Bleeding Heart

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Bleeding Heart Page 6

by AM Hartnett

  Seth twisted his brows. ‘I don’t know why I keep getting this. Most people look at me and assume I’ve got a criminal record, but for some reason the women I keep getting tangled up with are shocked when they discover I can be a bit of a freak.’

  ‘It’s the sympathy factor,’ she said honestly, pausing to take a drink as she gauged his reaction. When there was no change, she went on. ‘You’re fuckable on the outside, but for some reason learning that you’re in mourning makes people think your wife took your dick into the grave with her.’

  ‘Oh, God,’ he said, and laughed so hard and loud April’s ears rung. When he was done, he leaned forward and grinned at her. ‘She would have loved that last part. Is that what I have to look forward to for the rest of my life?’

  ‘Not with me, not now that I know you’re as horny as the rest of us.’

  His grin widened. ‘How did we get on to the sex talk?’

  April returned his smile. ‘You asked about the noise the man upstairs makes and cleverly used that as an opportunity to tell me about how much you like to fuck.’

  ‘Is that what I did? It wasn’t intentional.’

  ‘Sure it wasn’t, just like I didn’t invite you up here for a drink because I wanted to eye-fuck you again.’

  Seth settled back, as did April. She remained still, legs clipped together to enjoy the hot tickle between them as she watched him stroke his beard.

  After a moment, he sucked a deep hissing breath through his teeth, then said, ‘Care to do a little more than eye-fuck me?’

  This time it was April who burst out laughing. ‘Wow, that was pretty upfront.’

  ‘I tried subtle, but you called me on that bullshit, didn’t you?’

  ‘Indeed I did.’ She set her drink aside, but rather than get out of her seat she settled deeper into it. ‘I don’t do anal.’

  Surprise splashed across his face. ‘Do I need to get a pen and write down some rules?’

  ‘I’m just saying. Anal seems to be the thing that all men want at some point, and I don’t do it. Ever. I can take some play, but otherwise…’

  ‘I really wasn’t planning on trying to get in your ass the second you get your panties off, but I can appreciate you putting that out there.’ He drained his beer, then leaned forward and cupped the empty glass. ‘I like to be a bit of a boss in bed. I can go either way, but overall I like to be in charge.’

  April wondered if the thrill that went through her was evident. She wasn’t so much into heavy-handedness in bed, but she liked that he was as upfront about it as she was, countering her don’t with his do.

  ‘Nothing scary,’ he went on quickly. ‘Nothing you won’t like, probably.’

  ‘I wasn’t worried. My experience in that respect is limited, though, so…ask first.’

  Seth smiled again, this time reassuring. ‘I will.’

  As much as April was reluctant to do so, she felt that right now was her last opportunity to speak her mind.

  ‘Also, I’m not exactly looking for a “one and done”. Not that I haven’t done it before, but it’s usually with people I don’t know well enough to like and who I’ll probably never see again. I mean, I’m not looking for something serious, but I don’t do the “with benefits” thing. It has to be a…regular thing.’

  As soon as she stopped talking, she wished the chair would open up and suck her into an alternate dimension. Things were about to get weird, she guessed, but she would rather they get weird before they got naked.

  Seth seemed to chew on what she said, and after a moment he shrugged.

  ‘I’ll be honest with you. I don’t know what I’m after. If I wanted a “one and done”, I could get one without the potential mess, but I’m not looking for something serious either.’ He sighed and placed his empty glass on a coaster in front of him. ‘What do you say we just see where this goes?’

  April’s compulsion to have everything in her life sorted from the very start raged against this. It wasn’t like he was her typical lover. Older. Widowed. A bit of a shut-in. A sexual history that was as intimidating as it was intriguing. She felt like she should enter into a lengthy negotiation with him, but not with the way he was looking at her like he was the big bad wolf, hungry to find out just how good she tasted.

  She enjoyed the shivers he’d inspired with that look just a moment longer, and then she glanced at the bedroom behind her.

  ‘Your cat is on my bed.’

