Bound and Freed Boxed Set

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Bound and Freed Boxed Set Page 21

by Nikki Sex

  The formal dining room was designed in a traditional style, decorated in olive and white with a sparkling chandelier over the table. Rich dark wood floors covered the area, broken up by a white carpet square. On the carpet sat a solid oak dining table with carved legs and matching white seating.

  Another leaf had been put into the dining room table, and two chairs were empty. Kelly hid a cringe. She and John were placed directly across from her mother. Kelly had John sit down next to Richard, because her brother would be nice to him in any case. Her father was between Richard and her mom, at the head of the table. The rest of the family, Maria, Katrina and Jamie, were seated in their normal spots.

  Richard stood up and Kelly was pleased to see how warmly he shook John's hand.

  "Nice to see you again, John," he said. "I'm so glad you were there to help Kelly in that elevator. I hate to think of what would have happened if you weren't there."

  "What elevator?" Kelly's mom asked.

  "Just a minute, mom, let me introduce John to everyone," Kelly interrupted still standing up. "Everyone, this is my boyfriend, John, and you all have to be really nice to him or I swear to God I won’t speak to any of you ever again."

  The family laughed, and introductions were made, with some good-natured teasing of Kelly. She sat down, hiding her physical discomfort. Jesus, John gave a great spanking, but her backside was a little sore – both inside and out. She glanced over at John, to give him raised eyebrows and a sardonic expression about her sore butt, hoping to make him laugh, but for once he wasn't noticing her.

  John was looking extremely uncomfortable. Kelly supposed it didn’t really show to anyone else but her. To everyone else, he just looked remote, impassive, and ridiculously handsome.

  Shit, he was amazingly hot in that crisp white, open necked Egyptian cotton shirt, with his charcoal colored Armani trousers and dark Berluti shoes. John had told her André Chevalier had gone shopping with him, and taught him how to enjoy quality clothes. There was no doubt about it – John was a fast learner. In everything apparently, except on how to deal with his anxiety over social situations.

  Kelly observed her mom sizing John up: Expensive car, expensive clothes, and that TAG Heuer watch. Kelly had spent some time dressing John, making him look rich, but not snobby, or like a yuppie douche. It was an art, but she had managed it. Dressing John up had been as arousing as watching him undress, so they of course enjoyed lots of sex during the extremely erotic and pleasant interlude.

  Kelly's mind flashed back and the memory of John's touch rippled through her.

  They honestly had no time for sex, because they had to get ready to go to the family dinner. Yet John still managed to bind her hands, put her over his knees and give her a savage, mind-blowing, and erotic spanking. He hadn't let her climax and Kelly had wondered if anyone had ever died from not climaxing. It had been a serious question, because she wasn't sure if she could survive being on the knife edge of orgasm for as long as she had been.

  Unfortunately, John liked her there.

  After that he had tied her up with his expensive neck ties, naked, spread-eagled on her stomach, to his four post bed. John had wanted to fuck her ass for the first time. Utterly submissive to John's wishes, frantic and desperate to climax, Kelly was up for anything.

  "Do you think we have both gone a bit crazy, John?" she had asked him once she was at his mercy once more, his willing sex slave. "I mean, here we are having sex, when honestly, we should be getting ready and going off to Sunday dinner. You know I'm crazy in love with you. And I've heard that love is supposed to make you do irrational things."

  Sitting beside her, John had been running his hand along her heated, tender buttocks, making admiring comments about his red handprints, nibbling, licking and kissing. John's hands were an odd combination of rough and gentle, as he pinched and squeezed and caressed. Jeez, he really liked her ass.

  "Ah, my beautiful girl," he had murmured with his mouth against her skin, "You're a fairly rational woman – as far as women go," he had replied calmly.

  Kelly had given him an indignant gasp, and then giggled. "Was that a joke? That was a joke, right? I'd hit you if I weren't tied up," she threatened.

  "Why do you think I tied you?" he had replied with a smirk.

