Bound and Freed Boxed Set

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Bound and Freed Boxed Set Page 26

by Nikki Sex

  Detective Martin was on the job, and wore a light blue uniform shirt and a Portland Police jacket. Even without the wave John would have picked him out quickly. The alert eyes of a cop, combined with his dominating persona were hard to miss. John sat across from Lorenzo in his booth, and for a full minute, they simply looked at each other.

  "So, John," Lorenzo said after taking a sip of his black coffee. "Maria Lopez saw that video?"

  "Yes. Four years ago."

  "I owe you an apology," Lorenzo said. "I'm thinking that we may have been chasing the wrong psychopath, but ya see, here's the problem. Unless this video comes out, no one will believe that Judge Taylor is bent."

  John shrugged. "It sucks."

  "Why did you give that to me?" Lorenzo said. "What do you want me to do? I've got some ideas, but I dunno. A whole lot of shit is going to hit the fan and blow back in all our faces. And you know what? I'm pretty sure it’s the sticking kind that don't wash off."

  "Do you believe Kelly's statement now, that she was with me at the time of the murder?"


  "All that evidence against me had to have been planted by the real killer," John said. "It would have been easily done. My garage isn't secure."

  A waiter came and took John's order. John asked for a double shot espresso, because he planned to be up for awhile tonight. Kelly was waiting for him at home and they were going to exhaust themselves. He had an entire scene planned out already. John's cock twitched, and these days when it twitched it actually felt good. John never knew what living was until he and Kelly found each other again.

  "Maria Lopez helped me so much," John said. "I owe her. You have no idea, or perhaps you do now, of how screwed up I've been all my life."

  Lorenzo rolled his eyes and John laughed.

  It was strange how easy it was for John to laugh now. Kelly did this to him. She brought out the joy of life that he had known for a short space of time when he was an innocent child, living with his Aunt Brenda. John had thought that he had lost that joyfulness forever.

  Would he ever be worthy of Kelly? Probably not. But if the woman had one flaw, it was her attraction to a damaged person like himself. John hoped that Kelly would never come to her senses and leave him.

  Lorenzo was looking at him, and the poor fellow had nothing to say. John imagined the man's shock at seeing that recording. What could anyone say to the victim after seeing something like that?

  "Double shot espresso?" A waiter asked looking between John and Lorenzo as he brought a mug of coffee over.

  John raised his hand and the man put it down in front of him. Yes, that video. That was a real face tightening conversation stopper right there. John decided to give Lorenzo a break and change the subject.

  "Unfortunately," John said, "I do think that somehow I got Maria Lopez killed. But the thing is I just can't figure out why."

  John detailed the truce he had made with his father at age thirteen, and how he had a police record check four years ago and had passed with flying colors. John pulled a copy of the police report out of his pocket, and gave it to Lorenzo. He had his lawyers fax him a copy as the original had been lodged with them. A duplicate had been left in his Basement records.

  "Ha," Lorenzo, said his eyes brightening as he read the certified results of John's police record of four years ago. "So you're not a violent, drug dealing, animal torturer? Glad to hear it. Holy fuck, the guy has real clout to create this kind of misinformation and manage to put it in your police records. How did he do it? That's a trail that maybe I can trace down. I'll let you know what I find."

  "Okay, but the thing is, Lorenzo," John said. "The balance of power has changed somehow. Why now? Maria saw that video years ago. How does it serve my father to suddenly cause this trouble? And why would he kill Maria? Maybe he wanted to frame me and put me in jail? He should be killing me, really, except that I have instructed my lawyers to release that video upon my sudden demise. Is Judge Taylor about to be investigated or something?"

  "Nope," Lorenzo said. "I've checked into that. Status quo as far as I can see. What about your mother?"

  John frowned. "What about her? She's a complete puppet, and will do anything, and I mean anything my father says."

  "Oh yeah?" Lorenzo raised his eyebrows, but kept his gaze unflinchingly upon John. "You don't say. Well, I noticed that, too."

  Feeling unexpectedly ashamed and humiliated, John shook his head. The video had him on the St. Andrew's cross as a child, getting a caning that left a pool of blood on the floor. What he had neglected to remember was what his mother's actions were at the time.