  ‘Unless he’s got a better offer than mine, I wouldn’t blame you for sending him on his way.’

  Seth got to his feet. The distance between them was nothing but, man, it seemed to take for ever for him to get to where she sat. He offered his rough hand and she took it. On her feet, April was eclipsed by him as he pulled her closer.

  He smelled like bedtime, like clean white soap and cheap shampoo that claimed to be exotic. Neither said anything as he lowered his head, cheek brushing hers as he slipped his hands over her waist.

  ‘I don’t usually do this,’ she whispered.

  He kept his silence, a ghost as his moist lips contrasted with the scratch of beard across her cheek. Behind her, he ran his hands over her ass, not groping but exploring.

  ‘I mean, I know I literally just had another man up here,’ she went on, ‘but I don’t make it a habit.’

  He tugged the hem of her tank free from her waistband and chuckled. ‘Are you going to talk the whole time? Not that I mind, but I’d rather a bit of dirty talk.’

  ‘I don’t –’

  She’d never really done the dirty-talk thing before and she wasn’t sure she could do it now. Still, he was inspiring a whole lot of dirty thoughts now as his mouth brushed against hers.

  She smiled against it and tilted her head slightly. ‘Maybe. Maybe I could do something to occupy my mouth.’

  ‘I never said I didn’t want you to keep quiet. If I get my way, you’ll be making a whole lot of sounds. Ain’t no one downstairs to complain.’

  April stood on her toes, ready for more than just the temptation of his mouth against hers, but he drew back and shucked her shirt over her ribs. She raised her arms, and the shirt barely hit the floor before Seth had her bra unhooked.

  ‘No, you first,’ she insisted when he reached for the clasp on her skirt.

  Reaching for the hem as he had done, she brushed the hard poke below and nearly abandoned the upper half in favour of the lower half, but she wanted a moment to enjoy what she’d only discreetly been lusting after. She wanted to undress him slowly, and then she wanted to run her hands over every inch.

  April could only push the shirt as far as his head before even standing on her toes wouldn’t do. Seth took over, tearing the garment over his head and banishing it to the same place as her shirt. For a moment she didn’t know what to do – whether to run her hands over his magnificent torso or bury her face in the crook of his neck to breathe him in.

  It was Seth who decided, crushing close to her so they were chest to chest. He went once more to her skirt, fumbling a little as he worked the zipper at the back. Once it fell, he growled and cupped her ass, lifting her with seemingly little effort.

  Arms wrapped around his neck, April pressed her lips to his. Immediately came the wet tangle of his tongue against hers, along with the solid poke through his thin pyjama pants and her panties.

  ‘We breaking the new bed in?’ he asked, words garbled against her greedy mouth.

  ‘Yeah, but let’s not break it.’

  ‘I don’t make any promises.’

  Locked around him as he carried her, April paid no attention to his stumbling out of the front room. She held on, sucking and licking, drunk on the heat of his mouth and the scratch around her lips. She couldn’t wait for more, all over her body.

  ‘Git,’ he said.

  She had forgotten about her second visitor until she saw a flash of black over Seth’s shoulder as the cat made his exit. He sat down on the edge of the bed with her on his lap.

  Before he could reclaim
her mouth, April pressed against his shoulders.

  ‘Down,’ she managed in a breath, taking charge of his wrists and pressing them into the mattress. It was like putting down a bull, but he went with a lazy smile.

  Seth laughed. ‘You want to wrestle me for the best seat?’

  ‘You can be the boss in a minute,’ she promised, and climbed away from him. He scooted back but remained passive as she dragged the pyjama pants down, giving her a much-needed moment to catch her breath now that he was stripped completely.

  She took him in from head to toe, hungrier with every inch. He was in shape. Not ripped, but a man who used his body to work. Muscled calves and thighs covered in dark hair, the trail flaring around a thick cock and ending around his belly button. He was hard, cock straining from his balls, and as she wrapped her hand around that dark column she met his gaze.

  ‘Do you have any idea how horny I get after I run into you?’ she teased.