  Jesus, Kelly loved it when John was playful. In the end, John had gotten her so worked up, and Kelly had been so horny she couldn't see straight. The massive vaginal, clitoral and anal orgasm he had given her had blown her mind. Wow. Just fucking wow.

  Finding the right clothes and getting all dressed up had taken two hours. Kelly felt her body heat with the thought. God damn but the man was soooo sexy, and amazing in bed. For the first time she had experienced anal sex and it had been fantastic. John was the ultimate lover, aware of everything. The man knew exactly how to turn her on, and keep her turned on, no matter what he did to her.

  What a distraction. John Taylor rocked her world. And being in love was the most wonderful experience. Kelly couldn’t possibly be any happier than she was right now. If John could learn how to deal with her family, everything would be perfect.

  They sat down and dinner was served. Kelly knew her mother had gone all out, bringing in a cook and servant for the special occasion. Kelly never brought boyfriends home. She had dated plenty, but there was never that click of real possibility with anyone. Today, Kelly had called and told her dad that she felt John was 'the one' for her. Dad would certainly have passed that tidbit on.

  It was a big pork dinner, with applesauce, and baked vegetables. Once everyone was served and eating, the inquisition began.

  "Well, John, I understand from our son, Richard, that you both went to school together until year eight?"


  Kelly watched as her mother waited a beat, but when no further information was forthcoming her mother said, "And your father is the Honorable Frank Taylor, a district court judge?"


  Another pause, and again John remained silent. "And he and your mother live up on Hillside Crescent?" her mom asked.


  Kelly's mother seemed to have accepted John's closed-mouth reserve. There was no gap now as she continued to ply him with questions. "What does your mother do?"

  "We are estranged. I haven't seen either parent since I was thirteen years old."

  "Oh." Kelly could see the wheels turning in her mother's mind as she decided whether or not to pursue that ticklish question. Eventually her mother said, "So how did you and Kelly meet?"

  "Marguerite, let the man eat," Kelly's father said.

  Kelly noticed that John wasn't eating, but he was making a show of appearing to. Jesus he was nervous, or at least he certainly wasn't acting himself.

  Kelly decided to take some of the heat. She began a fictitious story of how they met, explaining that they had run into each other across the road from the Plaza. That was one of the places she did her Speed Dating job. John had recognized Kelly from grade school, when she had accidentally dropped her keys and he had picked them up.

  Kelly had quite an imagination and could really tell a story, so she embellished and carried on for some time. Then she explained how they had been trapped in an elevator together, and her Dad in particular warmed to him for 'saving my little girl's life.'

  "What work do you do, John?" Kelly's mother persisted with her examination.

  "I'm a student. I've finished a psychology degree, and am now studying the philosophy of religion and ethics."

  "But how do you support yourself?"

  "I invented a phone app when I was seventeen. It made me rich." This little nugget was a momentary conversation stopper.

  "What app?" Maria asked.

  "Violent Vipers."

  "Seriously?" Jamie said. "That's my favorite!"

  This was all news to Kelly, and she smiled at John. So. That is how he was able to get the financing to start the Basement. Kelly was studying John closely and noticed that he was looking rather grey, or green. Holy s
hit. What was wrong with him?

  Kelly jumped to her feet, because there was no question in her mind.

  John was going to faint.

  9. Kelly's Solution

  "Just one minute everyone," said Kelly, knowing that she had to do something fast. Lord, to her he looked as if he was going to throw up. "C'mon John." Kelly grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the dining room, through the living area and into the den. "Jesus, John, are you alright?"


  "What's wrong?"

  "I think I'm going to be sick," he said. "I've been worried that I may throw up. I really don't do people, Kelly. I do everything through the phone, and other than in a scene, I don’t interact. I haven't for years."

  "But why?"

  "I'm nervous, and when I'm nervous I become wooden I guess, and even more emotionless," he said. "I am pretty sure that if this constant interrogation keeps up I'm either going to pass out, or throw up, or both.

  Kelly gave a bark of laughter and John frowned at her, either hurt or more likely surprised by her levity. "I'm sorry, John," she said, "I know it isn’t funny, but it isn’t the end of the world either. Here, sit down."