  "I'd forgotten what was on that video," John said in a quiet voice. "It was a strange way to grow up. My good friend, André Chevalier, you remember him?"

  "Sure. I interviewed the Frenchman. Likable guy."

  John smiled. "Yeah, he's the best. André said that in time I would find myself and become who I was meant to be, but it would take a little longer to do so because of my parents. Do you know, Lorenzo, it's finally happening. My whole life is coming together right now. I'm completely in love, Kelly and I are going to marry, and I have never been so happy. But I can't move forward until this murder is solved. How can I be content when I have to worry that someone is going to go after Kelly next?"

  Lorenzo shifted and leaned back in his seat. "I see you got security in. That was a good move. The company they work for is the best so you shouldn’t have any trouble there."

  "What can we do?" John asked, taking a sip of his espresso. The coffee was hot and strong. Just what he needed.

  Lorenzo shrugged.

  "I could have the video given in confidence to the courts," John said. "But you know that wouldn’t work, and it would never prove he killed Maria anyway. My father would suppress it as evidence. I am telling you, Lorenzo, my father is the scariest man I know. He is really smart, charms everyone, and is super manipulative. I think he would just get even, and probably kill me and Kelly anyway. Right now the only thing holding him back is that video."

  "Yeah, and even if that video anonymously ended up on the internet, the resultant bullshit would change your life, John," Lorenzo said. "I've been around, and seen some fucked up shit." Lorenzo shifted restlessly in his chair, and frowned. "But of all the fucked up shit I've seen, yours is right at the top of the pile for child abuse, sexual perversity and gratuitous violence. You must have a shit load of scars."

  "Yes," John said. "I never did get a chance to learn to swim, and I've always wanted to. I couldn't take my shirt off, and had to wear long pants to hide the scars. And as for u-tubing that video? I just can't do it. Kelly's parents couldn't look me in the eye again. The whole world would treat me like a freak. I'd have to change my name and move away, but I can't do that. Kelly is really close to her family."

  John frowned at Lorenzo and had another sip of coffee. "Now that I think of it, until your partner interfered, Kelly's parent's liked me too."

  "Sorry about that," Lorenzo said and his manner was sincerely apologetic. "My new partner, Lucille Irwin, is a stupid, fucking bitch. I'm virtually not talking to her since that happened, I've been so pissed off. I haven't reported her however. Reporting one's partner goes against the unspoken code."

  "Ah well, you should probably cut her some slack," John said. "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do," John quoted from the bible verse he had been studying on his course. It was the line Jesus said when the Romans were crucifying him, and just now as part of his assignment, John was supposed to analyze what the ramifications and practical applications of that quote were in real life.

  "Cut her some slack?" Lorenzo demanded, sitting up straight, with wide eyes and self righteous ire. "No way. Talk about not knowing what she is doing! That is Lucille all over. She has no clue, but the bitch of it is, that woman already thinks she knows it all."

  "Lucille Irwin certainly had no clue in my case," John said, "but the evidence against me was pretty compelling. No doubt she thought she
was doing the right thing. You have to admit, Lorenzo, that what she did took courage. Who would have the guts to do something like that? The woman broke the law, because she wanted to save Kelly from me. I have to say, I actually like her for that."

  Lorenzo, who was drinking a sip of coffee, almost choked and he began to laugh. "You should try working with her. You won’t like her then. You and your bat shit crazy religious studies degree and bible quotes, John!"

  "I never went to church, Lorenzo, and I'm trying to catch up on what 'normal' people do," John said.

  "Holy shit, John," Lorenzo said. "I had enough of your bible quotes during your interview back at the station. For a man who has never once gone to church, you sure seem to have nailed the subject. What are you doing with Lucille then, turning the other cheek?"

  "No, not in the least," John said, finishing up the last of his coffee and setting the mug down. "I just know that however stupid and professionally suicidal Lucille's actions were, she did have Kelly's best interests at heart. I simply have to like her for that. I'm not a really a bad person Lorenzo, but I'll never be good enough for Kelly. Have you ever been in love?"