  As she stroked him, Seth sucked in a quick breath, held it and then groaned.

  ‘Now I don’t feel so bad about thinking of you when I jerk off,’ he muttered.

  April grinned. ‘Did you really?’

  ‘You ever see yourself walking away?’ He pushed up onto one elbow and ran his other hand over her ass. ‘What do I have to do to get you out of these?’

  ‘I’m not done with you yet,’ she reminded him, closing her fist around his slick head.

  Seth returned her smirk. ‘Go ahead. I’ll do what I can to keep you nice and wet back here.’

  He tucked his hand between her legs and stroked along the damp crotch, and, as she bowed low and closed her lips around him, he slipped his fingers underneath.

  Sucking him proved to be a challenge. He rubbed his fingers along her slippery pussy lips at the same pace as she bobbed her head. Each pass near her clit made her shudder and moan around the fat length.

  Closing her eyes, April surrendered to sensation. It was just as she had imagined getting frisky with Seth to be. Better. He was abrupt, holding her panties aside with one hand while he rubbed circles around her clit. She took him deeper and he rose off the bed to meet her.

  ‘Oh, you’re going to make me come if you don’t slow down,’ she murmured, then ran her tongue along the underside of his cock.

  ‘Am I? Imagine that.’

  He still teased her in that gruff voice as those wicked circles quickened. She finally gave up on getting him off and rested her cheek against his thigh, stroking him erratically as he played with her.

  ‘Well, now, since you’re not doing anything important at the moment…’ He pulled her panties off and grasped her hips, and with very little effort pulled her on top of him. Rough fingers spread her apart, and then came the flattened surface of his tongue.

  April pushed up onto her knees with a gasp. If he had been teasing her before, he was finished with it now. He used his whole tongue between her slippery gash.

  She thought of her vibrator and how she had wanted him to use it on her, and realised now what a total waste that would be. Tongue and fingers drove her out of her mind with the pleasure they were giving her, and soon enough the hard cock she still clutched would be finding a warmer and wetter home than her mouth.

  Biting down, she held in her moans as that velvet surface made pass after pass over her clit. He had easily wrested from her the control she’d tried to take. Is this what he meant about being boss in bed? To just take like this? And taking it was, even though she was on the receiving end of those hot pulses running the length of her pussy.

  Her thighs turning to jelly, she had to release her hold on him in order to stay upright. She pushed up, both hands flat on the mattress, but low enough to cradle his cock between her tits.

  Seth bobbed his head and hummed as he licked her. That perfect resonance combined with the friction of his facial hair against skin that rarely felt more than soft fabrics. The fever spread along her torso and filled her. She moved with him, shunting back and forth over him, and between her breasts his cock twitched.

  ‘Oooh,’ she sighed, and gasped to take another breath that would sustain her. She could have sworn that next vibration that zipped from the tip of his tongue was a laugh. He tilted his head and sealed his mouth around her sex, then reached around and cupped her ass.

  She knew what he wanted and why he had done that. He wanted her to make some noise. Below, his apartment was empty, but upstairs she had heard the tracks her neighbour made. She tried to stay quiet, but his eager mouth made it impossible.

  Still, this was what she had wanted for herself in this bed. Someone like Seth to make her moan and beg, and now that she had him she wasn’t going to disappoint.

  As his tongue wriggled around, April moaned long and low, and with her next breath she spoke.

  ‘I want you fucking me when I come,’ she begged, needing to be stretched and filled. He made a sound of dissent and kept up his pace, and April sobbed out her plea again.

  Seth tipped his head back and his laughter surrounded her. ‘You want my cock when you come, you can suck on it.’

  ‘I can’t…’ she began, but as he wriggled his tongue around and around she whimpered and bowed until her lips were smeared with his precome.

  She sucked him like she was told, not because she wanted him to come but because it was all he had given her to ease the emptiness. No fingers to fill her up. No fingertip toying with her asshole. She gorged herself, taking him as deep as she could but unable to keep up with the lightning-quick flicks of his tongue.