  John sat on a black leather couch. "Why did you laugh?" he asked in that familiar peremptory way of his. Ah, she thought, relieved. This is the John I know and love, he is clearly not insulted, but simply curious.

  "I don’t know, it just seems funny," Kelly said. "To my mind you are perfect at everything, John. I respect you so much. Somehow, you being anxious seems so odd to me. It kind of makes you fallible and human, John. I'm afraid that it makes me love you even more. What are you afraid of?"

  "My counselor says that because my father always terrified me with threats if anyone found out our secrets, that I am frightened to interact with others. It feels unsafe talking and telling anyone anything. You have no idea how scary my father is. He has all the power, Kelly, even now. He just does. I feel anxious even being here in case he finds out – that is how terrifying he is. I know it's irrational but I just can’t seem to get around it."

  "This seems so unlike you."

  "But this is like me, Kelly," he said. "I honestly can't do people. It's never bothered me before. I manage pretty well." He took her hand. "But now I'm worried that if I can’t overcome this you won’t want me."

  Sitting down on his lap, she said, "Well then, I guess we will have to figure it out." Kelly kissed his cheek. "But I won’t give you up, John, so just forget that stupid idea. You know when you dominate a scene? Why can you do that so well, yet not be as capable when outside a scene?"

  "When I am dominating a scene the sub is mine," he said. "I'm in control, and they are under my care. Everything is my responsibility. It's hard to explain but I find it easy because my job as a Dom is to take them through their experience, to scrutinize everything about them, body, mind, soul, and to not let them get away with anything. I'm observant and particularly skilled at noticing a sub that is under my care, Kelly."

  "You're the best," she said reverently, giving him a cheeky smile.

  John smiled at that.

  "Well that's it then," she said. "Just imagine everyone is naked and you have your bullwhip. Treat them like your subs, John. Observe them and ferret out their secrets. Have you ever tried that? Maybe that will work."

  John appeared to be giving this consideration. "Alright."

  They stood up, and John pulled her hands behind her back, and pressed her to him. Kelly's flesh melted against him and her body went into instant overdrive as he captured her mouth and kissed her. Jesus.

  "Why can you be yourself with me, John?"

  "I don’t know. Even at grade school I could be myself with you, Kelly. You're the only one, I swear." He kissed her forehead and let her go. "By the way, you are an expert and extremely experienced liar. That story you told everyone of how we met?" He tugged a lock of her hair. "Don’t ever try anything like that with me, will you?"

  Kelly laughed and shook her head, placing her hand on her heart. "Never, John. But trust me, if you had a mother like mine you would have learned how to tell lies like that, too." She giggled. "It's simply self-defense. If parents don’t want to hear the truth, children learn not to speak it."

  She put her arm in his. "Okay, well let's do it. Remember John. They are naked, and you have your bullwhip."

  When they returned, John did appear different. No one would have noticed, but to Kelly he seemed much better.

  "Mr. Flynn," John said, "you must be very proud of all you've accomplished. You have this beautiful home, and your wonderful family. I don’t know everyone here of course, but I judge by Kelly. You and Mrs. Flynn have obviously been outstanding parents to her. Kelly is quality, through and through – and she was even as a child. Kelly is the very definition of Class. I think she is a wonderful girl."

  Kelly felt a flush of heat radiate across the skin on her face, neck and breasts. She wasn't embarrassed; she was flushed pink with pleasure. Wow. What a complement. Could there be anyone more appreciative of her than John Taylor?

  Kelly's Dad was beaming. "John," he said. "You must call me Rodney, and thank you. I agree with you about Kelly. I'm so glad you can see her value. I promise you that I've never heard a single negative comment come out of her mouth, and that is from when she was little girl. Our little bundle of joy, that's what we called her. Always so cheerful and good-natured. Yes, John, I'm very happy with my life. I have been blessed."

  "Your cup runneth over," John said, apparently recalling one of the bible quotes he had recently learned from his philosophy, religion and ethic's course. John had never been to church a day in his life, but Kelly had told him that her family was Catholic.

  "Oh," Kelly's mom said, apparently impressed. "What religion are you, John?"


