie had seemed too over the top, oversized pajamas, not enough. She’d settled on pink penguins.

  The sound filled her home again. A deep groan shook her teeth in her head and made her stomach turn.

  “It’s okay,” Charlie laughed touching her hip.

  When his fingers touched her there, she sighed. It was involuntary, like sneezing or blinking.

  “I'm embarrassed,” she admitted.

  “Don’t’ be.” Charlie moved past her, his bulk crushing to hers for just a moment and the fact that she wasn’t breathing from nerves made white flowers and spots bloom in her vision. Kimber sucked in a deep breath and he laughed softly. That laugh was like his lips on her skin. So intimate and knowing that she shivered. Another moan and Charlie lifted the window. “It’s just a noise, Kimber. It sounds way worse than it is.”

  “Right! Right. It sounds way worse that it is.”

  “Just like you thinking I was actually sorry I’d kissed you. That sounded way worse than it was.”

  He leaned out the window and she held her breath, afraid he would fall but mesmerized by the grace with which he moved. The flex of his arms inside that heather gray hoodie. The hard lines of his thighs in his soft-looking pajama pants.

  If she touched her hand to the fabric, would it be as soft as it looked? Until she got to the fly? Then would it be hard? A girl could only hope.

  “You said you were sorry.”

  Bang, bang, bang. She jumped a little with every impact.

  “But I meant it was wrong of me. Not that I actually regretted the kiss itself.” He hauled himself back in and stood tall. God, he was big.

  “Oh, I thought you meant…”

  “Your lips taste like red hots, did you know that?” He winked and shut the window. A warm rush of fluid moistened the crotch of her panties. She was so very, very hot for this guy. Which was so very, very wrong on many levels.

  “I use this cinnamon lipglo—”

  She didn’t get to finish because he moved in close to kiss her. His head dipped and his mouth pressed to hers. His lips, soft and warm, tasted like mint toothpaste. He hauled her closer and held her waist in his big hands. The cold of them seeped through her pink penguins, causing her to shiver. He pulled her even farther into his embrace. Charlie’s mouth to
ured down her throat and his thumbs stroked her nipples so they pressed the thin fabric of her pajamas. The thrill of his touch pulsed through her belly, her pussy, and even her fingers. She was loose and limber. She was made of jelly. And her ears were ringing. She pushed her hands into his hair and tugged until his hips shot forward; his hard-on undeniable.

  “Your skin tastes like Spring. Which is good considering how fast the snow is falling.” He didn’t let her answer. His hands scooped under her bottom and he lifted her easily, walking to the bed. He planted her on the edge and tugged at her penguin pants. “Out of these, please? I won’t regret it.” His voice, dark and intense, made her move on the bed like a wave of long hair and long limbs. “Will you?”

  Would she?

  Charlie studied her, lifting her now bare leg up and kissing the inside of her knee. The tingling parade of sensation marched straight to her cunt and she wanted him more than the next lungful of air. “No. I won’t regret it. Be gentle. It’s been a while.”

  She laughed and so did he. “For me, too,” Charlie said.

  He wrestled his bottoms while she tugged at her top. A flurry of activity with one end result—both of them naked but for his hoodie. It was the last shred of clothing between them as he climbed between her legs. His hips were slim but hard; muscles standing out in relief as the wind curled along the house and screamed. Kimber tugged the hoodie and he had it off in a blink.

  “Spread your legs for me, Kimber, let me in.”

  He smiled at her and a blush heated her cheeks. “Please, hurry.”

  “No hurrying. This isn’t a race.” He kissed her. He rubbed the head of his cock, so hard and so soft at once, along the wet slit of her pussy. She reached for him with her body, bowing up to meet him. Slipping only the head in, his fingers wrapped around her arms to hold her still. She tended to jitter and shake when she overexcited.

  “I want you to—”

  “I will, Kimber. I will do it. Whatever it is, we’ll get to it. But no rushing.”

  “No rushing,” she echoed and leaned up to kiss him. She sucked his tongue into her mouth and Charlie pushed the head of his cock into her. Only the head. It was maddening and sexy and intoxicating.


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