  Her moans gurgling around his fat length, April began to tremble as those hot pulses intensified. He held her in place, fingertips digging in as she ground down. Unable to suck in enough air through her nostrils, April lifted her head and took a deep, gulping breath as pleasure exploded from the tip of his tongue.

  He didn’t stop and he didn’t let her wriggle away. Euphoria gave way to delirium as she begged him to stop.

  One long, juicy kiss later, April flopped onto her back alongside him and tried to catch her breath through her laughter.

  ‘That was something,’ she managed to croak, and giggled as he pushed up onto an elbow.

  ‘I’d say that was more than something. And here you thought you were going to show me what’s what by trying to push me around in your fancy new bed.’

  ‘You were never going to give me the chance to tease, were you?’

  ‘You’ll get your chance, but right now I’ve got plans for you.’

  Her bones lazy but her libido on fire, April rolled into the same position and ran her hand lightly along his thigh, thrilling at the hair standing up in her finger’s wake.

  ‘I wasn’t going to sleep with him – just so you know,’ she said.

  ‘I got that when you threatened to knock him in the head.’

  She gave his hip a light slap. ‘I meant before. He kind of invited himself up, and I figured a drink wouldn’t do much damage.’

  ‘What about me?’

  ‘Oh, I invited you up because I wanted to fuck you. I’ve been wanting you right here from the start.’ She wrapped her hand around his cock and grinned as he drew a sharp breath. ‘Still big and hard. I can continue, if you want.’

  His lashes fluttered as she stroked him slowly, but as she rose up to take him in her mouth again, he shifted out of her grasp.

  ‘Not yet. I want you back in fighting form,’ he said, and sat up. Taking her by the hips, he guided her on top of him.

  Straddling him, April held onto his wrists as he held her and slid his cock along her slick pussy.

  ‘Ride me like that,’ he whispered, working his hips slowly, and moaned as she shook with the contact with her sensitive clit. ‘Just like that, honey. Nice and slow. Let me feel how wet you are.’

  April could have come again just listening to him coax her on. He was gorgeous to look at, feral and hungry, baring his teeth at her in that wicked grin as she rocked over him.

  She didn’t know how he could stand it. As hard a
s he was and as hot as she was, that he didn’t just lift her up and drive deep drove her wild.

  Still, she let him be the boss, let him torture her by taking her heat without giving her the hardness she wanted.

  ‘You’re a tease,’ she said breathlessly, stating rather than accusing.

  ‘Not always, but there’s something about you that makes me want to torment you a little.’

  April leaned over him. ‘So I’ve brought this on myself, have I?’

  The whole bed creaked as he reversed their positions. What semblance of control he had allowed her vanished with her on her back. More than ever, she was spread open as he pushed down on her knees and rubbed his hot length along her slit.

  ‘I can do this all night, if I have to,’ he murmured, lowering his gaze to where they were both so exposed.

  April wasn’t completely without her wiles. She ran her hands along the insides of her thighs. ‘Do you want me to beg?’

  A low whistle hissed through his clenched teeth as she tugged the flesh around her clit.

  ‘I’d rather make you beg,’ he said, and that growl ran down her spine and brought her ass off the mattress.

  He shoved her back down and pushed forward, nudging her clit with that shining tip, then grinned. ‘A modern girl like you has to have a little something I can play with.’

  She bit back her groan. How many times had she imagined being in just this position with her vibrator in his hand? Yet wouldn’t giving him another tool to tease her with only prolong this torture? He could deliver orgasm after orgasm until she was out of her senses, but still she’d be hungry to have that thick cock filling her up.

  Still, she couldn’t resist.

  ‘Basket under the nightstand,’ she said, and as he climbed past her she seized the opportunity to take a deep breath like it was her last.

  He laughed as he pulled the whole basket onto the bed. ‘More than a little something. Now I know why you always have that glow about you. Look at this.’

  He pulled out a tiny rocket vibe and turned it on. It was nowhere near her body, but April still squealed and closed her legs.


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