  Kelly's mother frowned, disturbed by this revelation. "But you believe in God don't you, John?"

  John turned to look at Kelly, and she watched as his anxiety and tension seemed to soften even further. "I'm beginning to," he said, continuing to stare at her.

  Awww, Kelly thought. Wow. Underneath Father John the sadist, there is the heart and soul of a poet. Kelly's own heart was so full that her eyes stung and she had to blink a number of times to stop herself from crying.

  The rest of the dinner seemed to go well for some time. It was clear to Kelly that both her sisters, Maria, sixteen, and Katrina, nineteen, were pretty well in love with John. What woman wouldn't be? The man was so handsome, and fascinating. John was successfully hiding any nervousness. Kelly was sure no one noticed the way he had been acting earlier. Even Jamie loved him for inventing "Violent Vipers."

  John asked Richard about his profession, and listened in that intent perceptive way he had. Amused, Kelly studied her brother Richard as he replied. John coaxed numerous tidbits out, and Kelly saw how Richard easily began to loosen and chatted away, telling John far more than he would have intended to, treating John like a trusted long term friend.

  Kelly understood Richard's reaction.

  With John's interested and attentive eyes upon him, Richard would feel as if he was the only person in the room. John could do that to someone, make them feel special and make them forget everything. Yet John's interest wasn't in any way faked. Right now, John really was absorbing and fully assessing her brother, Richard's personality.

  Kelly wanted to laugh out loud.

  The fact that John usually did this in order to better sadistically torment a sub into mind-less bliss had no real bearing on the matter.

  10. Faux Pas

  Kelly's mom, unfortunately stuck in her old habits, began to talk about Kelly's faults. It started small and went from there.

  "So Kelly, when are you going to give up that silly job?" Marguerite asked loudly. "A woman with a degree can do so much better, don’t you think, John? Even if it is only an Arts degree, I do think she could have done something more substantial educationally. And I wonder if you need me to go out with you, Kelly, so we c
an get some style into that hair. Would you like me to take you to my hairdresser? Jean Paul is a marvel. He could do wonders with that unfashionable mop top of yours."

  At the end of that sentence John sprang loudly to his feet.

  John shoved his chair back so ferociously that the rear feet of his chair moved off the white carpet, and scratched loudly on the dark wood floors.

  Every single person looked up at him in shock and astonishment, as if he had just landed from Mars or turned florescent purple or something. John was breathing heavily and his face was pure, unadulterated, stern uncompromising Dom.

  Oh shit! Kelly thought.

  It was a bit like watching a car whose parking-brake had disengaged roll down the hill and into a thick crowd of people who were all looking the other way. There sure was nothing Kelly could do about it, except scream 'Look out!'

  But screaming "Look out!" wasn't going to help in this situation.

  OMG, John! Kelly thought wildly. You can’t take her over your knee. That's my mom!

  "Excuse me," John said in an icy tone, his face turned toward Kelly's father. Kelly figured that John was addressing her dad as her mother's theoretical Dom. Little did John know that mom wore the pants in this family.

  "I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave," John said with barely disguised fury. "I can't sit here and listen to anyone criticize or malign Kelly in my presence, no matter who is doing it - even if the disparaging comments are coming from your wife, and Kelly's mother."

  "Oh," said Kelly's dad, "Now just sit down, young man. I'm sure Marguerite didn’t mean anything by it."

  "Nevertheless, I can't stay," John said remaining standing without backing down in the slightest. "In fact neither Kelly nor I can remain here in your home without an apology."

  John's head turned from Kelly's father, so his eyes could focus on Kelly's mom.

  "You'll have to forgive me, Mrs. Flynn," he said. "Kelly is the best person I know. There couldn't be a more wholesome, honest, kind or ideal woman in the entire world, and I won’t have anyone belittle her achievements, or her beautiful hair, or any other single thing about her. Not while in my presence. Kelly is perfect exactly as she is, or exactly as she chooses to be. And an Arts degree is the ideal choice of study for an inspiring, creative woman who sings like an angel."


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