  Lorenzo laughed. "Yeah, sure I have, but it hasn’t ever stuck."

  "So there you are then," John said and his lips curved up in a happy smile. "Regardless of my rather regrettable childhood, and all the terrible things that are currently going on, I feel incredibly fortunate. I'm madly in love with Kelly, and she loves me. You should be so happy, Lorenzo." John stood up and took twenty bucks out of his wallet. "My treat," he said. "That should cover the tip, too."

  "Thanks. But I figure that it's the least you can do after the nightmares you gave me."

  John laughed. "You know what, Lorenzo? Nightmare childhood or not, right now I feel like I'm the luckiest man in the world."

  22. The Planned Scene

  "Strip, Kelly," John ordered from where he sat on his overstuffed bedroom chair, fully dressed in jeans, button down shirt, and shoes. "Make me want you."

  Kelly had dressed up for him in her newest olive and rust bustier, with black stilettos and fishnet stockings. Displayed for his pleasure, she wanted to please him, and she also wanted sex. John could smell the scent of her feminine arousal already.

  "Can I touch you, John?" she asked. "While I strip?"

  John felt unable to deny her anything. "Yes, Kelly," he said, "but don't touch below the waist. Soon, but not yet. Just one hand at a time, and go slow. I want your hands on me, Kelly, and I will learn to love it, I know. It's just that I was touched without my permission for so many years, it still kind of freaks me out."

  Kelly shot him a broad grin and said, "Thank you, John."

  John reflected that she was such a naturally happy soul that even when he said no to her, she only thought that someday his 'no' would soon be a 'yes.'

  Talk about an optimist.

  Kelly strutted across the room, rolling her hips in a sex walk and John found he was smiling. Yes she was sexy, but she was also just so damn adorable. She moved all the way around him, trailing a hand across his chest. Well, that was okay. He was distracted by her captivating body enough that her hand didn't disturb him.

  She spread her legs and bent over so that her ass was right near his face. The bustier hid nothing, and John, admiring her creamy skin, was getting an eyeful. Then she turned around and pulled the cups to her bustier down, and holding each breast with a hand, she placed her breasts right onto either side of his face.

  John bent his head and inhaled, loving the feel of her soft skin and her feminine smell. She took one breast and offered it to his mouth, and he obediently suckled, and then nipped her.

  Kelly gave an 'umm' sound of pleasure and writhed, and her other hand moved through his hair. A tingle went down John's spine, but it wasn't unpleasant.

  Kelly put a foot up on his chair, giving him a view of her pussy, barely covered with a thong. John saw that her thighs glistened. She was dripping, but he withheld his desire to touch or lick. If he started he knew wouldn't be able to stop. John could spend hours just eating her out and making her climax over and over and over again.

  Kelly disengaged the garter belts, on one leg. After that, she dropped that leg down and put the other up, doing the same.

  With one sweep Kelly then took the bottom of the bustier in her hands and with a sexy little wiggle, she pulled it over her head and off – leaving only the thigh high stockings, thong, and high heeled shoes behind.

  John was up onto his feet in an instant, before he was aware that he intended to move. He snatched her wrists and put her hands around his neck, holding them with bruising strength before he realized it, and loosened his grip.

  "Keep your hands there, Kelly. You may touch my neck and hair, as you keep telling me you'd like to do."

  John smiled down at her, but he knew his smile was tense and forced. "Lose the shoes." When she did, he added, "And rise up on to your tiptoes, high as you can get. I want you to feel it in the muscles of your groin."

  Kelly did as he asked, suddenly looking down and blushing. Arousal? Embarrassment? Or both, he wondered?

  "Good girl," he growled. "Now look at me. Do you know what I want?"

  Kelly looked up through her lashes, and man, she was seriously turned on. Well, so was he. This was nowhere near the complex, intricate scene that he had planned, but he couldn't help it. What was with this raw, physical urgency? He was trembling with desire.

  God he had to fuck her right now.

  Before she could reply he clasped her in his arms and quickly walked her backward to the wall, pushing her against it, slamming her hard against it. The air left her lungs in a rush, pushed out of her from the unforgiving muscular force of his solid, bigger body.

  "Oh, ah, um," Kelly moaned.

  John felt her sweet breath swirl against his face and neck, and her soft breasts hard against him. Kelly's fingers flexed, gripping his neck and hair, and that firm, desperate feminine touch was not unpleasant.

  In fact it spurred him on.

  John ravished her then, with a bruising, open mouthed kiss, one hand between her legs, enjoying the flood of her moisture and one hand on her breast. It was always difficult to tear himself away from Kelly's lips. Every time, each kiss they shared together was so much more than a kiss. It was more like a soul-wrenching molding of their mouths, a joining that melded and forged them into one person. Kelly moaned with pleasure and that just made him harder.

  This was sex, but it was also love. How had two such separate things come together as they had?

  John finally pulled away, biting her bottom lip and licking across her throat and neck where her pulse furiously pounded. He had a 5 o' clock shadow and he felt it brush roughly against her soft skin, marking her. John felt a quiver of need ripple through Kelly's body and like an electrical conduit, her desire transferred to him. She sagged downward in a blissful fog.

  "Oh, no you don't. Up on those toes," he admonished.

  "Oh, sorry, John," she said and rose up again.

  John's broad hand ran along her leg, squeezing her inner thighs and the juncture of her sex. "Do you feel it now, Kelly?" he whispered seductively. "The strain pulls, doesn’t it? But it's such a sweet pain. Your groin and thighs are filling with blood to manage this extra work." John's hand grasped her pussy, his thumb circling, and caressing her distended clit. "Feel how swollen you are?"

  Kelly whimpered, making helpless little noises from the back her throat.

  John licked her neck where her pulse was pounding, and bit and sucked. His thumb and finger had moved to her nipple and he tugged and pulled, while his other hand moved to her ass to cup her buttocks and thrust against her with his rigid shaft. He moved against her, pushed against her sex and she moaned even more, uttering wanton sounds of need.

  The alluring feminine noises she was making, the smell of her arousal and the feel of her squirming, soft body under his made him realize that he couldn't wait.

  John's mouth trailed down to h
er breast, and his hand returned between her thighs. Taking a nipple in his mouth he laved and caressed, and then suddenly bit it hard, feeling her instant flood of arousal. Kelly squealed and thrashed. They were both breathing rapidly with ragged panting lust. He licked and suckled her throbbing flesh.

  "I'm going to hurt you tonight, Kelly," he said in a sensual threat, "and you're going to love it. Now hold still and be quiet while I bite your other nipple." She did exactly as he ordered, and her utterly submissive compliance made his balls tighten and his cock throb.

  "Good girl," he growled, "You like to obey me don't you, Kelly?"

  "Oh God, yes, John," she gasped.

  "When you do as I say I reward you, don’t I?"

  "Yes, yes!"

  John unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, pulling them down enough to free himself. Reaching down, with a loud snap he broke her dripping thong and it fell away. The smell of her arousal was intoxicating. He felt his cock press lightly against her hot, soaking opening and this time he groaned.

  Kelly reacted to the feel of his cock, too. She couldn’t move as he was holding her still, but she was sure trying to. And the frantic, desperate little sounds she was making? Wow. The feel of his cock had ignited her completely. Kelly writhed, wanting him inside her. Damn she was hot. That internal combustion of hers would soon make her explode.

  "How shall I reward you my sweet, sweet sub? Tell me what you want."

  "Oh God, John," she whimpered. "Fuck me, please."


  "Let me come for you," she begged. "I want to come for you. I need to come." Sexually inflamed, and trembling, Kelly was frantic. Whimpering and moaning, she was making so much noise it sounded as if he was flogging her.

  "Shush, shush," he soothed. "I'll take care of you, Kelly."

  John had intended to torment her, bringing her close to the brink of orgasm a number of times, and then denying her a climax. But he didn’t have the control for that right now. How could he deny her? When he had no power over himself? With his body pressed against her, his cock at her wet, welcoming entrance, John reached down, his palms tracing to her thighs, and to the back of her knees. Then he pulled Kelly's legs up around his waist, and while he did so he thrust inside. He penetrated her right to the root, his balls slapping loudly against her.


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